Ejemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  ho_pixbuf *pix = NULL;
  ho_string *text = NULL;
  int progress;

  /* load the pnm picture pointed to by argv[1] */
  /* NOTE: this function only load pnm images, you can use the hocr-gtk
   * functions to load other image types */
  pix = ho_pixbuf_pnm_load (argv[1]);

  /* get a new text buffer */
  text = ho_string_new ();

  /* do ocr on picture */
  /* NOTE: we do not use the progress indicator in this program. to use it,
   * create a new thread and sample the value of progress periodically */
  hocr_do_ocr (pix, text, 0, 0, 0, &progress);

  /* print out the text */
  printf ("%s\n", text->string);

  /* free picture */
  ho_pixbuf_free (pix);

  /* free string */
  ho_string_free (text);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
  ho_pixbuf * pix = NULL;
  ho_pixbuf * pix_temp = NULL;
  ho_objmap * obj = NULL;
  ho_pixsum * sums = NULL;
  int i;
  /* read image and convert to bw */
  /* ---------------------------- */
  /* try to read pnm files */
  pix = ho_pixbuf_pnm_load_path("./images/p6.pnm");
  ho_pixbuf_pnm_save_path(pix, "t-p6.pnm");
  /* convert image to gray and then to b/w */
  ho_pixbuf_filter_polarize(pix, 150);
  ho_pixbuf_pnm_save_path(pix, "t-bw-p6.pnm");
  /* run layout filters */
  /* ------------------ */
  /* filter by size */
  ho_pixbuf_layout_filter (pix, 0, 10, 100, 10, 100);
  /* smear image */
  //ho_pixbuf_filter_hsmear (pix, 0, 0, 10, 0);
  //ho_pixbuf_filter_vsmear (pix, 0, 0, 10, 0);
  //ho_pixbuf_op_mov (pix, 0, 1);
  /* create a sums transforamtion of pix */
  sums = ho_pixsum_new(pix->width, pix->height);
  ho_pixsum_from_pixbuf(sums, pix, 0);

  /* segment the image verticaly using the sums map */
  ho_pixbuf_layout_segment_vertical (pix, sums, 0, 
    0, 0, pix->width, pix->height, 0.05);
  /* connect small gaps between vertical segments, using smear */
  /* ho_pixbuf_filter_hsmear */
  /*    (pix = pix, chanel = 0, value = 255, gap = 5, moment = 0) */
  ho_pixbuf_filter_hsmear (pix, 0, 0, 5, 0);
  /* create objmap */
  obj = ho_objmap_new(pix->width, pix->height);
  ho_objmap_from_pixbuf (obj, pix, 0);
  /* loop on all the objects and dump to disk */
  for (i = 1; i <= ho_objmap_get_size(obj); i++) {

    printf("o%d %d %d %d %d 0\n", i,
      pix->height - ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).y - ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).height,
      ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).x + ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).width,
      pix->height - ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).y);
    ho_pixbuf_layout_segment_horizontal (pix, sums, 0, 
      ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).x, ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).y, 
      ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).width, ho_objmap_get_object(obj,i).height, 
  //ho_pixbuf_filter_vsmear (pix, 1, 255, 5, 0);
  //ho_pixbuf_layout_filter_by_height (pix, 1, 10, 120);
  //ho_pixbuf_layout_smear(pix, 1, 10, 120);
  /* draw a grid with: step_size=100, channel=1, value=0 */
  ho_pixbuf_draw_grid (pix, 100, 2, 0);
  /* save layout image */
  ho_pixbuf_pnm_save_path(pix, "t-p6-layout.pnm");

  return 0;