Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: type.c Proyecto: abw/hemp
void test_types() {
    Hemp hemp            = hemp_new();
    HempContext context = hemp_context(hemp);

    HempValue number = hemp_num_val(3.14159);
    ok( hemp_is_number(number), "created a number" );

    HempMemory method;
    method = hemp_object_method(number, "name");
    ok( method, "got a pointer to name method");

    HempValue value = hemp_send(number, "name", context);
    ok( hemp_is_defined(value), "got result" );
    is( hemp_val_str(value), "Number", "got number name" );

    value = hemp_send(number, "no_such_method", context);
    ok( hemp_is_missing(value), "no_such_method is missing" );

    HempText text = hemp_text_from_string("hello world!");
    value = hemp_send( hemp_text_val(text), "length", context);
    ok( hemp_is_defined(value), "got text length" );
    eq( hemp_val_int(value), 12, "length is 12" );
    /* try converting number to text */
    value = hemp_send(value, "text", context);
    if (hemp_is_missing(value)) {
        fail("No text method?");
    ok( hemp_is_defined(value), "got length as text" );
    is( hemp_val_text(value)->string, "12", "length text is 12" );

// Text value is now managed by context
//    hemp_text_free( hemp_val_text(value) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Hemp       hemp,
    HempString     type,
    HempString     name
) {
    hemp_debug_call("hemp_use_module(%s => %s)\n", type, name);

    HempValue  path = hemp_config_get(hemp, HEMP_CONFIG_MODPATH);
    HempString string;

    if (hemp_is_defined(path)) {
        string = hemp_to_string(path, hemp->context);
//      hemp_debug_msg("already got %s: %s\n", HEMP_CONFIG_MODPATH, string);
    else {
        HempValue  dir  = hemp_config_get(hemp, HEMP_CONFIG_DIR);
        HempValue  mod  = hemp_config_get(hemp, HEMP_CONFIG_MODDIR);
        HempString dstr = hemp_to_string(dir, hemp->context);
        HempString mstr = hemp_to_string(mod, hemp->context);

        string = hemp_uri_path_join(dstr, mstr, 1);
//      hemp_debug_msg("constructed %s: %s\n", HEMP_CONFIG_MODPATH, string);

        /* ugly work-around so we can get the context to manage memory */
        HempText text = hemp_context_tmp_text_size(hemp->context, strlen(string) + 1);
        hemp_text_append_string(text, string);
        string = text->string;
//        hemp_config_set(hemp, HEMP_CONFIG_MODPATH, hemp_text_val(text));

    // TODO: need a way to save dotted path (hemp.module_path) back into config

    /* quick hack to get something working */
    HempString modpath = getenv("HEMP_MODULE_PATH");

    if (! modpath || ! *modpath) {
        modpath = string;
//        hemp_debug_msg("No HEMP_MODULE_PATH environment variable set\n");
//        return HEMP_FALSE;

    /* TODO: sort this mess out */
    HempString tpath = hemp_uri_path_join(modpath, type, 1);
    HempString mpath = hemp_uri_path_join(tpath, name, 1);
    HempText   mtext = hemp_text_from_string(mpath);
    hemp_text_append_string(mtext, HEMP_MODULE_EXT);
//  hemp_debug_msg("constructed module path: %s\n", mtext->string);

    HempModule module = hemp_global_module(hemp->global, mtext->string);

    if (module->binder) {
        module->binder(module, hemp);
    else if (module->error) {
    else {
        /* should never happen - famous last word */
        hemp_fatal("No binder function for %s module", name);

    return module;