Ejemplo n.º 1
/* This turns a drive index (eg. 27) into a drive name (eg. "ab").
 * Drive indexes count from 0.  The return buffer has to be large
 * enough for the resulting string, and the returned pointer points to
 * the *end* of the string.
 * https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2011/01/09/how-are-linux-drives-named-beyond-drive-26-devsdz/
char *
guestfs_int_drive_name (size_t index, char *ret)
  if (index >= 26)
    ret = guestfs_int_drive_name (index/26 - 1, ret);
  index %= 26;
  *ret++ = 'a' + index;
  *ret = '\0';
  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
v2v_utils_drive_name (value indexv)
  CAMLparam1 (indexv);
  CAMLlocal1 (namev);
  char name[64];

  guestfs_int_drive_name (Int_val (indexv), name);
  namev = caml_copy_string (name);

  CAMLreturn (namev);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Test C<guestfs_int_drive_name>.
static void
test_drive_name (void)
  char s[10];

  guestfs_int_drive_name (0, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "a"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (25, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "z"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (26, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "aa"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (27, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "ab"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (51, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "az"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (52, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "ba"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (701, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "zz"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (702, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "aaa"));
  guestfs_int_drive_name (18277, s);
  assert (STREQ (s, "zzz"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int
launch_uml (guestfs_h *g, void *datav, const char *arg)
  struct backend_uml_data *data = datav;
  int console_sock = -1, daemon_sock = -1;
  int r;
  int csv[2], dsv[2];
  CLEANUP_FREE char *kernel = NULL, *initrd = NULL, *appliance = NULL;
  int has_appliance_drive;
  CLEANUP_FREE char *appliance_cow = NULL;
  uint32_t size;
  CLEANUP_FREE void *buf = NULL;
  struct drive *drv;
  size_t i;
  struct hv_param *hp;
  char *term = getenv ("TERM");

  if (!uml_supported (g))
    return -1;

  if (!g->nr_drives) {
    error (g, _("you must call guestfs_add_drive before guestfs_launch"));
    return -1;

  /* Assign a random unique ID to this run. */
  if (guestfs_int_random_string (data->umid, UML_UMID_LEN) == -1) {
    perrorf (g, "guestfs_int_random_string");
    return -1;

  /* Locate and/or build the appliance. */
  if (guestfs_int_build_appliance (g, &kernel, &initrd, &appliance) == -1)
    return -1;
  has_appliance_drive = appliance != NULL;

  /* Create COW overlays for the appliance.  Note that the documented
   * syntax ubd0=cow,orig does not work since kernel 3.3.  See:
   * http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.uml.devel/13556
  if (has_appliance_drive) {
    appliance_cow = make_cow_overlay (g, appliance);
    if (!appliance_cow)
      goto cleanup0;

  /* The socket that the daemon will talk to us on.
  if (socketpair (AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, dsv) == -1) {
    perrorf (g, "socketpair");
    goto cleanup0;

  /* The console socket. */
  if (!g->direct_mode) {
    if (socketpair (AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, csv) == -1) {
      perrorf (g, "socketpair");
      close (dsv[0]);
      close (dsv[1]);
      goto cleanup0;

  /* Construct the vmlinux command line.  We have to do this before
   * forking, because after fork we are not allowed to use
   * non-signal-safe functions such as malloc.
#define ADD_CMDLINE(str)			\
  guestfs_int_add_string (g, &cmdline, (str))
#define ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF(fs,...)				\
  guestfs_int_add_sprintf (g, &cmdline, (fs), ##__VA_ARGS__)

  ADD_CMDLINE (g->hv);

  /* Give this instance a unique random ID. */
  ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("umid=%s", data->umid);

  /* Set memory size. */
  ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("mem=%dM", g->memsize);

  /* vmlinux appears to ignore this, but let's add it anyway. */
  ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("initrd=%s", initrd);

  /* Make sure our appliance init script runs first. */
  ADD_CMDLINE ("init=/init");

  /* This tells the /init script not to reboot at the end. */
  ADD_CMDLINE ("guestfs_noreboot=1");

  /* Root filesystem should be mounted read-write (default seems to
   * be "ro").
  ADD_CMDLINE ("rw");

  /* See also guestfs_int_appliance_command_line. */
  if (g->verbose)
    ADD_CMDLINE ("guestfs_verbose=1");

  ADD_CMDLINE ("panic=1");

  ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("TERM=%s", term ? term : "linux");

  if (g->selinux)
    ADD_CMDLINE ("selinux=1 enforcing=0");
    ADD_CMDLINE ("selinux=0");

  /* XXX This isn't quite right.  Multiple append args won't work. */
  if (g->append)
    ADD_CMDLINE (g->append);

  /* Add the drives. */
  ITER_DRIVES (g, i, drv) {
    if (!drv->overlay)
      ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("ubd%zu=%s", i, drv->src.u.path);
      ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("ubd%zu=%s", i, drv->overlay);

  /* Add the ext2 appliance drive (after all the drives). */
  if (has_appliance_drive) {
    char drv_name[64] = "ubd";
    guestfs_int_drive_name (g->nr_drives, &drv_name[3]);

    ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("ubd%zu=%s", g->nr_drives, appliance_cow);
    ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("root=/dev/%s", drv_name);

  /* Create the daemon socket. */
  ADD_CMDLINE_PRINTF ("ssl3=fd:%d", dsv[1]);
  ADD_CMDLINE ("guestfs_channel=/dev/ttyS3");

  /* Add any vmlinux parameters. */
  for (hp = g->hv_params; hp; hp = hp->next) {
    ADD_CMDLINE (hp->hv_param);
    if (hp->hv_value)
      ADD_CMDLINE (hp->hv_value);

  /* Finish off the command line. */
  guestfs_int_end_stringsbuf (g, &cmdline);

  r = fork ();
  if (r == -1) {
    perrorf (g, "fork");
    if (!g->direct_mode) {
      close (csv[0]);
      close (csv[1]);
    close (dsv[0]);
    close (dsv[1]);
    goto cleanup0;

  if (r == 0) {                 /* Child (vmlinux). */
    /* Set up the daemon socket for the child. */
    close (dsv[0]);
    set_cloexec_flag (dsv[1], 0); /* so it doesn't close across exec */

    if (!g->direct_mode) {
      /* Set up stdin, stdout, stderr. */
      close (0);
      close (1);
      close (csv[0]);

      /* We set the FD_CLOEXEC flag on the socket above, but now (in
       * the child) it's safe to unset this flag so vmlinux can use the
       * socket.
      set_cloexec_flag (csv[1], 0);

      /* Stdin. */
      if (dup (csv[1]) == -1) {
        perror ("dup failed");
        _exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
      /* Stdout. */
      if (dup (csv[1]) == -1)
        goto dup_failed;

      /* Send stderr to the pipe as well. */
      close (2);
      if (dup (csv[1]) == -1)
        goto dup_failed;

      close (csv[1]);

      /* RHBZ#1123007 */
      close_file_descriptors (fd > 2 && fd != dsv[1]);

    /* Dump the command line (after setting up stderr above). */
    if (g->verbose)
      print_vmlinux_command_line (g, cmdline.argv);

    /* Put vmlinux in a new process group. */
    if (g->pgroup)
      setpgid (0, 0);

    setenv ("LC_ALL", "C", 1);

    execv (g->hv, cmdline.argv); /* Run vmlinux. */
    perror (g->hv);
    _exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  /* Parent (library). */
  data->pid = r;

  /* Fork the recovery process off which will kill vmlinux if the
   * parent process fails to do so (eg. if the parent segfaults).
  data->recoverypid = -1;
  if (g->recovery_proc) {
    r = fork ();
    if (r == 0) {
      struct sigaction sa;
      pid_t vmlinux_pid = data->pid;
      pid_t parent_pid = getppid ();

      /* Remove all signal handlers.  See the justification here:
       * https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2008-August/msg00303.html
       * We don't mask signal handlers yet, so this isn't completely
       * race-free, but better than not doing it at all.
      memset (&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
      sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
      sa.sa_flags = 0;
      sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
      for (i = 1; i < NSIG; ++i)
        sigaction (i, &sa, NULL);

      /* Close all other file descriptors.  This ensures that we don't
       * hold open (eg) pipes from the parent process.
      close_file_descriptors (1);

      /* It would be nice to be able to put this in the same process
       * group as vmlinux (ie. setpgid (0, vmlinux_pid)).  However
       * this is not possible because we don't have any guarantee here
       * that the vmlinux process has started yet.
      if (g->pgroup)
        setpgid (0, 0);

      /* Writing to argv is hideously complicated and error prone.  See:
       * http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=blob;f=src/backend/utils/misc/ps_status.c;hb=HEAD

      /* Loop around waiting for one or both of the other processes to
       * disappear.  It's fair to say this is very hairy.  The PIDs that
       * we are looking at might be reused by another process.  We are
       * effectively polling.  Is the cure worse than the disease?
      for (;;) {
        if (kill (vmlinux_pid, 0) == -1)
          /* vmlinux's gone away, we aren't needed */
          _exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
        if (kill (parent_pid, 0) == -1) {
          /* Parent's gone away, vmlinux still around, so kill vmlinux. */
          kill (data->pid, SIGKILL);
          _exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
        sleep (2);

    /* Don't worry, if the fork failed, this will be -1.  The recovery
     * process isn't essential.
    data->recoverypid = r;

  if (!g->direct_mode) {
    /* Close the other end of the console socketpair. */
    close (csv[1]);

    console_sock = csv[0];      /* stdin of child */
    csv[0] = -1;

  daemon_sock = dsv[0];
  close (dsv[1]);
  dsv[0] = -1;

  g->state = LAUNCHING;

  /* Wait for vmlinux to start and to connect back to us via
   * virtio-serial and send the GUESTFS_LAUNCH_FLAG message.
  g->conn =
    guestfs_int_new_conn_socket_connected (g, daemon_sock, console_sock);
  if (!g->conn)
    goto cleanup1;

  /* g->conn now owns these sockets. */
  daemon_sock = console_sock = -1;

  /* We now have to wait for vmlinux to start up, the daemon to start
   * running, and for it to send the GUESTFS_LAUNCH_FLAG to us.
  r = guestfs_int_recv_from_daemon (g, &size, &buf);

  if (r == -1) {
    guestfs_int_launch_failed_error (g);
    goto cleanup1;

  if (size != GUESTFS_LAUNCH_FLAG) {
    guestfs_int_launch_failed_error (g);
    goto cleanup1;

  if (g->verbose)
    guestfs_int_print_timestamped_message (g, "appliance is up");

  /* This is possible in some really strange situations, such as
   * guestfsd starts up OK but then vmlinux immediately exits.  Check
   * for it because the caller is probably expecting to be able to
   * send commands after this function returns.
  if (g->state != READY) {
    error (g, _("vmlinux launched and contacted daemon, but state != READY"));
    goto cleanup1;

  if (has_appliance_drive)
    guestfs_int_add_dummy_appliance_drive (g);

  return 0;

  if (!g->direct_mode && csv[0] >= 0)
    close (csv[0]);
  if (dsv[0] >= 0)
    close (dsv[0]);
  if (data->pid > 0) kill (data->pid, SIGKILL);
  if (data->recoverypid > 0) kill (data->recoverypid, SIGKILL);
  if (data->pid > 0) waitpid (data->pid, NULL, 0);
  if (data->recoverypid > 0) waitpid (data->recoverypid, NULL, 0);
  data->pid = 0;
  data->recoverypid = 0;
  memset (&g->launch_t, 0, sizeof g->launch_t);

  if (daemon_sock >= 0)
    close (daemon_sock);
  if (console_sock >= 0)
    close (console_sock);
  if (g->conn) {
    g->conn->ops->free_connection (g, g->conn);
    g->conn = NULL;
  g->state = CONFIG;
  return -1;