Ejemplo n.º 1
gnc_lot_dom_tree_create(GNCLot *lot)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    kvp_frame *kf;

    ENTER("(lot=%p)", lot);
    ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_lot_string);
    xmlSetProp(ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST lot_version_string);

    xmlAddChild(ret, guid_to_dom_tree(lot_id_string, gnc_lot_get_guid(lot)));

    kf = gnc_lot_get_slots (lot);
    if (kf)
        xmlNodePtr kvpnode = kvp_frame_to_dom_tree(lot_slots_string, kf);
        if (kvpnode)
            xmlAddChild(ret, kvpnode);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
gnc_lot_dom_tree_create(GNCLot *lot)
    xmlNodePtr ret;

    ENTER("(lot=%p)", lot);
    ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_lot_string);
    xmlSetProp(ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST lot_version_string);

    xmlAddChild(ret, guid_to_dom_tree(lot_id_string, gnc_lot_get_guid(lot)));
    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild(ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree(lot_slots_string,

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static xmlNodePtr
invoice_dom_tree_create (GncInvoice* invoice)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    Timespec ts;
    Transaction* txn;
    GNCLot* lot;
    Account* acc;
    GncBillTerm* term;
    GncOwner* billto;
    gnc_numeric amt;

    ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_invoice_string);
    xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST invoice_version_string);

    xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_guid_string,
                                        qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (invoice))));

    xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (invoice_id_string,
                                        gncInvoiceGetID (invoice)));

    xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_owner_string,
                                             gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)));

    ts = gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (invoice);
    xmlAddChild (ret, timespec_to_dom_tree (invoice_opened_string, &ts));

    maybe_add_timespec (ret, invoice_posted_string,
                        gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (invoice));

    term = gncInvoiceGetTerms (invoice);
    if (term)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_terms_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (term))));

    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_billing_id_string,
                      gncInvoiceGetBillingID (invoice));
    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_notes_string, gncInvoiceGetNotes (invoice));

    xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (invoice_active_string,
                                       gncInvoiceGetActive (invoice)));

    txn = gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (invoice);
    if (txn)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_posttxn_string,
                                            xaccTransGetGUID (txn)));

    lot = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (invoice);
    if (lot)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postlot_string,
                                            gnc_lot_get_guid (lot)));

    acc = gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice);
    if (acc)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postacc_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (acc))));

     commodity_ref_to_dom_tree (invoice_currency_string,
                                gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice)));

    billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
    if (billto && billto->owner.undefined != NULL)
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_billto_string, billto));

    amt = gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (invoice);
    if (! gnc_numeric_zero_p (amt))
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_numeric_to_dom_tree (invoice_tochargeamt_string, &amt));

    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree (invoice_slots_string,
                                                      QOF_INSTANCE (invoice)));
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static xmlNodePtr
split_to_dom_tree(const gchar *tag, Split *spl)
    xmlNodePtr ret;

    ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST tag);

    xmlAddChild(ret, guid_to_dom_tree("split:id", xaccSplitGetGUID(spl)));

        char *memo = g_strdup (xaccSplitGetMemo(spl));

        if (memo && g_strcmp0(memo, "") != 0)
            xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:memo",
			    checked_char_cast (memo));
	g_free (memo);

        char *action = g_strdup (xaccSplitGetAction(spl));

        if (action && g_strcmp0(action, "") != 0)
            xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:action",
			    checked_char_cast (action));
	g_free (action);

        char tmp[2];

        tmp[0] = xaccSplitGetReconcile(spl);
        tmp[1] = '\0';

        xmlNewTextChild(ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:reconciled-state",
			BAD_CAST tmp);

    add_timespec(ret, "split:reconcile-date",
                 xaccSplitRetDateReconciledTS(spl), FALSE);

    add_gnc_num(ret, "split:value", xaccSplitGetValue(spl));

    add_gnc_num(ret, "split:quantity", xaccSplitGetAmount(spl));

        Account * account = xaccSplitGetAccount (spl);

        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree("split:account",
                                           xaccAccountGetGUID (account)));
        GNCLot * lot = xaccSplitGetLot (spl);

        if (lot)
            xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree("split:lot",
        xmlNodePtr kvpnode = kvp_frame_to_dom_tree("split:slots",
        if (kvpnode)
            xmlAddChild(ret, kvpnode);

    return ret;
static xmlNodePtr
split_to_dom_tree (const gchar* tag, Split* spl)
    xmlNodePtr ret;

    ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST tag);

    xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree ("split:id", xaccSplitGetGUID (spl)));

        char* memo = g_strdup (xaccSplitGetMemo (spl));

        if (memo && g_strcmp0 (memo, "") != 0)
            xmlNewTextChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:memo",
                             checked_char_cast (memo));
        g_free (memo);

        char* action = g_strdup (xaccSplitGetAction (spl));

        if (action && g_strcmp0 (action, "") != 0)
            xmlNewTextChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:action",
                             checked_char_cast (action));
        g_free (action);

        char tmp[2];

        tmp[0] = xaccSplitGetReconcile (spl);
        tmp[1] = '\0';

        xmlNewTextChild (ret, NULL, BAD_CAST "split:reconciled-state",
                         BAD_CAST tmp);

    add_timespec (ret, "split:reconcile-date",
                  xaccSplitRetDateReconciledTS (spl), FALSE);

    add_gnc_num (ret, "split:value", xaccSplitGetValue (spl));

    add_gnc_num (ret, "split:quantity", xaccSplitGetAmount (spl));

        Account* account = xaccSplitGetAccount (spl);

        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree ("split:account",
                                            xaccAccountGetGUID (account)));
        GNCLot* lot = xaccSplitGetLot (spl);

        if (lot)
            xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree ("split:lot",
                                                gnc_lot_get_guid (lot)));
    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree ("split:slots",
                                                      QOF_INSTANCE (spl)));
    return ret;