Ejemplo n.º 1
__hlt_memory_nullbuffer* __hlt_memory_nullbuffer_new()
    __hlt_memory_nullbuffer* nbuf =
    nbuf->used = 0;
    nbuf->allocated = __INITIAL_NULLBUFFER_SIZE;
    nbuf->flush_pos = -1;
    nbuf->objs =
        (struct __obj_with_rtti*)hlt_malloc(sizeof(struct __obj_with_rtti) * nbuf->allocated);
    return nbuf;
Ejemplo n.º 2
__hlt_fiber_pool* __hlt_fiber_pool_new()
    __hlt_fiber_pool* pool = hlt_malloc(sizeof(__hlt_fiber_pool));
    pool->head = 0;
    pool->size = 0;
    return pool;
Ejemplo n.º 3
hlt_free_list* hlt_free_list_new(size_t size)
    hlt_free_list* list = hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_free_list));
    list->pool = 0;
    list->size = sizeof(__hlt_free_list_block) + size;
    return list;
Ejemplo n.º 4
hlt_execution_context* __hlt_execution_context_new_ref(hlt_vthread_id vid, int8_t run_module_init)
    hlt_execution_context* ctx = (hlt_execution_context*)hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_execution_context) +

    ctx->vid = vid;
    ctx->nullbuffer = __hlt_memory_nullbuffer_new(); // init first
    ctx->excpt = 0;
    ctx->fiber = 0;
    ctx->fiber_pool = __hlt_fiber_pool_new();
    ctx->worker = 0;
    ctx->tcontext = 0;
    ctx->tcontext_type = 0;
    ctx->pstate = 0;
    ctx->blockable = 0;
    ctx->tmgr = hlt_timer_mgr_new(&ctx->excpt, ctx);
    GC_CCTOR(ctx->tmgr, hlt_timer_mgr, ctx);


    if ( run_module_init )

    if ( ctx->excpt )
        hlt_exception_print_uncaught_abort(ctx->excpt, ctx);

    return ctx;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void hlt_regexp_compile_set(hlt_regexp* re, hlt_list* patterns, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    if ( re->num != 0 ) {
        hlt_set_exception(excpt, &hlt_exception_value_error, 0, ctx);

    re->num = hlt_list_size(patterns, excpt, ctx);
    re->patterns = hlt_malloc(re->num * sizeof(hlt_string));
    jrx_regset_init(&re->regexp, -1, _cflags(re->flags));

    hlt_iterator_list i = hlt_list_begin(patterns, excpt, ctx);
    hlt_iterator_list end = hlt_list_end(patterns, excpt, ctx);
    int idx = 0;

    while ( ! hlt_iterator_list_eq(i, end, excpt, ctx) ) {
        hlt_string* pattern = hlt_iterator_list_deref(i, excpt, ctx);
        _compile_one(re, *pattern, idx, 0, excpt, ctx);

         if ( hlt_check_exception(excpt) )

        i = hlt_iterator_list_incr(i, excpt, ctx);

Ejemplo n.º 6
void hlt_classifier_add(hlt_classifier* c, hlt_classifier_field** fields, int64_t priority, const hlt_type_info* vtype, void* value, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    if ( c->compiled ) {
        hlt_set_exception(excpt, &hlt_exception_value_error, 0, ctx);

    hlt_classifier_rule* r = hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_classifier_rule));
    r->priority = priority;
    r->fields = fields;
    r->value = _to_voidp(vtype, value);
    GC_CCTOR_GENERIC(r->value, vtype, ctx);

    if ( c->num_rules >= c->max_rules ) {
        // Grow rule array.
        int64_t old_max_rules = c->max_rules;
        c->max_rules = (old_max_rules ? (int)(old_max_rules * 1.5) : 5);
        c->rules = (hlt_classifier_rule**) hlt_realloc(c->rules, c->max_rules * sizeof(hlt_classifier_rule), old_max_rules * sizeof(hlt_classifier_rule));

    c->rules[c->num_rules++] = r;

    if ( priority > c->max_prio )
        c->max_prio = priority;

#ifdef DEBUG
    DBG_LOG("hilti-classifier", "%s: new rule %p with priority %d for classifier %p", "classifier_add", r, priority, c);
    dbg_print_fields(c, "classifier_add", fields);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Internal version that really creates a fiber (vs. the external version
// that might recycle a previously created on from a fiber pool). Note that
// this function does not intialize the "run" and "cookie" fields.
static hlt_fiber* __hlt_fiber_create(hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    hlt_fiber* fiber = (hlt_fiber*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_fiber));

    if ( getcontext(&fiber->uctx) < 0 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "getcontext failed in __hlt_fiber_create\n");

    fiber->state = INIT;
    fiber->run = 0;
    fiber->cookie = 0;
    fiber->context = ctx;
    fiber->uctx.uc_link = 0;
    fiber->uctx.uc_stack.ss_size = hlt_config_get()->fiber_stack_size;
    fiber->uctx.uc_stack.ss_sp = hlt_stack_alloc(fiber->uctx.uc_stack.ss_size);
    fiber->uctx.uc_stack.ss_flags = 0;
    fiber->next = 0;

    // Magic from from libtask/task.c to turn the pointer into two words.
    unsigned long z = (unsigned long)fiber;
    unsigned int y = z;
    z >>= 16;
    unsigned int x = (z >> 16);

    makecontext(&fiber->uctx, (void (*)())_fiber_trampoline, 2, y, x);

    return fiber;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: sink.c Proyecto: Chunjie/hilti
void _binpachilti_sink_connect_intern(binpac_sink* sink, const hlt_type_info* type, void** pobj, binpac_parser* parser, hlt_bytes* mtype, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    __parser_state* state = hlt_malloc(sizeof(__parser_state));
    state->parser = parser;
    GC_CCTOR(state->parser, hlt_BinPACHilti_Parser, ctx);
    state->pobj = *pobj;
    GC_CCTOR_GENERIC(&state->pobj, type, ctx);
    state->data = 0;
    state->resume = 0;
    state->disconnected = 0;
    state->next = sink->head;

    sink->head = state;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( mtype ) {
        hlt_string s = hlt_string_decode(mtype, Hilti_Charset_ASCII, excpt, ctx);
        char* r1 = hlt_string_to_native(s, excpt, ctx);
        char* r2 = hlt_string_to_native(parser->name, excpt, ctx);

        DBG_LOG("binpac-sinks", "connected parser %s [%p] to sink %p for MIME type %s", r2, *pobj, sink, r1);

    else {
        char* p = hlt_string_to_native(parser->name, excpt, ctx);
        DBG_LOG("binpac-sinks", "connected parser %s [%p] to sink %p", p, *pobj, sink);

Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: sink.c Proyecto: Chunjie/hilti
static __chunk* __new_chunk(hlt_bytes* data, uint64_t rseq, uint64_t len, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    __chunk* c = hlt_malloc(sizeof(__chunk));
    c->next = 0;
    c->prev = 0;
    c->rseq = rseq;
    c->rupper = rseq + len;
    GC_ASSIGN(c->data, data, hlt_bytes, ctx);
    return c;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: mime.c Proyecto: Chunjie/hilti
static void __add_parser(hlt_bytes* mt, binpac_parser* parser, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    __mime_parser* mp = GC_NEW_REF(__mime_parser, ctx);
    GC_INIT(mp->parser, parser, hlt_BinPACHilti_Parser, ctx);
    mp->next = 0;

    // Deep-copy the pointers, the map needs that.

    __mime_parser** cmp = hlt_malloc(sizeof(__mime_parser*));
    hlt_bytes**     cmt = hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_bytes*));
    *cmt = mt;
    *cmp = mp;

    __mime_parser** current = hlt_map_get_default(__binpac_globals_get()->mime_types, &hlt_type_info_hlt_bytes, cmt, &hlt_type_info___mime_parser, 0, excpt, ctx);

    if ( current ) {
        mp->next = *current;
        GC_CCTOR(mp->next, __mime_parser, ctx);

    hlt_map_insert(__binpac_globals_get()->mime_types, &hlt_type_info_hlt_bytes, cmt, &hlt_type_info___mime_parser, cmp, excpt, ctx);

    GC_DTOR(mp, __mime_parser, ctx);


#ifdef DEBUG
    hlt_string s = hlt_string_decode(mt, Hilti_Charset_ASCII, excpt, ctx);

    char* r1 = hlt_string_to_native(s, excpt, ctx);
    char* r2 = hlt_string_to_native(parser->name, excpt, ctx);

    DBG_LOG("binpac-sinks", "MIME type %s registered for parser %s", r1, r2);

Ejemplo n.º 11
void* hlt_free_list_alloc(hlt_free_list* list)
    __hlt_free_list_block* b = 0;

    if ( list->pool ) {
        b = list->pool;
        list->pool = list->pool->next;
        bzero(b, list->size); // Make contents consistent.
        b = (__hlt_free_list_block*)hlt_malloc(list->size);

    return ((char*)b) + __data_offset;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void __hlt_memory_nullbuffer_flush(__hlt_memory_nullbuffer* nbuf, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    if ( nbuf->flush_pos >= 0 )

#ifdef DEBUG
    _dbg_mem_raw("nullbuffer_flush", nbuf, nbuf->used, 0, "start", 0, ctx);

    // Note, flush_pos is examined during flushing by nullbuffer_add().
    for ( nbuf->flush_pos = 0; nbuf->flush_pos < nbuf->used; ++nbuf->flush_pos ) {
        struct __obj_with_rtti x = nbuf->objs[nbuf->flush_pos];

        if ( ! x.obj )
            // May have been removed.

#ifdef DEBUG

        __hlt_gchdr* hdr = (__hlt_gchdr*)x.obj;

        if ( hdr->ref_cnt > 0 )
            // Still alive actually.

        if ( x.ti->obj_dtor )
            (*(x.ti->obj_dtor))(x.ti, x.obj, ctx);

        __hlt_free(x.obj, x.ti->tag, "nullbuffer_flush");

    nbuf->used = 0;

    if ( nbuf->allocated > __INITIAL_NULLBUFFER_SIZE ) {
        nbuf->allocated = __INITIAL_NULLBUFFER_SIZE;
        nbuf->objs =
            (struct __obj_with_rtti*)hlt_malloc(sizeof(struct __obj_with_rtti) * nbuf->allocated);

#ifdef DEBUG
    _dbg_mem_raw("nullbuffer_flush", nbuf, nbuf->used, 0, "end", 0, ctx);

    nbuf->flush_pos = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void hlt_regexp_compile(hlt_regexp* re, const hlt_string pattern, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    if ( re->num != 0 ) {
        hlt_set_exception(excpt, &hlt_exception_value_error, 0, ctx);

    re->num = 1;
    re->patterns = hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_string));
    jrx_regset_init(&re->regexp, -1, _cflags(re->flags));
    _compile_one(re, pattern, 0, 0, excpt, ctx);

    if ( hlt_check_exception(excpt) )

Ejemplo n.º 14
static void _hlt_regexp_new_from_regexp_init(hlt_regexp* dst, hlt_regexp* other, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    dst->flags = other->flags;
    dst->num = other->num;
    dst->patterns = hlt_malloc(dst->num * sizeof(hlt_string));
    jrx_regset_init(&dst->regexp, -1, _cflags(dst->flags));

    for ( int idx = 0; idx < other->num; idx++ ) {
        hlt_string pattern = other->patterns[idx];
        _compile_one(dst, pattern, idx, 0, excpt, ctx);

         if ( hlt_check_exception(excpt) )

Ejemplo n.º 15
static inline void _hlt_exception_init(hlt_exception* excpt, hlt_exception_type* type, void* arg,
                                       const char* location, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    excpt->type = type;

    if ( arg ) {
        excpt->arg = hlt_malloc(type->argtype->size);
        memcpy(excpt->arg, &arg, type->argtype->size);
        GC_CCTOR_GENERIC(excpt->arg, type->argtype, ctx);

        arg = 0;

    excpt->fiber = 0;
    excpt->vid = HLT_VID_MAIN;
    excpt->location = location;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void hlt_thread_queue_write(hlt_thread_queue* queue, int writer, void *elem)
    if ( queue->lock_writers_terminated[writer] )
        // Ignore when we have already terminated. We can read this without
        // locking as we're the only thread ever going to write to it.

    do {
        batch* b = queue->writer_batches[writer];

        // If we don't have a batch, get us one.
        if ( ! b ) {
            b = (batch*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(batch) * queue->batch_size * sizeof(void*));
            if ( ! b )
                _fatal_error("out of memory");

            b->write_pos = 0;
            b->next = 0;

            queue->writer_batches[writer] = b;

        // If there isn't enough space in our batch, flush.
        if ( b->write_pos >= queue->batch_size )
            hlt_thread_queue_flush(queue, writer);

    } while ( ! queue->writer_batches[writer] );

    // Write the element.
    batch* b = queue->writer_batches[writer];
    assert(b && b->write_pos < queue->batch_size);
    b->elems[b->write_pos++] = elem;

    hlt_thread_queue_writer_update(queue, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void hlt_regexp_clone_init(void* dstp, const hlt_type_info* ti, void* srcp, __hlt_clone_state* cstate, hlt_exception** excpt, hlt_execution_context* ctx)
    hlt_regexp* src = *(hlt_regexp**)srcp;
    hlt_regexp* dst = *(hlt_regexp**)dstp;

    dst->num = src->num;
    dst->flags = src->flags;
    dst->patterns = hlt_malloc(src->num * sizeof(hlt_string));

    for ( int i = 0; i < src->num; i++ )
        __hlt_clone(&dst->patterns[i], &hlt_type_info_hlt_string, &src->patterns[i], cstate, excpt, ctx);

    // TODO: Figure out a way to reuse the compiled regexp. Need to make that
    // thread-safe though.

    jrx_regset_init(&dst->regexp, -1, _cflags(dst->flags));

    for ( int idx = 0; idx < dst->num; idx++ ) {
        hlt_string pattern = dst->patterns[idx];
        _compile_one(dst, pattern, idx, 1, excpt, ctx);

Ejemplo n.º 18
hlt_thread_queue* hlt_thread_queue_new(int writers, int batch_size, int max_batches)
    hlt_thread_queue *queue = (hlt_thread_queue *) hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_thread_queue));
    if ( ! queue )
        _fatal_error("out of memory");

    queue->writers = writers;
    queue->batch_size = batch_size;
    queue->max_batches = max_batches;

    queue->reader_head = 0;
    queue->reader_pos = 0;
    queue->reader_num_read = 0;
    queue->reader_num_terminated = 0;
    queue->reader_stats = (hlt_thread_queue_stats*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_thread_queue_stats));
    memset(queue->reader_stats, 0, sizeof(hlt_thread_queue_stats));

    queue->writer_batches = (batch**) hlt_malloc(sizeof(batch*) * writers);
    queue->writer_num_written = (uint64_t*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * writers);
    queue->writer_stats = (hlt_thread_queue_stats*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(hlt_thread_queue_stats) * writers);

    queue->lock_num_pending = 0;
    queue->lock_pending_head = 0;
    queue->lock_pending_tail = 0;
    queue->lock_block = 0;
    queue->lock_writers_terminated = (int*) hlt_malloc(sizeof(int) * writers);
    memset(queue->writer_stats, 0, sizeof(hlt_thread_queue_stats) * writers);

    for ( int i = 0; i < writers; ++i ) {
        queue->writer_batches[i] = 0;
        queue->writer_num_written[i] = 0;
        queue->lock_writers_terminated[i] = 0;

    queue->need_flush = 0;

    if ( PTHREAD_SPIN_INIT(&queue->lock) != 0 )
        _fatal_error("cannot init lock");

    return queue;
Ejemplo n.º 19
// Does not ref copied element.
static inline void* _to_voidp(const hlt_type_info* type, void* data)
    void* z = hlt_malloc(type->size);
    memcpy(z, data, type->size);
    return z;