Ejemplo n.º 1
bool hcp::Runtime::hasExtension(const char* path, const char* extension) {
	if (!path || !extension) {
		return false;

	hcp_Int pathLen = hcp_szStrLen((hcp_cszStr)path);
	hcp_Int extLen = hcp_szStrLen((const hcp_szStr)extension);

	if (extLen >= pathLen) {
		return false;

	const char* lhs = (const char*)((hcp_Size_t)path + (hcp_Size_t)pathLen);
	const char* rhs = (const char*)((hcp_Size_t)extension + (hcp_Size_t)extLen);

	while (rhs != extension) {
		char expected = *(rhs--);
		char actual = *(lhs--);

		// ignore case, cast all to caps
		expected = expected >= 97 && expected <= 122 ? (int)expected - 32 : expected;
		actual = actual >= 97 && actual <= 122 ? (int)actual - 32 : actual;

		if (expected != actual) {
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
hcp_Int hcp_GetUint8(const hcp_tProtocol* pProtocol, const hcp_szStr Key, hcp_Uint8* pDest) {
	*pDest = 0;
	hcp_tString key;

	key.value = Key;
	key.length = hcp_szStrLen(Key);
	key.zeroTerm = HCP_TRUE;

	hcp_Boolean found = HCP_FALSE;
	hcp_Size_t index = hcp_FindFirst(&pProtocol->header, 0, &key, &found);

	if (found == HCP_FALSE) {

	hcp_tProtocolNode* node = (hcp_tProtocolNode*)hcp_ValueAt(&pProtocol->header, index);

	*pDest = (hcp_Uint8)hcp_Atio(&node->value);
	return HCP_NOERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 3
hcp::Runtime* hcp_init_runtime(hcp_cszStr codecPath) {
	if (_r == nullptr) {
		hcp_tHost host;

		memset(&host, 0, sizeof(hcp_tHost));

		host.free_ = _free;
		host.malloc_ = _malloc;
		host.memcpy_ = _memcpy;
		host.memset_ = _memset;

		_r = new hcp::Runtime(&host);
  char const* err = nullptr;

	if (codecPath != nullptr && hcp_szStrLen(codecPath) > 0) {
		if (!_r->scanDir(codecPath, &err)) {


  return _r;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool hcp::Runtime::scanDir(const char* codecPath,const char** error) {
	uv_fs_t req;
	int numFiles = uv_fs_scandir(uv_default_loop(), &req, codecPath, UV_FS_SCANDIR, nullptr);

	if (numFiles < 0) {
		if (error) {
			*error = uv_strerror(numFiles);

		return false;

	for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {
		uv_dirent_t ent;
		hcp::tCodec codec;

		int r = uv_fs_scandir_next(&req, &ent);

		if (r == UV_EOF) {

		hcp_Boolean found = HCP_FALSE;
		// skip codecs with duplicate name
		hcp_FindFirst(&_codecs.header, 0, (void*)ent.name, &found);

		if (found == HCP_TRUE) {

		if (hcp::Runtime::hasExtension(ent.name, ".DLL") ||
			hcp::Runtime::hasExtension(ent.name, ".SO") ||
        hcp::Runtime::hasExtension(ent.name, ".DYLIB")) {

			hcp_Size_t pathLen = hcp_szStrLen((hcp_szStr)codecPath);
			hcp_Size_t nameLen = hcp_szStrLen((hcp_szStr)ent.name);

			codec.path = (char*)hcp_Malloc(_state, pathLen + nameLen + 2);
			hcp_Memcpy(_state, codec.path, codecPath, pathLen);
			hcp_Memcpy(_state, codec.path + pathLen, "/", 1);
			hcp_Memcpy(_state, codec.path + pathLen + 1, ent.name, nameLen + 1);

			if (loadLibrary(codec.path, &codec, error)) {
				hcp_Size_t index;
				auto code = hcp_Push(&_codecs.header, &codec, &index);

				if (code != HCP_NOERROR) {
					// TODO: Logg load errors
					hcp_Free(_state, codec.path);
			else {
				// TODO: Logg load errors
				hcp_Free(_state, codec.path);
		else {

	return true;