static void AddToBlock(struct block *block,char *mapname, char *dir) { int i, val, j; int len = strlen(mapname); if ( mapname[len-7]=='.' ) len -= 7; for ( i=0; i<block->cur; ++i ) { if ( (val=strncmp(block->maps[i],mapname,len))==0 ) return; /* Duplicate */ else if ( val>0 ) break; } if ( block->tot==0 ) { block->tot = 10; block->maps = galloc(10*sizeof(char *)); block->dirs = galloc(10*sizeof(char *)); } else if ( block->cur>=block->tot ) { block->tot += 10; block->maps = grealloc(block->maps,block->tot*sizeof(char *)); block->dirs = grealloc(block->dirs,block->tot*sizeof(char *)); } for ( j=block->cur; j>=i; --j ) { block->maps[j+1] = block->maps[j]; block->dirs[j+1] = block->dirs[j]; } block->maps[i] = copyn(mapname,len); block->dirs[i] = dir; ++block->cur; }
static int name_char(struct temp_font *tf,int ch, char *name) { if ( tf->is_adobe ) return( find_char(tf,name)); if ( ch>=tf->max_alloc ) { if ( tf->max_alloc==256 ) tf->max_alloc = 128*256; else tf->max_alloc = 65536; tf->per_char = grealloc(tf->per_char,tf->max_alloc*sizeof(XCharStruct)); tf->kerns = grealloc(tf->kerns,tf->max_alloc*sizeof(struct kern_info *)); } if ( ch!=-1 && ch<256 && name[0]!='\0') tf->names[ch] = copy(name); return( ch ); }
char *canontoken(char *str) { static unsigned char *canon; static int allocated; unsigned char c, *p, *q; int len; p = (unsigned char *) str; len = strlen(str); if (len >= allocated) { allocated = len + 1 + 10; canon = grealloc(canon, allocated); if (!canon) return NULL; } q = (unsigned char *) canon; while ((c = *p++)) { /* if (isalnum(c) == FALSE) */ /* continue; */ if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); *q++ = c; } *q = '\0'; return (char*)canon; }
static void SplitSpirosAndAddAndCut(SplineSet *spl,SplineSet *spl2,int spiro_index) { /* OK, spl was an open contour and we just cut it at spiro_index */ /* We don't need to rotate the spiros */ /* The first half of spl remains in it. (We'll leave all spiros up to and including spiro_index) */ /* If spl->spiros[spiro_index] != spl->first->me we must add spl->first here */ /* In the spl2 we either start out with spl->spiros[spiro_index] or with spl->first */ /* then add all spiros after spiro_index */ spl2->spiros = galloc((spl->spiro_cnt-spiro_index+2) * sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl2->spiro_max = spl->spiro_cnt-spiro_index+2; if ( spl2->first->me.x == spl->spiros[spiro_index].x && spl2->first->me.y == spl->spiros[spiro_index].y ) { memcpy(spl2->spiros,spl->spiros+spiro_index,(spl->spiro_cnt-spiro_index)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl2->spiros[0].ty = SPIRO_OPEN_CONTOUR; memcpy(spl->spiros+spiro_index+1,spl->spiros+spl->spiro_cnt-1,sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl2->spiro_cnt = spl->spiro_cnt-spiro_index; spl->spiro_cnt = spiro_index+2; } else { spl2->spiros[0].x = spl2->first->me.x; spl2->spiros[0].y = spl2->first->me.y; spl2->spiros[0].ty = SPIRO_OPEN_CONTOUR; memcpy(spl2->spiros+1,spl->spiros+spiro_index+1,(spl->spiro_cnt-(spiro_index+1))*sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl2->spiro_cnt = spl->spiro_cnt-spiro_index; if ( spiro_index+3>spl->spiro_max ) spl->spiros = grealloc(spl->spiros,(spl->spiro_max=spiro_index+3)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); memcpy(spl->spiros+spiro_index+1,spl2->spiros,sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl->spiros[spiro_index+1].ty = SPIRO_G4; memcpy(spl->spiros+spiro_index+2,spl->spiros+spl->spiro_cnt-1,sizeof(spiro_cp)); spl->spiro_cnt = spiro_index+3; } }
static int AddProtocol(unichar_t *prefix,int len) { if ( plen>=pmax ) { pmax += 20; /* We're never going to support 20 protocols? */ if ( plen==0 ) { protocols = (struct protocols *) galloc(pmax*sizeof(struct protocols)); } else { protocols = (struct protocols *) grealloc(protocols,pmax*sizeof(struct protocols)); } } memset(protocols+plen,0,sizeof(struct protocols)); if ( uc_strncmp(prefix,"file",len)==0 ) { protocols[plen].handle = NULL; protocols[plen].dispatcher = _GIO_fileDispatch; protocols[plen].cancel = NULL; protocols[plen].term = NULL; protocols[plen].dothread = false; } else { return( false ); } protocols[plen].index = plen; protocols[plen].proto = u_copyn(prefix,len); ++plen; return( true ); }
void gv_argvlist_set_item(gv_argvlist_t *list, int index, char *item) { if (index >= list->alloc) { list->alloc = index + 10; list->argv = grealloc(list->argv, (list->alloc)*(sizeof(char*))); } list->argv[index] = item; }
void FVAddEncodingSlot(FontViewBase *fv,int gid) { EncMap *map = fv->map; int enc; enc = MapAddEncodingSlot(map,gid); fv->selected = grealloc(fv->selected,map->enccount); fv->selected[enc] = 0; FVAdjustScrollBarRows(fv,enc); }
static int MapAddEncodingSlot(EncMap *map,int gid) { int enc; if ( map->enccount>=map->encmax ) map->map = grealloc(map->map,(map->encmax+=10)*sizeof(int)); enc = map->enccount++; map->map[enc] = gid; map->backmap[gid] = enc; return( enc ); }
char *xml_string(char *s) { static char *buf = NULL; static int bufsize = 0; char *p, *sub; int len, pos = 0; if (!buf) { bufsize = 64; buf = gmalloc(bufsize); } p = buf; while (*s) { if (pos > (bufsize - 8)) { bufsize *= 2; buf = grealloc(buf, bufsize); p = buf + pos; } /* these are safe even if string is already UTF-8 coded * since UTF-8 strings won't contain '<' or '>' */ if (*s == '<') { sub = "<"; len = 4; } else if (*s == '>') { sub = ">"; len = 4; } else if (*s == '"') { sub = """; len = 6; } else if (*s == '-') { /* can't be used in xml comment strings */ sub = "-"; len = 5; } else if (*s == '\'') { sub = "'"; len = 5; } /* escape '&' only if not part of a legal entity sequence */ else if (*s == '&' && !(xml_isentity(s))) { sub = "&"; len = 5; } else { sub = s; len = 1; } while (len--) { *p++ = *sub++; pos++; } s++; } *p = '\0'; return buf; }
void CVMergeSplineSets(CharView *cv, SplinePoint *active, SplineSet *activess, SplinePoint *merge, SplineSet *mergess) { SplinePointList *spl; cv->joinvalid = true; cv->joinpos = *merge; cv->joinpos.selected = false; if ( active->prev==NULL ) SplineSetReverse(activess); if ( merge->next==NULL ) SplineSetReverse(mergess); active->nextcp = merge->nextcp; active->nonextcp = merge->nonextcp; active->nextcpdef = merge->nextcpdef; active->next = merge->next; if ( merge->next!= NULL ) { active->next->from = active; activess->last = mergess->last; } merge->next = NULL; if ( mergess==activess ) { activess->first = activess->last = active; SplinePointMDFree(cv->,merge); if ( activess->spiro_cnt!=0 ) { activess->spiros[0].ty = activess->spiros[activess->spiro_cnt-2].ty; activess->spiros[activess->spiro_cnt-2] = activess->spiros[activess->spiro_cnt-1]; --activess->spiro_cnt; } } else { mergess->last = merge; if ( mergess==cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines ) cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines = mergess->next; else { for ( spl = cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines; spl->next!=mergess; spl=spl->next ); spl->next = mergess->next; } if ( activess->spiros && mergess->spiros ) { if ( activess->spiro_cnt+mergess->spiro_cnt > activess->spiro_max ) activess->spiros = grealloc(activess->spiros, (activess->spiro_max = activess->spiro_cnt+mergess->spiro_cnt)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); memcpy(activess->spiros+activess->spiro_cnt-1, mergess->spiros+1, (mergess->spiro_cnt-1)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); activess->spiro_cnt += mergess->spiro_cnt-2; } else SplineSetSpirosClear(activess); SplinePointListMDFree(cv->,mergess); } if (( active->pointtype==pt_curve || active->pointtype==pt_hvcurve ) && !active->nonextcp && !active->noprevcp && !active->nextcpdef && !active->prevcpdef && !BpColinear(&active->prevcp,&active->me,&active->nextcp)) active->nextcpdef = active->prevcpdef = true; SplineSetJoinCpFixup(active); }
int ReadOtherSubrsFile(char *filename) { FILE *os = fopen(filename,"r"); char buffer[500]; char **lines=NULL; int l=0, lmax=0; int sub_num = -1; const char **co=NULL, **osubs[14]; int i; if ( os==NULL ) return( false ); while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),os)!=NULL ) { int len = strlen(buffer); if ( len>0 && (buffer[len-1]=='\r' || buffer[len-1]=='\n')) { if ( len>1 && (buffer[len-2]=='\r' || buffer[len-2]=='\n')) buffer[len-2] = '\0'; else buffer[len-1] = '\0'; } if ( buffer[0]=='%' && buffer[1]=='%' && buffer[2]=='%' && buffer[3]=='%' ) { if ( sub_num == -1 ) co = CopyLines(lines,l,true); else if ( sub_num<14 ) osubs[sub_num] = CopyLines(lines,l,false); else if ( sub_num==14 ) LogError( _("Too many subroutines. We can deal with at most 14 (0-13)\n") ); ++sub_num; l = 0; } else { if ( l>=lmax ) { lmax += 100; lines = grealloc(lines,lmax*sizeof(char *)); } lines[l++] = copy(buffer); } } fclose( os ); /* we just read a copyright notice? That's no use */ if ( sub_num<=0 ) return( false ); while ( sub_num<14 ) { osubs[sub_num] = gcalloc(2,sizeof(char *)); osubs[sub_num][0] = copy("{}"); ++sub_num; } DefaultOtherSubrs(); othersubrs_copyright[0] = co; for ( i=0; i<14; ++i ) othersubrs[i] = osubs[i]; free(lines); return( true ); }
/* fullColor: * Return "/prefix/str" */ static char* fullColor (char* prefix, char* str) { static char *fulls; static int allocated; int len = strlen (prefix) + strlen (str) + 3; if (len >= allocated) { allocated = len + 10; fulls = grealloc(fulls, allocated); } sprintf (fulls, "/%s/%s", prefix, str); return fulls; }
static int MenuDataAdd(PyObject *func,PyObject *check,PyObject *data,int is_cv) { Py_INCREF(func); if ( check!=NULL ) Py_INCREF(check); Py_INCREF(data); if ( is_cv ) { if ( cvpy_menu_cnt >= cvpy_menu_max ) cvpy_menu_data = grealloc(cvpy_menu_data,(cvpy_menu_max+=10)*sizeof(struct python_menu_info)); cvpy_menu_data[cvpy_menu_cnt].func = func; cvpy_menu_data[cvpy_menu_cnt].check_enabled = check; cvpy_menu_data[cvpy_menu_cnt].data = data; return( cvpy_menu_cnt++ ); } else { if ( fvpy_menu_cnt >= fvpy_menu_max ) fvpy_menu_data = grealloc(fvpy_menu_data,(fvpy_menu_max+=10)*sizeof(struct python_menu_info)); fvpy_menu_data[fvpy_menu_cnt].func = func; fvpy_menu_data[fvpy_menu_cnt].check_enabled = check; fvpy_menu_data[fvpy_menu_cnt].data = data; return( fvpy_menu_cnt++ ); } }
int PSDictChangeEntry(struct psdict *dict, char *key, char *newval) { int i; if ( dict==NULL ) return( -1 ); for ( i=0; i<dict->next; ++i ) if ( strcmp(dict->keys[i],key)==0 ) break; if ( i==dict->next ) { if ( dict->next>=dict->cnt ) { dict->cnt += 10; dict->keys = grealloc(dict->keys,dict->cnt*sizeof(char *)); dict->values = grealloc(dict->values,dict->cnt*sizeof(char *)); } dict->keys[dict->next] = copy(key); dict->values[dict->next] = NULL; ++dict->next; } free(dict->values[i]); dict->values[i] = copy(newval); return( i ); }
int resizeString(TString *v, int size) { // Cannot shrink used data assert(size > v->used); void *newData; // Prevent memory leak by using a temporary pointer newData = grealloc(v->data, size * sizeof(char)); if (newData == NULL) return E_ALLOC; v->data = newData; v->capacity = size; return E_OK; }
static void SplineFindQuestionablePoints(struct qg_data *data,Spline *s) { DBounds b; BasePoint bp; real bottomy; QuestionableGrid *qg; /* Find the bounding box of the spline. It's quadratic, so only one cp */ b.minx = b.maxx = s->from->me.x; b.miny = b.maxy = s->from->me.y; if ( s->from->nextcp.x > b.maxx ) b.maxx = s->from->nextcp.x; else if ( s->from->nextcp.x < b.minx ) b.minx = s->from->nextcp.x; if ( s->from->nextcp.y > b.maxy ) b.maxy = s->from->nextcp.y; else if ( s->from->nextcp.y < b.miny ) b.miny = s->from->nextcp.y; if ( s->to->me.x > b.maxx ) b.maxx = s->to->me.x; else if ( s->to->me.x < b.minx ) b.minx = s->to->me.x; if ( s->to->me.y > b.maxy ) b.maxy = s->to->me.y; else if ( s->to->me.y < b.miny ) b.miny = s->to->me.y; b.minx -= data->within; b.maxx += data->within; b.miny -= data->within; b.maxy += data->within; bp.x = floor(b.minx)+.5; if ( bp.x<b.minx ) ++bp.x; bottomy = floor(b.miny)+.5; if ( bottomy<b.miny ) ++bottomy; for ( ; bp.x<=b.maxx; ++bp.x ) { for ( bp.y = bottomy; bp.y<=b.maxy; ++bp.y ) { bigreal dist = SplineMinDistanceToPoint(s,&bp); if ( dist<data->within ) { int pt = NearestPt(s,&bp); if ( !Duplicate(data,pt,floor(bp.x),floor(bp.y),dist)) { if ( data->cur>=data->max ) data->qg = grealloc(data->qg,(data->max += 100) * sizeof(QuestionableGrid)); qg = &data->qg[data->cur]; qg->sc = data->sc; qg->size = data->cur_size; qg->nearestpt = pt; qg->x = floor(bp.x); qg->y = floor(bp.y); qg->distance = dist; ++data->cur; } } } } }
static void CVMergeSPLS(CharView *cv,SplineSet *ss, SplinePoint *base,SplinePoint *sp) { int order2 = cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->order2; cv->joinvalid = true; cv->joinpos = *sp; cv->joinpos.selected = false; if ( sp->prev!=NULL ) SplineSetReverse(cv->p.spl); if ( sp->prev!=NULL ) IError("Base point not at start of splineset in CVMouseDownPoint"); /* remove the old spl entry from the chain */ if ( cv->p.spl==cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines ) cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines = cv->p.spl->next; else { SplineSet *temp; for ( temp = cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines; temp->next!=cv->p.spl; temp = temp->next ); temp->next = cv->p.spl->next; } if ( order2 && (!RealNear(base->nextcp.x,sp->prevcp.x) || !RealNear(base->nextcp.y,sp->prevcp.y)) ) { base->nonextcp = sp->noprevcp = true; base->nextcp = base->me; sp->prevcp = sp->me; } SplineMake(base,sp,order2); SplineCharDefaultNextCP(base); SplineCharDefaultPrevCP(sp); if ( sp->pointtype==pt_tangent ) { SplineCharTangentNextCP(sp); if ( sp->next ) SplineRefigure(sp->next ); } ss->last = cv->p.spl->last; if ( ss->spiros && cv->p.spl->spiros ) { if ( ss->spiro_cnt+cv->p.spl->spiro_cnt > ss->spiro_max ) ss->spiros = grealloc(ss->spiros, (ss->spiro_max = ss->spiro_cnt+cv->p.spl->spiro_cnt)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); memcpy(ss->spiros+ss->spiro_cnt-1, cv->p.spl->spiros+1, (cv->p.spl->spiro_cnt-1)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); ss->spiro_cnt += cv->p.spl->spiro_cnt-2; } else SplineSetSpirosClear(ss); cv->p.spl->last = cv->p.spl->first = NULL; SplinePointListFree(cv->p.spl); cv->p.spl = NULL; }
static int MapAddEnc(SplineFont *sf,SplineChar *sc,EncMap *basemap, EncMap *map,int baseenc, int gid, FontViewBase *fv) { int any = false, enc; if ( gid>=map->backmax ) { map->backmap = grealloc(map->backmap,(map->backmax+=10)*sizeof(int)); memset(map->backmap+map->backmax-10,-1,10*sizeof(int)); } if ( map->enc->psnames!=NULL ) { /* Check for multiple encodings */ for ( enc = map->enc->char_cnt-1; enc>=0; --enc ) { if ( map->enc->psnames[enc]!=NULL && strcmp(sc->name,map->enc->psnames[enc])==0 ) { if ( !any ) { map->backmap[gid] = enc; any = true; } map->map[enc] = gid; } } } else { enc = SFFindSlot(sf,map,sc->unicodeenc,sc->name); if ( enc!=-1 ) { map->map[enc] = gid; map->backmap[gid] = enc; any = true; } } if ( basemap!=NULL && map->enc==basemap->enc && baseenc!=-1 ) { if ( baseenc>=map->enccount ) { if ( map==fv->map ) FVAddEncodingSlot(fv,gid); else MapAddEncodingSlot(map,gid); } else { map->map[baseenc] = gid; if ( map->backmap[gid]==-1 ) map->backmap[gid] = baseenc; } any = true; } return( any ); }
static void BdfP_Invoked(GWindow v, GMenuItem *mi, GEvent *e) { struct bdf_dlg *bd = (struct bdf_dlg *) GDrawGetUserData(v); BDFFont *bdf = bd->cur->bdf; char *prop_name = cu_copy(mi->ti.text); int sel = bd->cur->sel_prop; int i; if ( sel>=bdf->prop_cnt ) { /* Create a new one */ if ( bdf->prop_cnt>=bdf->prop_max ) bdf->props = grealloc(bdf->props,(bdf->prop_max+=10)*sizeof(BDFProperties)); sel = bd->cur->sel_prop = bdf->prop_cnt++; bdf->props[sel].name = prop_name; for ( i=0; StandardProps[i].name!=NULL; ++i ) if ( strcmp(prop_name,StandardProps[i].name)==0 ) break; if ( StandardProps[i].name!=NULL ) { bdf->props[sel].type = StandardProps[i].type; if ( (bdf->props[sel].type&~prt_property)==prt_string || (bdf->props[sel].type&~prt_property)==prt_atom) bdf->props[sel].u.str = NULL; else bdf->props[sel].u.val = 0; if ( StandardProps[i].defaultable ) _BdfP_DefaultCurrent(bd); else if ( (bdf->props[sel].type&~prt_property)==prt_string || (bdf->props[sel].type&~prt_property)==prt_atom) bdf->props[sel].u.str = copy(""); } else { bdf->props[sel].type = prt_property|prt_string; bdf->props[sel].u.str = copy(""); } } else { free(bdf->props[sel].name); bdf->props[sel].name = prop_name; } GDrawRequestExpose(bd->v,NULL,false); }
/* Fgets: * Read a complete line. * Return pointer to line, * or 0 on EOF */ static char *Fgets(FILE * fp) { static int bsize = 0; static char *buf; char *lp; int len; len = 0; do { if (bsize - len < BUFSIZ) { bsize += BUFSIZ; buf = grealloc(buf, bsize); } lp = fgets(buf + len, bsize - len, fp); if (lp == 0) break; len += strlen(lp); /* since lp != NULL, len > 0 */ } while (buf[len - 1] != '\n'); if (len > 0) return buf; else return 0; }
void SFAddGlyphAndEncode(SplineFont *sf,SplineChar *sc,EncMap *basemap, int baseenc) { int gid, mapfound = false; FontViewBase *fv; BDFFont *bdf; if ( sf->cidmaster==NULL ) { if ( sf->glyphcnt+1>=sf->glyphmax ) sf->glyphs = grealloc(sf->glyphs,(sf->glyphmax+=10)*sizeof(SplineChar *)); gid = sf->glyphcnt++; for ( bdf = sf->bitmaps; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next ) { if ( sf->glyphcnt+1>=bdf->glyphmax ) bdf->glyphs = grealloc(bdf->glyphs,(bdf->glyphmax=sf->glyphmax)*sizeof(BDFChar *)); if ( sf->glyphcnt>bdf->glyphcnt ) { memset(bdf->glyphs+bdf->glyphcnt,0,(sf->glyphcnt-bdf->glyphcnt)*sizeof(BDFChar *)); bdf->glyphcnt = sf->glyphcnt; } } for ( fv=sf->fv; fv!=NULL; fv = fv->nextsame ) { EncMap *map = fv->map; if ( gid>=map->backmax ) map->backmap = grealloc(map->backmap,(map->backmax=gid+10)*sizeof(int)); map->backmap[gid] = -1; } } else { gid = baseenc; if ( baseenc+1>=sf->glyphmax ) sf->glyphs = grealloc(sf->glyphs,(sf->glyphmax = baseenc+10)*sizeof(SplineChar *)); if ( baseenc>=sf->glyphcnt ) { memset(sf->glyphs+sf->glyphcnt,0,(baseenc+1-sf->glyphcnt)*sizeof(SplineChar *)); sf->glyphcnt = baseenc+1; for ( bdf = sf->cidmaster->bitmaps; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next ) { if ( baseenc+1>=bdf->glyphmax ) bdf->glyphs = grealloc(bdf->glyphs,(bdf->glyphmax=baseenc+10)*sizeof(BDFChar *)); if ( baseenc+1>bdf->glyphcnt ) { memset(bdf->glyphs+bdf->glyphcnt,0,(baseenc+1-bdf->glyphcnt)*sizeof(BDFChar *)); bdf->glyphcnt = baseenc+1; } } for ( fv=sf->fv; fv!=NULL; fv = fv->nextsame ) if ( fv->sf==sf ) { EncMap *map = fv->map; if ( gid>=map->backmax ) map->backmap = grealloc(map->backmap,(map->backmax=gid+10)*sizeof(int)); map->backmap[gid] = -1; } } } sf->glyphs[gid] = NULL; for ( fv=sf->fv; fv!=NULL; fv = fv->nextsame ) { EncMap *map = fv->map; FVBiggerGlyphCache(fv,gid); if ( !MapAddEnc(sf,sc,basemap,map,baseenc,gid,fv) ) FVAddEncodingSlot(fv,gid); if ( map==basemap ) mapfound = true; if ( fv->normal!=NULL ) { if ( !MapAddEnc(sf,sc,basemap,fv->normal,baseenc,gid,fv)) MapAddEncodingSlot(fv->normal,gid); } } if ( !mapfound && basemap!=NULL ) MapAddEnc(sf,sc,basemap,basemap,baseenc,gid,fv); sf->glyphs[gid] = sc; sc->orig_pos = gid; sc->parent = sf; SFHashGlyph(sf,sc); }
/* a variant of xml_string for urls in hrefs */ char *xml_url_string(char *s) { static char *buf = NULL; static int bufsize = 0; char *p, *sub; #if 0 char *prev = NULL; #endif int len, pos = 0; if (!buf) { bufsize = 64; buf = gmalloc(bufsize); } p = buf; while (s && *s) { if (pos > (bufsize - 8)) { bufsize *= 2; buf = grealloc(buf, bufsize); p = buf + pos; } /* escape '&' only if not part of a legal entity sequence */ if (*s == '&' && !(xml_isentity(s))) { sub = "&"; len = 5; } /* '<' '>' are safe to substitute even if string is already UTF-8 coded * since UTF-8 strings won't contain '<' or '>' */ else if (*s == '<') { sub = "<"; len = 4; } else if (*s == '>') { sub = ">"; len = 4; } #if 0 else if (*s == '-') { /* can't be used in xml comment strings */ sub = "-"; len = 5; } else if (*s == ' ' && prev && *prev == ' ') { /* substitute 2nd and subsequent spaces with required_spaces */ sub = " "; /* inkscape doesn't recognise */ len = 6; } #endif else if (*s == '"') { sub = """; len = 6; } else if (*s == '\'') { sub = "'"; len = 5; } else { sub = s; len = 1; } while (len--) { *p++ = *sub++; pos++; } #if 0 prev = s; #endif s++; } *p = '\0'; return buf; }
EncMap *EncMapFromEncoding(SplineFont *sf,Encoding *enc) { int i,j, extras, found, base, unmax; int *encoded, *unencoded; EncMap *map; struct altuni *altuni; SplineChar *sc; if ( enc==NULL ) return( NULL ); base = enc->char_cnt; if ( enc->is_original ) base = 0; else if ( enc->char_cnt<=256 ) base = 256; else if ( enc->char_cnt<=0x10000 ) base = 0x10000; if (base==0) return( NULL ); encoded = galloc(base*sizeof(int)); memset(encoded,-1,base*sizeof(int)); unencoded = galloc(sf->glyphcnt*sizeof(int)); unmax = sf->glyphcnt; for ( i=extras=0; i<sf->glyphcnt; ++i ) if ( (sc=sf->glyphs[i])!=NULL ) { found = false; if ( enc->psnames!=NULL ) { for ( j=enc->char_cnt-1; j>=0; --j ) { if ( enc->psnames[j]!=NULL && strcmp(enc->psnames[j],sc->name)==0 ) { found = true; encoded[j] = i; } } } if ( !found ) { if ( sc->unicodeenc!=-1 && sc->unicodeenc<unicode4_size && (j = EncFromUni(sc->unicodeenc,enc))!= -1 ) encoded[j] = i; else { /* I don't think extras can surpass unmax now, but it doesn't */ /* hurt to leave the code (it's from when we encoded duplicates see below) */ if ( extras>=unmax ) unencoded = grealloc(unencoded,(unmax+=300)*sizeof(int)); unencoded[extras++] = i; } for ( altuni=sc->altuni; altuni!=NULL; altuni=altuni->next ) { if ( altuni->unienc!=-1 && altuni->unienc<unicode4_size && altuni->vs==-1 && altuni->fid==0 && (j = EncFromUni(altuni->unienc,enc))!= -1 ) encoded[j] = i; /* I used to have code here to add these unencoded duplicates */ /* but I don't really see any reason to do so. The main unicode */ /* will occur, and any encoded duplicates so the glyph won't */ /* vanish */ } } } /* Some glyphs have both a pua encoding and an encoding in a non-bmp */ /* plane. Big5HK does and the AMS glyphs do */ if ( enc->is_unicodefull && (sf->uni_interp == ui_trad_chinese || sf->uni_interp == ui_ams )) { extern const int cns14pua[], amspua[]; const int *pua = sf->uni_interp == ui_ams? amspua : cns14pua; for ( i=0xe000; i<0xf8ff; ++i ) { if ( pua[i-0xe000]!=0 ) encoded[pua[i-0xe000]] = encoded[i]; } } if ( enc->psnames != NULL ) { /* Names are more important than unicode code points for some encodings */ /* AdobeStandard for instance which won't work if you have a glyph */ /* named "f_i" (must be "fi") even though the code point is correct */ /* The code above would match f_i where AS requires fi, so force the */ /* names to be correct. */ for ( j=0; j<enc->char_cnt; ++j ) { if ( encoded[j]!=-1 && enc->psnames[j]!=NULL && strcmp(sf->glyphs[encoded[j]]->name,enc->psnames[j])!=0 ) { free(sf->glyphs[encoded[j]]->name); sf->glyphs[encoded[j]]->name = copy(enc->psnames[j]); } } } map = chunkalloc(sizeof(EncMap)); map->enccount = map->encmax = base + extras; map->map = galloc(map->enccount*sizeof(int)); memcpy(map->map,encoded,base*sizeof(int)); memcpy(map->map+base,unencoded,extras*sizeof(int)); map->backmax = sf->glyphcnt; map->backmap = galloc(sf->glyphcnt*sizeof(int)); memset(map->backmap,-1,sf->glyphcnt*sizeof(int)); /* Just in case there are some unencoded glyphs (duplicates perhaps) */ for ( i = map->enccount-1; i>=0; --i ) if ( map->map[i]!=-1 ) map->backmap[map->map[i]] = i; map->enc = enc; free(encoded); free(unencoded); return( map ); }
static int growcol_key(GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRowCol *grc = (GRowCol *) g; uint16 keysym = event->u.chr.keysym; int sofar_pos = grc->sofar_pos; int loff, xoff, sel=-1; int refresh = false; if ( event->type == et_charup ) return( false ); if ( !g->takes_input || (g->state!=gs_enabled && g->state!=gs_active && g->state!=gs_focused )) return(false ); if ( grc->ispopup && event->u.chr.keysym == GK_Return ) { GRowColDoubleClick(grc); return( true ); } if ( event->u.chr.keysym == GK_Return || event->u.chr.keysym == GK_Tab || event->u.chr.keysym == GK_BackTab || event->u.chr.keysym == GK_Escape ) return( false ); GDrawCancelTimer(grc->enduser); grc->enduser = NULL; grc->sofar_pos = 0; loff = 0x80000000; xoff = 0x80000000; sel = -1; if ( keysym == GK_Home || keysym == GK_KP_Home || keysym == GK_Begin || keysym == GK_KP_Begin ) { loff = -grc->loff; xoff = -grc->xoff; sel = 0; } else if ( keysym == GK_End || keysym == GK_KP_End ) { loff = GRowColTopInWindow(grc,grc->ltot-1)-grc->loff; xoff = -grc->xoff; sel = grc->ltot-1; } else if ( keysym == GK_Up || keysym == GK_KP_Up ) { if (( sel = GRowColGetFirstSelPos(&grc->g)-1 )<0 ) { /*if ( grc->loff!=0 ) loff = -1; else loff = 0;*/ sel = 0; } } else if ( keysym == GK_Down || keysym == GK_KP_Down ) { if (( sel = GRowColGetFirstSelPos(&grc->g))!= -1 ) ++sel; else /*if ( grc->loff + GRowColLinesInWindow(grc,grc->loff)<grc->ltot ) loff = 1; else loff = 0;*/ sel = 0; } else if ( keysym == GK_Left || keysym == GK_KP_Left ) { xoff = -GDrawPointsToPixels(grc->g.base,6); } else if ( keysym == GK_Right || keysym == GK_KP_Right ) { xoff = GDrawPointsToPixels(grc->g.base,6); } else if ( keysym == GK_Page_Up || keysym == GK_KP_Page_Up ) { loff = GRowColTopInWindow(grc,grc->loff); if ( loff == grc->loff ) /* Normally we leave one line in window from before, except if only one line fits */ loff = GRowColTopInWindow(grc,grc->loff-1); loff -= grc->loff; if (( sel = GRowColGetFirstSelPos(&grc->g))!= -1 ) { if (( sel += loff )<0 ) sel = 0; } } else if ( keysym == GK_Page_Down || keysym == GK_KP_Page_Down ) { loff = GRowColLinesInWindow(grc,grc->loff)-1; if ( loff<=0 ) loff = 1; if ( loff + grc->loff >= grc->ltot ) loff = GRowColTopInWindow(grc,grc->ltot-1)-grc->loff; if (( sel = GRowColGetFirstSelPos(&grc->g))!= -1 ) { if (( sel += loff )>=grc->ltot ) sel = grc->ltot-1; } } else if ( keysym == GK_BackSpace && grc->orderer ) { /* ordered lists may be reversed by typing backspace */ grc->backwards = !grc->backwards; GRowColOrderIt(grc); sel = GRowColGetFirstSelPos(&grc->g); if ( sel!=-1 ) { int top = GRowColTopInWindow(grc,grc->ltot-1); grc->loff = sel-1; if ( grc->loff > top ) grc->loff = top; if ( sel-1<0 ) grc->loff = 0; } GScrollBarSetPos(&grc->vsb->g,grc->loff); _ggadget_redraw(&grc->g); return( true ); } else if ( event->u.chr.chars[0]!='\0' && grc->orderer ) { int len = u_strlen(event->u.chr.chars); if ( sofar_pos+len >= grc->sofar_max ) { if ( grc->sofar_max == 0 ) grc->sofar = galloc((grc->sofar_max = len+10) * sizeof(unichar_t)); else grc->sofar = grealloc(grc->sofar,(grc->sofar_max = sofar_pos+len+10)*sizeof(unichar_t)); } u_strcpy(grc->sofar+sofar_pos,event->u.chr.chars); grc->sofar_pos = sofar_pos + len; sel = GRowColFindPosition(grc,grc->sofar); grc->enduser = GDrawRequestTimer(grc->g.base,GRowColTypeTime,0,NULL); } if ( loff==0x80000000 && sel>=0 ) { if ( sel>=grc->ltot ) sel = grc->ltot-1; if ( sel<grc->loff ) loff = sel-grc->loff; else if ( sel>=grc->loff+GRowColLinesInWindow(grc,grc->loff) ) loff = sel-(grc->loff+GRowColLinesInWindow(grc,grc->loff)-1); } else sel = -1; if ( sel!=-1 ) { int wassel = grc->ti[sel]->selected; refresh = GRowColAnyOtherSels(grc,sel) || !wassel; GRowColSelectOne(&grc->g,sel); if ( refresh ) GRowColSelected(grc); } if ( loff!=0x80000000 || xoff!=0x80000000 ) { if ( loff==0x80000000 ) loff = 0; if ( xoff==0x80000000 ) xoff = 0; GRowColScrollBy(grc,loff,xoff); } if ( refresh ) _ggadget_redraw(g); if ( loff!=0x80000000 || xoff!=0x80000000 || sel!=-1 ) return( true ); return( false ); }
/* cgraph requires */ void graph_init(graph_t * g, boolean use_rankdir) { char *p; double xf; static char *rankname[] = { "local", "global", "none", NULL }; static int rankcode[] = { LOCAL, GLOBAL, NOCLUST, LOCAL }; static char *fontnamenames[] = {"gd","ps","svg", NULL}; static int fontnamecodes[] = {NATIVEFONTS,PSFONTS,SVGFONTS,-1}; int rankdir; GD_drawing(g) = NEW(layout_t); /* set this up fairly early in case any string sizes are needed */ if ((p = agget(g, "fontpath")) || (p = getenv("DOTFONTPATH"))) { /* overide GDFONTPATH in local environment if dot * wants its own */ #ifdef HAVE_SETENV setenv("GDFONTPATH", p, 1); #else static char *buf = 0; buf = grealloc(buf, strlen("GDFONTPATH=") + strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(buf, "GDFONTPATH="); strcat(buf, p); putenv(buf); #endif } GD_charset(g) = findCharset (g); if (!HTTPServerEnVar) { Gvimagepath = agget (g, "imagepath"); if (!Gvimagepath) Gvimagepath = Gvfilepath; } GD_drawing(g)->quantum = late_double(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "quantum"), 0.0, 0.0); /* setting rankdir=LR is only defined in dot, * but having it set causes shape code and others to use it. * The result is confused output, so we turn it off unless requested. * This effective rankdir is stored in the bottom 2 bits of g->u.rankdir. * Sometimes, the code really needs the graph's rankdir, e.g., neato -n * with record shapes, so we store the real rankdir in the next 2 bits. */ rankdir = RANKDIR_TB; if ((p = agget(g, "rankdir"))) { if (streq(p, "LR")) rankdir = RANKDIR_LR; else if (streq(p, "BT")) rankdir = RANKDIR_BT; else if (streq(p, "RL")) rankdir = RANKDIR_RL; } if (use_rankdir) SET_RANKDIR (g, (rankdir << 2) | rankdir); else SET_RANKDIR (g, (rankdir << 2)); xf = late_double(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "nodesep"), DEFAULT_NODESEP, MIN_NODESEP); GD_nodesep(g) = POINTS(xf); p = late_string(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "ranksep"), NULL); if (p) { if (sscanf(p, "%lf", &xf) == 0) xf = DEFAULT_RANKSEP; else { if (xf < MIN_RANKSEP) xf = MIN_RANKSEP; } if (strstr(p, "equally")) GD_exact_ranksep(g) = TRUE; } else xf = DEFAULT_RANKSEP; GD_ranksep(g) = POINTS(xf); GD_showboxes(g) = late_int(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "showboxes"), 0, 0); p = late_string(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "fontnames"), NULL); GD_fontnames(g) = maptoken(p, fontnamenames, fontnamecodes); setRatio(g); GD_drawing(g)->filled = getdoubles2ptf(g, "size", &(GD_drawing(g)->size)); getdoubles2ptf(g, "page", &(GD_drawing(g)->page)); GD_drawing(g)->centered = mapbool(agget(g, "center")); if ((p = agget(g, "rotate"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = (atoi(p) == 90); else if ((p = agget(g, "orientation"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = ((p[0] == 'l') || (p[0] == 'L')); else if ((p = agget(g, "landscape"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = mapbool(p); p = agget(g, "clusterrank"); CL_type = maptoken(p, rankname, rankcode); p = agget(g, "concentrate"); Concentrate = mapbool(p); State = GVBEGIN; EdgeLabelsDone = 0; GD_drawing(g)->dpi = 0.0; if (((p = agget(g, "dpi")) && p[0]) || ((p = agget(g, "resolution")) && p[0])) GD_drawing(g)->dpi = atof(p); do_graph_label(g); Initial_dist = MYHUGE; G_ordering = agfindgraphattr(g, "ordering"); G_gradientangle = agfindgraphattr(g,"gradientangle"); G_margin = agfindgraphattr(g, "margin"); /* initialize nodes */ N_height = agfindnodeattr(g, "height"); N_width = agfindnodeattr(g, "width"); N_shape = agfindnodeattr(g, "shape"); N_color = agfindnodeattr(g, "color"); N_fillcolor = agfindnodeattr(g, "fillcolor"); N_style = agfindnodeattr(g, "style"); N_fontsize = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontsize"); N_fontname = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontname"); N_fontcolor = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontcolor"); N_label = agfindnodeattr(g, "label"); if (!N_label) N_label = agattr(g, AGNODE, "label", NODENAME_ESC); N_xlabel = agfindnodeattr(g, "xlabel"); N_showboxes = agfindnodeattr(g, "showboxes"); N_penwidth = agfindnodeattr(g, "penwidth"); N_ordering = agfindnodeattr(g, "ordering"); N_margin = agfindnodeattr(g, "margin"); /* attribs for polygon shapes */ N_sides = agfindnodeattr(g, "sides"); N_peripheries = agfindnodeattr(g, "peripheries"); N_skew = agfindnodeattr(g, "skew"); N_orientation = agfindnodeattr(g, "orientation"); N_distortion = agfindnodeattr(g, "distortion"); N_fixed = agfindnodeattr(g, "fixedsize"); N_imagescale = agfindnodeattr(g, "imagescale"); N_nojustify = agfindnodeattr(g, "nojustify"); N_layer = agfindnodeattr(g, "layer"); N_group = agfindnodeattr(g, "group"); N_comment = agfindnodeattr(g, "comment"); N_vertices = agfindnodeattr(g, "vertices"); N_z = agfindnodeattr(g, "z"); N_gradientangle = agfindnodeattr(g,"gradientangle"); /* initialize edges */ E_weight = agfindedgeattr(g, "weight"); E_color = agfindedgeattr(g, "color"); E_fillcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "fillcolor"); E_fontsize = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontsize"); E_fontname = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontname"); E_fontcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontcolor"); E_label = agfindedgeattr(g, "label"); E_xlabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "xlabel"); E_label_float = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfloat"); /* vladimir */ E_dir = agfindedgeattr(g, "dir"); E_arrowhead = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowhead"); E_arrowtail = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowtail"); E_headlabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "headlabel"); E_taillabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "taillabel"); E_labelfontsize = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontsize"); E_labelfontname = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontname"); E_labelfontcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontcolor"); E_labeldistance = agfindedgeattr(g, "labeldistance"); E_labelangle = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelangle"); /* end vladimir */ E_minlen = agfindedgeattr(g, "minlen"); E_showboxes = agfindedgeattr(g, "showboxes"); E_style = agfindedgeattr(g, "style"); E_decorate = agfindedgeattr(g, "decorate"); E_arrowsz = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowsize"); E_constr = agfindedgeattr(g, "constraint"); E_layer = agfindedgeattr(g, "layer"); E_comment = agfindedgeattr(g, "comment"); E_tailclip = agfindedgeattr(g, "tailclip"); E_headclip = agfindedgeattr(g, "headclip"); E_penwidth = agfindedgeattr(g, "penwidth"); /* background */ GD_drawing(g)->xdots = init_xdot (g); /* initialize id, if any */ if ((p = agget(g, "id")) && *p) GD_drawing(g)->id = strdup_and_subst_obj(p, g); }
static void InsertSubMenus(PyObject *args,GMenuItem2 **mn, int is_cv) { int i, j, cnt; PyObject *func, *check, *data; char *shortcut_str; GMenuItem2 *mmn; /* I've done type checking already */ cnt = PyTuple_Size(args); func = PyTuple_GetItem(args,0); if ( (check = PyTuple_GetItem(args,1))==Py_None ) check = NULL; data = PyTuple_GetItem(args,2); if ( PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)==Py_None ) shortcut_str = NULL; else { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyObject *obj = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)); shortcut_str = PyBytes_AsString(obj); #else /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */ shortcut_str = PyBytes_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)); #endif /* PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 */ } for ( i=5; i<cnt; ++i ) { PyObject *submenu_utf8 = PYBYTES_UTF8(PyTuple_GetItem(args,i)); unichar_t *submenuu = utf82u_copy( PyBytes_AsString(submenu_utf8) ); Py_DECREF(submenu_utf8); j = 0; if ( *mn != NULL ) { for ( j=0; (*mn)[j].ti.text!=NULL || (*mn)[j].ti.line; ++j ) { if ( (*mn)[j].ti.text==NULL ) continue; if ( u_strcmp((*mn)[j].ti.text,submenuu)==0 ) break; } } if ( *mn==NULL || (*mn)[j].ti.text==NULL ) { *mn = grealloc(*mn,(j+2)*sizeof(GMenuItem2)); memset(*mn+j,0,2*sizeof(GMenuItem2)); } mmn = *mn; if ( mmn[j].ti.text==NULL ) { mmn[j].ti.text = submenuu; mmn[j].ti.fg = mmn[j] = COLOR_DEFAULT; if ( i!=cnt-1 ) { mmn[j].mid = -1; mmn[j].moveto = is_cv ? cvpy_tllistcheck : fvpy_tllistcheck; mn = &mmn[j].sub; } else { mmn[j].shortcut = shortcut_str; mmn[j].invoke = is_cv ? cvpy_menuactivate : fvpy_menuactivate; mmn[j].mid = MenuDataAdd(func,check,data,is_cv); } } else { if ( i!=cnt-1 ) mn = &mmn[j].sub; else { mmn[j].shortcut = shortcut_str; mmn[j].invoke = is_cv ? cvpy_menuactivate : fvpy_menuactivate; mmn[j].mid = MenuDataAdd(func,check,data,is_cv); fprintf( stderr, "Redefining menu item %s\n", u2utf8_copy(submenuu) ); free(submenuu); } } } }
static void InsertSubMenus(PyObject *args,struct python_menu_shell *mn, int is_cv) { int i, j, cnt; PyObject *func, *check, *data; char *shortcut_str; /* I've done type checking already */ cnt = PyTuple_Size(args); func = PyTuple_GetItem(args,0); if ( (check = PyTuple_GetItem(args,1))==Py_None ) check = NULL; data = PyTuple_GetItem(args,2); if ( PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)==Py_None ) shortcut_str = NULL; else shortcut_str = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)); for ( i=5; i<cnt; ++i ) { PyObject *submenu_utf8 = PyString_AsEncodedObject(PyTuple_GetItem(args,i), "UTF-8",NULL); char *submenu = copy( PyString_AsString(submenu_utf8) ); Py_DECREF(submenu_utf8); j = 0; if ( mn->menu!=NULL ) { for ( j=0; mn->menu[j].name!=NULL || mn->menu[j].line; ++j ) { if ( mn->menu[j].name==NULL ) continue; if ( strcmp(mn->menu[j].name,submenu)==0 ) break; } } if ( mn->menu==NULL || mn->menu[j].name==NULL ) { if ( mn->cnt<=mn->max ) mn->menu = grealloc(mn->menu,((mn->max+=5)+1)*sizeof(struct python_menu_info)); memset(mn->menu+j,0,2*sizeof(struct python_menu_info)); } if ( mn->menu[j].name==NULL ) mn->menu[j].name = submenu; else { if ( mn->menu[j].func!=NULL ) { Py_DECREF(mn->menu[j].func); Py_DECREF(mn->menu[j].data); } if ( mn->menu[j].check_enabled!=NULL ) { Py_DECREF(mn->menu[j].check_enabled); } mn->menu[j].func = mn->menu[j].data = mn->menu[j].check_enabled = NULL; } if ( i!=cnt-1 ) { if ( mn->menu[j].sub_menu==NULL ) mn->menu[j].sub_menu = gcalloc(1,sizeof(struct python_menu_shell)); mn = mn->menu[j].sub_menu; } else { Py_INCREF(func); if ( check!=NULL ) Py_INCREF(check); Py_INCREF(data); mn->menu[j].shortcut_str = copy(shortcut_str); mn->menu[j].func = func; mn->menu[j].check_enabled = check; mn->menu[j].data = data; mn->menu[j].sub_menu = NULL; } } }
int colorxlate(char *str, gvcolor_t * color, color_type_t target_type) { static hsvrgbacolor_t *last; static unsigned char *canon; static int allocated; unsigned char *p, *q; hsvrgbacolor_t fake; unsigned char c; double H, S, V, A, R, G, B; double C, M, Y, K; unsigned int r, g, b, a; int len, rc; color->type = target_type; rc = COLOR_OK; for (; *str == ' '; str++); /* skip over any leading whitespace */ p = (unsigned char *) str; /* test for rgb value such as: "#ff0000" or rgba value such as "#ff000080" */ a = 255; /* default alpha channel value=opaque in case not supplied */ if ((*p == '#') && (sscanf((char *) p, "#%2x%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b, &a) >= 3)) { switch (target_type) { case HSVA_DOUBLE: R = (double) r / 255.0; G = (double) g / 255.0; B = (double) b / 255.0; A = (double) a / 255.0; rgb2hsv(R, G, B, &H, &S, &V); color->u.HSVA[0] = H; color->u.HSVA[1] = S; color->u.HSVA[2] = V; color->u.HSVA[3] = A; break; case RGBA_BYTE: color->u.rgba[0] = r; color->u.rgba[1] = g; color->u.rgba[2] = b; color->u.rgba[3] = a; break; case CMYK_BYTE: R = (double) r / 255.0; G = (double) g / 255.0; B = (double) b / 255.0; rgb2cmyk(R, G, B, &C, &M, &Y, &K); color->u.cmyk[0] = (int) C *255; color->u.cmyk[1] = (int) M *255; color->u.cmyk[2] = (int) Y *255; color->u.cmyk[3] = (int) K *255; break; case RGBA_WORD: color->u.rrggbbaa[0] = r * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[1] = g * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[2] = b * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[3] = a * 65535 / 255; break; case RGBA_DOUBLE: color->u.RGBA[0] = (double) r / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[1] = (double) g / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[2] = (double) b / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[3] = (double) a / 255.0; break; case COLOR_STRING: break; case COLOR_INDEX: break; } return rc; } /* test for hsv value such as: ".6,.5,.3" */ if (((c = *p) == '.') || isdigit(c)) { len = strlen((char*)p); if (len >= allocated) { allocated = len + 1 + 10; canon = grealloc(canon, allocated); if (! canon) { rc = COLOR_MALLOC_FAIL; return rc; } } q = canon; while ((c = *p++)) { if (c == ',') c = ' '; *q++ = c; } *q = '\0'; if (sscanf((char *) canon, "%lf%lf%lf", &H, &S, &V) == 3) { /* clip to reasonable values */ H = MAX(MIN(H, 1.0), 0.0); S = MAX(MIN(S, 1.0), 0.0); V = MAX(MIN(V, 1.0), 0.0); switch (target_type) { case HSVA_DOUBLE: color->u.HSVA[0] = H; color->u.HSVA[1] = S; color->u.HSVA[2] = V; color->u.HSVA[3] = 1.0; /* opaque */ break; case RGBA_BYTE: hsv2rgb(H, S, V, &R, &G, &B); color->u.rgba[0] = (int) (R * 255); color->u.rgba[1] = (int) (G * 255); color->u.rgba[2] = (int) (B * 255); color->u.rgba[3] = 255; /* opaque */ break; case CMYK_BYTE: hsv2rgb(H, S, V, &R, &G, &B); rgb2cmyk(R, G, B, &C, &M, &Y, &K); color->u.cmyk[0] = (int) C *255; color->u.cmyk[1] = (int) M *255; color->u.cmyk[2] = (int) Y *255; color->u.cmyk[3] = (int) K *255; break; case RGBA_WORD: hsv2rgb(H, S, V, &R, &G, &B); color->u.rrggbbaa[0] = (int) (R * 65535); color->u.rrggbbaa[1] = (int) (G * 65535); color->u.rrggbbaa[2] = (int) (B * 65535); color->u.rrggbbaa[3] = 65535; /* opaque */ break; case RGBA_DOUBLE: hsv2rgb(H, S, V, &R, &G, &B); color->u.RGBA[0] = R; color->u.RGBA[1] = G; color->u.RGBA[2] = B; color->u.RGBA[3] = 1.0; /* opaque */ break; case COLOR_STRING: break; case COLOR_INDEX: break; } return rc; } } /* test for known color name (generic, not renderer specific known names) */ = resolveColor(str); if (! return COLOR_MALLOC_FAIL; if ((last == NULL) || (last->name[0] !=[0]) || (strcmp(last->name, { last = (hsvrgbacolor_t *) bsearch((void *) &fake, (void *) color_lib, sizeof(color_lib) / sizeof(hsvrgbacolor_t), sizeof(fake), colorcmpf); } if (last != NULL) { switch (target_type) { case HSVA_DOUBLE: color->u.HSVA[0] = ((double) last->h) / 255.0; color->u.HSVA[1] = ((double) last->s) / 255.0; color->u.HSVA[2] = ((double) last->v) / 255.0; color->u.HSVA[3] = ((double) last->a) / 255.0; break; case RGBA_BYTE: color->u.rgba[0] = last->r; color->u.rgba[1] = last->g; color->u.rgba[2] = last->b; color->u.rgba[3] = last->a; break; case CMYK_BYTE: R = (last->r) / 255.0; G = (last->g) / 255.0; B = (last->b) / 255.0; rgb2cmyk(R, G, B, &C, &M, &Y, &K); color->u.cmyk[0] = (int) C * 255; color->u.cmyk[1] = (int) M * 255; color->u.cmyk[2] = (int) Y * 255; color->u.cmyk[3] = (int) K * 255; break; case RGBA_WORD: color->u.rrggbbaa[0] = last->r * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[1] = last->g * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[2] = last->b * 65535 / 255; color->u.rrggbbaa[3] = last->a * 65535 / 255; break; case RGBA_DOUBLE: color->u.RGBA[0] = last->r / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[1] = last->g / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[2] = last->b / 255.0; color->u.RGBA[3] = last->a / 255.0; break; case COLOR_STRING: break; case COLOR_INDEX: break; } return rc; } /* if we're still here then we failed to find a valid color spec */ rc = COLOR_UNKNOWN; switch (target_type) { case HSVA_DOUBLE: color->u.HSVA[0] = color->u.HSVA[1] = color->u.HSVA[2] = 0.0; color->u.HSVA[3] = 1.0; /* opaque */ break; case RGBA_BYTE: color->u.rgba[0] = color->u.rgba[1] = color->u.rgba[2] = 0; color->u.rgba[3] = 255; /* opaque */ break; case CMYK_BYTE: color->u.cmyk[0] = color->u.cmyk[1] = color->u.cmyk[2] = color->u.cmyk[3] = 0; break; case RGBA_WORD: color->u.rrggbbaa[0] = color->u.rrggbbaa[1] = color->u.rrggbbaa[2] = 0; color->u.rrggbbaa[3] = 65535; /* opaque */ break; case RGBA_DOUBLE: color->u.RGBA[0] = color->u.RGBA[1] = color->u.RGBA[2] = 0.0; color->u.RGBA[3] = 1.0; /* opaque */ break; case COLOR_STRING: break; case COLOR_INDEX: break; } return rc; }
void init_ugraph(graph_t *g) { char *p; double xf; static char *rankname[] = {"local","global","none",NULL}; static int rankcode[] = {LOCAL, GLOBAL, NOCLUST, LOCAL}; double X,Y,Z,x,y; GD_drawing(g) = NEW(layout_t); /* set this up fairly early in case any string sizes are needed */ if ((p = agget(g,"fontpath")) || (p = getenv("DOTFONTPATH"))) { /* overide GDFONTPATH in local environment if dot * wants its own */ #ifdef HAVE_SETENV setenv("GDFONTPATH", p, 1); #else static char *buf=0; buf=grealloc(buf,strlen("GDFONTPATH=")+strlen(p)+1); strcpy(buf,"GDFONTPATH="); strcat(buf,p); putenv(buf); #endif } GD_drawing(g)->quantum = late_double(g,agfindattr(g,"quantum"),0.0,0.0); GD_drawing(g)->font_scale_adj = 1.0; /* setting rankdir=LR is only defined in dot, * but having it set causes shape code and others to use it. * The result is confused output, so we turn it off unless requested. */ if (UseRankdir) GD_left_to_right(g) = ((p = agget(g,"rankdir")) && streq(p,"LR")); else GD_left_to_right(g) = FALSE; do_graph_label(g); xf = late_double(g,agfindattr(g,"nodesep"),DEFAULT_NODESEP,MIN_NODESEP); GD_nodesep(g) = POINTS(xf); p = late_string(g,agfindattr(g,"ranksep"),NULL); if (p) { if (sscanf(p,"%lf",&xf) == 0) xf = DEFAULT_RANKSEP; else {if (xf < MIN_RANKSEP) xf = MIN_RANKSEP;} if (strstr(p,"equally")) GD_exact_ranksep(g) = TRUE; } else xf = DEFAULT_RANKSEP; GD_ranksep(g) = POINTS(xf); GD_showboxes(g) = late_int(g,agfindattr(g,"showboxes"),0,0); Epsilon = .0001 * agnnodes(g); getdoubles2pt(g,"size",&(GD_drawing(g)->size)); getdoubles2pt(g,"page",&(GD_drawing(g)->page)); getdouble(g,"epsilon",&Epsilon); getdouble(g,"nodesep",&Nodesep); getdouble(g,"nodefactor",&Nodefactor); X = Y = Z = x = y = 0.0; if ((p = agget(g,"viewport"))) sscanf(p,"%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf",&X,&Y,&Z,&x,&y); GD_drawing(g)->viewport.size.x = ROUND(X); /* viewport size in dev units - pixels */ GD_drawing(g)->viewport.size.y = ROUND(Y); GD_drawing(g)->viewport.zoom = Z; /* scaling factor */ GD_drawing(g)->viewport.focus.x = x; /* graph coord of focus - points */ GD_drawing(g)->viewport.focus.y = y; GD_drawing(g)->centered = mapbool(agget(g,"center")); if ((p = agget(g,"rotate"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = (atoi(p) == 90); else { /* today we learned the importance of backward compatibilty */ if ((p = agget(g,"orientation"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = ((p[0] == 'l') || (p[0] == 'L')); } p = agget(g,"clusterrank"); CL_type = maptoken(p,rankname,rankcode); p = agget(g,"concentrate"); Concentrate = mapbool(p); Nodesep = 1.0; Nodefactor = 1.0; Initial_dist = MYHUGE; }
static void CVMouseDownSpiroPoint(CharView *cv, GEvent *event) { SplineSet *sel, *ss; SplineChar *sc = cv->; spiro_cp *base, *cp; int base_index, cp_index, i; char ty = (cv->active_tool==cvt_curve?SPIRO_G4: cv->active_tool==cvt_hvcurve?SPIRO_G2: cv->active_tool==cvt_corner?SPIRO_CORNER: cv->active_tool==cvt_tangent?SPIRO_LEFT: /*cv->active_tool==cvt_pen?*/SPIRO_RIGHT); cv->active_spl = NULL; cv->active_sp = NULL; sel = CVAnySelPointList(cv); if ( sel!=NULL ) { if ( SPIRO_SELECTED(&sel->spiros[0]) ) base_index = 0; else base_index = sel->spiro_cnt-2; base = &sel->spiros[base_index]; if ( base==cv->p.spiro ) return; /* We clicked on the active point, that's a no-op */ } CVPreserveState(&cv->b); CVClearSel(cv); if ( sel!=NULL ) { if ( (cp = cv->p.spiro)!=NULL ) cp_index = cp-cv->p.spl->spiros; cv->lastselcp = base; ss = sel; if ( base_index!=sel->spiro_cnt-2 ) { SplineSetReverse(sel); base = &sel->spiros[sel->spiro_cnt-2]; if ( cv->p.spl==sel ) { cp_index = sel->spiro_cnt-2-cp_index; cp = &sel->spiros[cp_index]; } } if ( cp==NULL || (cp_index!=0 && cp_index!=cv->p.spl->spiro_cnt-2) || cp==base || !SPIRO_SPL_OPEN(cv->p.spl)) { /* Add a new point */ if ( sel->spiro_cnt>=sel->spiro_max ) sel->spiros = grealloc(sel->spiros,(sel->spiro_max += 10)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); cp = &sel->spiros[sel->spiro_cnt-1]; cp[1] = cp[0]; /* Move the final 'z' */ cp->x = cv->; cp->y = cv->; cp->ty = ty; SPIRO_DESELECT(cp-1); ++sel->spiro_cnt; } else if ( cv->p.spl==sel ) { /* Close the current spline set */ sel->spiros[0].ty = ty; cv->joinvalid = true; cv->joincp = *cp; SPIRO_DESELECT(&cv->joincp); } else { /* Merge two spline sets */ SplinePoint *sp = cp_index==0 ? cv->p.spl->first : cv->p.spl->last; SplinePoint *basesp = base_index==0 ? sel->first : sel->last; cv->joincp = *cp; SPIRO_DESELECT(&cv->joincp); CVMergeSPLS(cv,ss,basesp,sp); } } else if ( cv->p.spline!=NULL ) { /* Add an intermediate point on an already existing spline */ ss = cv->p.spl; if ( ss->spiro_cnt>=ss->spiro_max ) ss->spiros = grealloc(ss->spiros,(ss->spiro_max += 10)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); for ( i=ss->spiro_cnt-1; i>cv->p.spiro_index; --i ) ss->spiros[i+1] = ss->spiros[i]; ++ss->spiro_cnt; cp = &ss->spiros[cv->p.spiro_index+1]; cp->x = cv->; cp->y = cv->; cp->ty = ty; ss = cv->p.spl; cv->joinvalid = true; cv->joincp = *cp; SPIRO_DESELECT(&cv->joincp); } else { /* A new point on a new (open) contour */ ss = chunkalloc(sizeof(SplineSet)); ss->next = cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines; cv->b.layerheads[cv->b.drawmode]->splines = ss; ss->spiros = galloc((ss->spiro_max=10)*sizeof(spiro_cp)); cp = &ss->spiros[0]; cp->x = cv->; cp->y = cv->; cp->ty = SPIRO_OPEN_CONTOUR; cp[1].x = cp[1].y = 0; cp[1].ty = 'z'; ss->spiro_cnt = 2; } SPIRO_SELECT(cp); SSRegenerateFromSpiros(ss); cv->active_spl = ss; cv->active_cp = cp; CVSetCharChanged(cv,true); CVInfoDraw(cv,cv->gw); SCUpdateAll(sc); }