static void analog_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  struct tm *t = localtime(&now);

  // Draw ticks behind
  draw_ticks(layer, ctx);

  // minute/hour hand
  graphics_context_set_compositing_mode(ctx, GCompOpSet);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);

  gpath_rotate_to(minute_arrow, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_min / 60);
  gpath_rotate_to(minute_fill, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_min / 60);
      (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t->tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t->tm_min / 10)))/(12 * 6));
      (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t->tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t->tm_min / 10)))/(12 * 6));

  // Draw minute hand background
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 6);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, minute_arrow);

  // Draw minute hand foreground
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, minute_arrow);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, minute_fill);

  // Draw hour hand background
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 6);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, hour_arrow);

  // Draw hour hand foreground
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, hour_arrow);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, hour_fill);

  // Draw a black peg in the center
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, false);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 1);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, peg_fill);
static void draw_ticks(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 5);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_1);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_1);

  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_3);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_3);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_5);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_5);

  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_7);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_7);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_9);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_9);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, tick_path_11);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, tick_path_11);

Ejemplo n.º 3
static void icon_layer_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  switch (current_mood) {
    case TERRIBLE:
      mood_icon = gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_ICON_TERRIBLE);
    case BAD:
      mood_icon = gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_ICON_BAD);
    case GREAT:
      mood_icon = gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_ICON_GREAT);
    case AWESOME:
      mood_icon = gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_ICON_AWESOME);
    case OK:
      mood_icon = gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_ICON_OK);
  if (!mood_icon) {

  GDrawCommandImage *temp_copy = gdraw_command_image_clone(mood_icon);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);
  gdraw_command_image_draw(ctx, temp_copy, GPoint(0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Chalk Circle Battery Line
void RoundBatteryLayer_update_callback(Layer *RoundBatteryLayer, GContext* Roundctx) {
        graphics_context_set_antialiased(Roundctx, true);
        graphics_context_set_fill_color(Roundctx, GColorBlack);
        graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 10 /*thickness*/, 0, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);
  if (batterycharging == 1) {
          graphics_context_set_fill_color(Roundctx, GColorBlue);
          graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8 /*thickness*/, 0, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);

     } else if (batterychargepct > 20) {
          graphics_context_set_fill_color(Roundctx, GColorGreen);
          graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8 /*thickness*/, 0, batterychargepct * 0.01  * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);

     } else {
          graphics_context_set_fill_color(Roundctx, GColorRed);
          graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8 /*thickness*/, 0, batterychargepct  * 0.01 * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);
   //Battery % indicators 
     graphics_context_set_fill_color(Roundctx, GColorWhite);
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 11.0),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 1);  //10%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 5.25),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 2);  //20%    
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 3.43),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 3);  //30%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2.55),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 4);  //40%    
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2.03),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 5);  //50%    
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 1.69),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 6);  //60%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 1.445), (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 7);  //70%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 1.265), (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 8);  //80%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 1.12),  (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 10) * 9);  //90%
     graphics_fill_radial(Roundctx, GRect(0, 0, 180, 180), GOvalScaleModeFillCircle, 8, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 1.01),   TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);            //100%
Ejemplo n.º 5
void draw_hand_layer(Layer* l, GContext* ctx)
	GColor foreground_color = gcolor_legible_over(s_background_color);
	GRect bounds = layer_get_frame(l);
	GPoint center = GPoint(bounds.size.w / 2, bounds.size.h / 2);

	graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);

	graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, foreground_color);
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, foreground_color);
	graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);

	time_t ts = time(NULL);
	struct tm* now = localtime(&ts);

	GRect reduced_bounds = bounds;
	int arc_offset = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(24, 18);
	reduced_bounds.origin.x += arc_offset;
	reduced_bounds.origin.y += arc_offset;
	reduced_bounds.size.w -= (arc_offset << 1);
	reduced_bounds.size.h -= (arc_offset << 1);

	// initially, angle is relative to top (wrong)
	int angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (now->tm_hour * 60 + now->tm_min) / 1440;
	// make 0 at the bottom
	angle = (angle + TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2) % TRIG_MAX_ANGLE;

	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, s_complementary_color);

	int hand_length = MIN(reduced_bounds.size.h, reduced_bounds.size.w) / 2;
	int radial_inset = ((hand_length - 20) * inset_pct) / 100;

	if (angle < TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2) {
		// first draw the bottom half
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, radial_inset, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);
		graphics_draw_arc(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE);
		// then the rest
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, radial_inset, 0, angle);
		graphics_draw_arc(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, 0, angle);
	} else {
		graphics_fill_radial(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, radial_inset, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2, angle);
		graphics_draw_arc(ctx, reduced_bounds, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 2, angle);

	graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 2);

	GPoint hand_end;
	hand_end.y = (-cos_lookup(angle) * hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y;
	hand_end.x = (sin_lookup(angle) * hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x;

	graphics_draw_line(ctx, center, hand_end);

	GPoint sm_end = GPoint(center.x, center.y + hand_length);
	GPoint sm_start = GPoint(center.x, sm_end.y - radial_inset);

	graphics_draw_line(ctx, sm_start, sm_end);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void update_main_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(s_main_layer);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, bounds, 0, GCornerNone);
  if(s_is_running) {
    show_round_meter(ctx, &bounds);

  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, ANTIALIASING);

  Time mode_time;
  time_t t = time(NULL);
  struct tm *time_now = localtime(&t);
  mode_time.hours = time_now->tm_hour;
  mode_time.minutes = time_now->tm_min;
  // Adjust for minutes through the hour
  float minute_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60;
  float hour_angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.hours / 12;

  hour_angle += (minute_angle / TRIG_MAX_ANGLE) * (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE / 12);

  // Plot hands
  GPoint minute_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60 ) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - HAND_MARGIN) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - HAND_MARGIN) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  GPoint hour_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - (2 * HAND_MARGIN)) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(hour_angle) * (int32_t)(HAND_RADIUS - (2 * HAND_MARGIN)) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 4);
  // Draw hands with positive length only
    graphics_draw_line(ctx, s_center, hour_hand);
    graphics_draw_line(ctx, s_center, minute_hand);
  // center dot
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_fill_circle(ctx, s_center, 7);

static void main_select_click_handler(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context) {
  window_stack_push(s_menu_window, false);

static void main_click_config_provider(void *context) {
  window_single_click_subscribe(BUTTON_ID_SELECT, main_select_click_handler);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void update_hands(Layer *layer, GContext *context) {
    // Get a tm structure
  time_t temp = time(NULL); 
  struct tm *tick_time = localtime(&temp);

  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
  GPoint layer_center_point = GPoint(bounds.size.w / 2, bounds.size.h / 2);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(context, true);
  graphics_context_set_compositing_mode(context, GCompOpSet);

  int his_angle = (tick_time->tm_min - hand_his_correction) / 60.0f * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE;  
  graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap(context, hand_his, hand_his_rotation_center, his_angle, layer_center_point);

  float hours = tick_time->tm_hour + tick_time->tm_min / 60.0f;
  int her_angle = (hours - hand_her_correction) / 12.0f * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE;
  graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap(context, hand_her, hand_her_rotation_center, her_angle, layer_center_point);
  GRect batch_rect = GRect(layer_center_point.x - 14, layer_center_point.y - 15, 30, 30);
  graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect(context, batch, batch_rect);
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Updates the graphic drawing on the screen
static void update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {

  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, S_TRUE);

  // Circle layer points
  int16_t x;
  int16_t y;
  char *buf = getTimeBuffer();
  char buf1[2];
  // circle
  for (int16_t i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    if (i<2) {
      y = 48;
    } else {
      y = 120;
    x = 36 + i%2*72;
    GPoint s_center = {x,y};                

    int j;
    if( i<=1 ) {
      j = i;
    } else {
      j = i +1;
    int idx = atoi( buf1 );

    // Fill circle with color
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, (GColor8)allColors[settings.colorIdx[idx]]);
    graphics_fill_circle(ctx, s_center, s_radius);
  //Remember to FREE memory
  free( buf );
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
	// Don't use current time while animating
  	Time mode_time = (s_animating) ? s_anim_time : s_last_time;
	s_radius = s_animating ? s_radius : FINAL_RADIUS;
	// Get a tm structure
	time_t temp = time(NULL); 
	struct tm *tick_time = localtime(&temp);
	graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, ANTIALIASING);

  	// hour text
	if (!s_animating) {
		// Create a long-lived buffer
		static char buffer[] = "00";

		// Write the current hours and minutes into the buffer
		if(clock_is_24h_style() == true) {
			// Use 24 hour format
			strftime(buffer, sizeof("00"), "%H", tick_time);
		} else {
			// Use 12 hour format
			strftime(buffer, sizeof("00"), "%I", tick_time);

		if (!clock_is_24h_style() && mode_time.hours > 0 && mode_time.hours < 10) {
			// remove the leading "0"
			snprintf(buffer, 2, "%d", mode_time.hours);
		else if (!clock_is_24h_style() && mode_time.hours == 0) {
			// stupid time, of course we want "12"
			snprintf(buffer, 4, "%s", "12");

		// Display this time on the TextLayer
		text_layer_set_text_color(s_hour_digit, (GColor)all_colours[user_hour_text_colour]);
		text_layer_set_text(s_hour_digit, buffer);
	// Color background for first colour
	main_colour = all_colours[user_time_colour[s_colour_a]]; //all_colours[s_colour_a];
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, (GColor)main_colour);
	graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(0, 0, 144, 168), 0, GCornerNone);
	// Plot minute line
	GPoint minute_hand = (GPoint) {
		.x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60) * (int32_t)MINUTE_RADIUS / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
		.y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.minutes / 60) * (int32_t)MINUTE_RADIUS / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,

	// Fill in minute color (aka s_colour_b) -- basic is a triangle in the first eighth of the clock (< 7 minutes)
	GPathInfo s_min_points =  {
		.num_points = 3,
		.points = (GPoint []) {
			{minute_hand.x, minute_hand.y}
	if (mode_time.minutes > 7 && mode_time.minutes < 23) {
		// add in the top-right corner
		s_min_points.num_points = 4;
		s_min_points.points = (GPoint []) {
			{minute_hand.x, minute_hand.y}, 
	else if (mode_time.minutes > 22 && mode_time.minutes < 38) {
		// add in bottom-right and top-right
		s_min_points.num_points = 5,
		s_min_points.points = (GPoint []) {
			{minute_hand.x, minute_hand.y},  
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void canvas_update_proc(Layer *this_layer, GContext *ctx) {
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(this_layer);
  uint16_t ms_start = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);
  if (!isBtConnected) {
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorDukeBlue);
	graphics_fill_rect(ctx, bounds, 0, GCornerNone);
  } else {
	graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
	graphics_fill_rect(ctx, bounds, 0, GCornerNone);
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);    
  uint16_t ms_fill = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorRed, GColorWhite));
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 1);
    graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);
  graphics_draw_line(ctx, GPoint(bounds.size.w/2, 0), GPoint(bounds.size.w/2, bounds.size.h));
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  int hour_loc = bounds.size.h/2;
  if(ctick_time->tm_min < 20)
  	draw_hour(this_layer, ctx, -1, tz2, hour_loc, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_BOLD_SUBSET_49, 49);
  draw_hour(this_layer, ctx,    0, tz2, hour_loc, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_BOLD_SUBSET_49, 49);
  draw_hour(this_layer, ctx,    1, tz2, hour_loc, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_BOLD_SUBSET_49, 49);
  if(ctick_time->tm_min > 50)
  	draw_hour(this_layer, ctx,  2, tz2, hour_loc, FONT_KEY_ROBOTO_BOLD_SUBSET_49, 49);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 1);
  uint16_t ms_hour = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  draw_minutes(this_layer, ctx, bounds.size.h/2+49/2+5);
  uint16_t ms_day = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  int day_loc = bounds.size.h/2-49/2-12;

  draw_day(this_layer, ctx, -1, day_loc);
  draw_day(this_layer, ctx, 0, day_loc);
  draw_day(this_layer, ctx, 1, day_loc);
  draw_day(this_layer, ctx, 2, day_loc);

  draw_day_ticks(this_layer, ctx, bounds.size.h/2-49/2-12);
  if (temp != INVALID_TEMP) {
    draw_temp(this_layer, ctx, bounds.size.h/2+75);
  uint16_t ms_end = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  draw_bat(this_layer, ctx, 0);
#if defined(PBL_HEALTH)
  // Check step data is available
  HealthServiceAccessibilityMask mask = health_service_metric_accessible(HealthMetricStepCount, 
                                                                    time_start_of_today(), cur_time);
  if(mask & HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskAvailable) {
    // Data is available!
    int total_steps = (int)health_service_sum_today(HealthMetricStepCount);
    draw_step(this_layer, ctx, 22, total_steps);
  time_t end_time = time(NULL);
  time_t start_time = end_time - 600;
  HealthServiceAccessibilityMask hr = health_service_metric_accessible(HealthMetricHeartRateBPM, start_time, end_time);
  if (hr & HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskAvailable) {
    uint32_t bpm = health_service_peek_current_value(HealthMetricHeartRateBPM);
    APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "HR: %d", (int)bpm);
    draw_bpm(this_layer, ctx, 9, bpm);
  static int repaints = 0; 
  ms_fill = ms_fill < ms_start ? ms_fill + 1000 : ms_fill;
  ms_hour = ms_hour < ms_start ? ms_hour + 1000 : ms_hour;
  ms_day = ms_day < ms_start ? ms_day + 1000 : ms_day;
  ms_end = ms_end < ms_start ? ms_end + 1000 : ms_end;
  static uint16_t tt_max = 0;
  if ((ms_end-ms_start) > tt_max)
  	tt_max = ms_end-ms_start;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void updateScreen(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
	custom_draw_arc(ctx, center, radius, lower_thickness, start_angle, end_angle, GColorDarkGray);
	custom_draw_arc_from_config(ctx, center, radius+2, lower_thickness*4+1, counter_config, GColorPurple);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
/*Update Drawing Handler*/
static void hands_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
   graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, true);
  int16_t scale = _12HScaleFactor*60; 
  if ( clock_is_24h_style() ) {
    scale = _24HScaleFactor*60;

  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
  GPoint center = grect_center_point(&bounds);
  GPoint secondHand;
  GPoint hourHand1, hourHand2;
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  struct tm* t = localtime(&now); 

  int16_t ms = time_ms(NULL, NULL);
  const int16_t second_hand_length = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE((bounds.size.w / 2) - 19, (bounds.size.w / 2) - 2);
  const int16_t hour_tick_length = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE((bounds.size.w / 2) - 28, bounds.size.w / 2);
  //const int16_t hour_hand_length = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE((bounds.size.w / 2) - 60, bounds.size.w / 2);
  calculate_pointer_end((t->tm_sec*100)+ms/10, second_hand_length, &center, &secondHand, 60*100, 0);    
// minute/hour hand
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  gpath_rotate_to(s_minute_arrow, TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_min / 60);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, s_minute_arrow);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, s_minute_arrow);
  //graphics_draw_line(ctx, minuteHand, center);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  //gpath_rotate_to(s_hour_arrow, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t->tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t->tm_min / 10))) / (12 * 6));
  gpath_rotate_to(s_hour_arrow, (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (t->tm_hour*60+t->tm_min ))/ scale);
  gpath_draw_filled(ctx, s_hour_arrow);
  gpath_draw_outline(ctx, s_hour_arrow);

  // draw hour lines
  int hours = clock_is_24h_style() ? _24HScaleFactor : _12HScaleFactor;
  for (int h = 0; h < hours; h++) {
    calculate_pointer_end(h, hour_tick_length, &center, &hourHand1, hours, 0);
    if (h % 3 == 0) {
      calculate_pointer_end(h, hour_tick_length-11, &center, &hourHand2, hours, 0);
    } else {
      calculate_pointer_end(h, hour_tick_length-7, &center, &hourHand2, hours, 0);
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
    graphics_draw_line(ctx, hourHand1, hourHand2);

  // draw second ticks 
  for (int i = 0; i < t->tm_sec; i++) {
    calculate_pointer_end(i, second_hand_length, &center, &secondHand, 60, 0);
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
    graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(secondHand.x, secondHand.y, 3, 3), 0, GCornerNone);
  // dot in the middle
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect(bounds.size.w / 2 - 1, bounds.size.h / 2 - 1, 3, 3), 0, GCornerNone);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void hands_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  struct tm *t = localtime(&now);
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, hand_color);
  #ifdef PBL_COLOR
    graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, false);
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
  GPoint center = grect_center_point(&bounds);
  //minute hand
  int16_t hand_length = bounds.size.w / 2 ;
  int32_t angle = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * t->tm_min / 60;
  GPoint hand = {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(angle) * (int32_t)hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(angle) * (int32_t)hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y,
  #ifdef PBL_COLOR
    graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);
  graphics_draw_line(ctx, hand, center);
  //hour hand
  hand_length = hand_length - 25;
  angle = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((t->tm_hour % 12) * 6) + (t->tm_min / 10))) / (12 * 6);
  hand = (GPoint){
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(angle) * (int32_t)hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(angle) * (int32_t)hand_length / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y,
  #ifdef PBL_COLOR
   graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 5);
  graphics_draw_line(ctx, hand, center);
  #ifndef PBL_RECT
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, hand_color);
    graphics_fill_circle(ctx, center, 7);

static void handle_second_tick(struct tm *tick_time, TimeUnits units_changed) {
  #ifndef PBL_COLOR
     memset(aplite_visited, 0, 168*20);
  //adjusting shadow direction according to minute hand location
  if (tick_time->tm_min >= 0 && tick_time->tm_min < 15) {
    s_effect_offset.offset_x = SHADOW_LENGTH;
    s_effect_offset.offset_y = SHADOW_LENGTH;
  } else if (tick_time->tm_min >= 15 && tick_time->tm_min < 30) {
    s_effect_offset.offset_x = -SHADOW_LENGTH;
    s_effect_offset.offset_y = SHADOW_LENGTH;
  } else if (tick_time->tm_min >= 30 && tick_time->tm_min < 45) {  
    s_effect_offset.offset_x = -SHADOW_LENGTH;
    s_effect_offset.offset_y = -SHADOW_LENGTH;  
  } else {
    s_effect_offset.offset_x = SHADOW_LENGTH;
    s_effect_offset.offset_y = -SHADOW_LENGTH;  

static void window_load(Window *window) {
  Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
  GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer);

  s_hands_layer = layer_create(bounds);
  layer_set_update_proc(s_hands_layer, hands_update_proc);
  layer_add_child(window_layer, s_hands_layer);
  //creating shadow layer
  s_effect_offset = (EffectOffset){
    .orig_color = hand_color,
    .offset_color = shadow_color,
    .option = 1
    // creating array for "visited" pixels and assigning it to shadow effect parameter
    #ifndef PBL_COLOR  
      .aplite_visited = aplite_visited
  s_effect_layer = effect_layer_create(bounds);
  effect_layer_add_effect(s_effect_layer, effect_shadow, &s_effect_offset);
  effect_layer_add_effect(s_effect_layer, effect_blur, (void*)1);
  layer_add_child(window_layer, effect_layer_get_layer(s_effect_layer));

static void window_unload(Window *window) {
static void update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx) {
  int padding;
  PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(padding = 16, padding = 12);
  HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS = (window_bounds.size.w - padding) / 2; //66
  // Color background
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, window_bounds, 0, GCornerNone);
  //APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "bounds: %d %d %d %d", window_bounds.origin.x, window_bounds.origin.y, window_bounds.size.h, window_bounds.size.w );

  //set colour for tracks
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite );

  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, ANTIALIASING);

  // Don't use current time while animating
  Time mode_time = s_last_time;
  // generate position of hands
  GPoint second_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.seconds / 60) * (int32_t)(SECONDS_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * mode_time.seconds / 60) * (int32_t)(SECONDS_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  float minutes, hours;	
  if (SWEEP_MINUTES == true) {
	minutes = mode_time.minutes + (float)mode_time.seconds / 60;
  } else {
	minutes = mode_time.minutes;
  GPoint minute_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * minutes / 60) * (int32_t)(MINUTES_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * minutes/ 60) * (int32_t)(MINUTES_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,

  if( SWEEP_HOURS == true) {
    hours = mode_time.hours + (float)mode_time.minutes / 60;
  } else {
	hours = mode_time.hours; 

  GPoint hour_hand = (GPoint) {
    .x = (int16_t)(sin_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * hours / 12) * (int32_t)(HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.x,
    .y = (int16_t)(-cos_lookup(TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * hours / 12) * (int32_t)(HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + s_center.y,
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
  GRect hours_rect = GRect(s_center.x - HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS, s_center.y - HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS, HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS * 2, HOURS_TRACK_RADIUS * 2);
  int seconds_start_angle, seconds_end_angle;
  int seconds_delta = 12;
  int minutes_delta = 12;
  int hours_delta = 12;
  get_angles_60(mode_time.seconds, 0, seconds_delta, &seconds_start_angle, &seconds_end_angle);
  //int minutes_angle = mode_time.minutes * 360 / 60;
  int minutes_start_angle, minutes_end_angle;
  get_angles_60(mode_time.minutes, (SWEEP_MINUTES == true) ? mode_time.seconds : 0, minutes_delta, &minutes_start_angle, &minutes_end_angle);
  //get_angles_60(mode_time.minutes, mode_time.seconds, minutes_delta, &minutes_start_angle, &minutes_end_angle);
  //int hours_angle = mode_time.hours * 360 / 12;
  int hours_start_angle, hours_end_angle;

  get_angles_12(mode_time.hours,(SWEEP_HOURS == true) ? mode_time.minutes : 0, hours_delta, &hours_start_angle, &hours_end_angle);
  //APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "seconds: %d, start: %d, end: %d",  mode_time.seconds, seconds_start_angle, seconds_end_angle);
   //set colour for arcs and "hands"
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite );
  //draw seconds arc
  graphics_fill_radial(ctx, seconds_rect, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, SECONDS_TRACK_STROKE,  DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(seconds_start_angle), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(seconds_end_angle));
  //draw minutes arc
  graphics_fill_radial(ctx, minutes_rect, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, MINUTES_TRACK_STROKE,  DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(minutes_start_angle), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(minutes_end_angle));
  //draw hours arc
  graphics_fill_radial(ctx, hours_rect, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, HOURS_TRACK_STROKE,  DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(hours_start_angle), DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(hours_end_angle));
  //draw minute hand
  graphics_fill_circle(ctx, minute_hand, MINUTES_HAND_RADIUS);
  //draw hour hand
  graphics_fill_circle(ctx, hour_hand, HOURS_HAND_RADIUS);
  //draw second hand
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorRed );
  graphics_fill_circle(ctx, second_hand, SECONDS_HAND_RADIUS);

static void window_load(Window *window) {
  Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
  window_bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer);
  //APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "bounds: %d %d %d %d", window_bounds.origin.x, window_bounds.origin.y, window_bounds.size.h, window_bounds.size.w );

  s_center = grect_center_point(&window_bounds);
  s_canvas_layer = layer_create(window_bounds);
  layer_set_update_proc(s_canvas_layer, update_proc);
  layer_add_child(window_layer, s_canvas_layer);
// Create time TextLayer
  int font_height;
  PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(font_height = 45, font_height = 36); //fudge factor to get text vertically centred
  s_time_layer = text_layer_create(GRect(window_bounds.origin.x, (window_bounds.size.h-font_height)/2, window_bounds.size.w, font_height));
  //s_center.y - MINUTES_TRACK_RADIUS + 18 + 18;
  s_day_layer = text_layer_create(GRect(0, s_center.y - 18 - 18  , window_bounds.size.w, 18)); //need to calculate proper y-location
  s_month_layer = text_layer_create(GRect(0, s_center.y +36 , window_bounds.size.w, 18)); //need to calculate proper y-location
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_day_layer, GColorRed);
  text_layer_set_text_color(s_day_layer, GColorLightGray  );
  text_layer_set_text(s_day_layer, "00");
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_time_layer, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_color(s_time_layer, GColorWhite);
  text_layer_set_text(s_time_layer, "00:00");
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_month_layer, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_color(s_month_layer, GColorLightGray );
  text_layer_set_text(s_month_layer, "XXX");
  PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(s_custom_font = fonts_load_custom_font(resource_get_handle(RESOURCE_ID_FONT_DOSIS_SEMIBOLD_40)), s_custom_font = fonts_load_custom_font(resource_get_handle(RESOURCE_ID_FONT_DOSIS_SEMIBOLD_30)));

  text_layer_set_font(s_time_layer, s_custom_font);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_time_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_day_layer, fonts_load_custom_font(resource_get_handle(RESOURCE_ID_FONT_DOSIS_SEMIBOLD_18)));
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_day_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);

  text_layer_set_font(s_month_layer, fonts_load_custom_font(resource_get_handle(RESOURCE_ID_FONT_DOSIS_SEMIBOLD_18)));
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_month_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  // Add it as a child layer to the Window's root layer
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(window), text_layer_get_layer(s_time_layer));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(window), text_layer_get_layer(s_day_layer));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(window), text_layer_get_layer(s_month_layer));
	// Make sure the time is displayed from the start

static void window_unload(Window *window) {
  // Destroy TextLayer

/*********************************** App **************************************/

static void init() {

  time_t t = time(NULL);
  struct tm *time_now = localtime(&t);
  tick_handler(time_now, SECOND_UNIT);

  s_main_window = window_create();
  window_set_window_handlers(s_main_window, (WindowHandlers) {
    .load = window_load,
    .unload = window_unload,
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void boardUpdateProc(Layer* this_layer, GContext *ctx) {
  GRect b = layer_get_bounds(this_layer);
  graphics_context_set_antialiased(ctx, 0);

  // Fill grey back (white on BW)
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorLightGray, GColorWhite));
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, b, 0, GCornersAll);

  // Frame highlight around currently selected square colours is gray w white highlight, BW is wite w black highight
  graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorDarkGray, GColorWhite));
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorWhite, GColorBlack));
  GRect highlightR = GRect(s_cursor.x*PIECE_PIXELS, s_cursor.y*PIECE_PIXELS, PIECE_PIXELS+1, PIECE_PIXELS+1);
  graphics_fill_rect(ctx, highlightR, 0, GCornersAll);
  graphics_draw_rect(ctx, highlightR);

  // Draw all board shapes
  for (int x = 0; x < BOARD_PIECES_X; ++x) {
    for (int y = 0; y < BOARD_PIECES_Y; ++y) {
      int xy = XY(x,y);
      if (s_gameState == kFlashRemoved && (s_pieces[xy].match != kUnmatched || s_pieces[XY(x,y)].exploded == true)) {
        // Highlight squares which have just been matched
        GColor highlight = COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorRed, GColorBlack);
        if (s_pieces[xy].match == kMatchedTwice) highlight = COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorDarkCandyAppleRed, GColorBlack);
        graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, highlight);
        graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorBlack, GColorLightGray));
        highlightR = GRect((s_pieces[xy].loc.x/SUB_PIXEL), (s_pieces[xy].loc.y/SUB_PIXEL), PIECE_PIXELS+1, PIECE_PIXELS+1);
        graphics_fill_rect(ctx, highlightR, 0, GCornersAll);
        graphics_draw_rect(ctx, highlightR);
      // Draw the shape itself
      graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, COLOURS[ s_pieces[xy].colour ]);
      if (getShape( s_pieces[xy].colour ) != NULL) {
        static const bool bw = PBL_IF_BW_ELSE(true,false);
        if (bw == false && s_pieces[xy].colour == kBlack ) {
          graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
        } else if (bw == true
          && (s_pieces[xy].match != kUnmatched || s_pieces[XY(x,y)].exploded == true)
          && COLOURS[ s_pieces[xy].colour ].argb != GColorWhite.argb ) {
          graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
        } else {
          graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
        gpath_move_to(getShape( s_pieces[xy].colour ), GPoint(s_pieces[xy].loc.x/SUB_PIXEL, s_pieces[xy].loc.y/SUB_PIXEL));
        gpath_draw_filled(ctx, getShape( s_pieces[xy].colour ));
        gpath_draw_outline(ctx, getShape( s_pieces[xy].colour ));
      } else {
        // White rectangle of debug - we should not have the case where we render a NULL square
        graphics_fill_rect(ctx, GRect((s_pieces[xy].loc.x/SUB_PIXEL)+2, (s_pieces[xy].loc.y/SUB_PIXEL)+2, PIECE_PIXELS-3, PIECE_PIXELS-3), 2, GCornersAll);

  // Move Arrows
  if (s_flashArrows == true && s_gameState == kAwaitingDirection) {
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
    for (int d = 0; d < N_CARDINAL; ++d) {
      gpath_move_to(getArrow(d), GPoint(s_cursor.x * PIECE_PIXELS, s_cursor.y * PIECE_PIXELS));
      gpath_draw_filled(ctx, getArrow(d));
      gpath_draw_outline(ctx, getArrow(d));

  // Cursor
  if (s_tiltMode > 0) {
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, GColorWhite);
    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
    graphics_fill_circle(ctx, GPoint(s_motionCursor.x/SUB_PIXEL,s_motionCursor.y/SUB_PIXEL), 3);
    graphics_draw_circle(ctx, GPoint(s_motionCursor.x/SUB_PIXEL,s_motionCursor.y/SUB_PIXEL), 3);

  // Next move
  if (s_hintOn && s_availableMove.x != -1 && s_gameState == kIdle && s_hintStatus == true) {
    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, COLOR_FALLBACK(GColorDarkCandyAppleRed,GColorBlack) );
    graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 3);
    graphics_draw_circle(ctx, GPoint(s_availableMove.x*PIECE_PIXELS + PIECE_PIXELS/2, s_availableMove.y*PIECE_PIXELS + PIECE_PIXELS/2), PIECE_PIXELS);
    graphics_context_set_stroke_width(ctx, 1);

  // Redo border
  graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, GColorBlack);
  graphics_draw_rect(ctx, b);
