/* * Set up the agent if running as a daemon. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = 0; char log_file[] = "pmda_ctdb.log"; pmdaInterface dispatch; __pmSetProgname(argv[0]); pmdaDaemon(&dispatch, PMDA_INTERFACE_2, pmProgname, CTDB, log_file, helpfile()); if (pmdaGetOpt(argc, argv, "d:i:l:pu:?", &dispatch, &err) != EOF) { err++; } if (err) { usage(); } pmdaOpenLog(&dispatch); pmda_ctdb_init(&dispatch); pmdaConnect(&dispatch); pmdaMain(&dispatch); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string line; std::ifstream helpfile("help.txt"); if (helpfile.is_open()) { while (getline(helpfile, line)) { std::cout << line << "\n"; // Write to console helpText.push_back(line); // Save text for later as well } } else { std::cout << "help.txt missing!"; helpText.push_back("help.txt missing!"); } helpfile.close(); #ifdef _WIN32 system("PAUSE"); // "Press any key to continue" #endif srand(time(NULL)); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(600, 720); // Start Windowed glutCreateWindow("Interactive Screensaver"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutPassiveMotionFunc(mousePassive); // for direction indicators in click mode glutMotionFunc(mousePassive); // for direction indicators in drag mode glutTimerFunc(16, timer, 0); int colourSubMenu = glutCreateMenu(colourMenu); glutAddMenuEntry("Random", RANDOMCOLOUR); glutAddMenuEntry("Red", RED); glutAddMenuEntry("Green", GREEN); glutAddMenuEntry("Blue", BLUE); glutAddMenuEntry("Yellow", YELLOW); glutAddMenuEntry("Magenta", MAGENTA); glutAddMenuEntry("Teal", TEAL); glutAddMenuEntry("Orange", ORANGE); glutAddMenuEntry("Pink", PINK); glutAddMenuEntry("Purple", PURPLE); glutAddMenuEntry("White", WHITE); glutCreateMenu(menu); glutAddSubMenu("Set Colour", colourSubMenu); glutAddMenuEntry("Quit Program", 'q'); glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); glutMainLoop(); return(0); }
void WebFrame::OnLoadScheme(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { wxFileName helpfile("../help/doc.zip"); helpfile.MakeAbsolute(); wxString path = helpfile.GetFullPath(); //Under MSW we need to flip the slashes path.Replace("\\", "/"); path = "wxfs:///" + path + ";protocol=zip/doc.htm"; m_browser->LoadURL(path); }
RfkHelp::RfkHelp() { #ifdef Q_WS_HILDON // Under Maemo, this is a stacked window. this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5StackedWindow); #endif QFile helpfile(":/resources/help.html"); helpfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text); QString help = helpfile.readAll(); helpfile.close(); this->setReadOnly(true); this->setHtml(help); }
void ISFSetupWin::create_ise_help_main (gint type, char *name, char *title) { if (!_ise_help_win) _ise_help_win = new ISFHelpWin (); if (!_ise_help_win) return; TOOLBAR_MODE_T mode = TOOLBAR_MODE_T (type); // for mutually exclusive ISEs if (TOOLBAR_HELPER_MODE == mode) { String help_filename, help_line; if (TOOLBAR_HELPER_MODE == mode) { help_filename = String (SCIM_MODULE_PATH) + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String (SCIM_BINARY_VERSION) + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String ("Helper") + String (SCIM_PATH_DELIM_STRING) + String (name) + String (".help"); } std::ifstream helpfile (help_filename.c_str ()); if (!helpfile) { std::cerr << "Can't open help file : " << help_filename << "!!!!!!!!!! \n"; help_line = String (_("Input Service Framework ")) + String (_("\n(C) 2008 SAMSUNG")) + String (_("\n\n Help file is needed!!")); } else { /* FIXME -- 256 char per line for now -- */ char str[256]; while (helpfile.getline (str, sizeof (str))) { help_line = help_line + String (str) + String("\n"); } helpfile.close (); } _ise_help_win->show_help (title, (char *)help_line.c_str ()); } else { // FIXME _ise_help_win->show_help (title, (char *)_keyboard_ise_help_map[String(name)].c_str ()); } }
/* * _nd_help() displays helpfiles */ void _nd_help(char *document) { STRING(Page) pages; Page *cur, *up = 0; int rc; void *help, *chain; char *topic; /* help topic title, for putting on the * help box titlebar*/ if (document == 0) return; CREATE(pages); cur = &EXPAND(pages); cur->cursor = 0; cur->file = helpfile(document, root); do { help = newHelp(0, 0, (COLS*3)/4, LINES-10, cur->file, (pfo)ndhcallback, 0); /*setObjTitle(help, cur->file);*/ if (cur->cursor) setHelpCursor(help, cur->cursor); chain = ObjChain(help, newCancelButton(0,"Done", 0, 0)); rc = MENU(chain, -1, -1, getHelpTopic(help), 0, 0); if (rc == MENU_OK) { if (( topic = currentHtmlTag(help) )) { cur->cursor = getHelpCursor(help); up = cur; cur = &EXPAND(pages); cur->cursor = 0; cur->file = helpfile(topic, up ? up->file : root); } } else if (rc == MENU_ESCAPE) { free(cur->file); S(pages)--; up = (S(pages) > 1) ? &T(pages)[S(pages)-2]:0; cur = &T(pages)[S(pages)-1]; } else if (rc == MENU_CANCEL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < S(pages); i++) free(T(pages)[i].file); } deleteObjChain(chain); } while ( S(pages) > 0 ); DELETE(pages); #if HAVE_DOUPDATE doupdate(); #else refresh(); #endif } /* _nd_help */
void HelpPlugin::LaunchHelp(const wxString &c_helpfile, bool isExecutable, bool openEmbeddedViewer, HelpCommon::StringCase keyCase, const wxString &defkeyword, const wxString &c_keyword) { const static wxString http_prefix(_T("http://")); const static wxString man_prefix(_T("man:")); wxString helpfile(c_helpfile); // Patch by Yorgos Pagles: Use the new attributes to calculate the keyword wxString keyword = c_keyword.IsEmpty() ? defkeyword : c_keyword; if(keyCase == HelpCommon::UpperCase) { keyword.MakeUpper(); } else if (keyCase == HelpCommon::LowerCase) { keyword.MakeLower(); } helpfile.Replace(_T("$(keyword)"), keyword); Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(helpfile); if (isExecutable) { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Executing ") + helpfile); wxExecute(helpfile); return; } // Support C::B scripts if (wxFileName(helpfile).GetExt() == _T("script")) { if (Manager::Get()->GetScriptingManager()->LoadScript(helpfile)) { // help scripts must contain a function with the following signature: // function SearchHelp(keyword) try { SqPlus::SquirrelFunction<void> f("SearchHelp"); f(keyword); } catch (SquirrelError& e) { Manager::Get()->GetScriptingManager()->DisplayErrors(&e); } } else { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Couldn't run script")); } return; } // Operate on help html file links inside embedded viewer if (openEmbeddedViewer && wxFileName(helpfile).GetExt().Mid(0, 3).CmpNoCase(_T("htm")) == 0) { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Launching ") + helpfile); cbMimePlugin* p = Manager::Get()->GetPluginManager()->GetMIMEHandlerForFile(helpfile); if (p) { p->OpenFile(helpfile); } else { reinterpret_cast<MANFrame *>(m_manFrame)->LoadPage(helpfile); ShowMANViewer(); } return; } // Operate on help http (web) links if (helpfile.Mid(0, http_prefix.size()).CmpNoCase(http_prefix) == 0) { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Launching ") + helpfile); wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(helpfile); return; } // Operate on man pages if (helpfile.Mid(0, man_prefix.size()).CmpNoCase(man_prefix) == 0) { if (reinterpret_cast<MANFrame *>(m_manFrame)->SearchManPage(c_helpfile, keyword)) { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Couldn't find man page")); } else { Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Launching man page")); } ShowMANViewer(); return; } wxFileName the_helpfile = wxFileName(helpfile); Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(_T("Help File is ") + helpfile); if (!(the_helpfile.FileExists())) { wxString msg; msg << _("Couldn't find the help file:\n") << the_helpfile.GetFullPath() << _("\n") << _("Do you want to run the associated program anyway?"); if (!(cbMessageBox(msg, _("Warning"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT) == wxID_YES)); return; } wxString ext = the_helpfile.GetExt(); #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Operate on help files with keyword search (windows only) if (!keyword.IsEmpty()) { if (ext.CmpNoCase(_T("hlp")) == 0) { wxWinHelpController HelpCtl; HelpCtl.Initialize(helpfile); HelpCtl.KeywordSearch(keyword); return; } if (ext.CmpNoCase(_T("chm")) == 0) { LaunchCHMThread *p_thread = new LaunchCHMThread(helpfile, keyword); p_thread->Create(); p_thread->Run(); return; } } #endif // Just call it with the associated program wxFileType *filetype = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(ext); if (!filetype) { cbMessageBox(_("Couldn't find an associated program to open:\n") + the_helpfile.GetFullPath(), _("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } wxExecute(filetype->GetOpenCommand(helpfile)); delete filetype; }
int main( int argc, char *[] ) { if( argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) { HCWarning( USAGE ); return( -1 ); } // Parse the command line. char cmdline[80]; char *pfilename, *temp; int quiet = 0; getcmd( cmdline ); temp = cmdline; pfilename = NULL; while( *temp != '\0' && isspace( *temp ) ) { temp++; } if( *temp == '-' || *temp == '/' ) { temp++; if( (*temp != 'q' && *temp != 'Q') || !isspace( *(temp+1) ) ) { HCWarning( USAGE ); return( -1 ); } else { quiet = 1; temp++; while( *temp != '\0' && isspace( *temp ) ) { temp++; } if( *temp == '\0' ) { HCWarning( USAGE ); return( -1 ); } else { pfilename = temp; } } } else if( *temp != '\0' ) { pfilename = temp++; while( *temp != '\0' && *temp != '/' && *temp != '-' ) { temp++; } if( *temp != '\0' ) { *temp = '\0'; temp++; if( *temp != 'q' && *temp != 'Q' ) { HCWarning( USAGE ); return( -1 ); } else { temp++; while( *temp != '\0' && isspace( *temp ) ) { temp++; } if( *temp != '\0' ){ HCWarning( USAGE ); return( -1 ); } else { quiet = 1; } } } } SetQuiet( quiet ); // Parse the given filename. char path[_MAX_PATH]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; _fullpath( path, pfilename, _MAX_PATH ); _splitpath( path, drive, dir, fname, ext ); if( stricmp( ext, PhExt ) == 0 || stricmp( ext, HlpExt ) == 0 ) { HCWarning( BAD_EXT ); return( -1 ); } if( ext[0] == '\0' ){ _makepath( path, drive, dir, fname, HpjExt ); } char destpath[_MAX_PATH]; _makepath( destpath, drive, dir, fname, HlpExt ); InFile input( path ); if( input.bad() ) { HCWarning( FILE_ERR, pfilename ); return( -1 ); } // Set up and start the help compiler. try { HFSDirectory helpfile( destpath ); HFFont fontfile( &helpfile ); HFContext contfile( &helpfile ); HFSystem sysfile( &helpfile, &contfile ); HFCtxomap ctxfile( &helpfile, &contfile ); HFTtlbtree ttlfile( &helpfile ); HFKwbtree keyfile( &helpfile ); HFBitmaps bitfiles( &helpfile ); Pointers my_files = { NULL, NULL, &sysfile, &fontfile, &contfile, &ctxfile, &keyfile, &ttlfile, &bitfiles, }; if( stricmp( ext, RtfExt ) == 0 ) { my_files._topFile = new HFTopic( &helpfile ); RTFparser rtfhandler( &my_files, &input ); rtfhandler.Go(); } else { HPJReader projfile( &helpfile, &my_files, &input ); projfile.parseFile(); } helpfile.dump(); if( my_files._topFile != NULL ) { delete my_files._topFile; } if( my_files._phrFile != NULL ) { delete my_files._phrFile; } } catch( HCException ) { HCWarning( PROGRAM_STOPPED ); return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); }
checkForUpdates::checkForUpdates(QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags fl) : XWidget(parent, fl) { setupUi(this); QUrl updatequrl("http://updates.xtuple.com/checkForUpdates.php"); updatequrl.addQueryItem("xtuple", _Version); XSqlQuery versions; versions.exec("SELECT version() AS pgver," " fetchMetricText('ServerVersion') AS dbver," " fetchMetricText('Application') AS dbprod;"); if(versions.first()) { updatequrl.addQueryItem("postgres", versions.value("pgver").toString()); updatequrl.addQueryItem(versions.value("dbprod").toString(), versions.value("dbver").toString()); } else if (versions.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) systemError(this, versions.lastError().text(), __FILE__, __LINE__); // no return - let's learn as much as we can #ifdef Q_WS_MACX QString helpdir = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../Resources/helpXTupleGUIClient"; #else QString helpdir = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "helpXTupleGUIClient"; #endif QFile helpfile(helpdir + "/index.html"); QString helpver; if (helpfile.exists()) { if (helpfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QXmlQuery helpverq; if (helpverq.setFocus(&helpfile)) { helpverq.setQuery("/descendant::p[attribute::class='releaseinfo']/text()/string()"); if (helpverq.isValid()) { QStringList helpverlist; if (helpverq.evaluateTo(&helpverlist) && ! helpverlist.isEmpty()) helpver = helpverlist.at(0); else if (DEBUG) qDebug("Could not find the releaseinfo in %s", qPrintable(helpfile.fileName())); } else if (DEBUG) qDebug("The helpver query is not valid for some reason"); } else if (DEBUG) qDebug("Could not set focus on the help file %s", qPrintable(helpfile.fileName())); } else if (DEBUG) qDebug("Found the help file %s but could not open it: %s", qPrintable(helpfile.fileName()), qPrintable(helpfile.errorString())); } else if (DEBUG) qDebug("The help file %s does not exist", qPrintable(helpfile.fileName())); updatequrl.addQueryItem("xTupleHelp", helpver); QStringList context; context << "xTuple" << "openrpt" << "reports"; // duplicated from main.cpp! versions.exec("SELECT pkghead_name, pkghead_version" " FROM pkghead" " WHERE packageisenabled(pkghead_id);"); while(versions.next()) { updatequrl.addQueryItem(versions.value("pkghead_name").toString(), versions.value("pkghead_version").toString()); context << versions.value("pkghead_name").toString(); } if (versions.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) systemError(this, versions.lastError().text(), __FILE__, __LINE__); // no return - let's learn as much as we can // get all of the locales on the system versions.exec("SELECT DISTINCT lang_abbr2, country_abbr" " FROM locale" " JOIN lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id)" " LEFT OUTER JOIN country ON (locale_country_id=country_id)" " ORDER BY lang_abbr2, country_abbr;"); QStringList locale; while(versions.next()) { QString tmp = versions.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); if (! versions.value("country_abbr").isNull()) tmp += "_" + versions.value("country_abbr").toString(); locale.append(tmp); } if (! locale.isEmpty()) updatequrl.addQueryItem("locales", locale.join(",")); else if(versions.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) systemError(this, versions.lastError().text(), __FILE__, __LINE__); // maybe i want to update just _my_ translation file versions.exec("SELECT lang_abbr2, country_abbr" " FROM locale" " JOIN usr ON (locale_id=usr_locale_id)" " JOIN lang ON (locale_lang_id=lang_id)" " LEFT OUTER JOIN country ON (locale_country_id=country_id)" " WHERE (usr_username=getEffectiveXtUser());"); if (versions.first()) { QString tmp = versions.value("lang_abbr2").toString(); if (! versions.value("country_abbr").isNull()) tmp += "_" + versions.value("country_abbr").toString(); updatequrl.addQueryItem("mylocale", tmp); } else if(versions.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) systemError(this, versions.lastError().text(), __FILE__, __LINE__); QString qmparam = "qm.%1.%2"; for (int l = 0; l < locale.length(); l++) { for (int c = 0; c < context.length(); c++) { QString version(""); QString tf = translationFile(locale.at(l), context.at(c), version); updatequrl.addQueryItem(qmparam.arg(context.at(c), locale.at(l)), version); } } if (DEBUG) qDebug("checkForUpdates::checkForUpdates() sending %s", updatequrl.toEncoded().data()); _view->load(updatequrl); }