Ejemplo n.º 1
/** 3D float Perlin periodic noise.
float pnoise3( float x, float y, float z, int px, int py, int pz )
    int ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, iz0, iz1;
    float fx0, fy0, fz0, fx1, fy1, fz1;
    float s, t, r;
    float nxy0, nxy1, nx0, nx1, n0, n1;

    ix0 = FASTFLOOR( x ); // Integer part of x
    iy0 = FASTFLOOR( y ); // Integer part of y
    iz0 = FASTFLOOR( z ); // Integer part of z
    fx0 = x - ix0;        // Fractional part of x
    fy0 = y - iy0;        // Fractional part of y
    fz0 = z - iz0;        // Fractional part of z
    fx1 = fx0 - 1.0f;
    fy1 = fy0 - 1.0f;
    fz1 = fz0 - 1.0f;
    ix1 = (( ix0 + 1 ) % px ) & 0xff; // Wrap to 0..px-1 and wrap to 0..255
    iy1 = (( iy0 + 1 ) % py ) & 0xff; // Wrap to 0..py-1 and wrap to 0..255
    iz1 = (( iz0 + 1 ) % pz ) & 0xff; // Wrap to 0..pz-1 and wrap to 0..255
    ix0 = ( ix0 % px ) & 0xff;
    iy0 = ( iy0 % py ) & 0xff;
    iz0 = ( iz0 % pz ) & 0xff;
    r = FADE( fz0 );
    t = FADE( fy0 );
    s = FADE( fx0 );

    nxy0 = grad3(perm[ix0 + perm[iy0 + perm[iz0]]], fx0, fy0, fz0);
    nxy1 = grad3(perm[ix0 + perm[iy0 + perm[iz1]]], fx0, fy0, fz1);
    nx0 = LERP( r, nxy0, nxy1 );

    nxy0 = grad3(perm[ix0 + perm[iy1 + perm[iz0]]], fx0, fy1, fz0);
    nxy1 = grad3(perm[ix0 + perm[iy1 + perm[iz1]]], fx0, fy1, fz1);
    nx1 = LERP( r, nxy0, nxy1 );

    n0 = LERP( t, nx0, nx1 );

    nxy0 = grad3(perm[ix1 + perm[iy0 + perm[iz0]]], fx1, fy0, fz0);
    nxy1 = grad3(perm[ix1 + perm[iy0 + perm[iz1]]], fx1, fy0, fz1);
    nx0 = LERP( r, nxy0, nxy1 );

    nxy0 = grad3(perm[ix1 + perm[iy1 + perm[iz0]]], fx1, fy1, fz0);
    nxy1 = grad3(perm[ix1 + perm[iy1 + perm[iz1]]], fx1, fy1, fz1);
    nx1 = LERP( r, nxy0, nxy1 );

    n1 = LERP( t, nx0, nx1 );
    return 0.936f * ( LERP( s, n0, n1 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
float Perlin::noise (float x, float y, float z)
    float fx, fy, fz;
    int A, AA, AB, B, BA, BB;

    // find nearest whole number to each input coordinate
    int i = (int)floorf(x);
    int j = (int)floorf(y);
    int k = (int)floorf(z);
    int ii = i + 1;
    int jj = j + 1;
    int kk = k + 1;

    // ensure all inputs to permutation functions are between 0 and 255
    i &= 0xff;
    ii &= 0xff;
    j &= 0xff;
    jj &= 0xff;
    k &= 0xff;
    kk &= 0xff;

    // convert each input to a number between 0 and 1
    x -= floorf(x); y -= floorf(y); z -= floorf(z);

    // apply easing function
    fx = x*x*x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
    fy = y*y*y * (y * (y * 6 - 15) + 10);
    fz = z*z*z * (z * (z * 6 - 15) + 10);

    // apply permutation function
    A = PERM[i];
    AA = PERM[A + j];
    AB = PERM[A + jj];
    B = PERM[ii];
    BA = PERM[B + j];
    BB = PERM[B + jj];

    // six linear interpolations
    return lerp(fz, lerp(fy, lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AA + k], x, y, z),
                                      grad3(PERM[BA + k], x - 1, y, z)),
                             lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AB + k], x, y - 1, z),
                                      grad3(PERM[BB + k], x - 1, y - 1, z))),
                    lerp(fy, lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AA + kk], x, y, z - 1),
                                      grad3(PERM[BA + kk], x - 1, y, z - 1)),
                             lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AB + kk], x, y - 1, z - 1),
                                      grad3(PERM[BB + kk], x - 1, y - 1, z - 1))));
Ejemplo n.º 3
noise3(float x, float y, float z, const int repeatx, const int repeaty, const int repeatz, 
	const int base)
	float fx, fy, fz;
	int A, AA, AB, B, BA, BB;
	int i = (int)floorf(fmodf(x, repeatx));
	int j = (int)floorf(fmodf(y, repeaty));
	int k = (int)floorf(fmodf(z, repeatz));
	int ii = (int)fmodf(i + 1,  repeatx);
	int jj = (int)fmodf(j + 1, repeaty);
	int kk = (int)fmodf(k + 1, repeatz);
	i = (i & 255) + base;
	j = (j & 255) + base;
	k = (k & 255) + base;
	ii = (ii & 255) + base;
	jj = (jj & 255) + base;
	kk = (kk & 255) + base;

	x -= floorf(x); y -= floorf(y); z -= floorf(z);
	fx = x*x*x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
	fy = y*y*y * (y * (y * 6 - 15) + 10);
	fz = z*z*z * (z * (z * 6 - 15) + 10);

	A = PERM[i];
	AA = PERM[A + j];
	AB = PERM[A + jj];
	B = PERM[ii];
	BA = PERM[B + j];
	BB = PERM[B + jj];
	return lerp(fz, lerp(fy, lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AA + k], x, y, z),
									  grad3(PERM[BA + k], x - 1, y, z)),
							 lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AB + k], x, y - 1, z),
									  grad3(PERM[BB + k], x - 1, y - 1, z))),
					lerp(fy, lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AA + kk], x, y, z - 1),
									  grad3(PERM[BA + kk], x - 1, y, z - 1)),
							 lerp(fx, grad3(PERM[AB + kk], x, y - 1, z - 1),
									  grad3(PERM[BB + kk], x - 1, y - 1, z - 1))));
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* 3D simplex noise */
GLfloat _slang_library_noise3 (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
/* Simple skewing factors for the 3D case */
#define F3 0.333333333f
#define G3 0.166666667f

    float n0, n1, n2, n3; /* Noise contributions from the four corners */

    /* Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in */
    float s = (x+y+z)*F3; /* Very nice and simple skew factor for 3D */
    float xs = x+s;
    float ys = y+s;
    float zs = z+s;
    int i = FASTFLOOR(xs);
    int j = FASTFLOOR(ys);
    int k = FASTFLOOR(zs);

    float t = (float)(i+j+k)*G3; 
    float X0 = i-t; /* Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y,z) space */
    float Y0 = j-t;
    float Z0 = k-t;
    float x0 = x-X0; /* The x,y,z distances from the cell origin */
    float y0 = y-Y0;
    float z0 = z-Z0;

    float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3;
    int ii, jj, kk;
    float t0, t1, t2, t3;

    /* For the 3D case, the simplex shape is a slightly irregular tetrahedron. */
    /* Determine which simplex we are in. */
    int i1, j1, k1; /* Offsets for second corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords */
    int i2, j2, k2; /* Offsets for third corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords */

/* This code would benefit from a backport from the GLSL version! */
    if(x0>=y0) {
        { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } /* X Y Z order */
        else if(x0>=z0) { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } /* X Z Y order */
        else { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } /* Z X Y order */
    else { /* x0<y0 */
      if(y0<z0) { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } /* Z Y X order */
      else if(x0<z0) { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } /* Y Z X order */
      else { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } /* Y X Z order */

    /* A step of (1,0,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (1-c,-c,-c) in (x,y,z), */
    /* a step of (0,1,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,1-c,-c) in (x,y,z), and */
    /* a step of (0,0,1) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,-c,1-c) in (x,y,z), where */
    /* c = 1/6. */

    x1 = x0 - i1 + G3; /* Offsets for second corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    y1 = y0 - j1 + G3;
    z1 = z0 - k1 + G3;
    x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0f*G3; /* Offsets for third corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    y2 = y0 - j2 + 2.0f*G3;
    z2 = z0 - k2 + 2.0f*G3;
    x3 = x0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3; /* Offsets for last corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    y3 = y0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3;
    z3 = z0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3;

    /* Wrap the integer indices at 256, to avoid indexing perm[] out of bounds */
    ii = i % 256;
    jj = j % 256;
    kk = k % 256;

    /* Calculate the contribution from the four corners */
    t0 = 0.6f - x0*x0 - y0*y0 - z0*z0;
    if(t0 < 0.0f) n0 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t0 *= t0;
      n0 = t0 * t0 * grad3(perm[ii+perm[jj+perm[kk]]], x0, y0, z0);

    t1 = 0.6f - x1*x1 - y1*y1 - z1*z1;
    if(t1 < 0.0f) n1 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t1 *= t1;
      n1 = t1 * t1 * grad3(perm[ii+i1+perm[jj+j1+perm[kk+k1]]], x1, y1, z1);

    t2 = 0.6f - x2*x2 - y2*y2 - z2*z2;
    if(t2 < 0.0f) n2 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t2 *= t2;
      n2 = t2 * t2 * grad3(perm[ii+i2+perm[jj+j2+perm[kk+k2]]], x2, y2, z2);

    t3 = 0.6f - x3*x3 - y3*y3 - z3*z3;
    if(t3<0.0f) n3 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t3 *= t3;
      n3 = t3 * t3 * grad3(perm[ii+1+perm[jj+1+perm[kk+1]]], x3, y3, z3);

    /* Add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value. */
    /* The result is scaled to stay just inside [-1,1] */
    return 32.0f * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3); /* TODO: The scale factor is preliminary! */
void AbstractWheelWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
    Q_UNUSED( event );

    // -- first calculate size and position.
    int w = width();
    int h = height();

    QPainter painter(this);
    QPalette palette = QApplication::palette();
    QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = isEnabled() ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Disabled;

    // linear gradient brush
    QLinearGradient grad(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0);
    grad.setColorAt(0, palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::ButtonText));
    grad.setColorAt(0.2, palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::Button));
    grad.setColorAt(0.8, palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::Button));
    grad.setColorAt(1.0, palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::ButtonText));
    grad.setCoordinateMode( QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode );
    QBrush gBrush( grad );

    // paint a border and background
    painter.setPen(palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::ButtonText));
    // painter.setBrushOrigin( QPointF( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
    painter.drawRect( 0, 0, w-1, h-1 );

    // paint inner border
    painter.setPen(palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::Button));
    painter.drawRect( 1, 1, w-3, h-3 );

    // paint the items
    painter.setClipRect( QRect( 3, 3, w-6, h-6 ) );
    painter.setPen(palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::ButtonText));

    int iH = itemHeight();
    int iC = itemCount();
    if (iC > 0) {

        m_itemOffset = m_itemOffset % iH;

        for (int i=-h/2/iH; i<=h/2/iH+1; i++) {

            int itemNum = m_currentItem + i;
            while (itemNum < 0)
                itemNum += iC;
            while (itemNum >= iC)
                itemNum -= iC;

            paintItem(&painter, itemNum, QRect(6, h/2 +i*iH - m_itemOffset - iH/2, w-6, iH ));

    // draw a transparent bar over the center
    QColor highlight = palette.color(colorGroup, QPalette::Highlight);

    QLinearGradient grad2(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0);
    grad2.setColorAt(0, highlight);
    grad2.setColorAt(1.0, highlight.lighter());
    grad2.setCoordinateMode( QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode );
    QBrush gBrush2( grad2 );

    QLinearGradient grad3(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0);
    grad3.setColorAt(0, highlight);
    grad3.setColorAt(1.0, highlight.darker());
    grad3.setCoordinateMode( QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode );
    QBrush gBrush3( grad3 );

    painter.fillRect( QRect( 0, h/2 - iH/2, w, iH/2 ), gBrush2 );
    painter.fillRect( QRect( 0, h/2,        w, iH/2 ), gBrush3 );
Ejemplo n.º 6
/** 3D simplex noise with derivatives.
 * If the last tthree arguments are not null, the analytic derivative
 * (the 3D gradient of the scalar noise field) is also calculated.
float sdnoise3( float x, float y, float z,
                float *dnoise_dx, float *dnoise_dy, float *dnoise_dz )
    float n0, n1, n2, n3; /* Noise contributions from the four simplex corners */
    float noise;          /* Return value */
    float gx0, gy0, gz0, gx1, gy1, gz1; /* Gradients at simplex corners */
    float gx2, gy2, gz2, gx3, gy3, gz3;

    /* Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in */
    float s = (x+y+z)*F3; /* Very nice and simple skew factor for 3D */
    float xs = x+s;
    float ys = y+s;
    float zs = z+s;
    int i = FASTFLOOR(xs);
    int j = FASTFLOOR(ys);
    int k = FASTFLOOR(zs);

    float t = (float)(i+j+k)*G3; 
    float X0 = i-t; /* Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y,z) space */
    float Y0 = j-t;
    float Z0 = k-t;
    float x0 = x-X0; /* The x,y,z distances from the cell origin */
    float y0 = y-Y0;
    float z0 = z-Z0;

    /* For the 3D case, the simplex shape is a slightly irregular tetrahedron.
     * Determine which simplex we are in. */
    int i1, j1, k1; /* Offsets for second corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords */
    int i2, j2, k2; /* Offsets for third corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords */

    /* TODO: This code would benefit from a backport from the GLSL version! */
    if(x0>=y0) {
        { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } /* X Y Z order */
        else if(x0>=z0) { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } /* X Z Y order */
        else { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } /* Z X Y order */
    else { // x0<y0
      if(y0<z0) { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } /* Z Y X order */
      else if(x0<z0) { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } /* Y Z X order */
      else { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } /* Y X Z order */

    /* A step of (1,0,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (1-c,-c,-c) in (x,y,z),
     * a step of (0,1,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,1-c,-c) in (x,y,z), and
     * a step of (0,0,1) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,-c,1-c) in (x,y,z), where
     * c = 1/6.   */

    float x1 = x0 - i1 + G3; /* Offsets for second corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    float y1 = y0 - j1 + G3;
    float z1 = z0 - k1 + G3;
    float x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0f * G3; /* Offsets for third corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    float y2 = y0 - j2 + 2.0f * G3;
    float z2 = z0 - k2 + 2.0f * G3;
    float x3 = x0 - 1.0f + 3.0f * G3; /* Offsets for last corner in (x,y,z) coords */
    float y3 = y0 - 1.0f + 3.0f * G3;
    float z3 = z0 - 1.0f + 3.0f * G3;

    /* Wrap the integer indices at 256, to avoid indexing perm[] out of bounds */
    int ii = i % 256;
    int jj = j % 256;
    int kk = k % 256;

    /* Calculate the contribution from the four corners */
    float t0 = 0.6f - x0*x0 - y0*y0 - z0*z0;
    float t20, t40;
    if(t0 < 0.0f) n0 = t0 = t20 = t40 = gx0 = gy0 = gz0 = 0.0f;
    else {
      grad3( perm[ii + perm[jj + perm[kk]]], &gx0, &gy0, &gz0 );
      t20 = t0 * t0;
      t40 = t20 * t20;
      n0 = t40 * ( gx0 * x0 + gy0 * y0 + gz0 * z0 );

    float t1 = 0.6f - x1*x1 - y1*y1 - z1*z1;
    float t21, t41;
    if(t1 < 0.0f) n1 = t1 = t21 = t41 = gx1 = gy1 = gz1 = 0.0f;
    else {
      grad3( perm[ii + i1 + perm[jj + j1 + perm[kk + k1]]], &gx1, &gy1, &gz1 );
      t21 = t1 * t1;
      t41 = t21 * t21;
      n1 = t41 * ( gx1 * x1 + gy1 * y1 + gz1 * z1 );

    float t2 = 0.6f - x2*x2 - y2*y2 - z2*z2;
    float t22, t42;
    if(t2 < 0.0f) n2 = t2 = t22 = t42 = gx2 = gy2 = gz2 = 0.0f;
    else {
      grad3( perm[ii + i2 + perm[jj + j2 + perm[kk + k2]]], &gx2, &gy2, &gz2 );
      t22 = t2 * t2;
      t42 = t22 * t22;
      n2 = t42 * ( gx2 * x2 + gy2 * y2 + gz2 * z2 );

    float t3 = 0.6f - x3*x3 - y3*y3 - z3*z3;
    float t23, t43;
    if(t3 < 0.0f) n3 = t3 = t23 = t43 = gx3 = gy3 = gz3 = 0.0f;
    else {
      grad3( perm[ii + 1 + perm[jj + 1 + perm[kk + 1]]], &gx3, &gy3, &gz3 );
      t23 = t3 * t3;
      t43 = t23 * t23;
      n3 = t43 * ( gx3 * x3 + gy3 * y3 + gz3 * z3 );

    /*  Add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value.
     * The result is scaled to return values in the range [-1,1] */
    noise = 28.0f * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3);

    /* Compute derivative, if requested by supplying non-null pointers
     * for the last three arguments */
    if( ( dnoise_dx != 0 ) && ( dnoise_dy != 0 ) && ( dnoise_dz != 0 ))
	/*  A straight, unoptimised calculation would be like:
     *     *dnoise_dx = -8.0f * t20 * t0 * x0 * dot(gx0, gy0, gz0, x0, y0, z0) + t40 * gx0;
     *    *dnoise_dy = -8.0f * t20 * t0 * y0 * dot(gx0, gy0, gz0, x0, y0, z0) + t40 * gy0;
     *    *dnoise_dz = -8.0f * t20 * t0 * z0 * dot(gx0, gy0, gz0, x0, y0, z0) + t40 * gz0;
     *    *dnoise_dx += -8.0f * t21 * t1 * x1 * dot(gx1, gy1, gz1, x1, y1, z1) + t41 * gx1;
     *    *dnoise_dy += -8.0f * t21 * t1 * y1 * dot(gx1, gy1, gz1, x1, y1, z1) + t41 * gy1;
     *    *dnoise_dz += -8.0f * t21 * t1 * z1 * dot(gx1, gy1, gz1, x1, y1, z1) + t41 * gz1;
     *    *dnoise_dx += -8.0f * t22 * t2 * x2 * dot(gx2, gy2, gz2, x2, y2, z2) + t42 * gx2;
     *    *dnoise_dy += -8.0f * t22 * t2 * y2 * dot(gx2, gy2, gz2, x2, y2, z2) + t42 * gy2;
     *    *dnoise_dz += -8.0f * t22 * t2 * z2 * dot(gx2, gy2, gz2, x2, y2, z2) + t42 * gz2;
     *    *dnoise_dx += -8.0f * t23 * t3 * x3 * dot(gx3, gy3, gz3, x3, y3, z3) + t43 * gx3;
     *    *dnoise_dy += -8.0f * t23 * t3 * y3 * dot(gx3, gy3, gz3, x3, y3, z3) + t43 * gy3;
     *    *dnoise_dz += -8.0f * t23 * t3 * z3 * dot(gx3, gy3, gz3, x3, y3, z3) + t43 * gz3;
        float temp0 = t20 * t0 * ( gx0 * x0 + gy0 * y0 + gz0 * z0 );
        *dnoise_dx = temp0 * x0;
        *dnoise_dy = temp0 * y0;
        *dnoise_dz = temp0 * z0;
        float temp1 = t21 * t1 * ( gx1 * x1 + gy1 * y1 + gz1 * z1 );
        *dnoise_dx += temp1 * x1;
        *dnoise_dy += temp1 * y1;
        *dnoise_dz += temp1 * z1;
        float temp2 = t22 * t2 * ( gx2 * x2 + gy2 * y2 + gz2 * z2 );
        *dnoise_dx += temp2 * x2;
        *dnoise_dy += temp2 * y2;
        *dnoise_dz += temp2 * z2;
        float temp3 = t23 * t3 * ( gx3 * x3 + gy3 * y3 + gz3 * z3 );
        *dnoise_dx += temp3 * x3;
        *dnoise_dy += temp3 * y3;
        *dnoise_dz += temp3 * z3;
        *dnoise_dx *= -8.0f;
        *dnoise_dy *= -8.0f;
        *dnoise_dz *= -8.0f;
        *dnoise_dx += t40 * gx0 + t41 * gx1 + t42 * gx2 + t43 * gx3;
        *dnoise_dy += t40 * gy0 + t41 * gy1 + t42 * gy2 + t43 * gy3;
        *dnoise_dz += t40 * gz0 + t41 * gz1 + t42 * gz2 + t43 * gz3;
        *dnoise_dx *= 28.0f; /* Scale derivative to match the noise scaling */
        *dnoise_dy *= 28.0f;
        *dnoise_dz *= 28.0f;
    return noise;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// 3D simplex noise
float snoise3(float x, float y, float z) {

// Simple skewing factors for the 3D case
#define F3 0.333333333
#define G3 0.166666667

    float n0, n1, n2, n3; // Noise contributions from the four corners

    // Skew the input space to determine which simplex cell we're in
    float s = (x+y+z)*F3; // Very nice and simple skew factor for 3D
    float xs = x+s;
    float ys = y+s;
    float zs = z+s;
    int i = FASTFLOOR(xs);
    int j = FASTFLOOR(ys);
    int k = FASTFLOOR(zs);

    float t = (float)(i+j+k)*G3; 
    float X0 = i-t; // Unskew the cell origin back to (x,y,z) space
    float Y0 = j-t;
    float Z0 = k-t;
    float x0 = x-X0; // The x,y,z distances from the cell origin
    float y0 = y-Y0;
    float z0 = z-Z0;

    // For the 3D case, the simplex shape is a slightly irregular tetrahedron.
    // Determine which simplex we are in.
    int i1, j1, k1; // Offsets for second corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords
    int i2, j2, k2; // Offsets for third corner of simplex in (i,j,k) coords

/* This code would benefit from a backport from the GLSL version! */
    if(x0>=y0) {
        { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } // X Y Z order
        else if(x0>=z0) { i1=1; j1=0; k1=0; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } // X Z Y order
        else { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=1; j2=0; k2=1; } // Z X Y order
    else { // x0<y0
      if(y0<z0) { i1=0; j1=0; k1=1; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } // Z Y X order
      else if(x0<z0) { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=0; j2=1; k2=1; } // Y Z X order
      else { i1=0; j1=1; k1=0; i2=1; j2=1; k2=0; } // Y X Z order

    // A step of (1,0,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (1-c,-c,-c) in (x,y,z),
    // a step of (0,1,0) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,1-c,-c) in (x,y,z), and
    // a step of (0,0,1) in (i,j,k) means a step of (-c,-c,1-c) in (x,y,z), where
    // c = 1/6.

    float x1 = x0 - i1 + G3; // Offsets for second corner in (x,y,z) coords
    float y1 = y0 - j1 + G3;
    float z1 = z0 - k1 + G3;
    float x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0f*G3; // Offsets for third corner in (x,y,z) coords
    float y2 = y0 - j2 + 2.0f*G3;
    float z2 = z0 - k2 + 2.0f*G3;
    float x3 = x0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3; // Offsets for last corner in (x,y,z) coords
    float y3 = y0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3;
    float z3 = z0 - 1.0f + 3.0f*G3;

    // Wrap the integer indices at 256, to avoid indexing perm[] out of bounds
    int ii = i & 0xff;
    int jj = j & 0xff;
    int kk = k & 0xff;

    // Calculate the contribution from the four corners
    float t0 = 0.6f - x0*x0 - y0*y0 - z0*z0;
    if(t0 < 0.0f) n0 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t0 *= t0;
      n0 = t0 * t0 * grad3(perm[ii+perm[jj+perm[kk]]], x0, y0, z0);

    float t1 = 0.6f - x1*x1 - y1*y1 - z1*z1;
    if(t1 < 0.0f) n1 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t1 *= t1;
      n1 = t1 * t1 * grad3(perm[ii+i1+perm[jj+j1+perm[kk+k1]]], x1, y1, z1);

    float t2 = 0.6f - x2*x2 - y2*y2 - z2*z2;
    if(t2 < 0.0f) n2 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t2 *= t2;
      n2 = t2 * t2 * grad3(perm[ii+i2+perm[jj+j2+perm[kk+k2]]], x2, y2, z2);

    float t3 = 0.6f - x3*x3 - y3*y3 - z3*z3;
    if(t3<0.0f) n3 = 0.0f;
    else {
      t3 *= t3;
      n3 = t3 * t3 * grad3(perm[ii+1+perm[jj+1+perm[kk+1]]], x3, y3, z3);

    // Add contributions from each corner to get the final noise value.
    // The result is scaled to stay just inside [-1,1]
    return 32.0f * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3); // TODO: The scale factor is preliminary!