Ejemplo n.º 1
uint64_t insert_hash(uint16_t chunk_length, uint16_t *packed_upto,
        unsigned char *payload,
        uint16_t last_marker,
        bool *dedup_flag,
        time_t current_timestamp) {
    uint16_t local_packed_upto = (*packed_upto);
    uint32_t left = 0, right = 0;
    hashlittle2((void*)(payload + last_marker), chunk_length, &right, &left);
    printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG, "Hashing chunk"
            " from %d to %d\n", local_packed_upto, local_packed_upto +
    uint64_t hash_value = right + (((uint64_t)left)<<32);
    uint16_t advance_by = 0;
    if(regular_cache.find(hash_value) != regular_cache.end()) {
        printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG, "Putting regular hash %llx for chunk length  %d\n", hash_value, chunk_length);
        advance_by += pack_hash_value(new_packet + local_packed_upto, left, right);
        *dedup_flag = true;
        printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG, "Normal hit: "
                "%.llx\n", (unsigned long long)hash_value);
    } else if (prefetch_cache.find(hash_value) !=
            prefetch_cache.end()) {
        printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG, "Putting feedback hash %llx for chunk length  %d\n", hash_value, chunk_length);
        advance_by += pack_hash_value(new_packet + local_packed_upto, left, right);
        *dedup_flag = true;
        printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG, "Advert hit\
                %.llx\n", (unsigned long long)hash_value);
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Resolver::resolve(const size_t &length, const uint &depth) {

        for (char letter : alphabet) {
            buffer[length] = letter;

            for (const char *extension: extensions) {
                strcpy(&buffer[length + 1], extension);

                hashHighDw = 0;
                hashLowDw = 0;

                hashlittle2(buffer, length + 5, &hashHighDw, &hashLowDw);

                if (unknownHashes.contain(((uint64_t) hashHighDw << 32) | hashLowDw)) {
                    adder(std::string(buffer, 0, length + 5));

            if (depth > 1) {
                buffer[length + 1] = 0;
                resolve(length + 1, depth - 1);

        buffer[length] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void insert(const void *rhs)
    h1_ = h2_ = 0;
    hashlittle2(rhs, size_of_size_t, &h1_, &h2_);
    bit_vector1_.set( h1_ & bitwiseAndOp );
    bit_vector2_.set( h2_ & bitwiseAndOp );
Ejemplo n.º 4
 bool exists(const void *rhs)
    h1_ = h2_ = 0;
    hashlittle2(rhs, size_of_size_t, &h1_, &h2_);
    return bit_vector1_.test( h1_ & bitwiseAndOp ) &&
       bit_vector2_.test( h2_ & bitwiseAndOp );
Ejemplo n.º 5
T CuckooHashMap<T>::get(std::string key) {
    // Hash to two buckets.
    uint32_t h1, h2;
    h1 = 0;
    h2 = 0;

    hashlittle2(key.c_str(), key.length(), &h1, &h2);

    h1 = h1 % m_num_buckets;

    // Look at the first bucket.
    for (unsigned int i = h1; i < h1 + SLOTS_PER_BUCKET; i++) {
        HashEntry* hash_entry = m_table[i];
        if (hash_entry != NULL) {
            if (key == hash_entry->key)
                return hash_entry->val;

    h2 = h2 % m_num_buckets;


    // Look at the second bucket.
    for (unsigned int i = h2; i < h2 + SLOTS_PER_BUCKET; i++) {
        HashEntry* hash_entry = m_table[i];
        if (hash_entry != NULL) {
            if (key == hash_entry->key)
                return hash_entry->val;
    throw KeyNotFoundError(key.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: nemequ/wflz
uint64_t HashData( void* data, const size_t dataSize )
    uint64_t hash;
    *( ((uint32_t*)&hash) + 0 ) = 13;
    *( ((uint32_t*)&hash) + 1 ) = 37;
    hashlittle2( data, dataSize, (((uint32_t*)&hash)+0), (((uint32_t*)&hash)+1) );
    return hash;
Ejemplo n.º 7
uint64_t compute_hash(unsigned char *payload, uint16_t chunked_upto,
        uint16_t chunk_length) {
    uint32_t left = 0, right = 0;
    hashlittle2((void*)(payload + chunked_upto), chunk_length, &right, &left);
    printlog(logfile, system_loglevel, LOG_DEBUG,
            "Hashing chunk from %d to %d\n",
            chunked_upto, chunked_upto + chunk_length);
    return right + (((uint64_t)left)<<32);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        inline std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> lookup3(InputIt first, InputIt last, const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &init = { 0, 0 })
            auto pc = init.first;
            auto pb = init.second;

                sizeof(typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type) * (last - first),
                &pc, &pb);

            return std::make_pair(pc, pb);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        inline std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> lookup3(const Container &container, const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &init = { 0, 0 })
            auto pc = init.first;
            auto pb = init.second;

                sizeof(typename Container::value_type) * (std::end(container) - std::begin(container)),
                &pc, &pb);

            return std::make_pair(pc, pb);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        inline std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> lookup3(std::ifstream &stream, uint32_t length, const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &init = { 0, 0 })
            auto pc = init.first;
            auto pb = init.second;
            std::vector<char> buffer(length);

            auto pos = stream.tellg();

            stream.read(buffer.data(), length);
            hashlittle2(buffer.data(), length, &pc, &pb);


            return std::make_pair(pc, pb);
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Also used in CascSearchFile
PCASC_ROOT_ENTRY FindFirstRootEntry(TCascStorage * hs, const char * szFileName, size_t * PtrIndex)
    PCASC_ROOT_ENTRY pFoundEntry = NULL;
    PCASC_ROOT_ENTRY pRootEntry;
    ULONGLONG FileNameHash;
    uint32_t dwHashHigh = 0;
    uint32_t dwHashLow = 0;
    size_t StartEntry = 0;
    size_t MidlEntry = 0;
    size_t EndEntry = hs->nRootEntries;

    // Calculate the HASH value of the normalized file name
    hashlittle2(szFileName, strlen(szFileName), &dwHashHigh, &dwHashLow);
    FileNameHash = ((ULONGLONG)dwHashHigh << 0x20) | dwHashLow;

    // Perform binary search
    while(StartEntry < EndEntry)
        // Calculate the middle of the interval
        MidlEntry = StartEntry + ((EndEntry - StartEntry) / 2);
        pRootEntry = hs->ppRootEntries[MidlEntry];

        // Did we find it?
        if(pRootEntry->FileNameHash == FileNameHash)
            pFoundEntry = pRootEntry;

        // Move the interval to the left or right
        (FileNameHash < pRootEntry->FileNameHash) ? EndEntry = MidlEntry : StartEntry = MidlEntry + 1;

    // Move the pointer back to the first entry with that hash
    if(pFoundEntry != NULL)
        while(MidlEntry > 0 && hs->ppRootEntries[MidlEntry - 1]->FileNameHash == FileNameHash)
            pFoundEntry = hs->ppRootEntries[MidlEntry - 1];

    // Return what we found
    if(PtrIndex != NULL)
        *PtrIndex = MidlEntry;
    return pFoundEntry;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static PLISTFILE_MAP ListMap_InsertName(PLISTFILE_MAP pListMap, const char * szFileName, size_t nLength)
    char szFileName2[MAX_PATH+1];
    size_t cbToAllocate;
    size_t cbEntrySize;
    uint32_t dwHashHigh = 0;
    uint32_t dwHashLow = 0;

    // Make sure there is enough space in the list map
    cbEntrySize = sizeof(LISTFILE_ENTRY) + nLength;
    cbEntrySize = ALIGN_TO_SIZE(cbEntrySize, 8);
    if((pListMap->cbBuffer + cbEntrySize) > pListMap->cbBufferMax)
        cbToAllocate = sizeof(LISTFILE_MAP) + (pListMap->cbBufferMax * 3) / 2;
        pListMap = (PLISTFILE_MAP)CASC_REALLOC(BYTE, pListMap, cbToAllocate);
        if(pListMap == NULL)
            return NULL;

        pListMap->cbBufferMax = (pListMap->cbBufferMax * 3) / 2;

    // Get the pointer to the first entry
    pListEntry = (PLISTFILE_ENTRY)((LPBYTE)(pListMap + 1) + pListMap->cbBuffer);

    // Get the name hash
    NormalizeFileName_UpperBkSlash(szFileName, szFileName2);
    hashlittle2(szFileName2, nLength, &dwHashHigh, &dwHashLow);
    // Calculate the HASH value of the normalized file name
    pListEntry->FileNameHash = ((ULONGLONG)dwHashHigh << 0x20) | dwHashLow;
    pListEntry->cbEntrySize = (DWORD)cbEntrySize;
    memcpy(pListEntry->szFileName, szFileName, nLength);
    pListEntry->szFileName[nLength] = 0;

    // Move the next entry
    pListMap->cbBuffer += cbEntrySize;
    return pListMap;
Ejemplo n.º 13
ULONGLONG HashStringJenkins(const char * szFileName)
    char * szTemp;
    char szLocFileName[0x108];
    char chOneChar;
    size_t nLength = 0;
    unsigned int primary_hash = 1;
    unsigned int secondary_hash = 2;

    // This is required to produce defined results
    assert(szFileName != NULL);

    // Normalize the file name - convert to uppercase, and convert "/" to "\\".
    if(szFileName != NULL)
        szTemp = szLocFileName;
        while(*szFileName != 0)
            chOneChar = (char)tolower(*szFileName++);
            if(chOneChar == '/')
                chOneChar = '\\';

            *szTemp++ = chOneChar;

        nLength = szTemp - szLocFileName;
        *szTemp = 0;

    // Thanks Quantam for finding out what the algorithm is.
    // I am really getting old for reversing large chunks of assembly
    // that does hashing :-)
    hashlittle2(szLocFileName, nLength, &secondary_hash, &primary_hash);

    // Combine those 2 together
    return (ULONGLONG)primary_hash * (ULONGLONG)0x100000000ULL + (ULONGLONG)secondary_hash;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Also used in CascSearchFile
PCASC_ROOT_ENTRY FindRootEntry(TCascStorage * hs, const char * szFileName, DWORD * PtrTableIndex)
    PCASC_ROOT_ENTRY pRootEntry;
    ULONGLONG FileNameHash;
    DWORD TableIndex;
    uint32_t dwHashHigh = 0;
    uint32_t dwHashLow = 0;

    // Calculate the HASH value of the normalized file name
    hashlittle2(szFileName, strlen(szFileName), &dwHashHigh, &dwHashLow);
    FileNameHash = ((ULONGLONG)dwHashHigh << 0x20) | dwHashLow;

    // Get the first table index
    TableIndex = (DWORD)(FileNameHash & (hs->RootTable.TableSize - 1));
    assert(hs->RootTable.ItemCount < hs->RootTable.TableSize);

    // Search the proper entry
        // Does the has match?
        pRootEntry = hs->RootTable.TablePtr + TableIndex;
        if(pRootEntry->FileNameHash == FileNameHash)
            if(PtrTableIndex != NULL)
                PtrTableIndex[0] = TableIndex;
            return pRootEntry;

        // If the entry is free, the file is not there
        if(pRootEntry->FileNameHash == 0 && pRootEntry->SumValue == 0)
            return NULL;

        // Move to the next entry
        TableIndex = (DWORD)((TableIndex + 1) & (hs->RootTable.TableSize - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CuckooHashMap<T>::put(std::string key, T val) {
    int num_iters = 0;
    std::string curr_key = key;
    T curr_val = val;

    while (num_iters < MAX_ITERS) {
        uint32_t h1, h2;
        h1 = 0;
        h2 = 0;

        hashlittle2(curr_key.c_str(), curr_key.length(), &h1, &h2);

        h1 = h1 % m_num_buckets;
        h2 = h2 % m_num_buckets;

        h1 *= SLOTS_PER_BUCKET;
        h2 *= SLOTS_PER_BUCKET;

        // Look at the first bucket.
        for (unsigned int i = h1; i < h1 + SLOTS_PER_BUCKET; i++) {

            HashEntry* hash_entry = m_table[i];

            if (hash_entry == NULL) {
                HashEntry* hash_entry = new HashEntry();
                hash_entry->key = curr_key;
                hash_entry->val = curr_val;
                m_table[i] = hash_entry;
            } else if (hash_entry->key == curr_key) {
                hash_entry->val = curr_val;

        // Look at the second bucket.
        for (unsigned int i = h2; i < h2 + SLOTS_PER_BUCKET; i++) {
            HashEntry* hash_entry = m_table[i];
            if (hash_entry == NULL) {
                HashEntry* hash_entry = new HashEntry();
                hash_entry->key = curr_key;
                hash_entry->val = curr_val;
                m_table[i] = hash_entry;
            } else if (hash_entry->key == curr_key) {
                hash_entry->val = curr_val;

        int index = rand() % (2 * SLOTS_PER_BUCKET);
        HashEntry* temp_hash_entry;
        if (0 <= index && index < SLOTS_PER_BUCKET)
            temp_hash_entry = m_table[h1 + index];
            temp_hash_entry = m_table[h2 + index - SLOTS_PER_BUCKET];

        std::string temp_key = temp_hash_entry->key;
        T temp_val = temp_hash_entry->val;

        temp_hash_entry->key = curr_key;
        temp_hash_entry->val = curr_val;

        curr_key = temp_key;
        curr_val = temp_val;


    std::cout << "Abort" << std::endl;