Ejemplo n.º 1
void start_location::handle_heli_crash( player &u ) const
    for( int i = 2; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) { // Skip head + torso for balance reasons.
        auto part = hp_part( i );
        auto bp_part = u.hp_to_bp( part );
        int roll = int( rng( 1, 8 ) );
        switch( roll ) {
            case 1:
            case 2:// Damage + Bleed
                u.add_effect( effect_bleed, 60, bp_part );
            /* fallthrough */
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5: { // Just damage
                auto maxHp = u.get_hp_max( part );
                // Body part health will range from 33% to 66% with occasional bleed
                int dmg = int( rng( maxHp / 3, maxHp * 2 / 3 ) );
                u.apply_damage( nullptr, bp_part, dmg );
            default: // No damage
Ejemplo n.º 2
void talk_function::give_aid( npc &p )
    p.add_effect( effect_currently_busy, 30_minutes );
    for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
        const body_part bp_healed = player::hp_to_bp( hp_part( i ) );
        g->u.heal( hp_part( i ), 5 * rng( 2, 5 ) );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed );
    g->u.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_WAIT_NPC" ), 10000 );
    g->u.activity.str_values.push_back( p.name );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void talk_function::give_all_aid( npc &p )
    p.add_effect( effect_currently_busy, 30_minutes );
    give_aid( p );
    for( npc &guy : g->all_npcs() ) {
        if( rl_dist( guy.pos(), g->u.pos() ) < PICKUP_RANGE && guy.is_friend() ) {
            for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
                const body_part bp_healed = player::hp_to_bp( hp_part( i ) );
                guy.heal( hp_part( i ), 5 * rng( 2, 5 ) );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void iuse::bandage(game *g, player *p, item *it, bool t) 
 int bonus = p->sklevel[sk_firstaid];
 hp_part healed;

 if (p->is_npc()) { // NPCs heal whichever has sustained the most damage
  int highest_damage = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++) {
   int damage = p->hp_max[i] - p->hp_cur[i];
   if (i == hp_head)
    damage *= 1.5;
   if (i == hp_torso)
    damage *= 1.2;
   if (damage > highest_damage) {
    highest_damage = damage;
    healed = hp_part(i);
 } else { // Player--present a menu
  WINDOW* w = newwin(10, 20, 8, 1);
  mvwprintz(w, 1, 1, c_ltred,  "Bandage where?");
  mvwprintz(w, 2, 1, c_ltgray, "1: Head");
  mvwprintz(w, 3, 1, c_ltgray, "2: Torso");
  mvwprintz(w, 4, 1, c_ltgray, "3: Left Arm");
  mvwprintz(w, 5, 1, c_ltgray, "4: Right Arm");
  mvwprintz(w, 6, 1, c_ltgray, "5: Left Leg");
  mvwprintz(w, 7, 1, c_ltgray, "6: Right Leg");
  mvwprintz(w, 8, 1, c_ltgray, "7: Exit");
  nc_color col;
  int curhp;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++) {
   curhp = p->hp_cur[i];
   int tmpbonus = bonus;
   if (curhp != 0) {
    switch (hp_part(i)) {
     case hp_head:  curhp += 1;	tmpbonus *=  .8;	break;
     case hp_torso: curhp += 4;	tmpbonus *= 1.5;	break;
     default:       curhp += 3;				break;
    curhp += tmpbonus;
    if (curhp > p->hp_max[i])
     curhp = p->hp_max[i];
    if (curhp == p->hp_max[i])
     col = c_green;
    else if (curhp > p->hp_max[i] * .8)
     col = c_ltgreen;
    else if (curhp > p->hp_max[i] * .5)
     col = c_yellow;
    else if (curhp > p->hp_max[i] * .3)
     col = c_ltred;
     col = c_red;
    if (p->has_trait(PF_HPIGNORANT))
     mvwprintz(w, i + 2, 15, col, "***");
    else {
     if (curhp >= 100)
      mvwprintz(w, i + 2, 15, col, "%d", curhp);
     else if (curhp >= 10)
      mvwprintz(w, i + 2, 16, col, "%d", curhp);
      mvwprintz(w, i + 2, 17, col, "%d", curhp);
   } else	// curhp is 0; requires surgical attention
    mvwprintz(w, i + 2, 15, c_dkgray, "---");
  char ch;
  do {
   ch = getch();
   if (ch == '1')
    healed = hp_head;
   else if (ch == '2')
    healed = hp_torso;
   else if (ch == '3') {
    if (p->hp_cur[hp_arm_l] == 0) {
     g->add_msg("That arm is broken.  It needs surgical attention.");
    } else
     healed = hp_arm_l;
   } else if (ch == '4') {
    if (p->hp_cur[hp_arm_r] == 0) {
     g->add_msg("That arm is broken.  It needs surgical attention.");
    } else
     healed = hp_arm_r;
   } else if (ch == '5') {
    if (p->hp_cur[hp_leg_l] == 0) {
     g->add_msg("That leg is broken.  It needs surgical attention.");
    } else
     healed = hp_leg_l;
   } else if (ch == '6') {
    if (p->hp_cur[hp_leg_r] == 0) {
     g->add_msg("That leg is broken.  It needs surgical attention.");
    } else
     healed = hp_leg_r;
   } else if (ch == '7') {
    g->add_msg("Never mind.");
  } while (ch < '1' || ch > '7');

 p->practice(sk_firstaid, 8);
 int dam = 0;
 if (healed == hp_head)
  dam = 1 + bonus * .8;
 else if (healed == hp_torso)
  dam = 4 + bonus * 1.5;
  dam = 3 + bonus;
 p->heal(healed, dam);
Ejemplo n.º 5
hp_part Character::body_window( const std::string &menu_header,
                                bool show_all, bool precise,
                                int normal_bonus, int head_bonus, int torso_bonus,
                                int bleed, int bite, int infect ) const
    WINDOW *hp_window = newwin(10, 31, (TERMY - 10) / 2, (TERMX - 31) / 2);

    trim_and_print( hp_window, 1, 1, getmaxx(hp_window) - 2, c_ltred, menu_header.c_str() );
    nc_color color = c_ltgray;
    bool allowed_result[num_hp_parts] = { false };

    const auto check_part = [&]( hp_part part, std::string part_name,
                                 int heal_val, int line_num ) {
        body_part bp = player::hp_to_bp( part );
        if( show_all ||
            hp_cur[part] < hp_max[part] ||
            has_effect("infected", bp) ||
            has_effect("bite", bp) ||
            has_effect("bleed", bp) ) {
            nc_color color = show_all ? c_green :
                limb_color( bp, bleed, bite, infect );
            if( color != c_ltgray || heal_val != 0 ) {
                mvwprintz( hp_window, line_num, 1, color, part_name.c_str() );
                allowed_result[part] = true;

    check_part( hp_head,  _("1: Head"),      head_bonus,   2 );
    check_part( hp_torso, _("2: Torso"),     torso_bonus,  3 );
    check_part( hp_arm_l, _("3: Left Arm"),  normal_bonus, 4 );
    check_part( hp_arm_r, _("4: Right Arm"), normal_bonus, 5 );
    check_part( hp_leg_l, _("5: Left Leg"),  normal_bonus, 6 );
    check_part( hp_leg_r, _("6: Right Leg"), normal_bonus, 7 );
    mvwprintz( hp_window, 8, 1, c_ltgray, _("7: Exit") );
    std::string health_bar;
    for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
        if( !allowed_result[i] ) {

        body_part bp = body_part( i );

        // Have printed the name of the body part, can select it
        int current_hp = hp_cur[i];
        if( current_hp != 0 ) {
            std::tie( health_bar, color ) = get_hp_bar(current_hp, hp_max[i], false);
            // Drop the bar color, use the state color instead
            const nc_color state_col = limb_color( bp, true, true, true );
            color = state_col != c_ltgray ? state_col : c_green;
            if( precise ) {
                mvwprintz(hp_window, i + 2, 15, color, "%5d", current_hp);
            } else {
                mvwprintz(hp_window, i + 2, 15, color, health_bar.c_str());
        } else {
            // curhp is 0; requires surgical attention
            // But still could be infected or bleeding
            const nc_color state_col = limb_color( bp, true, true, true );
            color = state_col != c_ltgray ? state_col : c_dkgray;
            mvwprintz(hp_window, i + 2, 15, color, "-----");

        if( current_hp != 0 ) {
            switch( hp_part( i ) ) {
                case hp_head:
                    current_hp += head_bonus;
                case hp_torso:
                    current_hp += torso_bonus;
                    current_hp += normal_bonus;

            if( current_hp > hp_max[i] ) {
                current_hp = hp_max[i];
            } else if (current_hp < 0) {
                current_hp = 0;

            if( current_hp == hp_cur[i] &&
                ( infect <= 0 || !has_effect( "infected", bp ) ) &&
                ( bite <= 0 || !has_effect( "bite", bp ) ) &&
                ( bleed <= 0 || !has_effect( "bleed", bp ) ) ) {
                // Nothing would change

            mvwprintz( hp_window, i + 2, 20, c_dkgray, " -> " );
            std::tie( health_bar, color ) = get_hp_bar( current_hp, hp_max[i], false );
            const nc_color state_col = limb_color( bp, bleed > 0, bite > 0, infect > 0 );
            color = state_col != c_ltgray ? state_col : c_green;
            if( precise ) {
                mvwprintz( hp_window, i + 2, 24, color, "%5d", current_hp );
            } else {
                mvwprintz( hp_window, i + 2, 24, color, health_bar.c_str() );
        } else {
            // curhp is 0; requires surgical attention
            const nc_color state_col = limb_color( bp, bleed > 0, bite > 0, infect > 0 );
            color = state_col != c_ltgray ? state_col : c_dkgray;
            mvwprintz(hp_window, i + 2, 24, color, "-----");
    char ch;
    hp_part healed_part = num_hp_parts;
    do {
        ch = getch();
        if (ch == '1') {
            healed_part = hp_head;
        } else if (ch == '2') {
            healed_part = hp_torso;
        } else if (ch == '3') {
            healed_part = hp_arm_l;
        } else if (ch == '4') {
            healed_part = hp_arm_r;
        } else if (ch == '5') {
            healed_part = hp_leg_l;
        } else if (ch == '6') {
            healed_part = hp_leg_r;
        } else if (ch == '7' || ch == KEY_ESCAPE) {
            healed_part = num_hp_parts;
    } while (ch < '1' || ch > '7');

    return healed_part;