int main(void) { double min=0.0, lower=0.0; freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("cowtour.out", "w", stdout); scanf("%d", &lim); for(int i=0; i<lim; i++) scanf("%d%d\n", &pos[i].x, &pos[i].y); for(int i=0; i<lim; i++){ char c; for(int j=0; j<lim; j++){ scanf("%c", &c); if(c == '1'){ int tx=pos[i].x-pos[j].x; int ty=pos[i].y-pos[j].y; dis[i][j] = dis[j][i] = sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty); }else dis[i][j] = dis[j][i] = 0.0; } scanf("%c", &c); } floyd(); for(int i=0; i<lim; i++){ max[i] = dis[i][0]; for(int j=1; j<lim; j++){ if(i!=j && great(dis[i][j], max[i])) max[i] = dis[i][j]; } if(equal(lower, 0.0) || great(max[i], lower)) lower = max[i]; } for(int i=0; i<lim; i++){ for(int j=i+1; j<lim; j++){ if(equal(dis[i][j], 0.0)){ int tx=pos[i].x-pos[j].x; int ty=pos[i].y-pos[j].y; double d=sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty)+max[i]+max[j]; if(equal(min, 0.0) || little(d, min)) min = d; } } } if(little(min, lower)) min = lower; printf("%.6lf\n", min); return 0; }
int main () { struct Student *head,*p; head=great(); p=head; for (;p!=NULL;p=p->next) printf ("%3d %6s %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f\n", (*p).num,(*p).name,(*p).gread[0],(*p).gread[1],(*p).gread[2]); return 0; }
char *expression(void){ char *var1, *var2; var1 = great(); while(match(EQUALS)){ comp_count++; advance(); var2 = great(); //printf("%s = %s == %s\n", var1, var2); fprintf(f, "CMP %s, %s\n", var1,var2); fprintf(f, "JE CMP0%d\n", comp_count, comp_count); fprintf(f, "MOVB $0, %s\n",var1 ); fprintf(f, "JMP CMP1%d\n", comp_count); fprintf(f, "CMP0%d:\nMOVB $1, %s\n", comp_count, var1 ); fprintf(f, "CMP1%d:\n", comp_count); freename(var2); } return var1; }
int main() { void input(struct Student stu[]); void order(struct Student stu[]); void great(struct Student stu[]); struct Student stu[N],*p=stu; input(p); order(p); great(p); return 0; }
int main() { int store[10], i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) store[i] = rand()%101; great(store); return 0; }
void draw_plot(void *obj, void *data) { function_t *func = (function_t *)obj; bundled_info_t *bi = (bundled_info_t *)data; plot_info_t info = bi->info; window_info_t *winfo = bi->winfo; SDL_Surface *screen = bi->screen; color_t plot = func->plot_col; double orig_y_scale = ((winfo->max - winfo->min) / winfo->height); int i; for(i = 0; i < winfo->width; i++) { double x_val = i * info.x_scale - info.x_axis * info.x_scale; if(func->bounded) { if(x_val < func->bound_left || x_val > func->bound_right) continue; } if(!func->show_nan && (func->vals[i] != func->vals[i] || (i < winfo->width - 1 && func->vals[i + 1] != func->vals[i + 1]))) continue; int ypt = winfo->height - (func->vals[i] / info.y_scale) - (info.offset / orig_y_scale); int ht = 1; if(!func->discreet) { int npt = (i < winfo->width - 1 ? winfo->height - ((func->vals[i + 1] / info.y_scale)) - (info.offset / orig_y_scale): ypt); ht = abs(great(ypt, npt) - less(npt, ypt)); ht = ht == 0 ? 1 : ht; if(ht > winfo->height) continue; ypt = less(npt, ypt); } if(func->shade) shadeWith(ypt, i, info.y_axis, screen, func->shade_col); SDL_Rect dest = {i, ypt, 1, ht}; SDL_FillRect(screen, &dest, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, plot.r, plot.g, plot.b)); } }
int main(){ int i = 0, j = 0; int *pnum, num[M]; //num存放每位学生的学号 float score[M][N], *pscore; float aver[M], *paver; //aver存放每位学生的平均分 char course[N][40], *pcourse; //course存放5门课程的名称 printf("请按行输入5门功课的名称:\n"); pcourse = course[i]; for(i=0; i<N; ++i){ scanf("%s", pcourse+40*i); } printf("请按照下面的格式输入4个学生的学号和各科成绩:(以空格间隔)\n"); printf("学号"); for(i=0; i<N; ++i){ printf(" %s", pcourse+40*i); } printf("\n"); pscore = &score[0][0]; pnum = &num[0]; for(i=0; i<M; ++i){ scanf("%d", pnum+i); for(j=0; j<N; ++j){ scanf("%f", pscore+N*i+j); } } paver = &aver[0]; printf("\n\n"); averscore(pscore, paver); avercour5(pcourse, pscore); printf("\n\n"); fail2(pcourse, pnum, pscore, paver); printf("\n\n"); great(pcourse, pnum, pscore, paver); return 0; }
void draw_crosshair(void *obj, void *data) { function_t *func = (function_t *)obj; bundled_info_t *bit = (bundled_info_t *)data; window_info_t *winfo = bit->winfo; int loc = bit->x; SDL_Surface *screen = bit->screen; plot_info_t info = bit->info; double orig_y_scale = ((winfo->max - winfo->min) / winfo->height); color_t hair_col = winfo->hair_col; if(!func->show_hair) return; if(func->vals[loc] != func->vals[loc] || (func->discreet && loc < winfo->width - 1 && func->vals[loc + 1] != func->vals[loc + 1])) return; int ypt = winfo->height - (func->vals[loc] / info.y_scale) - (info.offset / orig_y_scale); int ht = 1; if(!func->discreet) { int npt = (loc < winfo->width - 1 ? winfo->height - ((func->vals[loc + 1] / info.y_scale)) - (info.offset / orig_y_scale): ypt); ht = abs(great(ypt, npt) - less(npt, ypt)); ht = ht == 0 ? 1 : ht; ypt = (npt + ypt) / 2; } SDL_Rect top = {loc, ypt - 4, 1, 4}; SDL_Rect right = {loc + 1, ypt, 4, 1}; SDL_Rect bottom = {loc, ypt + 1, 1, 4}; SDL_Rect left = {loc - 4, ypt, 4, 1}; SDL_FillRect(screen, &top, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, hair_col.r, hair_col.g, hair_col.b)); SDL_FillRect(screen, &right, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, hair_col.r, hair_col.g, hair_col.b)); SDL_FillRect(screen, &bottom, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, hair_col.r, hair_col.g, hair_col.b)); SDL_FillRect(screen, &left, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, hair_col.r, hair_col.g, hair_col.b)); }
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus){ int currentPlayer = whoseTurn(state); //uses switch to select card and perform actions switch( card ){ case adventurer: adv(currentPlayer, state); break; case council_room: council(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case feast: fea(currentPlayer, state, choice1); break; case gardens: return -1; case mine: min(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2); break; case remodel: rem(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2); break; case smithy: smi(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case village: vill(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case baron: bar(currentPlayer, state, choice1); break; case great_hall: great(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case minion: mini(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2); break; case steward: stew(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2, choice3); break; case tribute: trib(currentPlayer, state); break; case ambassador: ambass(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2); break; case cutpurse: catp(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case embargo: embar(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1); break; case outpost: outp(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; case salvager: salv(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1); break; case sea_hag: seahag(currentPlayer, state); break; case treasure_map: treasur(currentPlayer, state, handPos); break; } return -1; }