Ejemplo n.º 1
void tree2w() {

   // write tree2 example
   //create a Tree file tree2.root
   TFile f("tree2.root","recreate");

   //create the file, the Tree
   TTree t2("t2","a Tree with data from a fake Geant3");
   // declare a variable of the C structure type
   Gctrak_t gstep;

   // add the branches for a subset of gstep
   t2.Branch("getot",&gstep.getot,"getot/F");const Int_t MAXMEC = 30;
//     + ,NMEC,LMEC(MAXMEC) 

typedef struct { 
  Float_t  vect[7];
  Float_t  getot; 
  Float_t  gekin;
  Float_t  vout[7]; 
  Int_t    nmec; 
  Int_t    lmec[MAXMEC]; 
  Int_t    namec[MAXMEC]; 
  Int_t    nstep; 
  Int_t    pid;
  Float_t  destep; 
  Float_t  destel; 
  Float_t  safety; 
  Float_t  sleng; 
  Float_t  step; 
  Float_t  snext; 
  Float_t  sfield; 
  Float_t  tofg; 
  Float_t  gekrat; 
  Float_t  upwght; 
} Gctrak_t;

   //Initialize particle parameters at first point
   Float_t px,py,pz,p,charge=0;
   Float_t vout[7];
   Float_t mass  = 0.137;
   Bool_t newParticle = kTRUE;                             
   gstep.step    = 0.1;
   gstep.destep  = 0;
   gstep.nmec    = 0;
   gstep.pid     = 0;

   //transport particles 
   for (Int_t i=0; i<10000; i++) {
//generate a new particle if necessary (Geant3 emulation)
if (newParticle) {
px = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
py = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
pz = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
p  = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
charge = 1;                                   
if (gRandom->Rndm() < 0.5) charge = -1;
gstep.pid    += 1;
gstep.vect[0] = 0;
gstep.vect[1] = 0;
gstep.vect[2] = 0;
gstep.vect[3] = px/p;
gstep.vect[4] = py/p;
gstep.vect[5] = pz/p;
gstep.vect[6] = p*charge;
gstep.getot   = TMath::Sqrt(p*p + mass*mass);
gstep.gekin   = gstep.getot - mass;
newParticle   = kFALSE;
// fill the Tree with current step parameters

//transport particle in magnetic field (Geant3 emulation)
    helixStep(gstep.step, gstep.vect, vout);   
 //make one step
//apply energy loss
gstep.destep   = gstep.step*gRandom->Gaus(0.0002,0.00001);
gstep.gekin -= gstep.destep;
gstep.getot  = gstep.gekin + mass;
gstep.vect[6]= charge*TMath::Sqrt(gstep.getot*gstep.getot - mass*mass);
  gstep.vect[0] = vout[0];
gstep.vect[1] = vout[1];
gstep.vect[2] = vout[2];
gstep.vect[3] = vout[3];                              
gstep.vect[4] = vout[4];                             
gstep.vect[5] = vout[5];
gstep.nmec    = (Int_t)(5*gRandom->Rndm());
for (Int_t l=0; l<gstep.nmec; l++) gstep.lmec[l] = l;
if  (gstep.gekin < 0.001) newParticle = kTRUE;
if  (TMath::Abs(gstep.vect[2]) > 30) newParticle = kTRUE;
   //save the Tree header. The file will be automatically 
   // closed when going out of the function scope
Ejemplo n.º 2
void tree2aw()
   //create a Tree file tree2.root
   //create the file, the Tree and a few branches with 
   //a subset of gctrak
   TFile f("tree2.root","recreate");
   TTree t2("t2","a Tree with data from a fake Geant3");
   Gctrak *gstep = new Gctrak;
   //Initialize particle parameters at first point
   Float_t px,py,pz,p,charge=0;
   Float_t vout[7];
   Float_t mass  = 0.137;
   Bool_t newParticle = kTRUE;
   gstep->lmec    = new Int_t[MAXMEC];
   gstep->namec   = new Int_t[MAXMEC];
   gstep->step    = 0.1;
   gstep->destep  = 0;
   gstep->nmec    = 0;
   gstep->pid     = 0;
   //transport particles 
   for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) {
      //generate a new particle if necessary
      if (newParticle) {
         px = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
         py = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
         pz = gRandom->Gaus(0,.02);
         p  = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
         charge = 1; if (gRandom->Rndm() < 0.5) charge = -1;
         gstep->pid    += 1;
         gstep->vect[0] = 0;
         gstep->vect[1] = 0;
         gstep->vect[2] = 0;
         gstep->vect[3] = px/p;
         gstep->vect[4] = py/p;
         gstep->vect[5] = pz/p;
         gstep->vect[6] = p*charge;
         gstep->getot   = TMath::Sqrt(p*p + mass*mass);
         gstep->gekin   = gstep->getot - mass;
         newParticle = kFALSE;
      // fill the Tree with current step parameters
      //transport particle in magnetic field
      helixStep(gstep->step, gstep->vect, vout); //make one step
      //apply energy loss
      gstep->destep = gstep->step*gRandom->Gaus(0.0002,0.00001);
      gstep->gekin -= gstep->destep;
      gstep->getot   = gstep->gekin + mass;
      gstep->vect[6] = charge*TMath::Sqrt(gstep->getot*gstep->getot - mass*mass);
      gstep->vect[0] = vout[0];
      gstep->vect[1] = vout[1];
      gstep->vect[2] = vout[2];
      gstep->vect[3] = vout[3];
      gstep->vect[4] = vout[4];
      gstep->vect[5] = vout[5];
      gstep->nmec    = (Int_t)(5*gRandom->Rndm());
      for (Int_t l=0;l<gstep->nmec;l++) {
         gstep->lmec[l] = l;
         gstep->namec[l] = l+100;
      if (gstep->gekin < 0.001)            newParticle = kTRUE;
      if (TMath::Abs(gstep->vect[2]) > 30) newParticle = kTRUE;
   //save the Tree header. The file will be automatically closed
   //when going out of the function scope