Ejemplo n.º 1
// Method to calculate the buffer address for packet payload
// Also verifies FID and XID of packets
static inline int calc_block_indices(block_info_t * binfo, packet_header_t * pkt_header) {
    // Verify FID and XID
    if (pkt_header->fid >= Nf) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "packet FID %u out of range (0-%d)", pkt_header->fid, Nf-1);
        return -1;
    else if (pkt_header->xid != binfo->self_xid && binfo->self_xid != -1) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "unexpected packet XID %d (expected %d)", pkt_header->xid, binfo->self_xid);
        return -1;
    binfo->m = pkt_header->mcnt % Nm;
    binfo->f = pkt_header->fid;
    return 0; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
int write_hits_header(etfits_t * etf, int beampol, size_t nhits, size_t missed_pkts) {

#define TFIELDS 4
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    int tbltype                = BINARY_TBL;
    long long naxis2           = 0;
    //const int tfields          = 3;
    // TODO check chan types!
    const char *ttype[TFIELDS] = {"DETPOW  ", "MEANPOW ",  "COARCHAN", "FINECHAN"};
    const char *tform[TFIELDS] = {"1E",       "1E",        "1U",        "1V"};     // cfitsio format codes 
                             //     32-bit floats       16-bit unint   32-bit uint

    if(etf->integration_cnt == 0 && etf->beampol_cnt == 0) {
        // at start of file go to the template created HDU for this set of beampols
        if(! *status_p) fits_movnam_hdu(etf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, (char *)"ETHITS", 0, status_p);
    } else {
        // otherwise create new HDU for this set of beampols
        if(! *status_p) fits_create_tbl(etf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, 0, TFIELDS, (char **)&ttype, (char **)&tform, NULL, (char *)"ETHITS", status_p);

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "TIME",    &(etf->hits_hdr[beampol].time),    NULL, status_p);    
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "RA",      &(etf->hits_hdr[beampol].ra),      NULL, status_p);   
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DEC",     &(etf->hits_hdr[beampol].dec),     NULL, status_p);   
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "BEAMPOL", &(etf->hits_hdr[beampol].beampol), NULL, status_p);   
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "NHITS",   &nhits,                            NULL, status_p);   
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "MISSEDPK",&missed_pkts,                      NULL, status_p);   

    if (*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error writing hits header");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int write_primary_header(etfits_t * etf) {
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    int itmp;
    char ctmp[40];

//fprintf(stderr, "writing primary header\n");

    if(! *status_p) fits_get_system_time(ctmp, &itmp, status_p);      // date the file was written

    if(! *status_p) fits_movabs_hdu(etf->fptr, 1, NULL, status_p);    // go to primary HDU

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE",     ctmp,                            NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", &(etf->primary_hdr.receiver),    NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "NSUBBAND", &(etf->primary_hdr.n_subband),   NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "NCHAN",    &(etf->primary_hdr.n_chan),      NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "NINPUTS",  &(etf->primary_hdr.n_inputs),    NULL, status_p); 
    // TODO not yet implemented
    //if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "BANDWID",  &(etf->primary_hdr.bandwidth),       NULL, status_p); 
    //if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "CHAN_BW",  &(etf->primary_hdr.chan_bandwidth),  NULL, status_p); 
    //if(! *status_p) its_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "FREQRES",  &(etf->primary_hdr.freq_res),        NULL, status_p);    // redundant w/ CHAN_BW? 

    //if(! *status_p) fits_flush_file(etf->fptr, status_p);

    if (*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error updating primary header");
        //fprintf(stderr, "Error updating primary header.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);

    return *status_p;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Method to process a received packet
// Processing involves the following
// (1) header extraction
// (2) block population (output buffer data type is a block)
// (3) buffer population (if block is filled)
static inline uint64_t process_packet(flag_input_databuf_t * db, struct hashpipe_udp_packet *p) {
    static block_info_t binfo;
    packet_header_t     pkt_header;
    // Parse packet header
    get_header(p, &pkt_header);
    uint64_t pkt_mcnt = pkt_header.mcnt;
    uint64_t cur_mcnt = binfo.mcnt_start;
    int dest_block_idx = get_block_idx(pkt_mcnt);
    // fprintf(stdout, "Block idx = %d\n", dest_block_idx);

    // Check mcnt to see if packet belongs in current block, next, or the one after
    uint64_t pkt_mcnt_dist = pkt_mcnt - cur_mcnt;
    if (pkt_mcnt_dist >= 2*Nm) { // 2nd next block (Current block + 2)
        set_block_filled(db, &binfo);

        // Advance mcnt_start to next block
        cur_mcnt += Nm;
        binfo.mcnt_start += Nm;
        binfo.block_i = (binfo.block_i + 1) % N_INPUT_BLOCKS;

        // Initialize next block
        flag_input_databuf_wait_free(db, dest_block_idx);
        initialize_block(db, pkt_mcnt);

        // Reset packet counter for this block
        binfo.packet_count[dest_block_idx] = 0;
    // Increment packet count for block

    // Validate FID and XID
    // Calculate "m" and "f" which index the buffer for writing packet payload
    if (calc_block_indices(&binfo, &pkt_header) == -1) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "invalid FID and XID in header");
        return -1;

    // Calculate starting points for writing packet payload into buffer
    // POSSIBLE RACE CONDITION!!!! Need to lock db->block access with semaphore
    uint64_t * dest_p  = db->block[dest_block_idx].data + flag_input_databuf_idx(binfo.m, binfo.f, 0, 0);
    const uint64_t * payload_p = (uint64_t *)(p->data+8);
    // Copy data into buffer
    memcpy(dest_p, payload_p, N_BYTES_PER_PACKET);

    // print_pkt_header(&pkt_header);

    return pkt_mcnt;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int check_for_file_roll(etfits_t *etf) {
// checks if we need to roll over to a new file
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    struct stat st;
    fits_flush_file(etf->fptr, status_p);   // flush to get true size
    if(stat(etf->filename_working, &st) == -1) { 
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error getting etfits file size");
    } else {
        //fprintf(stderr, "size of %s is %ld\n", etf->filename, st.st_size);
        if(st.st_size >= etf->max_file_size) {
            etf->new_file = 1;
    return *status_p;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int etfits_close(etfits_t *etf) {
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;
    int rv;

    fits_close_file(etf->fptr, status_p);
    // TODO test for successful file close
    etf->file_open = 0;

    rv = rename((const char *)etf->filename_working, (const char *)etf->filename_fits);

    if(rv) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "file rename error : %d %s", errno, strerror(errno));
    } else {
        hashpipe_info(__FUNCTION__, "Done.  %s %ld data rows into %s (status = %d).\n",
                etf->mode=='r' ? "Read" : "Wrote", 
                etf->tot_rows, etf->filename_fits, *status_p);

    return *status_p;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void *run_method(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args)
	int rv = 0;
	easy_in_output_databuf_t *db_out = (easy_in_output_databuf_t *)args->obuf;
	hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
	const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;
	int idx_data = 0;
	char data = 'a';
	while (run_threads())
		while ((rv=hashpipe_databuf_wait_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_out, idx_data)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
			if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
				hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked_in");
			} else {
				hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf");
		#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stdout,"\tcount = %d\n",db_out->count);
			fprintf(stdout,"\tdata[%d] = %c\n",idx_data,'a' + (char)(db_out->count % 26));
		db_out->data[idx_data] = 'a' + (char)(db_out->count % 26);
		hashpipe_databuf_set_filled((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_out, idx_data);
		idx_data = (idx_data + 1) % db_out->header.n_block;
	// Thread success!
	return NULL;
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args)
    s6_input_databuf_t *db  = (s6_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf;
    hashpipe_status_t *p_st = &(args->st);

    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    //s6_input_block_t fake_data_block;

    /* Main loop */
    int i, rv;
    uint64_t mcnt = 0;
    uint64_t num_coarse_chan = N_COARSE_CHAN;
    uint64_t *data;
    int block_idx = 0;
    int error_count = 0, max_error_count = 0;
    float error, max_error = 0.0;
    int gen_fake = 0;

    hputi4(st.buf, "NUMCCHAN", N_COARSE_CHAN);
    hputi4(st.buf, "NUMFCHAN", N_FINE_CHAN);
    hputi4(st.buf, "NUMBBEAM", N_BYTES_PER_BEAM);
    hputi4(st.buf, "NUMBBLOC", sizeof(s6_input_block_t));
    hputi4(st.buf, "THRESHLD", POWER_THRESH);
    hgeti4(st.buf, "GENFAKE", &gen_fake);

    time_t t, prior_t;
    prior_t = time(&prior_t);

    while (run_threads()) {

        hputi4(st.buf, "NETBKOUT", block_idx);
        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting");
        t = time(&t);
        fprintf(stderr, "elapsed seconds for block %d : %ld\n", block_idx, t - prior_t);
        prior_t = t;
        // Wait for data
        struct timespec sleep_dur, rem_sleep_dur;
        sleep_dur.tv_sec = 1;
        sleep_dur.tv_nsec = 0;
        //fprintf(stderr, "fake net thread sleeping for %7.5f seconds\n", 
        //        sleep_dur.tv_sec + (double)sleep_dur.tv_nsec/1000000000.0);
        nanosleep(&sleep_dur, &rem_sleep_dur);
        /* Wait for new block to be free, then clear it
         * if necessary and fill its header with new values.
        while ((rv=s6_input_databuf_wait_free(db, block_idx)) 
                != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked");
            } else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf");

        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "receiving");
        // populate block header
        db->block[block_idx].header.mcnt = mcnt;
        db->block[block_idx].header.coarse_chan_id = 321;
        db->block[block_idx].header.num_coarse_chan = num_coarse_chan;
        memset(db->block[block_idx].header.missed_pkts, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * N_BEAM_SLOTS);

        if(gen_fake) {
            gen_fake = 0;
            // gen fake data for all beams, all blocks   
            // TODO vary data by beam
            fprintf(stderr, "generating fake data to block 0 beam 0...");
            fprintf(stderr, " done\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "copying to block 0 beam");
            for(int beam_i = 1; beam_i < N_BEAMS; beam_i++) {
                fprintf(stderr, " %d", beam_i);
                memcpy((void *)&db->block[0].data[beam_i*N_BYTES_PER_BEAM/sizeof(uint64_t)], 
                    (void *)&db->block[0].data[0], 
            fprintf(stderr, " done\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "copying to block");
            for(int block_i = 1; block_i < N_INPUT_BLOCKS; block_i++) {
                fprintf(stderr, " %d", block_i);
                memcpy((void *)&db->block[block_i].data[0], 
                    (void *)&db->block[0].data[0], 
            fprintf(stderr, " done\n");

        hputr4(st.buf, "NETMXERR", max_error);
        hputi4(st.buf, "NETERCNT", error_count);
        hputi4(st.buf, "NETMXECT", max_error_count);

        // Mark block as full
        s6_input_databuf_set_filled(db, block_idx);

        // Setup for next block
        block_idx = (block_idx + 1) % db->header.n_block;
        // uncomment the following to test dynamic setting of num_coarse_chan

        /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */

    // Thread success!
    return THREAD_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args)
    // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields
    // Our output buffer happens to be a paper_input_databuf
    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    st_p = &st;	// allow global (this source file) access to the status buffer

    // Get inital value for crc32 function
    uint32_t init_crc = crc32(0,0,0);

    // Flag that holds off the crc thread
    int holdoff = 1;

    // Force ourself into the hold off state
    hputi4(st.buf, "CRCHOLD", 1);

    while(holdoff) {
	// We're not in any hurry to startup
	// Look for CRCHOLD value
	hgeti4(st.buf, "CRCHOLD", &holdoff);
	if(!holdoff) {
	    // Done holding, so delete the key
	    hdel(st.buf, "CRCHOLD");

    /* Read network params */
    struct hashpipe_udp_params up = {
	.bindhost = "",
	.bindport = 8511,
	.packet_size = 8200
    // Get info from status buffer if present (no change if not present)
    hgets(st.buf, "BINDHOST", 80, up.bindhost);
    hgeti4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", &up.bindport);
    // Store bind host/port info etc in status buffer
    hputs(st.buf, "BINDHOST", up.bindhost);
    hputi4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", up.bindport);
    hputu4(st.buf, "CRCPKOK", 0);
    hputu4(st.buf, "CRCPKERR", 0);
    hputs(st.buf, status_key, "running");

    struct hashpipe_udp_packet p;

    /* Give all the threads a chance to start before opening network socket */

    /* Set up UDP socket */
    int rv = hashpipe_udp_init(&up);
    if (rv!=HASHPIPE_OK) {
                "Error opening UDP socket.");
    pthread_cleanup_push((void *)hashpipe_udp_close, &up);

    /* Main loop */
    uint64_t packet_count = 0;
    uint64_t good_count = 0;
    uint64_t error_count = 0;
    uint64_t elapsed_wait_ns = 0;
    uint64_t elapsed_recv_ns = 0;
    uint64_t elapsed_proc_ns = 0;
    float ns_per_wait = 0.0;
    float ns_per_recv = 0.0;
    float ns_per_proc = 0.0;
    struct timespec start, stop;
    struct timespec recv_start, recv_stop;
    packet_header_t hdr;

    while (run_threads()) {

        /* Read packet */
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_start);
	do {
	    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
	    p.packet_size = recv(up.sock, p.data, HASHPIPE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0);
	    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_stop);
	} while (p.packet_size == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) && run_threads());

	// Break out of loop if stopping
	if(!run_threads()) break;

	// Increment packet count

	// Check CRC
        if(crc32(init_crc, (/*const?*/ uint8_t *)p.data, p.packet_size) == 0xffffffff) {
	    // CRC OK! Increment good counter
	} else {
	    // CRC error!  Increment error counter

	    // Log message
	    get_header(&p, &hdr);
	    hashpipe_warn("paper_crc", "CRC error mcnt %llu ; fid %u ; xid %u",
		    hdr.mcnt, hdr.fid, hdr.xid);

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
	elapsed_wait_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_start, start);
	elapsed_recv_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, recv_stop);
	elapsed_proc_ns += ELAPSED_NS(recv_stop, stop);

        if(packet_count % 1000 == 0) {
	    // Compute stats
	    get_header(&p, &hdr);
            ns_per_wait = (float)elapsed_wait_ns / packet_count;
            ns_per_recv = (float)elapsed_recv_ns / packet_count;
            ns_per_proc = (float)elapsed_proc_ns / packet_count;

            // Update status
            hputu8(st.buf, "CRCMCNT", hdr.mcnt);
	    // Gbps = bits_per_packet / ns_per_packet
	    // (N_BYTES_PER_PACKET excludes header, so +8 for the header)
            hputr4(st.buf, "CRCGBPS", 8*(N_BYTES_PER_PACKET+8)/(ns_per_recv+ns_per_proc));
            hputr4(st.buf, "CRCWATNS", ns_per_wait);
            hputr4(st.buf, "CRCRECNS", ns_per_recv);
            hputr4(st.buf, "CRCPRCNS", ns_per_proc);
	    // TODO Provide some way to recognize request to zero out the
	    // CRCERR and CRCOK fields.
	    hputu8(st.buf, "CRCPKOK",  good_count);
	    hputu8(st.buf, "CRCPKERR", error_count);

	    // Start new average
	    elapsed_wait_ns = 0;
	    elapsed_recv_ns = 0;
	    elapsed_proc_ns = 0;
	    packet_count = 0;

        /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */

    /* Have to close all push's */
    pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* Closes push(hashpipe_udp_close) */

    return NULL;

static hashpipe_thread_desc_t crc_thread = {
    name: "paper_crc_thread",
    skey: "CRCSTAT",
    init: NULL,
    run:  run,
    ibuf_desc: {NULL},
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Run method for the thread
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args) {

    // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields
    // Our output buffer happens to be a paper_input_databuf
    grating_input_databuf_t *db_in = (grating_input_databuf_t *)args->ibuf;
    grating_gpu_input_databuf_t * db_out = (grating_gpu_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf;

    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    st_p = &st;	// allow global (this source file) access to the status buffer

    // Set thread to "start" state
    hputs(st.buf, "TRANREADY", "start");

    int rv;
    int curblock_in = 0;
    int curblock_out = 0;
    int mcnt;

    fprintf(stdout, "Tra: Starting Thread!\n");
    while (run_threads()) {
        while ((rv=grating_input_databuf_wait_filled(db_in, curblock_in)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting for filled block");
            else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf block");
        while ((rv=grating_gpu_input_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting for free block");
            else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf block");
        mcnt = db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt_start;

        int m;
        int f;
        int t;
        int c;
        uint64_t * in_p;
        uint64_t * out_p;
        uint64_t * block_in_p  = db_in->block[curblock_in].data;
        uint64_t * block_out_p = db_out->block[curblock_out].data;
        for (m = 0; m < Nm; m++) {
            for (t = 0; t < Nt; t++) {
                for (f = 0; f < Nf; f++) {
                    for (c = 0; c < Nc; c++) {
                        in_p = block_in_p + grating_input_databuf_idx(m,f,t,c);
                        out_p = block_out_p + grating_gpu_input_databuf_idx(m,f,t,c);
                        memcpy(out_p, in_p, 128/8);
        db_out->block[curblock_out].header.mcnt = mcnt;

        grating_gpu_input_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out);
        curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block;

        grating_input_databuf_set_free(db_in, curblock_in);
        curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block;

        /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Run method for the thread
// It is meant to do the following:
// (1) Initialize status buffer
// (2) Set up network parameters and socket
// (3) Start main loop
//     (3a) Receive packet on socket
//     (3b) Error check packet (packet size, etc)
//     (3c) Call process_packet on received packet
// (4) Terminate thread cleanly
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args) {

    fprintf(stdout, "N_INPUTS = %d\n", N_INPUTS);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_CHAN = %d\n", N_CHAN);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_CHAN_PER_X = %d\n", N_CHAN_PER_X);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_CHAN_PER_PACKET = %d\n", N_CHAN_PER_PACKET);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_TIME_PER_PACKET = %d\n", N_TIME_PER_PACKET);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_TIME_PER_BLOCK = %d\n", N_TIME_PER_BLOCK);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_BYTES_PER_BLOCK = %d\n", N_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_BYTES_PER_PACKET = %d\n", N_BYTES_PER_PACKET);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_PACKETS_PER_BLOCK = %d\n", N_PACKETS_PER_BLOCK);
    fprintf(stdout, "N_COR_MATRIX = %d\n", N_COR_MATRIX);

    // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields
    // Our output buffer happens to be a paper_input_databuf
    flag_input_databuf_t *db = (flag_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf;
    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    st_p = &st;	// allow global (this source file) access to the status buffer

    /* Read network params */
    fprintf(stdout, "Setting up network parameters\n");
    struct hashpipe_udp_params up = {
	.bindhost = "",
	.bindport = 8511,
	.packet_size = 8008

    	// Get info from status buffer if present (no change if not present)
    	hgets(st.buf, "BINDHOST", 80, up.bindhost);
    	hgeti4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", &up.bindport);
    	// Store bind host/port info etc in status buffer
    	hputs(st.buf, "BINDHOST", up.bindhost);
    	hputi4(st.buf, "BINDPORT", up.bindport);
    	hputu4(st.buf, "MISSEDFE", 0);
    	hputu4(st.buf, "MISSEDPK", 0);
    	hputs(st.buf, status_key, "running");

    struct hashpipe_udp_packet p;

    /* Give all the threads a chance to start before opening network socket */
    int netready = 0;
    int corready = 0;
    int checkready = 0;
    while (!netready) {
        // Check the correlator to see if it's ready yet
        hgeti4(st.buf, "CORREADY",  &corready);
        hgeti4(st.buf, "SAVEREADY", &checkready);
        if (!corready) {
        //if (!checkready) {
        //    continue;

        // Check the other threads to see if they're ready yet
        // TBD

        // If we get here, then all threads are initialized
        netready = 1;

    /* Set up UDP socket */
    fprintf(stderr, "NET: BINDHOST = %s\n", up.bindhost);
    fprintf(stderr, "NET: BINDPORT = %d\n", up.bindport);
    int rv = hashpipe_udp_init(&up);
    if (rv!=HASHPIPE_OK) {
                "Error opening UDP socket.");
    pthread_cleanup_push((void *)hashpipe_udp_close, &up);

    // Initialize first few blocks in the buffer
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        // Wait until block semaphore is free
        if (flag_input_databuf_wait_free(db, i) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (errno == EINTR) { // Interrupt occurred
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "waiting for free block interrupted\n");
            } else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free block\n");
        initialize_block(db, i*Nm);

    // Set correlator to "start" state
    hputs(st.buf, "INTSTAT", "start");

    /* Main loop */
    uint64_t packet_count = 0;

    fprintf(stdout, "Net: Starting Thread!\n");
    while (run_threads()) {
        // Get packet
	do {
	    p.packet_size = recv(up.sock, p.data, HASHPIPE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0);
	} while (p.packet_size == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) && run_threads());
	if(!run_threads()) break;
        if (up.packet_size != p.packet_size && up.packet_size != p.packet_size-8) {
	    // If an error was returned instead of a valid packet size
            if (p.packet_size == -1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "uh oh!\n");
		// Log error and exit
                        "hashpipe_udp_recv returned error");
            } else {
		// Log warning and ignore wrongly sized packet
                hashpipe_warn("paper_net_thread", "Incorrect pkt size (%d)", p.packet_size);
        process_packet(db, &p);

        /* Will exit if thread has been cancelled */

    pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* Closes push(hashpipe_udp_close) */

    hputs(st.buf, status_key, "terminated");
    return NULL;

static hashpipe_thread_desc_t net_thread = {
    name: "flag_net_thread",
    skey: "NETSTAT",
    init: NULL,
    run:  run,
    ibuf_desc: {NULL},
Ejemplo n.º 12
int write_etfits(s6_output_databuf_t *db, int block_idx, etfits_t *etf, scram_t *scram_p) {
    int row, rv;
    int nchan, nivals, nsubband;
    char* temp_str;
    double temp_dbl;
    size_t nhits;

    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    scram_t scram;

    extern const char *receiver[];

    // Create the initial file or change to a new one if needed.
    if (etf->new_run || etf->new_file) {
        etf->new_file = 0;
        if (!etf->new_run) {
            if(etf->file_open) {
            etf->integration_cnt = 0;
        // TODO update code versions
        etf->primary_hdr.n_subband = db->block[block_idx].header.num_coarse_chan;
        etf->primary_hdr.n_chan    = N_FINE_CHAN;
        etf->primary_hdr.n_inputs  = N_BEAMS * N_POLS_PER_BEAM;
        strncpy(etf->primary_hdr.receiver, receiver[scram_p->receiver], sizeof(etf->primary_hdr.receiver));
        // TODO not yet implemented
        //etf->primary_hdr.bandwidth = ;
        //etf->primary_hdr.chan_bandwidth = ;
        //etf->primary_hdr.freq_res = ;
        if(*status_p) {
            hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error creating/initializing new etfits file");
            //fprintf(stderr, "Error creating/initializing new etfits file.\n");
            fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);

    // populate hits header data
    // TODO maybe I should do away with this and write directly to the header
    //      from scram in write_hits_header()
    for(int i=0; i < N_BEAMS*N_POLS_PER_BEAM; i++) {
        etf->hits_hdr[i].time    = (time_t)s6_seti_ao_timeMS2unixtime(scram_p->AGCTIME, scram_p->AGCSTIME);
        etf->hits_hdr[i].ra      = scram_p->ra_by_beam[int(floor(i/N_POLS_PER_BEAM))];       
        etf->hits_hdr[i].dec     = scram_p->dec_by_beam[int(floor(i/N_POLS_PER_BEAM))];  
        etf->hits_hdr[i].beampol = i;       

    if(! *status_p) write_integration_header(etf, scram_p);

    if(! *status_p) nhits = write_hits(db, block_idx, etf);


    // Now update some key values if no CFITSIO errors
    if (! *status_p) {
        etf->tot_rows += nhits;
        etf->N += 1;
        *status_p = check_for_file_roll(etf);

    if(*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "FITS error, exiting");
        //fprintf(stderr, "FITS error, exiting.\n");

    return *status_p;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int write_hits(s6_output_databuf_t *db, int block_idx, etfits_t *etf) {      

    long firstrow, firstelem, colnum;
    size_t nrows, hit_i, nhits_this_input;  
    int cur_beam, cur_input, cur_beampol;  

    size_t nhits = 0;

    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    etf->beampol_cnt = 0;

//fprintf(stderr, "writing hits\n");
    //std::vector<hits_t> hits;

    float  det_pow[MAXHITS];
    float  mean_pow[MAXHITS];
    int    coarse_chan[MAXHITS];
    int    fine_chan[MAXHITS];

    firstrow  = 1;
    firstelem = 1;

    for(int beam=0; beam < N_BEAMS; beam++) {
        // TODO - this goes through the output block for each beam twice. We could cut
        // this in half if we have a set of arrays for each pol (consuming twice the
        // memory).
        for(int input=0; input < N_POLS_PER_BEAM; input++) {        
            int beampol = beam * N_POLS_PER_BEAM + input;
            int hit_j=0;
            for(int hit_i=0; hit_i < (size_t)db->block[block_idx].header.nhits[beam]; hit_i++) {
                if(db->block[block_idx].pol[beam][hit_i] == input) {
                    det_pow[hit_j]     = db->block[block_idx].power[beam][hit_i];
                    mean_pow[hit_j]    = db->block[block_idx].baseline[beam][hit_i];
                    coarse_chan[hit_j] = db->block[block_idx].coarse_chan[beam][hit_i];
                    fine_chan[hit_j]   = db->block[block_idx].fine_chan[beam][hit_i];

            nhits += nhits_this_input;

            // write the hits for this input
            colnum      = 1;
            if(! *status_p) fits_write_col(etf->fptr, TFLOAT, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nhits_this_input, det_pow, status_p);
            colnum      = 2;
            if(! *status_p) fits_write_col(etf->fptr, TFLOAT, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nhits_this_input, mean_pow, status_p);
            colnum      = 3;
            if(! *status_p) fits_write_col(etf->fptr, TINT, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nhits_this_input, coarse_chan, status_p);
            colnum      = 4;
            if(! *status_p) fits_write_col(etf->fptr, TINT, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nhits_this_input, fine_chan, status_p);


    if (*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error writing hits");
        //fprintf(stderr, "Error writing hits.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);

    // non-standard return
    if(*status_p) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        return nhits;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int write_integration_header(etfits_t * etf, scram_t *scram) {
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

//fprintf(stderr, "writing integration header\n");
    if(etf->integration_cnt == 0) {
        // go to the template created HDU
        if(! *status_p) fits_movnam_hdu(etf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, (char *)"AOSCRAM", 0, status_p);
    } else {
        // create new HDU
        if(! *status_p) fits_create_tbl(etf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, (char *)"AOSCRAM", status_p);

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TSTRING,  "EXTNAME",  (char *)"AOSCRAM",  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,     "COARCHID", &scram->coarse_chan_id,   NULL, status_p); 

    // observatory (scram) data 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "PNTSTIME",  &(scram->PNTSTIME), NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "PNTRA",     &(scram->PNTRA),    NULL, status_p);      
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "PNTDEC",    &(scram->PNTDEC),   NULL, status_p);      
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "PNTMJD",    &(scram->PNTMJD),   NULL, status_p);      
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "PNTAZCOR",  &(scram->PNTAZCOR), NULL, status_p);      
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "PNTZACOR",  &(scram->PNTZACOR), NULL, status_p);      

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "AGCSTIME", &(scram->AGCSTIME),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "AGCAZ",    &(scram->AGCAZ),     NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "AGCZA",    &(scram->AGCZA),     NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "AGCTIME",  &(scram->AGCTIME),   NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "AGCLST",   &(scram->AGCLST),    NULL, status_p);     // TODO

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "ALFSTIME", &(scram->ALFSTIME),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "ALFBIAS1", &(scram->ALFBIAS1),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "ALFBIAS2", &(scram->ALFBIAS2),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ALFMOPOS", &(scram->ALFMOPOS),  NULL, status_p);

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF1STIME", &(scram->IF1STIME),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "IF1SYNHZ", &(scram->IF1SYNHZ),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF1SYNDB", &(scram->IF1SYNDB),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "IF1RFFRQ", &(scram->IF1RFFRQ),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "IF1IFFRQ", &(scram->IF1IFFRQ),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF1ALFFB", &(scram->IF1ALFFB),  NULL, status_p);

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF2STIME", &(scram->IF2STIME),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF2ALFON", &(scram->IF2ALFON),  NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "IF2SYNHZ", &(scram->IF2SYNHZ),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "IF2SIGSR", &(scram->IF2SIGSR),  NULL, status_p); 

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "TTSTIME",  &(scram->TTSTIME),   NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "TTTURENC", &(scram->TTTURENC),  NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "TTTURDEG", &(scram->TTTURDEG),  NULL, status_p);

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "CLOCKTIM",  &(scram->CLOCKTIM), NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CLOCKFRQ",  &(scram->CLOCKFRQ), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CLOCKDBM",  &(scram->CLOCKDBM), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "CLOCKLOC",  &(scram->CLOCKLOC), NULL, status_p); 

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "BIRDITIM",  &(scram->BIRDITIM), NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BIRDIFRQ",  &(scram->BIRDIFRQ), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BIRDIDBM",  &(scram->BIRDIDBM), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "BIRDILOC",  &(scram->BIRDILOC), NULL, status_p); 

    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "ADCRMSTM",  &(scram->ADCRMSTM),   NULL, status_p); 
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS01",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[0]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS02",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[1]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS03",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[2]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS04",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[3]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS05",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[4]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS06",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[5]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS07",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[6]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS08",  &(scram->ADC1RMS[7]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS09",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[0]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS10",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[1]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS11",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[2]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS12",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[3]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS13",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[4]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS14",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[5]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS15",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[6]), NULL, status_p);
    if(! *status_p) fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ADCRMS16",  &(scram->ADC2RMS[7]), NULL, status_p);
#if 0
    fits_update_key(etf->fptr, TINT,    "MISSEDPK", &(scram.MISSEDPK),    NULL, status_p);    // missed packets per input per second 

    //if(! *status_p) fits_flush_file(etf->fptr, status_p);

    if (*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error writing integration header");
        //fprintf(stderr, "Error writing integration header.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);

    return *status_p;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args, int doCPU)
    // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields
    paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *db_in = (paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *)args->ibuf;
    paper_output_databuf_t *db_out = (paper_output_databuf_t *)args->obuf;
    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/                      GPU/\n", pthread_self());

    // Init integration control status variables
    int gpu_dev = 0;
    hputs(st.buf,  "INTSTAT", "off");
    hputi8(st.buf, "INTSYNC", 0);
    hputi8(st.buf, "GPUDUMPS", 0);
    hgeti4(st.buf, "GPUDEV", &gpu_dev); // No change if not found
    hputi4(st.buf, "GPUDEV", gpu_dev);

    /* Loop */
    int rv;
    char integ_status[17];
    uint64_t start_mcount, last_mcount=0;
    uint64_t gpu_dumps=0;
    int int_count; // Number of blocks to integrate per dump
    int xgpu_error = 0;
    int curblock_in=0;
    int curblock_out=0;

    struct timespec start, stop;
    uint64_t elapsed_gpu_ns  = 0;
    uint64_t gpu_block_count = 0;

    // Initialize context to point at first input and output memory blocks.
    // This seems redundant since we do this just before calling
    // xgpuCudaXengine, but we need to pass something in for array_h and
    // matrix_x to prevent xgpuInit from allocating memory.
    XGPUContext context;
    context.array_h = (ComplexInput *)db_in->block[0].data;
    context.array_len = (db_in->header.n_block * sizeof(paper_gpu_input_block_t) - sizeof(paper_input_header_t)) / sizeof(ComplexInput);
    context.matrix_h = (Complex *)db_out->block[0].data;
    context.matrix_len = (db_out->header.n_block * sizeof(paper_output_block_t) - sizeof(paper_output_header_t)) / sizeof(Complex);

    xgpu_error = xgpuInit(&context, gpu_dev);
    if (XGPU_OK != xgpu_error) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: xGPU initialization failed (error code %d)\n", xgpu_error);
        return THREAD_ERROR;

    while (run_threads()) {

        // Note waiting status,
        // query integrating status
        // and, if armed, start count
        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting");
        hgets(st.buf,  "INTSTAT", 16, integ_status);
        hgeti8(st.buf, "INTSYNC", (long long*)&start_mcount);

        // Wait for new input block to be filled
        while ((rv=hashpipe_databuf_wait_filled((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked_in");
            } else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf");

        // Got a new data block, update status and determine how to handle it
        hputi4(st.buf, "GPUBLKIN", curblock_in);
        hputu8(st.buf, "GPUMCNT", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt);

        // If integration status "off"
        if(!strcmp(integ_status, "off")) {
            // Mark input block as free and advance
            hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in);
            curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block;
            // Skip to next input buffer

        // If integration status is "start"
        if(!strcmp(integ_status, "start")) {
            // If buffer mcount < start_mcount (i.e. not there yet)
            if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt < start_mcount) {
              // Drop input buffer
              // Mark input block as free and advance
              hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in);
              curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block;
              // Skip to next input buffer
            // Else if mcount == start_mcount (time to start)
            } else if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt == start_mcount) {
              // Set integration status to "on"
              // Read integration count (INTCOUNT)
              fprintf(stderr, "--- integration on ---\n");
              strcpy(integ_status, "on");
              hputs(st.buf,  "INTSTAT", integ_status);
              hgeti4(st.buf, "INTCOUNT", &int_count);
              // Compute last mcount
              last_mcount = start_mcount + (int_count-1) * N_SUB_BLOCKS_PER_INPUT_BLOCK;
            // Else (missed starting mcount)
            } else {
              // Handle missed start of integration
              // TODO!
              fprintf(stderr, "--- mcnt=%06lx > start_mcnt=%06lx ---\n",
                  db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt, start_mcount);

        // Integration status is "on" or "stop"

        // Note processing status
        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "processing gpu");

        // Setup for current chunk
        context.input_offset = curblock_in * sizeof(paper_gpu_input_block_t) / sizeof(ComplexInput);
        context.output_offset = curblock_out * sizeof(paper_output_block_t) / sizeof(Complex);

        // Call CUDA X engine function
        int doDump = 0;
        // Dump if this is the last block or we are doing both CPU and GPU
        // (GPU and CPU test mode always dumps every input block)
        if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt >= last_mcount || doCPU) {
          doDump = 1;

          // Check whether we missed the end of integration.  If we get a block
          // whose mcnt is greater than last_mcount, then for some reason (e.g.
          // networking problems) we didn't see a block whose mcnt was
          // last_mcount.  This should "never" happen, but it has been seen to
          // occur when the 10 GbE links have many errors.
          if(db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt > last_mcount) {
            // Can't do much error recovery, so just log it.
            fprintf(stderr, "--- mcnt=%06lx > last_mcnt=%06lx ---\n",
                db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt, last_mcount);

          // Wait for new output block to be free
          while ((rv=paper_output_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
              if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                  hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked gpu out");
              } else {
                  hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf");

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

        xgpuCudaXengine(&context, doDump ? SYNCOP_DUMP : SYNCOP_SYNC_TRANSFER);

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
        elapsed_gpu_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, stop);

        if(doDump) {
          clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
          clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
          elapsed_gpu_ns += ELAPSED_NS(start, stop);

          // TODO Maybe need to subtract all or half the integration time here
          // depending on recevier's expectations.
          db_out->block[curblock_out].header.mcnt = last_mcount;
          // If integration status if "stop"
          if(!strcmp(integ_status, "stop")) {
            // Set integration status to "off"
            strcpy(integ_status, "off");
            hputs(st.buf,  "INTSTAT", integ_status);
          } else {
            // Advance last_mcount for end of next integration
            last_mcount += int_count * N_SUB_BLOCKS_PER_INPUT_BLOCK;

          // Mark output block as full and advance
          paper_output_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out);
          curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block;
          // TODO Need to handle or at least check for overflow!

          // Update GPU dump counter and GPU Gbps
          hputi8(st.buf, "GPUDUMPS", gpu_dumps);
          hputr4(st.buf, "GPUGBPS", (float)(8*N_FLUFFED_BYTES_PER_BLOCK*gpu_block_count)/elapsed_gpu_ns);

          // Start new average
          elapsed_gpu_ns  = 0;
          gpu_block_count = 0;

        if(doCPU) {

            /* Note waiting status */
            hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting");

            // Wait for new output block to be free
            while ((rv=paper_output_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
                if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                    hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked cpu out");
                } else {
                    hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf");

            // Note "processing cpu" status, current input block
            hputs(st.buf, status_key, "processing cpu");

             * Call CPU X engine function
            xgpuOmpXengine((Complex *)db_out->block[curblock_out].data, context.array_h);

            // Mark output block as full and advance
            paper_output_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out);
            curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block;
            // TODO Need to handle or at least check for overflow!

        // Mark input block as free and advance
        hashpipe_databuf_set_free((hashpipe_databuf_t *)db_in, curblock_in);
        curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block;

        /* Check for cancel */


    // Thread success!
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static void *run(hashpipe_thread_args_t * args)
    // Local aliases to shorten access to args fields
    // Our input buffer is a paper_input_databuf
    // Our output buffer is a paper_gpu_input_databuf
    paper_input_databuf_t *db_in = (paper_input_databuf_t *)args->ibuf;
    paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *db_out = (paper_gpu_input_databuf_t *)args->obuf;
    hashpipe_status_t st = args->st;
    const char * status_key = args->thread_desc->skey;

    fprintf(stderr, "s/tid %lu/                      FLUFf/\n", pthread_self());

    // Init status variables
    hputi8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", 0);

    /* Loop */
    int rv;
    int curblock_in=0;
    int curblock_out=0;
    float gbps, min_gbps;

    struct timespec start, finish;

    while (run_threads()) {

        // Note waiting status,
        // query integrating status
        // and, if armed, start count
        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "waiting");

        // Wait for new input block to be filled
        while ((rv=paper_input_databuf_wait_filled(db_in, curblock_in)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked_in");
            } else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for filled databuf");

        // Wait for new gpu_input block (our output block) to be free
        while ((rv=paper_gpu_input_databuf_wait_free(db_out, curblock_out)) != HASHPIPE_OK) {
            if (rv==HASHPIPE_TIMEOUT) {
                hputs(st.buf, status_key, "blocked gpu input");
            } else {
                hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "error waiting for free databuf");

        // Got a new data block, update status
        hputs(st.buf, status_key, "fluffing");
        hputi4(st.buf, "FLUFBKIN", curblock_in);
        hputu8(st.buf, "FLUFMCNT", db_in->block[curblock_in].header.mcnt);

        // Copy header and call fluff function
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

        memcpy(&db_out->block[curblock_out].header, &db_in->block[curblock_in].header, sizeof(paper_input_header_t));

        paper_fluff(db_in->block[curblock_in].data, db_out->block[curblock_out].data);

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish);

        // Note processing time
        // Bits per fluff / ns per fluff = Gbps
        hgetr4(st.buf, "FLUFMING", &min_gbps);
        gbps = (float)(8*N_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)/ELAPSED_NS(start,finish);
        hputr4(st.buf, "FLUFGBPS", gbps);
        if(min_gbps == 0 || gbps < min_gbps) {
          hputr4(st.buf, "FLUFMING", gbps);

        // Mark input block as free and advance
        paper_input_databuf_set_free(db_in, curblock_in);
        curblock_in = (curblock_in + 1) % db_in->header.n_block;

        // Mark output block as full and advance
        paper_gpu_input_databuf_set_filled(db_out, curblock_out);
        curblock_out = (curblock_out + 1) % db_out->header.n_block;

        /* Check for cancel */

    // Thread success!
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int etfits_create(etfits_t * etf) {
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    *status_p = 0;

    struct tm tm_now;
    time_t time_now;

    char file_name_str[256];

    // TODO enclose all init code in a do-as-needed block
    // Initialize the key variables if needed
    if (etf->new_run == 1) {  // first time writing this run
        etf->new_run = 0;
        etf->status = 0;
        etf->N = 0L;
        etf->T = 0.0;
        etf->mode = 'w';

        // Create the output directory if needed
        char datadir[1024];
        strncpy(datadir, etf->basefilename, 1023);
        char *last_slash = strrchr(datadir, '/');
        if (last_slash!=NULL && last_slash!=datadir) {
            *last_slash = '\0';
            printf("Using directory '%s' for output.\n", datadir);
            char cmd[1024];
            sprintf(cmd, "mkdir -m 1777 -p %s", datadir);
    }   // end first time writing this run

    etf->tot_rows = 0;      // count rows per file

    // Form file name 
    localtime_r(&time_now, &tm_now);
    sprintf(file_name_str, "%s_%04d_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d", 
            1900+tm_now.tm_year, 1+tm_now.tm_mon, tm_now.tm_mday, 
            tm_now.tm_hour, tm_now.tm_min, tm_now.tm_sec); 
    sprintf(etf->filename_working, "%s_%s_%s.working", etf->basefilename, etf->hostname, file_name_str);  
    sprintf(etf->filename_fits,    "%s_%s_%s.fits",    etf->basefilename, etf->hostname, file_name_str);  

    // Create basic FITS file from our template
    char template_file[1024];
    //printf("Opening file '%s'\n", etf->filename);
    sprintf(template_file, "%s/%s", etf->s6_dir, ETFITS_TEMPLATE);
    if(! *status_p) fits_create_template(&(etf->fptr), etf->filename_working, template_file, status_p);

    // Check to see if file was successfully created
    if (*status_p) {
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error creating sdfits file from template");
        //fprintf(stderr, "Error creating sdfits file from template.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status_p);
    } else {
        etf->file_open = 1;     // successful file open

    return *status_p;