Ejemplo n.º 1
int main() {

  MagneticField * field = new ConstMagneticField;

    // going back and forth gtp2 should be identical to gpt1....
    GlobalPoint gp1(1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv1(1,1,-1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp1(gp1,gv1,1,field);
    double bz = field->inTesla(gp1).z() * 2.99792458e-3;
    GlobalPoint np(0.504471,    -0.498494,     0.497014);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtpN = ClosestApproachInRPhi::newTrajectory(np,gtp1,bz);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp2 = ClosestApproachInRPhi::newTrajectory(gp1,gtpN,bz);
    std::cout << gtp1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << gtpN << std::endl;
    std::cout << gtp2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout <<"opposite sign, same direction, same origin: the two circles are tangent to each other at gp1\n" << std::endl;
    GlobalPoint gp1(0,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv1(1,1,1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp1(gp1,gv1,1,field);
    GlobalPoint gp2(0,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv2(1,1,-1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp2(gp2,gv2,-1,field);
    std::cout << std::endl;

     std::cout <<" not crossing: the pcas are on the line connecting the two centers\n"
	       <<"the momenta at the respective pcas shall be parallel as they are perpendicular to the same line\n"
	       <<"(the one connecting the two centers)\n" << std::endl;
    GlobalPoint gp1(-1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv1(1,1,1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp1(gp1,gv1,-1,field);
    GlobalPoint gp2(1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv2(1,1,-1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp2(gp2,gv2,1,field);
   std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"crossing (only opposite changes w.r.t. previous)\n" << std::endl;
    GlobalPoint gp1(-1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv1(1,1,1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp1(gp1,gv1,1,field);
    GlobalPoint gp2(1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv2(1,1,-1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp2(gp2,gv2,-1,field);

    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout <<"crossing\n" << std::endl;
    GlobalPoint gp1(-1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv1(1,1,1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp1(gp1,gv1,-1,field);
    GlobalPoint gp2(1,0,0);
    GlobalVector gv2(-1,1,-1);
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp2(gp2,gv2,1,field);
   std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void TessellateTri(
    std::vector< bspVertex_t >& outVerts,
    std::vector< triangle_t >& outIndices,
    float amount,
    float normalOffsetScale,
    const bspVertex_t& a,
    const bspVertex_t& b,
    const bspVertex_t& c
    auto LPassedC = [ &c ]( const glm::vec3& point, const glm::vec3& sig ) -> bool
        return ( glm::sign( c.position - point ) != sig );

    float step = 1.0f / amount;

    // Use these as a basis for when either the a or b traversal vectors
    // have passed vertex c
    glm::vec3 aSig = glm::sign( c.position - a.position );
    glm::vec3 bSig = glm::sign( c.position - b.position );

    std::unique_ptr< baryCoordSystem_t > triCoordSys( new baryCoordSystem_t( a.position, b.position, c.position ) );

    bspVertex_t bToC( ( c - b ) * step );
    bspVertex_t aToC( ( c - a ) * step );
    bspVertex_t aToBStep( ( b - a ) * step );

    std::vector< triangle_t > curStrip;

    // Points which walk along the edges
    bspVertex_t a2( a );
    bspVertex_t b2( b );

    while ( true )
        if ( glm::any( glm::isnan( a2.position ) ) || glm::any( glm::isnan( b2.position ) ) )

        // If either of these are set to true, then we'll have
        // triangles which exist outside of the parent tri.
        if ( LPassedC( a2.position, aSig ) || LPassedC( b2.position, bSig ) )

        if ( a2.position == c.position || b2.position == c.position )

        // Path trace the edges of our triangle defined by vertices a2 and b2
        bspVertex_t aToB( b2 - a2 );

        float walk = 0.0f;
        float walkLength = 0.0f;
        float walkStep = glm::length( aToBStep.position ) / glm::length( aToB.position );
        float endLength = glm::length( aToB.position );

        while ( walkLength < endLength )
            bspVertex_t gv1( a2 + aToB * walk );
            bspVertex_t gv2( gv1 + aToBStep );
            bspVertex_t gv3( gv1 + aToC );
            bspVertex_t gv4( gv3 + aToBStep );

            gv1.position += gv1.normal * normalOffsetScale;
            gv2.position += gv2.normal * normalOffsetScale;
            gv3.position += gv3.normal * normalOffsetScale;
            gv4.position += gv4.normal * normalOffsetScale;

            size_t numVertices;
            triangle_t t1;

            // There should be a reasonable workaround for this; maybe scale
            // the vertices or something like that.
            if ( !triCoordSys->IsInTri( gv3.position ) || !triCoordSys->IsInTri( gv2.position ) )
                goto end_iteration;

            numVertices = outVerts.size();

            gv1.color = glm::u8vec4( 255 );
            gv2.color = glm::u8vec4( 255 );
            gv3.color = glm::u8vec4( 255 );

                auto v1Iter = std::find( outVerts.begin(), outVerts.end(), gv1 );
                if ( v1Iter == outVerts.end() )
                    outVerts.push_back( gv1 );
                    t1.indices[ 0 ] = numVertices++;
                    t1.indices[ 0 ] = v1Iter - outVerts.begin();

                auto v2Iter = std::find( outVerts.begin(), outVerts.end(), gv2 );
                if ( v2Iter == outVerts.end() )
                    outVerts.push_back( gv2 );
                    t1.indices[ 1 ] = numVertices++;
                    t1.indices[ 1 ] = v2Iter - outVerts.begin();

                auto v3Iter = std::find( outVerts.begin(), outVerts.end(), gv3 );
                if ( v3Iter == outVerts.end() )
                    outVerts.push_back( gv3 );
                    t1.indices[ 2 ] = numVertices++;
                    t1.indices[ 2 ] = v3Iter - outVerts.begin();

            curStrip.push_back( t1 );

            // Attempt a second triangle, providing v4
            // is within the bounds
            if ( !triCoordSys->IsInTri( gv4.position ) )
                goto end_iteration;

                auto v4Iter = std::find( outVerts.begin(), outVerts.end(), gv4 );

                triangle_t t2 =
                        t1.indices[ 2 ],
                        t1.indices[ 1 ],

                if ( v4Iter == outVerts.end() )
                    outVerts.push_back( gv4 );
                    t2.indices[ 2 ] = numVertices;
                    t2.indices[ 2 ] = v4Iter - outVerts.begin();

                curStrip.push_back( t2 );

            walk += walkStep;
            walkLength = glm::length( aToB.position * walk );

        outIndices.insert( outIndices.end(), curStrip.begin(), curStrip.end() );

        a2 += aToC;
        b2 += bToC;