Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Plugin entry point.
int hexchat_plugin_init(hexchat_plugin *plugin_handle,
                      const char **name,
                      const char **desc,
                      const char **version,
                      char *arg) {
    ph = plugin_handle;
    /* Send our info to HexChat */
    *name = plugin_name;
    *desc = plugin_desc;
    *version = plugin_version;
    /* Register commands */
    hexchat_hook_command(ph, "SETKEY", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_setkey, usage_setkey, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_command(ph, "DELKEY", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_delkey, usage_delkey, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_command(ph, "GETKEY", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_getkey, usage_getkey, NULL);
    /* Add handlers */
    hexchat_hook_command(ph, "", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_outgoing, NULL, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_server(ph, "NOTICE", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_incoming, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_server(ph, "PRIVMSG", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_incoming, NULL);
    //hexchat_hook_server(ph, "RAW LINE", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_debug, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_server(ph, "TOPIC", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_incoming, NULL);
    hexchat_hook_server(ph, "332", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, handle_incoming, NULL);
    hexchat_printf(ph, "%s plugin loaded\n", plugin_name);
    /* Return success */
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
hexchat_plugin_init (hexchat_plugin *plugin_handle, char **plugin_name, char **plugin_desc, char **plugin_version, char *arg)
	/* we need to save this for use with any hexchat_* functions */
	ph = plugin_handle;

	/* tell HexChat our info */
	*plugin_name = name;
	*plugin_desc = desc;
	*plugin_version = version;

	hexchat_hook_command (ph, "SASL", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, sasl_cmd_cb, sasl_help, 0);
	hexchat_hook_print (ph, "Connected", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, connect_cb, NULL);
	/* hexchat_hook_print (ph, "Disconnected", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, disconnect_cb, NULL); */
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "CAP", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, cap_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "RAW LINE", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, server_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "903", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, authend_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "904", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, authend_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "905", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, authend_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "906", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, authend_cb, NULL);
	hexchat_hook_server (ph, "907", HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM, authend_cb, NULL);

	hexchat_printf (ph, "%s plugin loaded\n", name);

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: lua.c Proyecto: Cynede/hexchat
static int api_hexchat_hook_server(lua_State *L)
	char const *command = luaL_optstring(L, 1, "RAW LINE");
	hook_info *info, **u;
	int ref, pri;

	lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
	ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
	pri = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, HEXCHAT_PRI_NORM);
	info = g_new(hook_info, 1);
	info->state = L;
	info->ref = ref;
	info->hook = hexchat_hook_server(ph, command, pri, api_server_closure, info);
	u = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(hook_info *));
	*u = info;
	luaL_newmetatable(L, "hook");
	lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: perl.c Proyecto: Farow/hexchat
/* Xchat::Internal::hook_server(name, priority, callback, userdata) */
XS (XS_Xchat_hook_server)

	char *name;
	int pri;
	SV *callback;
	SV *userdata;
	SV *package;
	hexchat_hook *hook;
	HookData *data;


	if (items != 5) {
		hexchat_print (ph,
						 "Usage: Xchat::Internal::hook_server(name, priority, callback, userdata, package)");
	} else {
		name = SvPV_nolen (ST (0));
		pri = (int) SvIV (ST (1));
		callback = ST (2);
		userdata = ST (3);
		package = ST (4);
		data = NULL;
		data = malloc (sizeof (HookData));
		if (data == NULL) {

		data->callback = newSVsv (callback);
		data->userdata = newSVsv (userdata);
		data->depth = 0;
		data->package = newSVsv (package);

		hook = hexchat_hook_server (ph, name, pri, server_cb, data);

		XSRETURN_IV (PTR2IV (hook));