Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Extension: Checks and adds to hash table using Zobrist hash function 
void generateUniqueBoardHash(BoardNode currentBoard, int rowMove, int colMove, int currRow, int currCol)    {

	int hashKey;
    BoardNode generatedBoard;
	generatedBoard = makeMove(copyParentToChild(currentBoard,createBoard(currentBoard)),rowMove,colMove,currRow,currCol,DELETE);
	hashKey = generateHashKey(generatedBoard);
	if(hashBoard(hashKey,generatedBoard))	{
Ejemplo n.º 2
// performs move on this state, assumes move is valid
// any move it makes is valid, of course
// because gen() performs validation of moves
// before adding to the vector of moves
void KhetState::imake(KhetMove mv) {
  //move piece
  KhetPiece targetPiece = board[mv.toFile][mv.toRank];
  if (targetPiece.type != EMPTY &&
      mv.fromRot == mv.toRot) {//if its rotation target wont be empty
    assert(mv.piece.type == SCARAB);
    assert(targetPiece.type == ANUBIS || targetPiece.type == PYRAMID);
    //scarab swap
    board[mv.fromFile][mv.fromRank] = targetPiece;
    board[mv.toFile][mv.toRank] = mv.piece;
  } else {
    board[mv.fromFile][mv.fromRank].type = EMPTY;
    board[mv.toFile][mv.toRank] = mv.piece;  
    board[mv.toFile][mv.toRank].rot = (Rotation)mv.toRot;//mv.piece is original piece
  key = hashBoard();
  //shoot laser
  KhetPiece sph;
  int tFile;
  int tRank;
  //set inital laser location
	if(ctm == SILVER) {
    sph = board[9][0];
    tFile = 9;
    tRank = 0;
  } else {
    sph = board[0][7];
    tFile = 0;
    tRank = 7;

  assert(board[tFile][tRank].type == SPHINX && board[tFile][tRank].color == ctm);

  Rotation laserDir = sph.rot;

  LaserHitInfo laserHitInfo = fireLaser(board, tFile, tRank, laserDir, 0, 0);
  //piece is to be removed from board
  //handle it approrpiately
  targetPiece = laserHitInfo.hitPiece;
  tFile = laserHitInfo.hitFile;
  tRank = laserHitInfo.hitRank;

  switch(targetPiece.type) {
    case ANUBIS:
      //anubis can take hit on front
      if(!isOppositeDirections(laserHitInfo.laserDir, targetPiece.rot)) {
        board[tFile][tRank].type = EMPTY;
    case PHAROAH:
      board[tFile][tRank].type = EMPTY;
      gameOver = true;
      winner = (targetPiece.color == RED) ? SILVER : RED;
    case PYRAMID:
      board[tFile][tRank].type = EMPTY;
    case SCARAB:
      cout << "ERROR: scarab being removed" << endl;
    case SPHINX://sphinx cant be affected
    case EMPTY:
      cout << "Unknown laser target " << targetPiece.type << endl;
  //change player
  ctm = (ctm == RED) ? SILVER : RED;