Ejemplo n.º 1
void main(){
  int choice, so;
    printf("1. Chuyen tu he 10 sang he 2 \n");
    printf("2. Chuyen tu he 10 sang he 16 \n");
    printf("3. Thoat\n");
    scanf("%d", &choice);
    case 1:
    case 2: he16(so);
    case 3: break;
    default:printf("something wrong\n");
  }while(choice != 3);
Ejemplo n.º 2
real_t CapsuleShape2DSW::get_moment_of_inertia(float p_mass) const {

	Vector2 he2(radius*2,height+radius*2);
	return p_mass*he2.dot(he2)/12.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Mesh::subDivide()
	Mesh newMesh = *this; // Maybe have to write a copy constructor for this to work as we would like
	//All vertices that were in the original mesh are stored in the oldVertices vector
	//to give us a reference for what vertices will be moved later on
	std::vector<Vertex*> oldVertices;
	for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.halfEdges.size(); i++) 
	//This will be filled as new vertices are created so that we can ensure that these vertices are pointing 
	//to the correct half-edge at the end.
	//std::vector<Vertex*> newVertices;

	/* Next we find the center points of each face by averaging the positions of all the vertices 
		that make up the face. Store that center vertex as a temporary member of the face. */
	for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.faces.size(); i++) {
		Face* currentFace = &newMesh.faces[i];
		Vertex centerVertex = getCenterPoint(currentFace);
		currentFace->centerPoint = &centerVertex;
		/********** I foresee a problem with centerPoint being added to the vertex but then going out of scope
		so now the vector just sees a junk vertex.

	/* Next create all new vertices that will lay on the current edges.
		These vertices are given a position (obviously), and a halfEdge. The halfedge that the vertex
		points to is the halfedge that it lies on. The halfEdge that the vertex lies on also is given
		a temporary pointer to that vertex as well.
	/***********	 NOTE: Remember to change the new vertices to contain a pointer to the halfedge 
		= halfedge->next->sym (where halfedge is the original halfedge that pointed to the vertex)
	for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.halfEdges.size(); i++) {
		Vertex edgeVertex;
		if (newMesh.halfEdges[i].halfVertex != NULL || newMesh.halfEdges[i].sym->halfVertex != NULL) continue; //if the half edge already has a vertex there.
		/************If Sym can never be null, then there will always be 4 points at the center of a face (Erase the else)**/
		if (halfEdges[i].sym != NULL) { 
			//average vertices on all four sides of half edge
			Vertex v1 = *newMesh.halfEdges[i].vertex;
			Vertex v2 = *getPreviousVertex(&newMesh.halfEdges[i]);
			Vertex v3 = *newMesh.halfEdges[i].face->centerPoint;
			Vertex v4 = *newMesh.halfEdges[i].sym->face->centerPoint;
			edgeVertex.pos = (v1.pos + v2.pos + v3.pos + v4.pos) / 4.0f;

		}else { //outer half edge
			//Only use vertices on either side of the halfedge
			Vertex v1 = *newMesh.halfEdges[i].vertex;
			Vertex v2 = *getPreviousVertex(&newMesh.halfEdges[i]);	
			edgeVertex.pos = (v1.pos + v2.pos)/2.0f;
		//A vertex needs to store a position and a halfEdge
		edgeVertex.halfEdge = &newMesh.halfEdges[i]; //add a halfedge to the vertex
		newMesh.halfEdges[i].halfVertex = &edgeVertex; //add the vertex to the halfedge (temporarily)
		newMesh.halfEdges[i].sym->halfVertex = &edgeVertex; //add the vertex to the halfedge's sym (temporarily)

		//store the two faces for this in the face's newVertices vector
		//how do i set it for a face, when we're looping through half edges?
		/****** I foresee a problem with adding edgeVertex to the vector and then it going out of scope so
		the vector is left pointing at a junk vertex.

	/* Next create the halfedges that will border the existing faces (Halfedges that go from the original 
		vertices to the edge half-vertices). In this step, no halfedges will be created that go from the center 
		of the face out to the edges. That comes later (after creating the faces).
	for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.faces.size(); i++) {
		HalfEdge* firstHe = newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge;

		//For each halfedge around the face.
		for (HalfEdge* originalHe = firstHe; originalHe->next != firstHe; originalHe = originalHe->next) {
			HalfEdge newHalfEdge = *originalHe; //Create halfedge identical to this halfedge
			//add it to newMesh
			newHalfEdge.halfVertex = NULL; //clear the new halfedge's halfvertex. Only the original needs it.
			//I foresee a problem with this HE going out of scope and so all the information is borked.

			//Update all the original half-edge data members to reference the new halfedge that is placed in 
			//	front of it.
			originalHe->vertex->halfEdge = &newHalfEdge;
			originalHe->vertex = originalHe->halfVertex;
			originalHe->halfVertex = NULL;
			originalHe->next = &newHalfEdge;
			originalHe->sym = originalHe->next->sym->next; 
			originalHe->face = originalHe->face; //Keep the same for now.

	/* Next create all the new faces that will be inside the original face. These faces will take the place
	of the one big face. At the end of this, make sure to set the originalFace->centerPoint equal to NULL.
	Don't forget to add a normal equal to the normal of the original face as well.
	Also set newVertices to null for all faces
	/***********	 NOTE: Remember to change the new vertices to contain a pointer to the halfedge 
		= halfedge->next->sym (where halfedge is the original halfedge that pointed to the vertex)
	std::vector<Face*> newFaces;

	for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.faces.size(); i++) {
		//first create vector of new faces
		for(int j=0; j<newMesh.faces[i].newVertices.size(); j++)
			Face* face;

		//first set the first HE you start at to point to face 1 (newFaces[0]) in the newFaces vec
		newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge->face = newFaces[0];
		//set newFaces[0]'s HE to this first HE
		newFaces[0]->halfEdge = newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge;
		HalfEdge* firstHe = newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge;
		HalfEdge* iterator = newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge;
		for(int j=1; j<newMesh.faces[i].newVertices.size(); j++)
			//go to next HE, set face to newFaces[i]
			iterator = iterator->next;
			iterator->face = newFaces[i];
			//go to next HE, set face to newFaces[i]
			iterator = iterator->next;
			iterator->face = newFaces[i];
			//set newFaces[i]'s HE to this HE
			newFaces[i]->halfEdge = iterator;
			newFaces[i]->normal = newMesh.faces[i].normal;
			newFaces[i]->centerPoint = NULL;
		//set last one to face 1 -- the next one should now be the first one
		iterator = iterator->next;
		iterator->face = newFaces[0];
		//NOW WE WILL CREATE THE NEW HE's for this face that are between the center point and the new vertices
		//temp vector of HE's that point out from middle to be used for connecting "nexts"
		std::vector<HalfEdge*> outwardHEs;
		std::vector<HalfEdge*> inwardHEs;
		for(int j = 0; j < newMesh.faces[i].newVertices.size(); j++) {
			//he1 and he2 are down and up
			HalfEdge he1(newMesh.faces[i].centerPoint, NULL, NULL, newFaces[j]); //face to the left -- NOT SURE IF THIS IS RIGHT FACE -- now face to the right.....now clap your hands
			HalfEdge he2(newMesh.faces[i].newVertices[j], NULL, &he1, newFaces[(j+1)%newMesh.faces[i].newVertices.size()]);//face to the right
			newMesh.faces[i].newVertices[j]->halfEdge = &he2;
			//add them to newMesh
			he1.sym = &he2;
			//loop through all outer HE, comparing their "vertex" to newVertices[j]
			//he2.next will equal THAT one's next
			for (HalfEdge* originalHe = firstHe; originalHe->next != firstHe; originalHe = originalHe->next) {
				if(newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge->vertex == newMesh.faces[i].newVertices[j])
					he2.next = newMesh.faces[i].halfEdge->next;
				//else major error

			//for all the new faces, set the remaining unconnected "next" HE to be connected
			//This assumes that the first halfedge of a face matches up with the first item in the inwardHEs.
			for(int k=0; k<newFaces.size(); k++)
				newFaces[i]->halfEdge->next = inwardHEs[i];
			int temp = j;
			if((temp-1) < 0) temp = newMesh.faces[i].newVertices.size()-1;
			he1.next = outwardHEs[temp];
			newMesh.faces[i].centerPoint->halfEdge = &he1;

	By this point, the mesh should be in a state where it has been completely subdivided. All new vertices 
	have been added, all new halfedges have been added, all new faces have been added.

	Next, move all original vertices. Do this by looping through the vector of original vertices, 
		and move their positions to the average of the four surrounding vertices. The four surrounding vertices
		are the vertices that were created in the center of the edge during this CC iteration.
	for (int i = 0; i < oldVertices.size(); i++) {
		Vertex* vert = oldVertices[i];

		Vertex v1 = *getPreviousVertex(vert->halfEdge);					//Beneath
		Vertex v2 = *vert->halfEdge->next->vertex;						//Right
		Vertex v3 = *vert->halfEdge->next->sym->next->vertex;			//Up
		Vertex v4 = *vert->halfEdge->next->sym->next->sym->next->vertex;//Left
		vec3 newPos = (v1.pos+v2.pos+v3.pos+v4.pos)/4.0f;
		vert->pos = newPos;

	//faces, as well as their normals, halfEdge, centerPoint -- DONE
	//vertices, as well as their pos, halfEdge -- DONE
	//halfEdges, as well as their vertex, next, sym, face, halfVertex -- not sure

	//update newMesh's faces
	for(int i=0; i<newFaces.size(); i++)

	//update newMesh's vertices
	//run through all OLD faces, getting the "newVertices" AND centerPoint for that face and adding that to newMesh's vertices along with old vertices...?
	for(int i=0; i<this->faces.size(); i++)
		for(int j=0; j<this->faces[i].newVertices.size(); j++)

	//Finally, overwrite THIS mesh to be equal to the mesh that we just created!
	*this = newMesh; 