Ejemplo n.º 1
void eliminateItem(int key, int value) {
    struct LRUItem * tailItem = mTailItem;
    if (key != tailItem->key) {
        // Remove a key
        // Add a key
        hashTableAdd(key, tailItem);

        tailItem->key = key;
    tailItem->value = value;

    struct LRUItem * newTailItem = tailItem->prev;
    if (newTailItem) {
        newTailItem->next = NULL;
        // Record the last used item
        mTailItem = newTailItem;
    tailItem->prev = NULL;

    // To avoid their own point to themselves.
    if (tailItem != mHeadItem) {
        tailItem->next = mHeadItem;

        // Record the recent used item
        mHeadItem->prev = tailItem;
        mHeadItem = tailItem;
    else tailItem->next = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void valgrindMempoolAlloc(MM_GCExtensionsBase *extensions, uintptr_t baseAddress, uintptr_t size)
    VALGRIND_PRINTF_BACKTRACE("Allocating an object at 0x%lx of size %lu\n", baseAddress, size);
#endif /* defined(VALGRIND_REQUEST_LOGS) */

    /* Allocate object in Valgrind memory pool. */
    VALGRIND_MEMPOOL_ALLOC(extensions->valgrindMempoolAddr, baseAddress, size);
    hashTableAdd(extensions->memcheckHashTable, &baseAddress);
Ejemplo n.º 3
OMR_MethodDictionary::insert(OMR_MethodDictionaryEntry *entry)
	omr_error_t rc = OMR_ERROR_NONE;
	omrthread_t self = NULL;
	if (0 == omrthread_attach_ex(&self, J9THREAD_ATTR_DEFAULT)) {
		if (0 == omrthread_monitor_enter_using_threadId(_lock, self)) {
			OMR_MethodDictionaryEntry *newEntry =
				(OMR_MethodDictionaryEntry *)hashTableAdd(_hashTable, entry);
			if (NULL == newEntry) {
			} else {
				bool reusedEntry = false;

				if (!entryValueEquals(newEntry, entry)) {
					/* There was an existing hash table entry with the same key.
					 * Overwrite its contents.
					cleanupEntryStrings(newEntry, this);
					reusedEntry = true;

				/* copy the entry strings */
				rc = dupEntryStrings(newEntry, entry);
				if (OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc) {
					if (!reusedEntry) {
						_currentBytes += _sizeofEntry;
					_currentBytes += countEntryNameBytesNeeded(newEntry);
					if (_currentBytes > _maxBytes) {
						_maxBytes = _currentBytes;
						_maxEntries = hashTableGetCount(_hashTable);
			omrthread_monitor_exit_using_threadId(_lock, self);
		} else {
	} else {
	if (OMR_ERROR_NONE != rc) {
		traceInsertEntryFailed(rc, entry);
	return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void appendItem(int key, int value) {
    struct LRUItem * newItem = mCacheListLast;

    newItem->key   = key;
    newItem->value = value;
    newItem->prev  = NULL;
    newItem->next  = mHeadItem;

    // Add a key
    hashTableAdd(key, newItem);

    if (mHeadItem != NULL) {
        // Record the recent used item.
        mHeadItem->prev = newItem;
        mHeadItem = newItem;
    else {
        // Record the recent used item and the last used item.
        mHeadItem = mTailItem = newItem;
Ejemplo n.º 5
testMain(int argc, char ** argv, char **envp)
	/* Start up */
	OMR_VM_Example exampleVM;
	OMR_VMThread *omrVMThread = NULL;
	omrthread_t self = NULL;
	exampleVM._omrVM = NULL;
	exampleVM.rootTable = NULL;

	/* Initialize the VM */
	omr_error_t rc = OMR_Initialize(&exampleVM, &exampleVM._omrVM);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Recursive omrthread_attach() (i.e. re-attaching a thread that is already attached) is cheaper and less fragile
	 * than non-recursive. If performing a sequence of function calls that are likely to attach & detach internally,
	 * it is more efficient to call omrthread_attach() before the entire block.
	int j9rc = (int) omrthread_attach_ex(&self, J9THREAD_ATTR_DEFAULT);
	Assert_MM_true(0 == j9rc);

	/* Initialize root table */
	exampleVM.rootTable = hashTableNew(
			exampleVM._omrVM->_runtime->_portLibrary, OMR_GET_CALLSITE(), 0, sizeof(RootEntry), 0, 0, OMRMEM_CATEGORY_MM,
			rootTableHashFn, rootTableHashEqualFn, NULL, NULL);

	/* Initialize heap and collector */
		/* This has to be done in local scope because MM_StartupManager has a destructor that references the OMR VM */
		MM_StartupManagerImpl startupManager(exampleVM._omrVM);
		rc = OMR_GC_IntializeHeapAndCollector(exampleVM._omrVM, &startupManager);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Attach current thread to the VM */
	rc = OMR_Thread_Init(exampleVM._omrVM, NULL, &omrVMThread, "GCTestMailThread");
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Kick off the dispatcher therads */
	rc = OMR_GC_InitializeDispatcherThreads(omrVMThread);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);
	omrtty_printf("VM/GC INITIALIZED\n");

	/* Do stuff */

	MM_EnvironmentBase *env = MM_EnvironmentBase::getEnvironment(omrVMThread);
	MM_ObjectAllocationInterface *allocationInterface = env->_objectAllocationInterface;
	MM_GCExtensionsBase *extensions = env->getExtensions();

	omrtty_printf("configuration is %s\n", extensions->configuration->getBaseVirtualTypeId());
	omrtty_printf("collector interface is %s\n", env->getExtensions()->collectorLanguageInterface->getBaseVirtualTypeId());
	omrtty_printf("garbage collector is %s\n", env->getExtensions()->getGlobalCollector()->getBaseVirtualTypeId());
	omrtty_printf("allocation interface is %s\n", allocationInterface->getBaseVirtualTypeId());

	/* Allocate objects without collection until heap exhausted */
	uintptr_t allocatedFlags = 0;
	uintptr_t size = extensions->objectModel.adjustSizeInBytes(24);
	MM_AllocateDescription mm_allocdescription(size, allocatedFlags, true, true);
	uintptr_t allocatedCount = 0;
	while (true) {
		omrobjectptr_t obj = (omrobjectptr_t)allocationInterface->allocateObject(env, &mm_allocdescription, env->getMemorySpace(), false);
		if (NULL != obj) {
			extensions->objectModel.setObjectSize(obj, mm_allocdescription.getBytesRequested());
			RootEntry rEntry = {"root1", obj};
			RootEntry *entryInTable = (RootEntry *)hashTableAdd(exampleVM.rootTable, &rEntry);
			if (NULL == entryInTable) {
				omrtty_printf("failed to add new root to root table!\n");
			/* update entry if it already exists in table */
			entryInTable->rootPtr = obj;
		} else {

	/* Print/verify thread allocation stats before GC */
	MM_AllocationStats *allocationStats = allocationInterface->getAllocationStats();
	omrtty_printf("thread allocated %d tlh bytes, %d non-tlh bytes, from %d allocations before NULL\n",
		allocationStats->tlhBytesAllocated(), allocationStats->nontlhBytesAllocated(), allocatedCount);
	uintptr_t allocationTotalBytes = allocationStats->tlhBytesAllocated() + allocationStats->nontlhBytesAllocated();
	uintptr_t allocatedTotalBytes = size * allocatedCount;
	Assert_MM_true(allocatedTotalBytes == allocationTotalBytes);

	/* Force GC to print verbose system allocation stats -- should match thread allocation stats from before GC */
	omrobjectptr_t obj = (omrobjectptr_t)allocationInterface->allocateObject(env, &mm_allocdescription, env->getMemorySpace(), true);
	Assert_MM_false(NULL == obj);
	extensions->objectModel.setObjectSize(obj, mm_allocdescription.getBytesRequested());

	omrtty_printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n");

	/* Shut down */

	/* Shut down the dispatcher therads */
	rc = OMR_GC_ShutdownDispatcherThreads(omrVMThread);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Shut down collector */
	rc = OMR_GC_ShutdownCollector(omrVMThread);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Detach from VM */
	rc = OMR_Thread_Free(omrVMThread);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Shut down heap */
	rc = OMR_GC_ShutdownHeap(exampleVM._omrVM);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	/* Free root hash table */

	/* Balance the omrthread_attach_ex() issued above */

	/* Shut down VM
	 * This destroys the port library and the omrthread library.
	 * Don't use any port library or omrthread functions after this.
	 * (This also shuts down trace functionality, so the trace assertion
	 * macros might not work after this.)
	rc = OMR_Shutdown(exampleVM._omrVM);
	Assert_MM_true(OMR_ERROR_NONE == rc);

	return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 6
GCConfigTest::processObjNode(pugi::xml_node node, const char *namePrefixStr, OMRGCObjectType objType, AttributeElem *numOfFieldsElem, AttributeElem *breadthElem, int32_t depth)

	int32_t rt = 0;
	OMR_VM *omrVMPtr = exampleVM->_omrVM;
	int32_t numOfParents = 0;

	/* Create objects and store them in the root table or the slot object based on objType. */
	if ((ROOT == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < breadthElem->value; i++) {
			omrobjectptr_t obj;
			char *objName = NULL;

			uintptr_t sizeCalculated = numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
			rt = createObject(&obj, &objName, namePrefixStr, objType, 0, i, sizeCalculated);
			numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;

			/* Add object to root hash table. If it's the root of the garbage tree, temporarily keep it as root for allocating
			 * the rest of the tree. Remove it from the root set after the entire garbage tree is allocated.*/
			RootEntry rEntry;
			rEntry.name = objName;
			rEntry.rootPtr = obj;
			if (NULL == hashTableAdd(exampleVM->rootTable, &rEntry)) {
				rt = 1;
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Failed to add new root entry to root table!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				goto done;

			/* insert garbage per node */
			if ((ROOT == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
				rt = insertGarbage();
	} else if ((NORMAL == objType) || (GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_CHILD == objType)) {
		char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
		omrstr_printf(parentName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s_%d_%d", node.parent().attribute("namePrefix").value(), 0, 0);
		ObjectEntry *parentEntry;
		rt = objectTable.find(&parentEntry, parentName);
		if (0 != rt) {
			omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
			goto done;
		omrobjectptr_t parent = parentEntry->objPtr;
		GC_ObjectIterator objectIterator(omrVMPtr, parent);
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < breadthElem->value; i++) {
			omrobjectptr_t obj;
			char *objName = NULL;
			uintptr_t sizeCalculated = numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
			rt = createObject(&obj, &objName, namePrefixStr, objType, 0, i, sizeCalculated);
			numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;
			GC_SlotObject *slotObject = NULL;
			if (NULL != (slotObject = objectIterator.nextSlot())) {
#if defined(OMRGCTEST_DEBUG)
				omrtty_printf("\tadd to slot of parent(%llu) %d\n", parent, parentEntry->numOfRef + i);
				/* Add object to parent's slot. If it's the top of the garbage tree, temporarily keep it in the slot until
				 * the rest of the tree is allocated. */
			} else {
				rt = 1;
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Invalid XML input: numOfFields defined for %s is not enough to hold all children references.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;

			/* insert garbage per node */
			if ((NORMAL == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
				rt = insertGarbage();
		parentEntry->numOfRef += breadthElem->value;
	} else {
		rt = 1;
		goto done;

	/* Create the rest of the tree, if any, defined with depth. First, we set the child object with correct objType. */
	if (ROOT == objType) {
		objType = NORMAL;
	} else if ((GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		objType = GARBAGE_CHILD;
	numOfParents = breadthElem->value;
	breadthElem = breadthElem->linkNext;
	for (int32_t i = 1; i < depth; i++) {
		int32_t nthInRow = 0;
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < numOfParents; j++) {
			char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
			omrstr_printf(parentName, sizeof(parentName), "%s_%d_%d", namePrefixStr, (i - 1), j);
			ObjectEntry *parentEntry;
			rt = objectTable.find(&parentEntry, parentName);
			if (0 != rt) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;
			omrobjectptr_t parent = parentEntry->objPtr;
			GC_ObjectIterator objectIterator(omrVMPtr, parent);
			for (int32_t k = 0; k < breadthElem->value; k++) {
				omrobjectptr_t obj;
				char *objName = NULL;
				uintptr_t sizeCalculated = numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
				rt = createObject(&obj, &objName, namePrefixStr, objType, i, nthInRow, sizeCalculated);
				numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;
				nthInRow += 1;
				GC_SlotObject *slotObject = NULL;
				if (NULL != (slotObject = objectIterator.nextSlot())) {
#if defined(OMRGCTEST_DEBUG)
					omrtty_printf("\tadd to parent(%llu) slot %d.\n", parent, parentEntry->numOfRef + k);
				} else {
					rt = 1;
					omrtty_printf("%s:%d Invalid XML input: numOfFields defined for %s is not enough to hold all children references.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
					goto done;

				/* insert garbage per node */
				if ((NORMAL == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
					rt = insertGarbage();
			parentEntry->numOfRef += breadthElem->value;
		numOfParents = nthInRow;
		breadthElem = breadthElem->linkNext;

	return rt;
Ejemplo n.º 7
GCConfigTest::createFixedSizeTree(omrobjectptr_t *rootObj, const char *namePrefixStr, OMRGCObjectType objType, uintptr_t totalSize, uintptr_t objSize, int32_t breadth)
	int32_t rt = 0;
	OMR_VM *omrVMPtr = exampleVM->_omrVM;
	int32_t depth = 1;
	int32_t numOfParents = 1;
	uintptr_t bytesLeft = totalSize;

	if (bytesLeft < objSize) {
		objSize = bytesLeft;
		if (objSize <= 0) {
			return rt;

	/* allocate the root object */
	char *rootObjName = NULL;
	rt = createObject(rootObj, &rootObjName, namePrefixStr, objType, 0, 0, objSize);
	bytesLeft -= objSize;

	/* Add object to root hash table. If it's the root of the garbage tree, temporarily keep it as root for allocating
	 * the rest of the tree. Remove it from the root set after the entire garbage tree is allocated.*/
	RootEntry rEntry;
	rEntry.name = rootObjName;
	rEntry.rootPtr = *rootObj;
	if (NULL == hashTableAdd(exampleVM->rootTable, &rEntry)) {
		rt = 1;
		omrtty_printf("%s:%d Failed to add new root entry to root table!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		goto done;

	/* create the rest of the tree */
	if (ROOT == objType) {
		objType = NORMAL;
	} else if ((GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		objType = GARBAGE_CHILD;
	while (bytesLeft > 0) {
		int32_t nthInRow = 0;
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < numOfParents; j++) {
			char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
			omrstr_printf(parentName, sizeof(parentName), "%s_%d_%d", namePrefixStr, (depth - 1), j);
			ObjectEntry *parentEntry;
			rt = objectTable.find(&parentEntry, parentName);
			if (0 != rt) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;
			omrobjectptr_t parent = parentEntry->objPtr;
			GC_ObjectIterator objectIterator(omrVMPtr, parent);
			for (int32_t k = 0; k < breadth; k++) {
				if (bytesLeft < objSize) {
					objSize = bytesLeft;
					if (objSize <= 0) {
						goto done;
				omrobjectptr_t obj;
				char *objName = NULL;
				rt = createObject(&obj, &objName, namePrefixStr, objType, depth, nthInRow, objSize);
				bytesLeft -= objSize;
				nthInRow += 1;
				GC_SlotObject *slotObject = NULL;
				if (NULL != (slotObject = objectIterator.nextSlot())) {
#if defined(OMRGCTEST_DEBUG)
					omrtty_printf("\tadd to parent(%llu) slot %d.\n", parent, parentEntry->numOfRef + k);
				} else {
					rt = 1;
					omrtty_printf("%s:%d Invalid XML input: numOfFields defined for %s is not enough to hold all children references.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
					goto done;
			parentEntry->numOfRef += breadth;
		numOfParents = nthInRow;
		depth += 1;

	return rt;
Ejemplo n.º 8
GCConfigTest::processObjNode(pugi::xml_node node, const char *namePrefixStr, OMRGCObjectType objType, AttributeElem *numOfFieldsElem, AttributeElem *breadthElem, int32_t depth)

	int32_t rt = 1;
	int32_t numOfParents = 0;

	/* Create objects and store them in the root table or the slot object based on objType. */
	if ((ROOT == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < breadthElem->value; i++) {
			uintptr_t sizeCalculated = numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
			ObjectEntry *objectEntry = createObject(namePrefixStr, objType, 0, i, sizeCalculated);
			if (NULL == objectEntry) {
				goto done;
			numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;

			/* Add object to root hash table. If it's the root of the garbage tree, temporarily keep it as root for allocating
			 * the rest of the tree. Remove it from the root set after the entire garbage tree is allocated.*/
			RootEntry rEntry;
			rEntry.name = objectEntry->name;
			rEntry.rootPtr = objectEntry->objPtr;
			if (NULL == hashTableAdd(exampleVM->rootTable, &rEntry)) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Failed to add new root entry to root table!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				goto done;

			/* insert garbage per node */
			if ((ROOT == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
				int32_t grt = insertGarbage();
	} else if ((NORMAL == objType) || (GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_CHILD == objType)) {
		char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
		omrstr_printf(parentName, MAX_NAME_LENGTH, "%s_%d_%d", node.parent().attribute("namePrefix").value(), 0, 0);
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < breadthElem->value; i++) {
			uintptr_t sizeCalculated = numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
			ObjectEntry *childEntry = createObject(namePrefixStr, objType, 0, i, sizeCalculated);
			if (NULL == childEntry) {
				goto done;
			ObjectEntry *parentEntry = find(parentName);
			if (NULL == parentEntry) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;
			if (0 != attachChildEntry(parentEntry, childEntry)) {
				goto done;
			numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;

			/* insert garbage per node */
			if ((NORMAL == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
				int32_t grt = insertGarbage();
	} else {
		goto done;

	/* Create the rest of the tree, if any, defined with depth. First, we set the child object with correct objType. */
	if (ROOT == objType) {
		objType = NORMAL;
	} else if ((GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		objType = GARBAGE_CHILD;
	numOfParents = breadthElem->value;
	breadthElem = breadthElem->linkNext;
	for (int32_t i = 1; i < depth; i++) {
		int32_t nthInRow = 0;
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < numOfParents; j++) {
			char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
			omrstr_printf(parentName, sizeof(parentName), "%s_%d_%d", namePrefixStr, (i - 1), j);
			for (int32_t k = 0; k < breadthElem->value; k++) {
				uintptr_t sizeCalculated = sizeof(omrobjectptr_t) + numOfFieldsElem->value * sizeof(fomrobject_t);
				ObjectEntry *childEntry = createObject(namePrefixStr, objType, i, nthInRow, sizeCalculated);
				if (NULL == childEntry) {
					goto done;
				ObjectEntry *parentEntry = find(parentName);
				if (NULL == parentEntry) {
					omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
					goto done;
				if (0 != attachChildEntry(parentEntry, childEntry)) {
					goto done;
				numOfFieldsElem = numOfFieldsElem->linkNext;
				nthInRow += 1;

				/* insert garbage per node */
				if ((NORMAL == objType) && (0 == strcmp(gp.frequency, "perObject"))) {
					int32_t grt = insertGarbage();
		numOfParents = nthInRow;
		breadthElem = breadthElem->linkNext;
	rt = 0;
	return rt;
Ejemplo n.º 9
GCConfigTest::createFixedSizeTree(ObjectEntry **rootEntryIndirectPtr, const char *namePrefixStr, OMRGCObjectType objType, uintptr_t totalSize, uintptr_t objSize, int32_t breadth)
	*rootEntryIndirectPtr = NULL;

	int32_t rt = 0;
	uintptr_t bytesLeft = totalSize;
	if (bytesLeft < objSize) {
		objSize = bytesLeft;
		if (objSize <= 0) {
			return rt;
	bytesLeft -= objSize;
	rt = 1;

	int32_t depth = 1;
	int32_t numOfParents = 1;

	/* allocate the root object and add it to the object table */
	*rootEntryIndirectPtr = createObject(namePrefixStr, objType, 0, 0, objSize);
	if (NULL == *rootEntryIndirectPtr) {
		goto done;

	/* add it to the root table */
	RootEntry rootEntry;
	rootEntry.name = (*rootEntryIndirectPtr)->name;
	rootEntry.rootPtr = (*rootEntryIndirectPtr)->objPtr;
	if (NULL == hashTableAdd(exampleVM->rootTable, &rootEntry)) {
		omrtty_printf("%s:%d Failed to add new root entry %s to root table!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, rootEntry.name);
		goto done;

	/* create the rest of the tree */
	if (ROOT == objType) {
		objType = NORMAL;
	} else if ((GARBAGE_TOP == objType) || (GARBAGE_ROOT == objType)) {
		objType = GARBAGE_CHILD;
	while (bytesLeft > 0) {
		int32_t nthInRow = 0;
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < numOfParents; j++) {
			char parentName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
			omrstr_printf(parentName, sizeof(parentName), "%s_%d_%d", namePrefixStr, (depth - 1), j);
			ObjectEntry *parentEntry = find(parentName);
			if (NULL == parentEntry) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;
			for (int32_t k = 0; k < breadth; k++) {
				if (bytesLeft < objSize) {
					objSize = bytesLeft;
					if (objSize <= 0) {
						rt = 0;
						goto done;
				ObjectEntry *childEntry = createObject(namePrefixStr, objType, depth, nthInRow, objSize);
				if (NULL == childEntry) {
					goto done;
				parentEntry = find(parentName);
				if (NULL == parentEntry) {
					omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
					goto done;
				if (0 != attachChildEntry(parentEntry, childEntry)) {
					goto done;
				bytesLeft -= objSize;
				nthInRow += 1;
			parentEntry = find(parentName);
			if (NULL == parentEntry) {
				omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find object %s in hash table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, parentName);
				goto done;
		numOfParents = nthInRow;
		depth += 1;
	*rootEntryIndirectPtr = find(rootEntry.name);
	if (NULL == *rootEntryIndirectPtr) {
		omrtty_printf("%s:%d Could not find root of fixed-size tree %s in object table.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, rootEntry.name);
		goto done;
	rt = 0;
	return rt;