Ejemplo n.º 1
void MediaObject::controlAvailable(QString const& name)
    if (name == QMediaControl::name() && !d->valid) {
        d->control = new QMediaControl(d->content);
        connect(d->control, SIGNAL(playerStateChanged(QtopiaMedia::State)), SLOT(playerStateChanged(QtopiaMedia::State)));
        connect(d->control, SIGNAL(lengthChanged(quint32)), SLOT(lengthChanged(quint32)));

        d->valid = true;

        // Connect peers
        foreach (MediaNode* peer, d->peers)

        switch (d->requiredState) {
        case QtopiaMedia::Playing:

    bool hasVideo = d->content->controls().contains(QMediaVideoControl::name());

    if (hasVideo != d->hasVideo)
        emit hasVideoChanged(d->hasVideo = hasVideo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void MediaObject::loadingFinished(MediaGraph *mg)
            if (mg == currentGraph()) {
                //Title interface
                m_currentTitle = 0;

                HRESULT hr = mg->renderResult();

                if (catchComError(hr)) {

                if (m_oldHasVideo != currentGraph()->hasVideo()) {
                    emit hasVideoChanged(currentGraph()->hasVideo());

                if (currentGraph()->hasVideo()) {

                emit metaDataChanged(currentGraph()->metadata());
                emit totalTimeChanged(totalTime());

                //let's put the next state
                case Phonon::PausedState:
                case Phonon::PlayingState:
                case Phonon::ErrorState:
                case Phonon::StoppedState:
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void MediaObject::switchToNextSource()
            m_prefinishMarkSent = false;
            m_aboutToFinishSent = false;
            m_nextSourceReadyToStart = false;

            m_oldHasVideo = currentGraph()->hasVideo();

            qSwap(m_graphs[0], m_graphs[1]); //swap the graphs

            if (m_transitionTime >= 0)
                m_graphs[1]->stop(); //make sure we stop the previous graph

            if (currentGraph()->mediaSource().type() != Phonon::MediaSource::Invalid &&
                catchComError(currentGraph()->renderResult())) {

            //we need to play the next media

            //we tell the video widgets to switch now to the new source
            for (int i = 0; i < m_videoWidgets.count(); ++i) {

            emit currentSourceChanged(currentGraph()->mediaSource());
            emit metaDataChanged(currentGraph()->metadata());

            if (nextGraph()->hasVideo() != currentGraph()->hasVideo()) {
                emit hasVideoChanged(currentGraph()->hasVideo());

            emit tick(0);
            emit totalTimeChanged(totalTime());

Ejemplo n.º 4
 * !reimp
void MediaObject::setSource(const MediaSource &source)
    QMultiMap<QString, QString> ret;

    ret.insert(QLatin1String("ARTIST"), "Nokia Dude");
    ret.insert(QLatin1String("ALBUM"), "Sound of silence");
    ret.insert(QLatin1String("DATE"), "2009");

    m_error = Phonon::NoError;

    m_source = source;
    currentPos = 0;

    if((source.fileName().contains(".avi")) ||
       (source.fileName().contains(".mp4"))) {
        m_hasVideo = true;
        emit hasVideoChanged(m_hasVideo);
    if(source.fileName().contains(".wav")) {
        QFile file(source.fileName());
        if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            int len = file.read((char*)&header, sizeof(CombinedHeader));
            if(len == sizeof(CombinedHeader)) {
                if(memcmp(&header.riff.descriptor.id, riffId, 4) != 0) {
                    // Not a valid wav file, to satisfy unit test for mediaobject
                    m_error = Phonon::FatalError;
                    //m_state = Phonon::ErrorState;
                    m_errorString = "Invalid wav file";
    emit metaDataChanged(ret);
    emit currentSourceChanged(source);
    emit totalTimeChanged(m_totalTime);

Ejemplo n.º 5
: d(new Data(this)) {

    _Debug("Create audio/video plugins");
    d->audio = new AudioController(this);
    d->video = new VideoOutput(this);
    d->filter = new VideoFilter;

    d->chapterInfo = new ChapterInfoObject(this, this);

    _Debug("Make registrations and connections");

    connect(d->video, &VideoOutput::formatChanged,
            this, &PlayEngine::updateVideoFormat);
    connect(d->video, &VideoOutput::droppedFramesChanged,
            this, &PlayEngine::droppedFramesChanged);

    d->handle = mpv_create();
    auto verbose = qgetenv("CMPLAYER_MPV_VERBOSE").toLower().trimmed();
    const QVector<QByteArray> lvs = {"no", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info",
                                     "status", "v", "debug", "trace"};
    if (lvs.indexOf(verbose) < lvs.indexOf("info"))
        verbose = "info";
    mpv_request_log_messages(d->handle, verbose.constData());

    connect(this, &PlayEngine::beginChanged, this, &PlayEngine::endChanged);
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::durationChanged, this, &PlayEngine::endChanged);
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::videoStreamsChanged, this, [=] () {
        if (_Change(d->hasVideo, !d->streams[StreamVideo].tracks.isEmpty()))
            emit hasVideoChanged();
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::audioStreamsChanged, this, [=] ()
        { d->audioInfo.setTracks(d->streams[StreamAudio].tracks); });
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::subtitleStreamsChanged, this, [=] ()
        { d->subInfo.setTracks(d->streams[StreamSubtitle].tracks); });
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::currentVideoStreamChanged, this, [=] (int id)
        { d->videoInfo.setTrack(d->streams[StreamVideo].tracks.value(id)); });
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::currentAudioStreamChanged, this, [=] (int id)
        { d->audioInfo.setTrack(d->streams[StreamAudio].tracks.value(id)); });
    connect(this, &PlayEngine::currentSubtitleStreamChanged, this, [=] ()
        { d->subInfo.setTracks(d->streams[StreamSubtitle].tracks); });
    auto checkDeint = [=] () {
        auto act = Unavailable;
        if (d->filter->isInputInterlaced())
            act = d->filter->isOutputInterlaced() ? Deactivated : Activated;
    connect(d->filter, &VideoFilter::inputInterlacedChanged,
            this, checkDeint, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(d->filter, &VideoFilter::outputInterlacedChanged,
            this, checkDeint, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(d->audio, &AudioController::inputFormatChanged, this, [=] () {
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(d->audio, &AudioController::outputFormatChanged, this, [=] () {
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(d->audio, &AudioController::samplerateChanged, this, [=] (int sr) {
        d->audioInfo.renderer()->setSampleRate(sr, true);
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(d->audio, &AudioController::gainChanged,
            &d->audioInfo, &AudioInfoObject::setNormalizer);
    auto setOption = [this] (const char *name, const char *data) {
        const auto err = mpv_set_option_string(d->handle, name, data);
        d->fatal(err, "Couldn't set option %%=%%.", name, data);
    setOption("fs", "no");
    setOption("input-cursor", "yes");
    setOption("softvol", "yes");
    setOption("softvol-max", "1000.0");
    setOption("sub-auto", "no");
    setOption("osd-level", "0");
    setOption("quiet", "yes");
    setOption("input-terminal", "no");
    setOption("ad-lavc-downmix", "no");
    setOption("title", "\"\"");
    setOption("vo", d->vo().constData());
    setOption("fixed-vo", "yes");

    auto overrides = qgetenv("CMPLAYER_MPV_OPTIONS").trimmed();
    if (!overrides.isEmpty()) {
        const auto opts = QString::fromLocal8Bit(overrides);
        const auto args = opts.split(QRegEx(uR"([\s\t]+)"_q),
        for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
            if (!args[i].startsWith("--"_a)) {
                _Error("Cannot parse option %%.", args[i]);
            const auto arg = args[i].midRef(2);
            const int index = arg.indexOf('='_q);
            if (index < 0) {
                if (arg.startsWith("no-"_a))
                    setOption(arg.mid(3).toLatin1(), "no");
                    setOption(arg.toLatin1(), "yes");
            } else {
                const auto key = arg.left(index).toLatin1();
                const auto value = arg.mid(index+1).toLatin1();
                setOption(key, value);
    d->fatal(mpv_initialize(d->handle), "Couldn't initialize mpv.");
    d->initialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void MPlayerProcess::parseLine(const QString & tmp) {
	QString line = tmp;

	//Skip empty lines
	if (line.isEmpty()) {

	//Skip repeatitive lines
	if (line.contains("Too many buffered pts") || line.contains("pts value <= previous")) {

	//Parse A: V: line
	if (rx_av.indexIn(line) > -1) {
		_mediaData.currentTime = (qint64) (rx_av.cap(1).toDouble() * SECONDS_CONVERTION);

		if (_currentState != Phonon::PlayingState) {
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Starting time:" << _mediaData.currentTime;

			//OK, now all the media datas should be in clean state
			emit mediaLoaded();

		emit tick(_mediaData.currentTime);

		//Check for frame number
		if (rx_frame.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			int frame = rx_frame.cap(1).toInt();
			//qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Frame number:" << frame;
			emit currentFrameNumberReceived(frame);

	//Parse other things
	else {
		qDebug() << "MPlayer:" << line;

		//Loading the file/stream/media
		//Becarefull! "Playing" does not mean the file is playing but only loading
		if (rx_playing.indexIn(line) > -1) {

		//File not found
		else if (rx_file_not_found.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			_errorString = "File not found";
			_errorType = Phonon::NormalError;

		else if (rx_screenshot.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			const QString filename = rx_screenshot.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Screenshot:" << filename;
			emit screenshotSaved(filename);

		//End of file
		else if (rx_endoffile.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "End of file detected";

			//In case of playing VCDs or DVDs, maybe the first title
			//is not playable, so the GUI doesn't get the info about
			//available titles. So if we received the end of file
			//first let's pretend the file has started so the GUI can have
			//the data.
			if (_currentState != Phonon::PlayingState) {

			//Sends the endOfFileReached() signal once the process is finished, not now!
			_endOfFileReached = true;

		//Window resolution
		else if (rx_winresolution.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			int width = rx_winresolution.cap(4).toInt();
			int height = rx_winresolution.cap(5).toInt();

			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video driver:" << rx_winresolution.cap(1);

			//Now we know the real video size
			emit videoWidgetSizeChanged(width, height);

			//Ok, now we can be in PlayingState if we have a video stream
			//If we have only an audio stream, we are already in PlayingState

			//emit mplayerFullyLoaded();

		//No video
		else if (rx_novideo.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			_mediaData.hasVideo = false;
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video:" << _mediaData.hasVideo;
			emit hasVideoChanged(_mediaData.hasVideo);
			//emit mplayerFullyLoaded();

		else if (rx_paused.indexIn(line) > -1) {

		//Stream title and url
		else if (rx_stream_title.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString title = rx_stream_title.cap(1);
			QString url = rx_stream_title.cap(2);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream title:" << title;
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream url:" << url;
			_mediaData.title = title;
			if (!url.isEmpty() && url.at(url.size() - 1) == '/') {
				url.remove(url.size() - 1, 1);
			_mediaData.streamUrl = url;

			emit mediaDataChanged(_mediaData);

		//Stream title only
		else if (rx_stream_title_only.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString title = rx_stream_title_only.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream title:" << title;
			_mediaData.title = title;

			emit mediaDataChanged(_mediaData);

		//The following things are not sent when the file has started to play
		//(or if sent, GUI will ignore anyway...)
		//So not process anymore, if video is playing to save some time
		if (_currentState == Phonon::PlayingState) {

		else if ((_mplayerVersion == MPlayerProcess::MPLAYER_VERSION_NOTFOUND) &&
				(line.startsWith("MPlayer "))) {
			_mplayerVersion = MPlayerVersion::parse(line);

		//Stream name
		else if (rx_stream_name.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString name = rx_stream_name.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream name:" << name;
			_mediaData.streamName = name;

		//Stream genre
		else if (rx_stream_genre.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString genre = rx_stream_genre.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream genre:" << genre;
			_mediaData.streamGenre = genre;

		//Stream website
		else if (rx_stream_website.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString website = rx_stream_website.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Stream website:" << website;
			if (!website.isEmpty() && website.at(website.size() - 1) == '/') {
				website.remove(website.size() - 1, 1);
			_mediaData.streamWebsite = website;

		//static QRegExp rx_subtitle("^ID_(SUBTITLE|FILE_SUB|VOBSUB)_ID=(\\d+)");
		else if (rx_subtitle.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//DVD line example:

			//subtitle ( sid ): 1 language: en

			//subtitle ( sid ): 3 language: fr

			//subtitle ( sid ): 4 language: unknown
			//Warning! ---> No ID_SID...

			//.str file example:
			//SUB: Detected subtitle file format: subviewer
			//SUB: Read 612 subtitles.
			//ID_FILE_SUB_FILENAME=D:/The Ring CD1.srt
			//SUB: Added subtitle file (1): D:/The Ring CD1.srt

			//Matroska line example:
			//ID_SID_0_NAME=Piste de présentation
			//[mkv] Track ID 4: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8) Piste de présentation, -sid 0, -slang mis
			//[mkv] Track ID 5: subtitles (S_VOBSUB), -sid 1, -slang fre

			//int id = rx_subtitle.cap(2).toInt();
			const QString type = rx_subtitle.cap(1);

			if (type == "FILE_SUB") {
			} else if (type == "VOBSUB") {
			} else if (type == "SUBTITLE") {

		//static QRegExp rx_sid("^ID_(SID|VSID)_(\\d+)_(LANG|NAME)=(.*)");
		else if (rx_sid.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			int id = rx_sid.cap(2).toInt();
			const QString lang = rx_sid.cap(4);
			const QString attr = rx_sid.cap(3);
			const QString type = rx_sid.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Subtitle id:" << id << "lang:" << lang << "type:" << type << "attr:" << attr;

			if (type == "VSID") {
			} else if (type == "SID") {

			if (attr == "NAME") {
			} else if (attr == "LANG") {

			emit subtitleAdded(id, lang, type);

		//static QRegExp rx_subtitle_file("^SUB: Added subtitle file \\((\\d+)\\): (.*)");
		else if (rx_subtitle_file.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//MPlayer make the id start at number 1,
			//we want it to start at number 0
			int id = rx_subtitle_file.cap(1).toInt() - 1;
			const QString fileName = rx_subtitle_file.cap(2);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Subtitle id:" << id << "file:" << fileName;

			emit subtitleAdded(id, fileName, "file");

			if (id == 0) {
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Current subtitle changed:" << id;
				emit subtitleChanged(0);

		else if (rx_ao.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//emit receivedAO(rx_ao.cap(1));

		//DVD and Matroska audio tracks
		else if (rx_audio_mat.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//DVD examples:

			//Matroska examples:
			//[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_REAL/RV40), -vid 0
			//[mkv] Track ID 3: audio (A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR), -aid 1, -alang eng
			//ID_SID_0_NAME=Piste de présentation
			//[mkv] Track ID 4: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8) Piste de présentation, -sid 0, -slang mis
			//[mkv] Track ID 5: subtitles (S_VOBSUB), -sid 1, -slang fre
			//[mkv] Track ID 6: subtitles (S_VOBSUB), -sid 2, -slang eng
			//[mkv] Will play video track 1.
			//Matroska file format detected.
			//VIDEO:  [RV40]  704x296  24bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)

			int id = rx_audio_mat.cap(1).toInt();
			QString lang = rx_audio_mat.cap(3);
			QString attr = rx_audio_mat.cap(2);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Audio id:" << id << "lang:" << lang << "attr:" << attr;

			if (attr == "NAME") {
				//lang=english, spanish...
				//_mediaData.audioTrackList.addName(id, lang);
			} else if (attr == "LANG") {
				//lang=en, fr...
				//_mediaData.audioTrackList.addLang(id, lang);

			emit audioChannelAdded(id, lang);

		//static QRegExp rx_mkvchapters("\\[mkv\\] Chapter (\\d+) from (.*) to (.*), (.*)");
		//Matroska chapters
		else if (rx_mkvchapters.indexIn(line) != -1) {
			//[mkv] Chapter 0 from 00:10:09.800 to 00:00:00.000, La Cellule
			//[mkv] Chapter 1 from 00:15:02.080 to 00:00:00.000, Plus l'on Approche de César
			//[mkv] Chapter 2 from 00:19:16.400 to 00:00:00.000, La Compagnie Charlie
			//[mkv] Chapter 3 from 00:24:41.520 to 00:00:00.000, Guadalcanal

			int id = rx_mkvchapters.cap(1).toInt();
			QString from = rx_mkvchapters.cap(2);
			QString to = rx_mkvchapters.cap(3);
			QString title = rx_mkvchapters.cap(4);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "mkv chapter:" << id << "title:" << title << "from:" << from << "to:" << to;

			emit mkvChapterAdded(id, title, from, to);

		//VCD titles
		/*else if (rx_vcd.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			int ID = rx_vcd.cap(1).toInt();
			QString length = rx_vcd.cap(2);
			_mediaData.titles.addName(ID, length);

		//Audio CD titles
		if (rx_cdda.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			int ID = rx_cdda.cap(1).toInt();
			QString length = rx_cdda.cap(2);
			double duration = 0;
			QRegExp r("(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)");
			if (r.indexIn(length) > -1) {
				duration = r.cap(1).toInt() * 60;
				duration += r.cap(2).toInt();
			//QString name = QString::number(ID) + " (" + length + ")";
			//_mediaData.titles.addName(ID, name);
			_mediaData.titles.addDuration(ID, duration);

		//DVD titles
		else if (rx_titles.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//Available DVD titles
			//int titles = rx_title.cap(1).toInt();

		else if (rx_title.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//DVD example:

			int titleId = rx_title.cap(1).toInt();
			const QString attr = rx_title.cap(2);

			if (attr == "CHAPTERS") {
				int chapters = rx_title.cap(3).toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "DVD titleId:" << titleId << "chapters:" << chapters;

				emit chapterAdded(titleId, chapters);

			else if (attr == "ANGLES") {
				int angles = rx_title.cap(3).toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "DVD titleId:" << titleId << "angles:" << angles;

				emit angleAdded(titleId, angles);

			else if (attr == "LENGTH") {
				double length = rx_title.cap(3).toDouble();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "DVD titleId:" << titleId << "length:" << length << "attr:" << attr;

				emit titleAdded(titleId, (int) (length * SECONDS_CONVERTION));

		//Creating index
		else if (rx_create_index.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			emit receivedCreatingIndex(line);

		//Catch resolving message
		else if (rx_resolving.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString msg = rx_resolving.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Resolving:" << msg;
			emit resolvingMessageReceived(msg);

		//Catch resolving failed
		else if (rx_resolving_failed.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			_errorString = line;
			_errorType = Phonon::NormalError;

		//Catch connecting message
		else if (rx_connecting.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString msg = rx_connecting.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Connecting:" << msg;
			emit connectingMessageReceived(msg);

		else if (rx_read_failed.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			_errorString = "Cannot read the network stream";
			_errorType = Phonon::NormalError;

		//Catch cache messages
		else if (rx_cache_fill.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString tmp = rx_cache_fill.cap(1);
			tmp = tmp.trimmed();
			float percentFilled = tmp.toFloat();
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Cache %:" << percentFilled << tmp;
			emit bufferStatus(static_cast<int>(percentFilled));

		//Meta data infos

		else if (rx_clip_title.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString title = rx_clip_title.cap(2);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip title:" << title;
			_mediaData.title = title;

		else if (rx_clip_artist.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString artist = rx_clip_artist.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip artist:" << artist;
			_mediaData.artist = artist;

		else if (rx_clip_author.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString author = rx_clip_author.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip author:" << author;
			_mediaData.author = author;

		else if (rx_clip_album.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString album = rx_clip_album.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip album:" << album;
			_mediaData.album = album;

		else if (rx_clip_genre.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString genre = rx_clip_genre.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip genre:" << genre;
			_mediaData.genre = genre;

		else if (rx_clip_date.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString date = rx_clip_date.cap(2);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip date:" << date;
			_mediaData.date = date;

		else if (rx_clip_track.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString track = rx_clip_track.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip track:" << track;
			_mediaData.track = track;

		else if (rx_clip_copyright.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString copyright = rx_clip_copyright.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip copyright:" << copyright;
			_mediaData.copyright = copyright;

		else if (rx_clip_comment.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString comment = rx_clip_comment.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip comment:" << comment;
			_mediaData.comment = comment;

		else if (rx_clip_software.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			QString software = rx_clip_software.cap(1);
			qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Clip software:" << software;
			_mediaData.software = software;

		//Catch "Starting playback..." message
		else if (rx_play.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			//OK, now all the media datas should be in clean state
			//Second time we emit mediaLoaded(), this one is usefull for DVD with angles/chapters/subtitles...
			//This must be changed, see MediaObject::mediaLoaded()
			emit mediaLoaded();
			emit mediaDataChanged(_mediaData);

			if (_mediaData.hasVideo) {
				//If we have a video to display, wait for getting the video size
				//before to be in PlayingState
				//This is a bugfix for mediaplayer example from Trolltech
			} else {
				//For audio streams, it's ok we are in PlayingState

		//Generic things
		if (rx_generic.indexIn(line) > -1) {
			const QString tag = rx_generic.cap(1);
			const QString value = rx_generic.cap(2);

			if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_ID") {
				//First string to tell us that the media contains a video track
				_mediaData.hasVideo = true;
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video:" << _mediaData.hasVideo;
				emit hasVideoChanged(_mediaData.hasVideo);

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_ID") {
				//First string to tell us that the media contains an audio track
				/*int audioId = value.toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "ID_AUDIO_ID:" << audioId;

			else if (tag == "ID_LENGTH") {
				_mediaData.totalTime = (qint64) (value.toDouble() * SECONDS_CONVERTION);
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Media total time:" << _mediaData.totalTime;
				emit totalTimeChanged(_mediaData.totalTime);

			else if (tag == "ID_SEEKABLE") {
				_mediaData.isSeekable = value.toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Media seekable:" << _mediaData.isSeekable;
				emit seekableChanged(_mediaData.isSeekable);

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_WIDTH") {
				_mediaData.videoWidth = value.toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video width:" << _mediaData.videoWidth;

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT") {
				_mediaData.videoHeight = value.toInt();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video height:" << _mediaData.videoHeight;

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_ASPECT") {
				_mediaData.videoAspectRatio = value.toDouble();
				if (_mediaData.videoAspectRatio == 0.0) {
					//I hope width & height are already set
					_mediaData.videoAspectRatio = (double) _mediaData.videoWidth / _mediaData.videoHeight;
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video aspect:" << _mediaData.videoAspectRatio;

			else if (tag == "ID_DVD_DISC_ID") {
				//_mediaData.dvd_id = value;
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "DVD disc Id:" << value;

			else if (tag == "ID_DEMUXER") {
				_mediaData.demuxer = value;

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_FORMAT") {
				_mediaData.videoFormat = value;

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_FORMAT") {
				_mediaData.audioFormat = value;

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_BITRATE") {
				_mediaData.videoBitrate = value.toInt();

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_FPS") {
				_mediaData.videoFPS = value.toDouble();
				qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Video FPS:" << _mediaData.videoFPS;

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_BITRATE") {
				_mediaData.audioBitrate = value.toInt();

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_RATE") {
				_mediaData.audioRate = value.toInt();

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_NCH") {
				_mediaData.audioNbChannels = value.toInt();

			else if (tag == "ID_VIDEO_CODEC") {
				_mediaData.videoCodec = value;

			else if (tag == "ID_AUDIO_CODEC") {
				_mediaData.audioCodec = value;

			else if (tag == "ID_DVD_CURRENT_TITLE") {
				int id = value.toInt();
				if (_currentTitleId != id) {
					_currentTitleId = id;
					emit titleChanged(_currentTitleId);