Ejemplo n.º 1
int GUISliderValue::Render(void)
	if (!isConditionTrue())
		mRendered = false;
		return 0;

		int w, h;
		mLabel->GetCurrentBounds(w, h);
		if (w != mLabelW) {
			mLabelW = w;
			int textX = mRenderX + (mRenderW/2 - mLabelW/2);
			mLabel->SetRenderPos(textX, mRenderY);
		int res = mLabel->Render();
		if(res < 0)
			return res;

	// line
	gr_color(mLineColor.red, mLineColor.green, mLineColor.blue, mLineColor.alpha);
	gr_fill(mLineX, mLineY, lineW, mLineH);

	// slider
	uint32_t sliderX = (mValuePct*lineW)/100 + mLineX;
	sliderX -= mSliderW/2;

	gr_color(mSliderColor.red, mSliderColor.green, mSliderColor.blue, mSliderColor.alpha);
	gr_fill(sliderX, mSliderY, mSliderW, mSliderH);

	void *fontResource = NULL;
	if(mFont) fontResource = mFont->GetResource();
	gr_color(mTextColor.red, mTextColor.green, mTextColor.blue, mTextColor.alpha);
		int rangeY = (mLineY - mLineH/2) - mFontHeight/2;
		gr_textEx(mRenderX + mPadding/2, rangeY, mMinStr.c_str(), fontResource);
		gr_textEx(mLineX + lineW + mPadding/2, rangeY, mMaxStr.c_str(), fontResource);

	if(mValueStr && mShowCurr)
		sprintf(mValueStr, "%d", mValue);
		int textW = measureText(mValueStr);
		gr_textEx(mRenderX + (mRenderW/2 - textW/2), mSliderY+mSliderH, mValueStr, fontResource);

	mRendered = true;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int GUIFileSelector::Render(void)
    // First step, fill background
    gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
    gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mRenderH);

    // Next, render the background resource (if it exists)
    if (mBackground && mBackground->GetResource())
        mBackgroundX = mRenderX + ((mRenderW - mBackgroundW) / 2);
        mBackgroundY = mRenderY + ((mRenderH - mBackgroundH) / 2);
        gr_blit(mBackground->GetResource(), 0, 0, mBackgroundW, mBackgroundH, mBackgroundX, mBackgroundY);

    // Now, we need the lines (icon + text)
    gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, mFontColor.alpha);

    // This tells us how many lines we can actually render
    int lines = mRenderH / (mLineHeight + mLineSpacing);
    int line;

    int folderSize = mShowFolders ? mFolderList.size() : 0;
    int fileSize = mShowFiles ? mFileList.size() : 0;

    if (folderSize + fileSize < lines)  lines = folderSize + fileSize;

    void* fontResource = NULL;
    if (mFont)  fontResource = mFont->GetResource();

    int yPos = mRenderY + (mLineSpacing / 2);
    for (line = 0; line < lines; line++)
        Resource* icon;
        std::string label;

        if (line + mStart < folderSize)
            icon = mFolderIcon;
            label = mFolderList.at(line + mStart).fileName;
            icon = mFileIcon;
            label = mFileList.at((line + mStart) - folderSize).fileName;

        if (icon && icon->GetResource())
            gr_blit(icon->GetResource(), 0, 0, mIconWidth, mIconHeight, mRenderX, yPos);
        gr_textEx(mRenderX + mIconWidth + 5, yPos, label.c_str(), fontResource);

        // Move the yPos
        yPos += mLineHeight + mLineSpacing;

    mUpdate = 0;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int GUIText::Render(void)
	if (!isConditionTrue())
		return 0;

	void* fontResource = NULL;
	string displayValue;

	if (mFont)
		fontResource = mFont->GetResource();

	mLastValue = parseText();
	displayValue = mLastValue;

	if (charSkip)
		displayValue.erase(0, charSkip);

	mVarChanged = 0;

	int x = mRenderX, y = mRenderY;
	int width = gr_measureEx(displayValue.c_str(), fontResource);

	if (mPlacement != TOP_LEFT && mPlacement != BOTTOM_LEFT)
		if (mPlacement == CENTER || mPlacement == CENTER_X_ONLY)
			x -= (width / 2);
			x -= width;
	if (mPlacement != TOP_LEFT && mPlacement != TOP_RIGHT)
		if (mPlacement == CENTER)
			y -= (mFontHeight / 2);
		else if (mPlacement == BOTTOM_LEFT || mPlacement == BOTTOM_RIGHT)
			y -= mFontHeight;

	if (hasHighlightColor && isHighlighted)
		gr_color(mHighlightColor.red, mHighlightColor.green, mHighlightColor.blue, mHighlightColor.alpha);
		gr_color(mColor.red, mColor.green, mColor.blue, mColor.alpha);

	if (maxWidth)
		gr_textExW(x, y, displayValue.c_str(), fontResource, maxWidth + x);
		gr_textEx(x, y, displayValue.c_str(), fontResource);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void GUIConsole::RenderItem(size_t itemindex, int yPos, bool selected)
	// Set the color for the font
	if (rConsoleColor[itemindex] == "normal") {
		gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, mFontColor.alpha);
	} else {
		COLOR FontColor;
		std::string color = rConsoleColor[itemindex];
		ConvertStrToColor(color, &FontColor);
		FontColor.alpha = 255;
		gr_color(FontColor.red, FontColor.green, FontColor.blue, FontColor.alpha);

	// render text
	const char* text = rConsole[itemindex].c_str();
	gr_textEx(mRenderX, yPos, text, mFont->GetResource());
Ejemplo n.º 5
int GUIConsole::RenderConsole(void)
    void* fontResource = NULL;
    if (mFont)  fontResource = mFont->GetResource();

    // We fill the background
    gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
    gr_fill(mConsoleX, mConsoleY, mConsoleW, mConsoleH);

    gr_color(mScrollColor.red, mScrollColor.green, mScrollColor.blue, mScrollColor.alpha);
    gr_fill(mConsoleX + (mConsoleW * 9 / 10), mConsoleY, (mConsoleW / 10), mConsoleH);

    // Render the lines
    gr_color(mForegroundColor.red, mForegroundColor.green, mForegroundColor.blue, mForegroundColor.alpha);

    // Don't try to continue to render without data
    mLastCount = gConsole.size();
    if (mLastCount == 0)        return (mSlideout ? RenderSlideout() : 0);

    // Find the start point
    int start;
    int curLine = mCurrentLine;    // Thread-safing (Another thread updates this value)
    if (curLine == -1)
        start = mLastCount - mMaxRows;
        if (curLine > (int) mLastCount)   curLine = (int) mLastCount;
        if ((int) mMaxRows > curLine)     curLine = (int) mMaxRows;
        start = curLine - mMaxRows;

    unsigned int line;
    for (line = 0; line < mMaxRows; line++)
        if ((start + (int) line) >= 0 && (start + (int) line) < (int) mLastCount)
            gr_textEx(mConsoleX, mStartY + (line * mFontHeight), gConsole[start + line].c_str(), fontResource);
    return (mSlideout ? RenderSlideout() : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void GUIKeyboard::DrawKey(Key& key, int keyX, int keyY, int keyW, int keyH)
	unsigned char keychar = key.key;
	if (!keychar)

	// key background
	COLOR& c = (keychar >= 32 && keychar < 127) ? mKeyColorAlphanumeric : mKeyColorOther;
	gr_color(c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha);
	keyX += mKeyMarginX;
	keyY += mKeyMarginY;
	keyW -= mKeyMarginX * 2;
	keyH -= mKeyMarginY * 2;
	gr_fill(keyX, keyY, keyW, keyH);

	// key label
	FontResource* labelFont = mFont;
	string labelText;
	ImageResource* labelImage = NULL;
	if (keychar > 32 && keychar < 127) {
		labelText = (char) keychar;
		gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, mFontColor.alpha);
	else {
		// search for a special key label
		for (std::vector<KeyLabel>::iterator it = mKeyLabels.begin(); it != mKeyLabels.end(); ++it) {
			if (it->layout_from > 0 && it->layout_from != currentLayout)
				continue; // this label is for another layout
			if (it->key == key.key && it->layout_to == key.layout)
				// found a label
				labelText = it->text;
				labelImage = it->image;
		labelFont = mSmallFont;
		gr_color(mFontColorSmall.red, mFontColorSmall.green, mFontColorSmall.blue, mFontColorSmall.alpha);

	if (labelImage)
		int w = labelImage->GetWidth();
		int h = labelImage->GetHeight();
		int x = keyX + (keyW - w) / 2;
		int y = keyY + (keyH - h) / 2;
		gr_blit(labelImage->GetResource(), 0, 0, w, h, x, y);
	else if (!labelText.empty())
		void* fontResource = labelFont->GetResource();
		int textW = gr_measureEx(labelText.c_str(), fontResource);
		int textH = labelFont->GetHeight();
		int textX = keyX + (keyW - textW) / 2;
		int textY = keyY + (keyH - textH) / 2;
		gr_textEx(textX, textY, labelText.c_str(), fontResource);

	// longpress key label (only if font is defined)
	keychar = key.longpresskey;
	if (keychar > 32 && keychar < 127 && mLongpressFont->GetResource()) {
		void* fontResource = mLongpressFont->GetResource();
		gr_color(mLongpressFontColor.red, mLongpressFontColor.green, mLongpressFontColor.blue, mLongpressFontColor.alpha);
		string text(1, keychar);
		int textH = mLongpressFont->GetHeight();
		int textW = gr_measureEx(text.c_str(), fontResource);
		int textX = keyX + keyW - longpressOffsetX - textW;
		int textY = keyY + longpressOffsetY;
		gr_textEx(textX, textY, text.c_str(), fontResource);