Ejemplo n.º 1
void GStreamerReader::PlayBinSourceSetup(GstAppSrc* aSource)
    mSource = GST_APP_SRC(aSource);
    gst_app_src_set_callbacks(mSource, &mSrcCallbacks, (gpointer) this, nullptr);
    MediaResource* resource = mDecoder->GetResource();

    /* do a short read to trigger a network request so that GetLength() below
     * returns something meaningful and not -1
    char buf[512];
    unsigned int size = 0;
    resource->Read(buf, sizeof(buf), &size);
    resource->Seek(SEEK_SET, 0);

    /* now we should have a length */
    int64_t resourceLength = resource->GetLength();
    gst_app_src_set_size(mSource, resourceLength);
    if (resource->IsDataCachedToEndOfResource(0) ||
            (resourceLength != -1 && resourceLength <= SHORT_FILE_SIZE)) {
        /* let the demuxer work in pull mode for local files (or very short files)
         * so that we get optimal seeking accuracy/performance
        LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "configuring random access, len %lld", resourceLength);
        gst_app_src_set_stream_type(mSource, GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_RANDOM_ACCESS);
    } else {
        /* make the demuxer work in push mode so that seeking is kept to a minimum
        LOG(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "configuring push mode, len %lld", resourceLength);
        gst_app_src_set_stream_type(mSource, GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_SEEKABLE);

    // Set the source MIME type to stop typefind trying every. single. format.
    GstCaps *caps =

    gst_app_src_set_caps(aSource, caps);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static gint create_encoder_pipeline (Encoder *encoder)
        GstElement *pipeline, *element;
        Bin *bin;
        Link *link;
        GSList *bins, *links, *elements;
        GstElementFactory *element_factory;
        GType type;
        EncoderStream *stream;
        GstAppSrcCallbacks callbacks = {
        GstAppSinkCallbacks encoder_appsink_callbacks = {
        GstCaps *caps;
        GstBus *bus;
        pipeline = gst_pipeline_new (NULL);

        /* add element to pipeline first. */
        bins = encoder->bins;
        while (bins != NULL) {
                bin = bins->data;
                elements = bin->elements;
                while (elements != NULL) {
                        element = elements->data;
                        if (!gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (pipeline), element)) {
                                GST_ERROR ("add element %s to bin %s error.", gst_element_get_name (element), bin->name);
                                return 1;
                        elements = g_slist_next (elements);
                bins = g_slist_next (bins);

        /* then links element. */
        bins = encoder->bins;
        while (bins != NULL) {
                bin = bins->data;
                element = bin->first;
                element_factory = gst_element_get_factory (element);
                type = gst_element_factory_get_element_type (element_factory);
                stream = NULL;
                if (g_strcmp0 ("GstAppSrc", g_type_name (type)) == 0) {
                        GST_INFO ("Encoder appsrc found.");
                        stream = encoder_get_stream (encoder, bin->name);
                        gst_app_src_set_callbacks (GST_APP_SRC (element), &callbacks, stream, NULL);
                element = bin->last;
                element_factory = gst_element_get_factory (element);
                type = gst_element_factory_get_element_type (element_factory);
                if ((g_strcmp0 ("GstAppSink", g_type_name (type)) == 0) ||
                    (g_strcmp0 ("GstHlsSink", g_type_name (type)) == 0) ||
                    (g_strcmp0 ("GstFileSink", g_type_name (type)) == 0)) {
                        GstPad *pad;

                        if (g_strcmp0 ("GstAppSink", g_type_name (type)) == 0) {
                                GST_INFO ("Encoder appsink found.");
                                gst_app_sink_set_callbacks (GST_APP_SINK (element), &encoder_appsink_callbacks, encoder, NULL);
                        pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (element, "sink");
                        gst_pad_add_probe (pad, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_DOWNSTREAM, encoder_appsink_event_probe, encoder, NULL);
                links = bin->links;
                while (links != NULL) {
                        link = links->data;
                        GST_INFO ("link element: %s -> %s", link->src_name, link->sink_name);
                        if (link->caps != NULL) {
                                caps = gst_caps_from_string (link->caps);
                                gst_element_link_filtered (link->src, link->sink, caps);
                                gst_caps_unref (caps);

                        } else {
                                gst_element_link (link->src, link->sink);
                        links = g_slist_next (links);
                bins = g_slist_next (bins);
        bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline));
        gst_bus_add_watch (bus, bus_callback, encoder);
        g_object_unref (bus);
        encoder->pipeline = pipeline;

        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// A call to this callback indicates that this interface module will be
// a listener. Any listener initialization can be done in this function.
void openavbIntfMpeg2tsGstRxInitCB(media_q_t *pMediaQ)

	if (pMediaQ)
		pvt_data_t *pPvtData = pMediaQ->pPvtIntfInfo;
		if (!pPvtData)
			AVB_LOG_ERROR("Private interface module data not allocated.");

		pPvtData->pipe = (GstElement*)NULL;
		pPvtData->appsink = (GstAppSink*)NULL;
		pPvtData->appsrc = (GstAppSrc*)NULL;
		pPvtData->bus = (GstBus*)NULL;
		pPvtData->srcPaused = FALSE;

		GError *error = NULL;
		pPvtData->pipe = gst_parse_launch(pPvtData->pPipelineStr, &error);
		if (error)
			AVB_LOGF_ERROR("Error creating pipeline: %s", error->message);

		AVB_LOGF_INFO("Pipeline: %s", pPvtData->pPipelineStr);
		pPvtData->appsrc = GST_APP_SRC(gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pPvtData->pipe), APPSRC_NAME));
		if (!pPvtData->appsrc)
			AVB_LOG_ERROR("Failed to find appsrc element");

		// Make appsrc non-blocking
		g_object_set(G_OBJECT(pPvtData->appsrc), "block", FALSE, NULL);

		// create bus
		pPvtData->bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pPvtData->pipe));
		if (!pPvtData->bus)
			AVB_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create bus");

		/* add callback for bus messages */
		gst_bus_add_watch(pPvtData->bus, (GstBusFunc)bus_message, pMediaQ);

		// Setup callback function to handle request from src to pause/start data flow
		GstAppSrcCallbacks cbfns;
		memset(&cbfns, 0, sizeof(GstAppSrcCallbacks));
		cbfns.enough_data = srcStopFeed;
		cbfns.need_data = srcStartFeed;
		gst_app_src_set_callbacks(pPvtData->appsrc, &cbfns, (gpointer)(pMediaQ), NULL);

		// Set most capabilities in pipeline (config), not code

		// Don't block
		g_object_set(pPvtData->appsrc, "block", 0, NULL);

		// PLAY
		gst_element_set_state(pPvtData->pipe, GST_STATE_PLAYING);

Ejemplo n.º 4
static gboolean
byzanz_encoder_gstreamer_run (ByzanzEncoder * encoder,
                              GInputStream *  input,
                              GOutputStream * output,
                              gboolean        record_audio,
                              GCancellable *  cancellable,
                              GError **	      error)
  ByzanzEncoderGStreamer *gstreamer = BYZANZ_ENCODER_GSTREAMER (encoder);
  ByzanzEncoderGStreamerClass *klass = BYZANZ_ENCODER_GSTREAMER_GET_CLASS (encoder);
  GstElement *sink;
  guint width, height;
  GstMessage *message;
  GstBus *bus;

  if (!byzanz_deserialize_header (input, &width, &height, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  gstreamer->surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, height);

  g_assert (klass->pipeline_string);
  if (record_audio) {
    if (klass->audio_pipeline_string == NULL) {
      g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
          _("This format does not support recording audio."));
      return FALSE;
    gstreamer->pipeline = gst_parse_launch (klass->audio_pipeline_string, error);
    gstreamer->audiosrc = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (gstreamer->pipeline), "audiosrc");
    g_assert (gstreamer->audiosrc);
  } else {
    gstreamer->pipeline = gst_parse_launch (klass->pipeline_string, error);
  if (gstreamer->pipeline == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  g_assert (GST_IS_PIPELINE (gstreamer->pipeline));
  gstreamer->src = GST_APP_SRC (gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (gstreamer->pipeline), "src"));
  g_assert (GST_IS_APP_SRC (gstreamer->src));
  sink = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (gstreamer->pipeline), "sink");
  g_assert (sink);
  g_object_set (sink, "stream", output, NULL);
  g_object_unref (sink);

  gstreamer->caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw",
                                         "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "BGRx",
                                         "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "xRGB",
#error "Please add the Cairo caps format here"
                                         "width", G_TYPE_INT, width,
                                         "height", G_TYPE_INT, height,
                                         "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 0, 1, NULL);
  g_assert (gst_caps_is_fixed (gstreamer->caps));

  gst_app_src_set_caps (gstreamer->src, gstreamer->caps);
  gst_app_src_set_callbacks (gstreamer->src, &callbacks, gstreamer, NULL);
  gst_app_src_set_stream_type (gstreamer->src, GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_STREAM);
  gst_app_src_set_max_bytes (gstreamer->src, 0);
  g_object_set (gstreamer->src,
                "format", GST_FORMAT_TIME,

  if (!gst_element_set_state (gstreamer->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING)) {
    g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, _("Failed to start GStreamer pipeline"));
    return FALSE;

  bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (gstreamer->pipeline));
  message = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered (bus, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, GST_MESSAGE_ERROR | GST_MESSAGE_EOS);
  g_object_unref (bus);

  gst_element_set_state (gstreamer->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);

    gst_message_parse_error (message, error, NULL);
    gst_message_unref (message);
    return FALSE;
  gst_message_unref (message);

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
BOOL tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_build(TSMFGstreamerDecoder* mdecoder)
	const char* appsrc = "appsrc name=source ! decodebin name=decoder !";
	const char* video = "autovideoconvert ! videoscale !";
	const char* audio = "audioconvert ! audiorate ! audioresample ! volume name=audiovolume !";
	char pipeline[1024];

	if (!mdecoder)
		return FALSE;

	/* TODO: Construction of the pipeline from a string allows easy overwrite with arguments.
	 *       The only fixed elements necessary are appsrc and the volume element for audio streams.
	 *       The rest could easily be provided in gstreamer pipeline notation from command line. */
	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		snprintf(pipeline, sizeof(pipeline), "%s %s %s name=outsink", appsrc, video, tsmf_platform_get_video_sink());
		snprintf(pipeline, sizeof(pipeline), "%s %s %s name=outsink", appsrc, audio, tsmf_platform_get_audio_sink());

	DEBUG_TSMF("pipeline=%s", pipeline);
	mdecoder->pipe = gst_parse_launch(pipeline, NULL);

	if (!mdecoder->pipe)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create new pipe");
		return FALSE;

	mdecoder->src = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "source");

	if (!mdecoder->src)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get appsrc");
		return FALSE;

	mdecoder->outsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "outsink");

	if (!mdecoder->outsink)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get sink");
		return FALSE;

	if (mdecoder->media_type != TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		mdecoder->volume = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "audiovolume");

		if (!mdecoder->volume)
			WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get volume");
			return FALSE;

	/* AppSrc settings */
	GstAppSrcCallbacks callbacks =
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "format", GST_FORMAT_TIME, NULL);
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "is-live", TRUE, NULL);
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "block", TRUE, NULL);
	gst_app_src_set_caps((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, mdecoder->gst_caps);
	gst_app_src_set_callbacks((GstAppSrc *)mdecoder->src, &callbacks, mdecoder, NULL);
	gst_app_src_set_stream_type((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_SEEKABLE);
	tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_set_state(mdecoder, GST_STATE_READY);
	tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_set_state(mdecoder, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
	mdecoder->pipeline_start_time_valid = 0;
	mdecoder->shutdown = 0;

	GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, get_type(mdecoder));

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Set up the Gstreamer pipeline. Appsrc gets raw frames, and appsink takes
 * encoded frames.
 * The pipeline looks like this:
 * <pre>
 *  .--------.   .-----------.   .----------.
 *  | appsrc |   |  x264enc  |   | appsink  |
 *  |   .----|   |----.  .---|   |----.     |
 *  |   |src |-->|sink|  |src|-->|sink|-----+-->handoff
 *  |   '----|   |----'  '---|   |----'     |   handler
 *  '--------'   '-----------'   '----------'
 * </pre>
static int pipeline_init(struct videnc_state *st, const struct vidsz *size)
	GstAppSrc *source;
	GstAppSink *sink;
	GstBus *bus;
	GError* gerror = NULL;
	char pipeline[1024];
	GstStateChangeReturn ret;
	int err = 0;

	if (!st || !size)
		return EINVAL;

	re_printf("    ~~~~ pipeline_init (%d x %d)\n", size->w, size->h);

	snprintf(pipeline, sizeof(pipeline),
	 "appsrc name=source is-live=TRUE block=TRUE "
	 "do-timestamp=TRUE max-bytes=1000000 ! "
	 "videoparse width=%d height=%d format=i420 framerate=%d/1 ! "
	 "x264enc byte-stream=TRUE rc-lookahead=0 "
	 "sync-lookahead=0 bitrate=%d ! "
	 "appsink name=sink emit-signals=TRUE drop=TRUE",
	 size->w, size->h,
	 st->encoder.fps, st->encoder.bitrate / 1000 /* kbit/s */);


	/* Initialize pipeline. */
	st->streamer.pipeline = gst_parse_launch(pipeline, &gerror);

	if (gerror) {
		warning("gst_video: launch error: %d: %s: %s\n",
			gerror->code, gerror->message, pipeline);
		err = gerror->code;
		return err;

	/* Configure appsource */
	source = GST_APP_SRC(gst_bin_get_by_name(
				 GST_BIN(st->streamer.pipeline), "source"));
	gst_app_src_set_callbacks(source, &(st->streamer.appsrcCallbacks),
			  st, (GDestroyNotify)appsrc_destroy_notify_cb);

	/* Configure appsink. */
	sink = GST_APP_SINK(gst_bin_get_by_name(
				GST_BIN(st->streamer.pipeline), "sink"));
	gst_app_sink_set_callbacks(sink, &(st->streamer.appsinkCallbacks),
			   st, (GDestroyNotify)appsink_destroy_notify_cb);

	/* Bus watch */
	bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(st->streamer.pipeline));
	gst_bus_set_sync_handler(bus, (GstBusSyncHandler)bus_sync_handler_cb,
				 st, (GDestroyNotify)bus_destroy_notify_cb);

	/* Set start values of locks */
	st->streamer.wait.flag = 0;

	st->streamer.eos.flag = 0;

	/* Start pipeline */
	re_printf("    ~~~~ pipeline_init -- starting pipeline\n");

	ret = gst_element_set_state(st->streamer.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
		g_warning("set state returned GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE\n");
		err = EPROTO;
		goto out;

	st->streamer.source = source;

	/* Mark pipeline as working */
	st->streamer.valid = true;

	re_printf("    ~~~~ pipeline_init OK (source=%p, sink=%p)\n",
		  source, sink);

	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 7
BOOL tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_build(TSMFGstreamerDecoder* mdecoder)
	const char* video = "appsrc name=videosource ! queue2 name=videoqueue ! decodebin name=videodecoder !";
        const char* audio = "appsrc name=audiosource ! queue2 name=audioqueue ! decodebin name=audiodecoder ! audioconvert ! audiorate ! audioresample ! volume name=audiovolume !";
	const char* video = "appsrc name=videosource ! queue2 name=videoqueue ! decodebin2 name=videodecoder !";
	const char* audio = "appsrc name=audiosource ! queue2 name=audioqueue ! decodebin2 name=audiodecoder ! audioconvert ! audiorate ! audioresample ! volume name=audiovolume !";
	char pipeline[1024];

	if (!mdecoder)
		return FALSE;

	/* TODO: Construction of the pipeline from a string allows easy overwrite with arguments.
	 *       The only fixed elements necessary are appsrc and the volume element for audio streams.
	 *       The rest could easily be provided in gstreamer pipeline notation from command line. */
	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		sprintf_s(pipeline, sizeof(pipeline), "%s %s name=videosink", video, tsmf_platform_get_video_sink());
		sprintf_s(pipeline, sizeof(pipeline), "%s %s name=audiosink", audio, tsmf_platform_get_audio_sink());

	DEBUG_TSMF("pipeline=%s", pipeline);
	mdecoder->pipe = gst_parse_launch(pipeline, NULL);

	if (!mdecoder->pipe)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to create new pipe");
		return FALSE;

	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		mdecoder->src = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "videosource");
		mdecoder->src = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "audiosource");

	if (!mdecoder->src)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get appsrc");
		return FALSE;

	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		mdecoder->queue = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "videoqueue");
		mdecoder->queue = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "audioqueue");

	if (!mdecoder->queue)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get queue");
		return FALSE;

	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
		mdecoder->outsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "videosink");
		mdecoder->outsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "audiosink");

	if (!mdecoder->outsink)
		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get sink");
		return FALSE;

	g_signal_connect(mdecoder->outsink, "child-added", G_CALLBACK(cb_child_added), mdecoder);

	if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_AUDIO)
		mdecoder->volume = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), "audiovolume");

		if (!mdecoder->volume)
			WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to get volume");
			return FALSE;

		tsmf_gstreamer_change_volume((ITSMFDecoder*)mdecoder, mdecoder->gstVolume*((double) 10000), mdecoder->gstMuted);

	/* AppSrc settings */
	GstAppSrcCallbacks callbacks =
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "format", GST_FORMAT_TIME, NULL);
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "is-live", FALSE, NULL);
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "block", FALSE, NULL);
	g_object_set(mdecoder->src, "blocksize", 1024, NULL);
	gst_app_src_set_caps((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, mdecoder->gst_caps);
	gst_app_src_set_callbacks((GstAppSrc *)mdecoder->src, &callbacks, mdecoder, NULL);
	gst_app_src_set_stream_type((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_SEEKABLE);
	gst_app_src_set_latency((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, 0, -1);
	gst_app_src_set_max_bytes((GstAppSrc *) mdecoder->src, (guint64) 0);//unlimited
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->queue), "use-buffering", FALSE, NULL);
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->queue), "use-rate-estimate", FALSE, NULL);
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->queue), "max-size-buffers", 0, NULL);
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->queue), "max-size-bytes", 0, NULL);
	g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->queue), "max-size-time", (guint64) 0, NULL);

	/* Only set these properties if not an autosink, otherwise we will set properties when real sinks are added */
	if (!g_strcmp0(G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(mdecoder->outsink), "GstAutoVideoSink") && !g_strcmp0(G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(mdecoder->outsink), "GstAutoAudioSink"))
		if (mdecoder->media_type == TSMF_MAJOR_TYPE_VIDEO)
			gst_base_sink_set_max_lateness((GstBaseSink *) mdecoder->outsink, 10000000); /* nanoseconds */
			gst_base_sink_set_max_lateness((GstBaseSink *) mdecoder->outsink, 10000000); /* nanoseconds */
			g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "buffer-time", (gint64) 20000, NULL); /* microseconds */
			g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "drift-tolerance", (gint64) 20000, NULL); /* microseconds */
			g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "latency-time", (gint64) 10000, NULL); /* microseconds */
			g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "slave-method", 1, NULL);
		g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "sync", TRUE, NULL); /* synchronize on the clock */
		g_object_set(G_OBJECT(mdecoder->outsink), "async", TRUE, NULL); /* no async state changes */

	tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_set_state(mdecoder, GST_STATE_READY);
	tsmf_gstreamer_pipeline_set_state(mdecoder, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
	mdecoder->pipeline_start_time_valid = 0;
	mdecoder->shutdown = 0;
	mdecoder->paused = FALSE;

	GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE(GST_BIN(mdecoder->pipe), GST_DEBUG_GRAPH_SHOW_ALL, get_type(mdecoder));

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * OpenDecoder: probe the decoder and return score
static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    decoder_t *p_dec = ( decoder_t* )p_this;
    decoder_sys_t *p_sys;
    GstStateChangeReturn i_ret;
    gboolean b_ret;
    sink_src_caps_t caps = { NULL, NULL };
    GstStructure *p_str;
    GstAppSrcCallbacks cb;
    int i_rval = VLC_SUCCESS;
    GList *p_list;
    bool dbin;

#define VLC_GST_CHECK( r, v, s, t ) \
    { if( r == v ){ msg_Err( p_dec, s ); i_rval = t; goto fail; } }

    if( !vlc_gst_init( ))
        msg_Err( p_dec, "failed to register vlcvideosink" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_str = vlc_to_gst_fmt( &p_dec->fmt_in );
    if( !p_str )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Allocate the memory needed to store the decoder's structure */
    p_sys = p_dec->p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_sys ) );
    if( p_sys == NULL )
        gst_structure_free( p_str );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    dbin = var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "use-decodebin" );
    msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Using decodebin? %s", dbin ? "yes ":"no" );

    caps.p_sinkcaps = gst_caps_new_empty( );
    gst_caps_append_structure( caps.p_sinkcaps, p_str );
    /* Currently supports only system memory raw output format */
    caps.p_srccaps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple( "video/x-raw" );

    /* Get the list of all the available gstreamer decoders */
    p_list = gst_element_factory_list_get_elements(
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_list, NULL, "no decoder list found", VLC_ENOMOD );
    if( !dbin )
        GList *p_l;
        /* Sort them as per ranks */
        p_list = g_list_sort( p_list, gst_plugin_feature_rank_compare_func );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( p_list, NULL, "failed to sort decoders list",
                VLC_ENOMOD );
        p_l = g_list_find_custom( p_list, &caps, find_decoder_func );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( p_l, NULL, "no suitable decoder found",
                VLC_ENOMOD );
        /* create the decoder with highest rank */
        p_sys->p_decode_in = gst_element_factory_create(
                ( GstElementFactory* )p_l->data, NULL );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_decode_in, NULL,
                "failed to create decoder", VLC_ENOMOD );
        GList *p_l;
        /* Just check if any suitable decoder exists, rest will be
         * handled by decodebin */
        p_l = g_list_find_custom( p_list, &caps, find_decoder_func );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( p_l, NULL, "no suitable decoder found",
                VLC_ENOMOD );
    gst_plugin_feature_list_free( p_list );
    p_list = NULL;
    gst_caps_unref( caps.p_srccaps );
    caps.p_srccaps = NULL;

    p_sys->b_prerolled = false;
    p_sys->b_running = false;

    /* Queue: GStreamer thread will dump buffers into this queue,
     * DecodeBlock() will pop out the buffers from the queue */
    p_sys->p_que = gst_atomic_queue_new( 0 );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_que, NULL, "failed to create queue",
            VLC_ENOMEM );

    p_sys->p_decode_src = gst_element_factory_make( "appsrc", NULL );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_decode_src, NULL, "appsrc not found",
            VLC_ENOMOD );
    g_object_set( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_src ), "caps", caps.p_sinkcaps,
            "emit-signals", TRUE, "format", GST_FORMAT_BYTES,
            "stream-type", GST_APP_STREAM_TYPE_SEEKABLE,
            /* Making DecodeBlock() to block on appsrc with max queue size of 1 byte.
             * This will make the push_buffer() tightly coupled with the buffer
             * flow from appsrc -> decoder. push_buffer() will only return when
             * the same buffer it just fed to appsrc has also been fed to the
             * decoder element as well */
            "block", TRUE, "max-bytes", ( guint64 )1, NULL );
    gst_caps_unref( caps.p_sinkcaps );
    caps.p_sinkcaps = NULL;
    cb.enough_data = NULL;
    cb.need_data = NULL;
    cb.seek_data = seek_data_cb;
    gst_app_src_set_callbacks( GST_APP_SRC( p_sys->p_decode_src ),
            &cb, p_dec, NULL );

    if( dbin )
        p_sys->p_decode_in = gst_element_factory_make( "decodebin", NULL );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_decode_in, NULL, "decodebin not found",
                VLC_ENOMOD );
        //g_object_set( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_in ),
        //"max-size-buffers", 2, NULL );
        //g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_in ), "no-more-pads",
                //G_CALLBACK( no_more_pads_cb ), p_dec );
        g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_in ), "pad-added",
                G_CALLBACK( pad_added_cb ), p_dec );


    /* videosink: will emit signal for every available buffer */
    p_sys->p_decode_out = gst_element_factory_make( "vlcvideosink", NULL );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_decode_out, NULL, "vlcvideosink not found",
            VLC_ENOMOD );
    p_sys->p_allocator = gst_vlc_picture_plane_allocator_new(
            (gpointer) p_dec );
    g_object_set( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_out ), "sync", FALSE, "allocator",
            p_sys->p_allocator, "id", (gpointer) p_dec, NULL );
    g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_out ), "new-buffer",
            G_CALLBACK( frame_handoff_cb ), p_dec );

    //FIXME: caps_signal
#if 0
    g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( p_sys->p_decode_out ), "new-caps",
            G_CALLBACK( caps_handoff_cb ), p_dec );
    GST_VLC_VIDEO_SINK( p_sys->p_decode_out )->new_caps = caps_handoff_cb;

    p_sys->p_decoder = GST_ELEMENT( gst_bin_new( "decoder" ) );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_decoder, NULL, "bin not found", VLC_ENOMOD );
    p_sys->p_bus = gst_bus_new( );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( p_sys->p_bus, NULL, "failed to create bus",
            VLC_ENOMOD );
    gst_element_set_bus( p_sys->p_decoder, p_sys->p_bus );

    gst_bin_add_many( GST_BIN( p_sys->p_decoder ),
            p_sys->p_decode_src, p_sys->p_decode_in,
            p_sys->p_decode_out, NULL );
    gst_object_ref( p_sys->p_decode_src );
    gst_object_ref( p_sys->p_decode_in );
    gst_object_ref( p_sys->p_decode_out );

    b_ret = gst_element_link( p_sys->p_decode_src, p_sys->p_decode_in );
    VLC_GST_CHECK( b_ret, FALSE, "failed to link src <-> in",
            VLC_EGENERIC );

    if( !dbin )
        b_ret = gst_element_link( p_sys->p_decode_in, p_sys->p_decode_out );
        VLC_GST_CHECK( b_ret, FALSE, "failed to link in <-> out",
                VLC_EGENERIC );

    p_dec->fmt_out.i_cat = p_dec->fmt_in.i_cat;

    /* set the pipeline to playing */
    i_ret = gst_element_set_state( p_sys->p_decoder, GST_STATE_PLAYING );
            "set state failure", VLC_EGENERIC );
    p_sys->b_running = true;

    /* Set callbacks */
    p_dec->pf_decode_video = DecodeBlock;
    p_dec->pf_flush        = Flush;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

    if( caps.p_sinkcaps )
        gst_caps_unref( caps.p_sinkcaps );
    if( caps.p_srccaps )
        gst_caps_unref( caps.p_srccaps );
    if( p_list )
        gst_plugin_feature_list_free( p_list );
    CloseDecoder( ( vlc_object_t* )p_dec );
    return i_rval;