bool Arguments::handleCommandLine() const { if (!(mSaveLayout && haveFile() && haveOutputDir())) return false; CCopasiRootContainer::init(0, NULL, false); CCopasiDataModel& model = *CCopasiRootContainer::addDatamodel(); try { if (!model.importSBML(mFilename, NULL)) model.loadModel(mFilename, NULL); } catch (CCopasiException &ex) { std::cerr << ex.getMessage().getAllMessageText() << std::endl; return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < model.getListOfLayouts()->size(); ++i) { CLayout* layout = (*model.getListOfLayouts())[i]; CQLayoutScene scene(layout, &model); scene.recreate(); scene.saveToFile(mOutputDir + "/" + QFileInfo(mFilename.c_str()).baseName().toStdString() + "_" + layout->getObjectName() + "." + mFileType, mFileType); } return true; }
bool Arguments::isValid() const { if (!haveFile()) return false; if (!QFile(mFilename.c_str()).exists()) return false; return true; }
kernel_t<COI>* kernel_t<COI>::buildFromSource(const std::string &filename, const std::string &functionName_, const kernelInfo &info_){ functionName = functionName_; kernelInfo info = info_; info.addDefine("OCCA_USING_CPU", 1); info.addDefine("OCCA_USING_COI", 1); info.addOCCAKeywords(occaCOIDefines); std::stringstream salt; salt << "COI" << info.salt() << dev->dHandle->compilerEnvScript << dev->dHandle->compiler << dev->dHandle->compilerFlags << functionName; std::string cachedBinary = getCachedName(filename, salt.str()); std::string libPath, soname; getFilePrefixAndName(cachedBinary, libPath, soname); std::string libName = "lib" + soname + ".so"; cachedBinary = libPath + libName; struct stat buffer; bool fileExists = (stat(cachedBinary.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); if(fileExists){ std::cout << "Found cached binary of [" << filename << "] in [" << cachedBinary << "]\n"; return buildFromBinary(cachedBinary, functionName); } if(!haveFile(cachedBinary)){ waitForFile(cachedBinary); return buildFromBinary(cachedBinary, functionName); } std::string iCachedBinary = createIntermediateSource(filename, cachedBinary, info); std::stringstream command; if(dev->dHandle->compilerEnvScript.size()) command << dev->dHandle->compilerEnvScript << " && "; command << dev->dHandle->compiler #if (OCCA_OS == LINUX_OS) || (OCCA_OS == OSX_OS) << " -x c++ -w -nodefaultlibs -fPIC -shared" #else << " /TP /LD /D MC_CL_EXE" #endif << ' ' << dev->dHandle->compilerFlags << ' ' << info.flags << ' ' << iCachedBinary #if (OCCA_OS == LINUX_OS) || (OCCA_OS == OSX_OS) << " -o " << cachedBinary #else << " /link /OUT:" << cachedBinary #endif << std::endl; const std::string &sCommand = command.str(); std::cout << "Compiling [" << functionName << "]\n" << sCommand << "\n"; const int compileError = system(sCommand.c_str()); if(compileError){ releaseFile(cachedBinary); throw 1; } OCCA_EXTRACT_DATA(COI, Kernel); COILIBRARY outLibrary; const COIRESULT loadingLibraryResult = COIProcessLoadLibraryFromFile(data_.chiefID, cachedBinary.c_str(), soname.c_str(), NULL, &outLibrary); if(errorCode != COI_SUCCESS) releaseFile(cachedBinary); OCCA_COI_CHECK("Kernel: Loading Kernel To Chief", loadingLibraryResult); const char *c_functionName = functionName.c_str(); const COIRESULT getFunctionHandleResult = COIProcessGetFunctionHandles(data_.chiefID, 1, &c_functionName, &(data_.kernel)); if(errorCode != COI_SUCCESS) releaseFile(cachedBinary); OCCA_COI_CHECK("Kernel: Getting Handle", getFunctionHandleResult); releaseFile(cachedBinary); return this; }
kernel_t<CUDA>* kernel_t<CUDA>::buildFromSource(const std::string &filename, const std::string &functionName_, const kernelInfo &info_){ OCCA_EXTRACT_DATA(CUDA, Kernel); functionName = functionName_; kernelInfo info = info_; std::string cachedBinary = getCachedBinaryName(filename, info); struct stat buffer; const bool fileExists = (stat(cachedBinary.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); if(fileExists){ std::cout << "Found cached binary of [" << filename << "] in [" << cachedBinary << "]\n"; return buildFromBinary(cachedBinary, functionName); } if(!haveFile(cachedBinary)){ waitForFile(cachedBinary); return buildFromBinary(cachedBinary, functionName); } std::string iCachedBinary = createIntermediateSource(filename, cachedBinary, info); std::string libPath, soname; getFilePrefixAndName(cachedBinary, libPath, soname); std::string oCachedBinary = libPath + "o_" + soname + ".o"; std::string archSM = ""; if(dev->dHandle->compilerFlags.find("-arch=sm_") == std::string::npos){ std::stringstream archSM_; int major, minor; OCCA_CUDA_CHECK("Kernel (" + functionName + ") : Getting CUDA Device Arch", cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, data_.device) ); archSM_ << " -arch=sm_" << major << minor << ' '; archSM = archSM_.str(); } std::stringstream command; //---[ PTX Check Command ]---------- if(dev->dHandle->compilerEnvScript.size()) command << dev->dHandle->compilerEnvScript << " && "; command << dev->dHandle->compiler << ' ' << dev->dHandle->compilerFlags << archSM << " -Xptxas -v,-dlcm=cg,-abi=no" << ' ' << info.flags << " -x cu -c " << iCachedBinary << " -o " << oCachedBinary; const std::string &ptxCommand = command.str(); std::cout << "Compiling [" << functionName << "]\n" << ptxCommand << "\n"; #if (OCCA_OS == LINUX_OS) || (OCCA_OS == OSX_OS) const int ptxError = system(ptxCommand.c_str()); #else const int ptxError = system(("\"" + ptxCommand + "\"").c_str()); #endif // Not needed here I guess // if(ptxError){ // releaseFile(cachedBinary); // throw 1; // } //---[ Compiling Command ]---------- command.str(""); command << dev->dHandle->compiler << " -o " << cachedBinary << " -ptx -I." << ' ' << dev->dHandle->compilerFlags << archSM << ' ' << info.flags << " -x cu " << iCachedBinary; const std::string &sCommand = command.str(); std::cout << sCommand << '\n'; const int compileError = system(sCommand.c_str()); if(compileError){ releaseFile(cachedBinary); throw 1; } const CUresult moduleLoadError = cuModuleLoad(&data_.module, cachedBinary.c_str()); if(moduleLoadError) releaseFile(cachedBinary); OCCA_CUDA_CHECK("Kernel (" + functionName + ") : Loading Module", moduleLoadError); const CUresult moduleGetFunctionError = cuModuleGetFunction(&data_.function, data_.module, functionName.c_str()); if(moduleGetFunctionError) releaseFile(cachedBinary); OCCA_CUDA_CHECK("Kernel (" + functionName + ") : Loading Function", moduleGetFunctionError); releaseFile(cachedBinary); return this; }
void device_t<COI>::setup(const int device, const int memoryAllocated){ data = new COIDeviceData_t; OCCA_EXTRACT_DATA(COI, Device); uint32_t deviceCount; OCCA_COI_CHECK("Device: Get Count", COIEngineGetCount(COI_ISA_MIC, &deviceCount)); OCCA_CHECK(device < deviceCount); OCCA_COI_CHECK("Device: Get Handle", COIEngineGetHandle(COI_ISA_MIC, device, &data_.deviceID) ); std::stringstream salt; salt << "COI" << occaCOIMain; std::string cachedBinary = getCachedName("occaCOIMain", salt.str()); struct stat buffer; bool fileExists = (stat(cachedBinary.c_str(), &buffer) == 0); if(fileExists) std::cout << "Found cached binary of [occaCOIMain] in [" << cachedBinary << "]\n"; else{ //---[ Write File ]----------------- std::string prefix, name; getFilePrefixAndName(cachedBinary, prefix, name); const std::string iCachedBinary = prefix + "i_" + name; if(haveFile(cachedBinary)){ std::cout << "Making [" << iCachedBinary << "]\n"; std::ofstream fs;; fs << occaCOIMain; fs.close(); std::stringstream command; command << dev->dHandle->compiler << " -o " << cachedBinary << " -x c++" << ' ' << dev->dHandle->compilerFlags << ' ' << iCachedBinary; const std::string &sCommand = command.str(); std::cout << "Compiling [" << functionName << "]\n" << sCommand << "\n\n"; system(sCommand.c_str()); releaseFile(cachedBinary); } else waitForFile(cachedBinary); } // [-] Tentative std::string SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH; char *c_SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = getenv("SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); if(c_SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH != NULL) SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = std::string(c_SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH); OCCA_COI_CHECK("Device: Initializing", COIProcessCreateFromFile(data_.deviceID, cachedBinary.c_str(), 0 , NULL, true, NULL, true, NULL, memoryAllocated ? memoryAllocated : (4 << 30), // 4 GB SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH.c_str(), &(data_.chiefID)) ); const char *kernelNames[] = {"occaKernelWith1Argument" , "occaKernelWith2Arguments" , "occaKernelWith3Arguments" , "occaKernelWith4Arguments" , "occaKernelWith5Arguments" , "occaKernelWith6Arguments" , "occaKernelWith7Arguments" , "occaKernelWith8Arguments" , "occaKernelWith9Arguments" , "occaKernelWith10Arguments", "occaKernelWith11Arguments", "occaKernelWith12Arguments", "occaKernelWith13Arguments", "occaKernelWith14Arguments", "occaKernelWith15Arguments", "occaKernelWith16Arguments", "occaKernelWith17Arguments", "occaKernelWith18Arguments", "occaKernelWith19Arguments", "occaKernelWith20Arguments", "occaKernelWith21Arguments", "occaKernelWith22Arguments", "occaKernelWith23Arguments", "occaKernelWith24Arguments", "occaKernelWith25Arguments"}; // [-] More hard-coding, if you know what I mean OCCA_COI_CHECK("Device: Getting Kernel Wrappers", COIProcessGetFunctionHandles(data_.chiefID, 25, kernelNames, data_.kernelWrapper)); }