Ejemplo n.º 1
 hkResult HavokDisplayManager::updateGeometry(const hkMatrix4& transform, hkUlong id, int tag)
     auto trans = hkTransform();
     hkFloat32* matrix = nullptr;
     return updateGeometry(trans, id, tag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
hkDemo::Result MirroredMotionDemo::stepDemo()
	// Check user input
		if (m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_1 ))
			for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
				if (( m_control[i]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASING_IN ) ||
					( m_control[i]->getEaseStatus() == hkaDefaultAnimationControl::EASED_IN ))
					m_control[i]->easeOut( .5f );
					m_control[i]->easeIn( .5f );

		if (m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_2 ))
			m_wireframe = !m_wireframe;
			setGraphicsState( HKG_ENABLED_WIREFRAME, m_wireframe );

		if (m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_3 ))
			m_drawSkin = !m_drawSkin;

		if ( m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_0 ) )
			m_useExtractedMotion = !m_useExtractedMotion;

		if ( m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_L1 ) )

		if ( m_env->m_gamePad->wasButtonPressed( HKG_PAD_BUTTON_R1 ) )
			m_paused = !m_paused;

			if ( m_paused )
				m_timestep = 0;
				m_timestep = 1.0f / 60.0f;


	const int boneCount = m_skeleton->m_numBones;

	for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
		// Grab accumulated motion
			hkQsTransform deltaMotion;
			m_skeletonInstance[j]->getDeltaReferenceFrame( m_timestep, deltaMotion );
			m_accumulatedMotion[j].setMulEq( deltaMotion );

		// Advance the active animations
		m_skeletonInstance[j]->stepDeltaTime( m_timestep );

		// Sample the active animations and combine into a single pose
		hkaPose pose (m_skeleton);
		m_skeletonInstance[j]->sampleAndCombineAnimations( pose.accessUnsyncedPoseLocalSpace().begin(), pose.getFloatSlotValues().begin() );

		hkReal separation = m_separation * hkReal( 2*j-1 );

		hkQsTransform Q( hkQsTransform::IDENTITY );
		Q.m_translation.set( separation, 0, 0 );

		if ( m_useExtractedMotion )
			Q.setMulEq( m_accumulatedMotion[j] );


		AnimationUtils::drawPose( pose, Q );
		// Test if the skin is to be drawn
		if ( !m_drawSkin )
			Q.m_translation( 2 ) -= 2.0f * m_separation;

		// Construct the composite world transform
		hkLocalArray<hkTransform> compositeWorldInverse( boneCount );
		compositeWorldInverse.setSize( boneCount );

		const hkArray<hkQsTransform>& poseModelSpace = pose.getSyncedPoseModelSpace();

		// Skin the meshes
		for (int i=0; i < m_numSkinBindings[j]; i++)
			// assumes either a straight map (null map) or a single one (1 palette)
			hkInt16* usedBones = m_skinBindings[j][i]->m_mappings? m_skinBindings[j][i]->m_mappings[0].m_mapping : HK_NULL;
			int numUsedBones = usedBones? m_skinBindings[j][i]->m_mappings[0].m_numMapping : boneCount;

			// Multiply through by the bind pose inverse world inverse matrices
			for (int p=0; p < numUsedBones; p++)
				int boneIndex = usedBones? usedBones[p] : p;
				hkTransform tWorld; poseModelSpace[ boneIndex ].copyToTransform(tWorld);
				compositeWorldInverse[p].setMul( tWorld, m_skinBindings[j][i]->m_boneFromSkinMeshTransforms[ boneIndex ] );

			AnimationUtils::skinMesh( *m_skinBindings[j][i]->m_mesh, hkTransform( Q.m_rotation, hkVector4( Q.m_translation(0), Q.m_translation(1), Q.m_translation(2), 1 ) ), compositeWorldInverse.begin(), *m_env->m_sceneConverter );

		// Move the attachments
			HK_ALIGN(float f[16], 16);
			for (int a=0; a < m_numAttachments[j]; a++)
				if (m_attachmentObjects[j][a])
					hkaBoneAttachment* ba = m_attachments[j][a];
					hkQsTransform modelFromBone = pose.getBoneModelSpace( ba->m_boneIndex );
					hkQsTransform worldFromBoneQs;
					worldFromBoneQs.setMul( Q, modelFromBone );
					hkMatrix4 worldFromBone; worldFromBone.set4x4ColumnMajor(f);
					hkMatrix4 worldFromAttachment; worldFromAttachment.setMul(worldFromBone, ba->m_boneFromAttachment);
					m_env->m_sceneConverter->updateAttachment(m_attachmentObjects[j][a], worldFromAttachment);


	return hkDemo::DEMO_OK;