Ejemplo n.º 1
ret_val<edible_rating> player::will_eat( const item &food, bool interactive ) const
    const auto ret = can_eat( food );
    if( !ret.success() ) {
        if( interactive ) {
            add_msg_if_player( m_info, "%s", ret.c_str() );
        return ret;

    std::vector<ret_val<edible_rating>> consequences;
    const auto add_consequence = [&consequences]( const std::string & msg, edible_rating code ) {
        consequences.emplace_back( ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( code, msg ) );

    const bool saprophage = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROPHAGE" ) );
    const auto &comest = food.type->comestible;

    if( food.rotten() ) {
        const bool saprovore = has_trait( trait_id( "SAPROVORE" ) );
        if( !saprophage && !saprovore ) {
            add_consequence( _( "This is rotten and smells awful!" ), ROTTEN );

    const bool carnivore = has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) );
    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) && !has_trait_flag( "CANNIBAL" ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "The thought of eating human flesh makes you feel sick." ), CANNIBALISM );

    const bool edible = comest->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );

    if( edible && has_effect( effect_nausea ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "You still feel nauseous and will probably puke it all up again." ), NAUSEA );

    if( ( allergy_type( food ) != MORALE_NULL ) || ( carnivore && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) &&
            !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) ) {
        add_consequence( _( "Your stomach won't be happy (allergy)." ), ALLERGY );

    if( saprophage && edible && food.rotten() && !food.has_flag( "FERTILIZER" ) ) {
        // Note: We're allowing all non-solid "food". This includes drugs
        // Hard-coding fertilizer for now - should be a separate flag later
        //~ No, we don't eat "rotten" food. We eat properly aged food, like a normal person.
        //~ Semantic difference, but greatly facilitates people being proud of their character.
        add_consequence( _( "Your stomach won't be happy (not rotten enough)." ), ALLERGY_WEAK );

    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food );
    const int quench = comest->quench;
    const int temp_hunger = get_hunger() - nutr;
    const int temp_thirst = get_thirst() - quench;

    if( !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "EATHEALTH" ) ) &&
        !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "HIBERNATE" ) ) &&
        !has_trait( trait_id( "SLIMESPAWNER" ) ) ) {

        if( get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !has_active_mutation( trait_id( "GOURMAND" ) ) ) {
            add_consequence( _( "You're full already and will be forcing yourself to eat." ), TOO_FULL );
        } else if( ( ( nutr > 0           && temp_hunger < stomach_capacity() ) ||
                     ( comest->quench > 0 && temp_thirst < stomach_capacity() ) ) &&
                   !food.has_infinite_charges() ) {
            add_consequence( _( "You will not be able to finish it all." ), TOO_FULL );

    if( !consequences.empty() ) {
        if( !interactive ) {
            return consequences.front();
        std::ostringstream req;
        for( const auto &elem : consequences ) {
            req << elem.str() << std::endl;

        const bool eat_verb  = food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
        if( eat_verb || comest->comesttype == "FOOD" ) {
            req << string_format( _( "Eat your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );
        } else if( !eat_verb && comest->comesttype == "DRINK" ) {
            req << string_format( _( "Drink your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );
        } else {
            req << string_format( _( "Consume your %s anyway?" ), food.tname().c_str() );

        if( !query_yn( req.str() ) ) {
            return consequences.front();
    // All checks ended, it's edible (or we're pretending it is)
    return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_success();
Ejemplo n.º 2
edible_rating player::can_eat( const item &food, bool interactive, bool force ) const
    if( is_npc() || force ) {
        // Just to be sure
        interactive = false;

    const std::string &itname = food.tname();
    // Helper to avoid ton of `if( interactive )`
    // Prints if interactive is true, does nothing otherwise
    const auto maybe_print = [interactive, &itname]
    ( game_message_type type, const char *str ) {
        if( interactive ) {
            add_msg( type, str, itname.c_str() );
    // As above, but for queries
    // Asks if interactive and not force
    // Always true if force
    // Never true otherwise
    const auto maybe_query = [force, interactive, &itname, this]( const char *str ) {
        if( force ) {
            return true;
        } else if( !interactive ) {
            return false;

        return query_yn( str, itname.c_str() );

    const auto comest = food.type->comestible.get();
    if( comest == nullptr ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "That doesn't look edible." ) );
        return INEDIBLE;

    if( comest->tool != "null" ) {
        bool has = has_amount( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( item::count_by_charges( comest->tool ) ) {
            has = has_charges( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( !has ) {
            if( interactive ) {
                add_msg_if_player( m_info, _( "You need a %s to consume that!" ),
                                   item::nname( comest->tool ).c_str() );
            return NO_TOOL;

    if( is_underwater() ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "You can't do that while underwater." ) );
        return INEDIBLE;
    // For all those folks who loved eating marloss berries.  D:< mwuhahaha
    if( has_trait( "M_DEPENDENT" ) && food.type->id != "mycus_fruit" ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "We can't eat that.  It's not right for us." ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    const bool drinkable = comest->comesttype == "DRINK" && !food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    // Here's why PROBOSCIS is such a negative trait.
    if( has_trait( "PROBOSCIS" ) && !drinkable ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "Ugh, you can't drink that!" ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    int capacity = stomach_capacity();

    // TODO: Move this cache to a structure and pass it around
    // to speed up checking entire inventory for edibles
    const bool gourmand = has_trait( "GOURMAND" );
    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( "HIBERNATE" );
    const bool eathealth = has_trait( "EATHEALTH" );
    const bool slimespawner = has_trait( "SLIMESPAWNER" );
    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food.type );
    const int quench = comest->quench;
    bool spoiled = food.rotten();

    const int temp_hunger = get_hunger() - nutr;
    const int temp_thirst = get_thirst() - quench;

    const bool overeating = get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !gourmand && !eathealth && !slimespawner &&

    if( interactive && hibernate &&
        ( get_hunger() >= -60 && get_thirst() >= -60 ) &&
        ( temp_hunger < -60 || temp_thirst < -60 ) ) {
        if( !maybe_query( _( "You're adequately fueled. Prepare for hibernation?" ) ) ) {
            return TOO_FULL;

    const bool carnivore = has_trait( "CARNIVORE" );
    if( carnivore && nutr > 0 &&
        food.has_any_flag( carnivore_blacklist ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "Eww.  Inedible plant stuff!" ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    if( ( has_trait( "HERBIVORE" ) || has_trait( "RUMINANT" ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // Like non-cannibal, but more strict!
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick.  You decide not to." ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) ) {
        if( !has_trait_flag( "CANNIBAL" ) &&
            !maybe_query( _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick.  Really do it?" ) ) ) {
            return CANNIBALISM;

    if( is_allergic( food ) &&
        !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        return ALLERGY;

    if( carnivore && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) &&
        !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        return ALLERGY;

    const bool saprophage = has_trait( "SAPROPHAGE" );
    // The item is solid food
    const bool chew = comest->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    if( spoiled ) {
        if( !saprophage && !has_trait( "SAPROVORE" ) &&
            !maybe_query( _( "This %s smells awful!  Eat it?" ) ) ) {
            return ROTTEN;
    } else if( saprophage && chew && !food.has_flag( "FERTILIZER" ) &&
               !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        // Note: We're allowing all non-solid "food". This includes drugs
        // Hardcoding fertilizer for now - should be a separate flag later
        //~ No, we don't eat "rotten" food. We eat properly aged food, like a normal person.
        //~ Semantic difference, but greatly facilitates people being proud of their character.
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "It's too fresh, let it age a little first." ) );
        return ROTTEN;

    // Print at most one of those
    bool overfull = false;
    if( overeating ) {
        overfull = !maybe_query( _( "You're full.  Force yourself to eat?" ) );
    } else if( ( ( nutr > 0 && temp_hunger < capacity ) ||
                 ( comest->quench > 0 && temp_thirst < capacity ) ) &&
               !eathealth && !slimespawner ) {
        overfull = !maybe_query( _( "You will not be able to finish it all.  Consume it?" ) );

    if( overfull ) {
        return TOO_FULL;

    // All checks ended, it's edible (or we're pretending it is)
    return EDIBLE;