Ejemplo n.º 1
void utils::beginInfoBox( float x, float y, float fontSize, float width, int numRows, const char *title,
                   H3DRes fontMaterialRes, H3DRes boxMaterialRes )
	float barHeight = fontSize + 0.01f;
	float bodyHeight = numRows * 0.035f + 0.005f;
	infoBox.fontMatRes = fontMaterialRes;
	infoBox.x = x;
	infoBox.y_row0 = y + barHeight + 0.005f;
	infoBox.width = width;
	infoBox.row = 0;
	// Title bar
	float ovTitleVerts[] = { x, y, 0, 1, x, y + barHeight, 0, 0,
	                         x + width, y + barHeight, 1, 0, x + width, y, 1, 1 };
	h3dShowOverlays( ovTitleVerts, 4,  0.15f, 0.23f, 0.31f, 0.8f, boxMaterialRes, 0 );

	// Title text
	h3dutShowText( title, x + 0.005f, y + 0.005f, fontSize, 0.7f, 0.85f, 0.95f, fontMaterialRes );

	// Body
	float yy = y + barHeight;
	float ovBodyVerts[] = { x, yy, 0, 1, x, yy + bodyHeight, 0, 0,
	                        x + width, yy + bodyHeight, 1, 0, x + width, yy, 1, 1 };
	h3dShowOverlays( ovBodyVerts, 4, 0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 0.5f, boxMaterialRes, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void VideoComponent::render()
	if (m_playing && m_isOverlay)
		// Render the overlay
		const float ww = (float)h3dGetNodeParamI( m_camId, H3DCamera::ViewportWidthI ) /
	                 (float)h3dGetNodeParamI( m_camId, H3DCamera::ViewportHeightI );

		//take the aspectRation into account for the x pos
		float x = m_x*ww;
		float w = m_w;
			// and for the width if this is wanted
			w *= ww;
		const float coords[] = 
			x, m_y, 0, 1.0f,
			x, m_y+m_h, 0, 0,
			x+w, m_y+m_h, 1.0f, 0,
			x+w, m_y, 1.0f, 1.0f
		h3dShowOverlays(coords, sizeof(coords) / 4, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f, m_material, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Cursor::updateView(float mouseData[2]){
	if (visible == true) {
		float posX = mouseData[0];
		float posY = mouseData[1];

		float vals[] = {		posX, posY, 0, 1,  
				posX, posY+height, 0, 0,  
				posX+width, posY+height, 1, 0,  
				posX+width, posY, 1, 1 

			h3dShowOverlays(vals, 4,1, 1, 1, 1,getActualTex(), 0 );

Ejemplo n.º 4
void Application::mainLoop( float timeSinceLastFrame )
	keyHandler( timeSinceLastFrame );

	// Set camera parameters
	h3dSetNodeTransform( _cam, _x, _y, _z, _rx ,_ry, 0, 1, 1, 1 );

	_lightTimer += timeSinceLastFrame;

	// Has it gone a second since the light changed color?
	if( _lightTimer >= 1.0f )
		// Set a random light color
		switch( rand() % 6 )
		case 0:
			// Red
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 0.0f );
		case 1:
			// Green
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 0.0f );
		case 2:
			// Blue
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 1.0f );
		case 3:
			// Yellow
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 0.0f );
		case 4:
			// Purple
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 1.0f );
		case 5:
			// Cyan
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 0, 0.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 1, 1.0f );
			h3dSetNodeParamF( _light, H3DLight::ColorF3, 2, 1.0f );

		// Reset the timer
		_lightTimer = 0.0f;

	// Show stats
	h3dutShowFrameStats( _fontMatRes, _panelMatRes, _statMode );
	if( _statMode > 0 )

	// Show logo
	const float ww = (float)h3dGetNodeParamI( _cam, H3DCamera::ViewportWidthI ) /
	                 (float)h3dGetNodeParamI( _cam, H3DCamera::ViewportHeightI );
	const float ovLogo[] = { ww-0.4f, 0.8f, 0, 1,  ww-0.4f, 1, 0, 0,  ww, 1, 1, 0,  ww, 0.8f, 1, 1 };
	h3dShowOverlays( ovLogo, 4, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, _logoMatRes, 0 );

	// Render scene
	h3dRender( _cam );

	// Finish rendering of frame

	// Remove all overlays

	// Write all mesages to log file
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Slider::updateView(float mouseData[2], int clickType, wchar_t keyChar, vector<string> eventCompList) {

	if (getVisible()) {
		float transparency = getTransparency();

		if ((getFocusEffect() == true) && (getMouseOverContainer() == true)) transparency = 1.0f;

		if (!getMouseOverContainer()) slide = false;

		if (!getEnabled()) { 
		} else {
			if ((slide || isMouseOver(mouseData) || button->isMouseOver(mouseData))&&getMouseOverContainer()) setActualTex(getHighlightTex());
			else  {
				//slide = false;

		if (clickType == 1 && (isMouseOver(mouseData) || button->isMouseOver(mouseData))) {
			slide = true;

		if ((clickType == -1) && (slide)) {
			slide = false;

		if (slide) {

			if (horizontal) {

				float step = getWidth()/((getMaxValue()-getMinValue())/getValueStep());

				if (mouseData[0] >= button->getPosX()+step) { 
					if (setPosition(getPosition()+getValueStep()))
						sendNewValue(getPosition(), eventCompList);

				if (mouseData[0] <= button->getPosX()-step) { 
					if (setPosition(getPosition()-getValueStep()))
						sendNewValue(getPosition(), eventCompList);
			else {
				float step = getHeight()/((getMaxValue()-getMinValue())/getValueStep());

				if (mouseData[1] <= button->getPosY()-step) {
					if (setPosition(getPosition()+getValueStep()))
						sendNewValue(getPosition(), eventCompList);

				if (mouseData[1] >= button->getPosY()+step) {
					if (setPosition(getPosition()-getValueStep()))
						sendNewValue(getPosition(), eventCompList);


		float posX = getPosX();
		float posY = getPosY();
		float height = getHeight();
		float width = getWidth();

		float vals[] = {posX, posY, 0, 1,  
							posX, posY+height, 0, 0,  
							posX+width, posY+height, 1, 0,  
							posX+width, posY, 1, 1 
		h3dShowOverlays(vals, 4,1, 1, 1, transparency,getActualTex(), 0 );

		if (slide) { 
		} else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Button::updateView(float mouseData[2], int clickType, wchar_t keyChar, vector<string> eventCompList) {

	if (getVisible() == true) {

		sentClickEvent = false;

		float posX = getPosX();
		float posY = getPosY();
		float height = getHeight();
		float width = getWidth();

		float transparency = getTransparency();

		if ((getFocusEffect() == true) && (getMouseOverContainer() == true)) transparency = 1.0f;

		if (getEnabled() == false)
		else {

			if ((isMouseOver(mouseData) == true) && (getMouseOverContainer())) {			
				if (getFocusEffect() == true)
					transparency = 1.0f;


				if (clickType == 0) {

					if (hintCounter < 1.0f)
						hintCounter += 1/GameEngine::FPS();

					if (getActualTex() != getPressedTex())
					if (wasLeft) sendOnce = false;

					if ((sendOnce == false) && (wasLeft == true)) {
						sendOnce = true;
						wasOver = true;
						wasLeft = false;
						GUIEventData::sendToGUI(new GUIEventData(O_COMP_MOUSEOVER,this->getName()));
						sendEvents(O_COMP_MOUSEOVER, eventCompList);
						if (hintCounter >= 1.0f) {
							if (!hint->getVisible() ) {

								//needed for aspect ratio (maximum width)
								int m_camID = GameEngine::entityWorldID("camera");
								int x,y, width, height;
								H3DNode camID = GameEngine::entitySceneGraphID( m_camID );
								x = h3dGetNodeParamI( camID, H3DCamera::ViewportXI);
								y = h3dGetNodeParamI( camID, H3DCamera::ViewportYI);
								width = h3dGetNodeParamI( camID, H3DCamera::ViewportWidthI);
								height = h3dGetNodeParamI( camID, H3DCamera::ViewportHeightI);

								float aspect = (float)width/(float)height;

								float posX = mouseData[0]+0.03f;
								if (posX+ hint->getWidth() > aspect) posX = aspect - hint->getWidth() - 0.01f;

								float posY = mouseData[1]+0.06f;
								if (posY+ hint->getHeight() > 1.0f) posY = mouseData[1] - hint->getHeight() - 0.06f;


				if (clickType == 1) {
					clickWasOver = true;

				if ((clickType == -1) && (clickWasOver)) {

					if (wasLeft) sendOnce = false;

					if ((sendOnce == false) && (wasLeft == true)) {
						sendOnce = true;
						wasOver = true;
						wasLeft = false;
						GUIEventData::sendToGUI(new GUIEventData(O_COMP_MOUSEOVER,this->getName()));
						sendEvents(O_COMP_MOUSEOVER, eventCompList);

					//prevent sending the same event multiple times
					if (oldClickType != clickType)
						//send event to all listed components
						sendEvents(O_BUTTON_CLICKED, eventCompList);
						//send to GUI for sound
						GUIEventData::sendToGUI(new GUIEventData(O_BUTTON_CLICKED,this->getName()));
						sentClickEvent = true;


			else {

				clickWasOver = false;


				if (wasOver) sendOnce = false;

				if ((sendOnce == false) && (wasOver == true)) {
					sendOnce = true;
					wasOver = false;
					wasLeft = true;
					GUIEventData::sendToGUI(new GUIEventData(O_COMP_MOUSELEFT,this->getName()));
					sendEvents(O_COMP_MOUSELEFT, eventCompList);

					hintCounter = 0.0f;


		oldClickType = clickType;

		float vals[] = {		posX, posY, 0, 1,  
			posX, posY+height, 0, 0,  
			posX+width, posY+height, 1, 0,  
			posX+width, posY, 1, 1 

		h3dShowOverlays(vals, 4,1, 1, 1, transparency,getActualTex(), 0 );

	} else	if (!wasLeft) {
			//if a mouseleft event wasn't sent it's done here
			GUIEventData::sendToGUI(new GUIEventData(O_COMP_MOUSELEFT,this->getName()));
			wasLeft = true;