Ejemplo n.º 1
    radio("priority", "{low: 0, med: 1, high: 2}", NULL)
    radio("priority", "{low: 0, med: 1, high: 2}", "{value:'2'}")
PUBLIC void espRadio(HttpConn *conn, cchar *field, cchar *choicesString, cchar *optionsString)
    MprKey      *kp;
    MprHash     *choices, *options;
    cchar       *value, *checked;

    choices = httpGetOptions(choicesString);
    options = httpGetOptions(optionsString);
    value = getValue(conn, field, options);
    for (kp = 0; (kp = mprGetNextKey(choices, kp)) != 0; ) {
        checked = (smatch(kp->data, value)) ? " checked" : "";
        espRender(conn, "%s <input type='radio' name='%s' value='%s'%s%s />\r\n", 
            spascal(kp->key), field, kp->data, checked, map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Control the refresh of dynamic elements in the page
PUBLIC void espRefresh(HttpConn *conn, cchar *on, cchar *off, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<img src='%s' " EDATA("on") "='%s' " EDATA("off") "='%s%s' class='" ESTYLE("refresh") "' />", on, on, off, map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 3
PUBLIC void espLabel(HttpConn *conn, cchar *text, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<span%s>%s</span>", map(conn, options), text);
Ejemplo n.º 4
PUBLIC void espImage(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<img src='%s'%s />", httpUri(conn, uri), map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 5
PUBLIC void espScript(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *indent, *newline, *path;
    EspScript   *sp;
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    bool        minified;
    eroute = conn->rx->route->eroute;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    if (uri) {
        espRender(conn, "<script src='%s' type='text/javascript'></script>", httpUri(conn, uri));
    } else {
        minified = smatch(httpGetOption(options, "minified", 0), "true");
        indent = "";
        for (sp = defaultScripts; sp->name; sp++) {
            if (sp->option && !smatch(httpGetOption(options, sp->option, "false"), "true")) {
            if (sp->flags & SCRIPT_IE) {
                espRender(conn, "%s<!-- [if lt IE 9]>\n", indent);
            path = sjoin("~/", mprGetPathBase(eroute->clientDir), sp->name, minified ? ".min.js" : ".js", NULL);
            uri = httpUri(conn, path);
            newline = sp[1].name ? "\r\n" :  "";
            espRender(conn, "%s<script src='%s' type='text/javascript'></script>%s", indent, uri, newline);
            if (sp->flags & SCRIPT_IE) {
                espRender(conn, "%s<![endif]-->\n", indent);
            indent = "    ";
Ejemplo n.º 6
    dropdown("priority", makeGrid("[{ id: 0, low: 0}, { id: 1, med: 1}, {id: 2, high: 2}]"), 0)
    dropdown("priority", makeGrid("[{ low: 0}, { med: 1}, {high: 2}]"), 0)
    dropdown("priority", makeGrid("[0, 10, 100]"), 0)

    Options can provide the defaultValue in a "value" property.
PUBLIC void espDropdown(HttpConn *conn, cchar *field, EdiGrid *choices, cchar *optionString) 
    EdiRec      *rec;
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *id, *currentValue, *selected, *value;
    int         r;

    if (choices == 0) {
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    currentValue = getValue(conn, field, options);
    if (field == 0) {
        field = httpGetOption(options, "field", "id");
    espRender(conn, "<select name='%s'%s>\r\n", field, map(conn, options));
    for (r = 0; r < choices->nrecords; r++) {
        rec = choices->records[r];
        if (rec->nfields == 1) {
            value = rec->fields[0].value;
        } else {
            value = ediGetFieldValue(rec, field);
        if ((id = ediGetFieldValue(choices->records[r], "id")) == 0) {
            id = value;
        selected = (smatch(value, currentValue)) ? " selected='yes'" : "";
        espRender(conn, "        <option value='%s'%s>%s</option>\r\n", id, selected, value);
    espRender(conn, "    </select>");
Ejemplo n.º 7
PUBLIC void espDivision(HttpConn *conn, cchar *body, cchar *optionString) 
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<div%s>%s</div>", map(conn, options), body);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    tabs(makeGrid("[{ name: 'Status', uri: 'pane-1' }, { name: 'Edit', uri: 'pane-2' }]"))

PUBLIC void espTabs(HttpConn *conn, EdiGrid *grid, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    EdiRec      *rec;
    cchar       *attr, *uri, *name, *klass;
    int         r, toggle;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    httpInsertOption(options, "class", ESTYLE("tabs"));

    attr = httpGetOption(options, "toggle", EDATA("click"));
    if ((toggle = smatch(attr, "true")) != 0) {
        attr = EDATA("toggle");
    espRender(conn, "<div%s>\r\n    <ul>\r\n", map(conn, options));
    for (r = 0; r < grid->nrecords; r++) {
        rec = grid->records[r];
        name = ediGetFieldValue(rec, "name");
        uri = ediGetFieldValue(rec, "uri");
        uri = toggle ? uri : httpUri(conn, uri);
        if ((r == 0 && toggle) || smatch(uri, conn->rx->pathInfo)) {
            klass = smatch(uri, conn->rx->pathInfo) ? " class='esp-selected'" : "";
        } else {
            klass = "";
        espRender(conn, "          <li %s='%s'%s>%s</li>\r\n", attr, uri, klass, name);
    espRender(conn, "        </ul>\r\n    </div>\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 9
PUBLIC void espButton(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name, cchar *value, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<input name='%s' type='submit' value='%s'%s />", name, value, map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 10
PUBLIC void espMail(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name, cchar *address, cchar *optionString) 
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    espRender(conn, "<a href='mailto:%s'%s>%s</a>", address, map(conn, options), name);
Ejemplo n.º 11
PUBLIC void espButtonLink(HttpConn *conn, cchar *text, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    httpSetOption(options, EDATA("click"), httpUri(conn, uri));
    espRender(conn, "<button%s>%s</button>", map(conn, options), text);
Ejemplo n.º 12
PUBLIC void espAnchor(HttpConn *conn, cchar *text, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString) 
    MprHash     *options;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    text = escapeValue(text, options);
    espRender(conn, "<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", uri, map(conn, options), text);
Ejemplo n.º 13
PUBLIC void espProgress(HttpConn *conn, cchar *percent, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    httpAddOption(options, EDATA("progress"), percent);
    espRender(conn, "<div class='" ESTYLE("progress") "'>\r\n");
    espRender(conn, "    <div class='" ESTYLE("progress-inner") "'%s>%s %%</div>\r\n</div>", map(conn, options), percent);
Ejemplo n.º 14
PUBLIC void espAlert(HttpConn *conn, cchar *text, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    httpInsertOption(options, "class", ESTYLE("alert"));
    text = escapeValue(text, options);
    espRender(conn, "<div%s>%s</div>", map(conn, options), text);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    checkbox field 

    checkedValue -- Value for which the checkbox will be checked. Defaults to true.
        checkbox("admin", "true")
PUBLIC void espCheckbox(HttpConn *conn, cchar *field, cchar *checkedValue, cchar *optionString) 
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *value, *checked;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    value = getValue(conn, field, options);
    checked = scaselessmatch(value, checkedValue) ? " checked='yes'" : "";
    espRender(conn, "<input name='%s' type='checkbox'%s%s value='%s' />\r\n", field, map(conn, options), 
        checked, checkedValue);
    espRender(conn, "    <input name='%s' type='hidden'%s value='' />", field, map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 16
PUBLIC void form(EdiRec *record, cchar *optionString)
    HttpConn    *conn;
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *action, *recid, *method, *uri, *token;
    conn = getConn();
    if (record == 0) {
        record = getRec();
    } else {
        conn->record = record;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    recid = 0;

        If record provided, get the record id. Can be overridden using options.recid
    if (record) {
        if (record->id && !httpGetOption(options, "recid", 0)) {
            httpAddOption(options, "recid", record->id);
        recid = httpGetOption(options, "recid", 0);
        emitFormErrors(conn, record, options);
    if ((method = httpGetOption(options, "method", 0)) == 0) {
        method = (recid) ? "PUT" : "POST";
    if (!scaselessmatch(method, "GET") && !scaselessmatch(method, "POST")) {
        /* All methods use POST and tunnel method in data-method */
        httpAddOption(options, EDATA("method"), method);
        method = "POST";
    if ((action = httpGetOption(options, "action", 0)) == 0) {
        action = (recid) ? "@update" : "@create";
    uri = httpUri(conn, action);

    if (smatch(httpGetOption(options, "remote", 0), "true")) {
        espRender(conn, "<form method='%s' " EDATA("remote") "='%s'%s >\r\n", method, uri, map(conn, options));
    } else {
        espRender(conn, "<form method='%s' action='%s'%s >\r\n", method, uri, map(conn, options));
    if (recid) {
        espRender(conn, "    <input name='recid' type='hidden' value='%s' />\r\n", recid);
    if (!httpGetOption(options, "insecure", 0)) {
        if ((token = httpGetOption(options, "securityToken", 0)) == 0) {
            token = httpGetSecurityToken(conn, 0);
        espRender(conn, "    <input name='%s' type='hidden' value='%s' />\r\n", BIT_XSRF_PARAM, token);
Ejemplo n.º 17
PUBLIC void espIcon(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    EspRoute    *eroute;

    eroute = conn->rx->route->eroute;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    if (uri == 0) {
        /* Suppress favicon */
        uri = "data:image/x-icon;,";
    } else if (*uri == 0) {
        uri = sjoin("~/", mprGetPathBase(eroute->clientDir), "/images/favicon.ico", NULL);
    espRender(conn, "<link href='%s' rel='shortcut icon'%s />", httpUri(conn, uri), map(conn, options));
Ejemplo n.º 18
PUBLIC void espStylesheet(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString) 
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *indent, *newline;
    char        **up;
    bool        less;
    eroute = conn->rx->route->eroute;
    if (uri) {
        espRender(conn, "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='%s' />", httpUri(conn, uri));
    } else {
        indent = "";
        options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
        less = smatch(httpGetOption(options, "type", "css"), "less");
        up = less ? defaultLess : defaultCss;
        for (; *up; up++) {
            uri = httpUri(conn, sjoin("~/", mprGetPathBase(eroute->clientDir), *up, NULL));
            newline = up[1] ? "\r\n" :  "";
            espRender(conn, "%s<link rel='stylesheet%s' type='text/css' href='%s' />%s", indent, less ? "/less" : "", uri, newline);
            indent = "    ";
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: uri.c Proyecto: BIDXOM/http-2
PUBLIC HttpUri *httpLinkUri(HttpConn *conn, cchar *target, MprHash *options)
    HttpRoute       *route, *lroute;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *uri;
    cchar           *routeName, *action, *controller, *originalAction, *tplate;
    char            *rest;

    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    controller = 0;

    if (target == 0) {
        target = "";
    if (*target == '@') {
        target = sjoin("{action: '", target, "'}", NULL);
    if (*target != '{') {
        tplate = target;
        if (!options) {
            options = route->vars;
    } else  {
        if (options) {
            options = mprBlendHash(httpGetOptions(target), options);
        } else {
            options = httpGetOptions(target);
        options = mprBlendHash(options, route->vars);

            Prep the action. Forms are:
                . @action               # Use the current controller
                . @controller/          # Use "index" as the action
                . @controller/action
        if ((action = httpGetOption(options, "action", 0)) != 0) {
            originalAction = action;
            if (*action == '@') {
                action = &action[1];
            if (strchr(action, '/')) {
                controller = stok((char*) action, "/", (char**) &action);
                action = stok((char*) action, "/", &rest);
            if (controller) {
                httpSetOption(options, "controller", controller);
            } else {
                controller = httpGetParam(conn, "controller", 0);
            if (action == 0 || *action == '\0') {
                action = "list";
            if (action != originalAction) {
                httpSetOption(options, "action", action);
            Find the template to use. Strategy is this order:
                . options.template
                . options.route.template
                . options.action mapped to a route.template, via:
                . /app/STAR/action
                . /app/controller/action
                . /app/STAR/default
                . /app/controller/default
        if ((tplate = httpGetOption(options, "template", 0)) == 0) {
            if ((routeName = httpGetOption(options, "route", 0)) != 0) {
                routeName = expandRouteName(conn, routeName);
                lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, routeName);
            } else {
                lroute = 0;
            if (!lroute) {
                if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, action))) == 0) {
                    if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", action))) == 0) {
                        if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, "default"))) == 0) {
                            lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", "default"));
            if (lroute) {
                tplate = lroute->tplate;
        if (!tplate) {
            mprLog("error http", 0, "Cannot find template for URI %s", target);
            target = "/";
    target = httpTemplate(conn, tplate, options);
    uri = httpCreateUri(target, 0);

        This was changed from: httpCreateUri(rx->uri) to rx->parsedUri.
        The use case was appweb: /auth/form/login which redirects using: https:///auth/form/login on localhost:4443
        This must extract the existing host and port from the prior request
    uri = httpResolveUri(rx->parsedUri, 1, &uri, 0);
    return httpNormalizeUri(uri);
Ejemplo n.º 20
PUBLIC void espText(HttpConn *conn, cchar *field, cchar *optionString)
    textInner(conn, field, httpGetOptions(optionString));
Ejemplo n.º 21
PUBLIC void espTable(HttpConn *conn, EdiGrid *grid, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options, *colOptions, *rowOptions, *thisCol;
    MprList     *cols;
    EdiRec      *rec;
    EdiField    *fp;
    cchar       *title, *width, *o, *header, *value, *sortColumn;
    char        index[8];
    int         c, r, ncols, sortOrder;
    if (grid == 0) {
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    if (grid->nrecords == 0) {
        espRender(conn, "<p>No Data</p>\r\n");
    if (grid->flags & EDI_GRID_READ_ONLY) {
        grid = ediCloneGrid(grid);
    if ((sortColumn = httpGetOption(options, "sort", 0)) != 0) {
        sortOrder = httpOption(options, "sortOrder", "ascending", 1);
        ediSortGrid(grid, sortColumn, sortOrder);
    colOptions = httpGetOptionHash(options, "columns");

    filterCols(grid, options, colOptions);

    if (httpOption(options, "pivot", "true", 0) != 0) {
        pivotTable(conn, ediPivotGrid(grid, 1), options);
    cols = ediGetGridColumns(grid);
    ncols = mprGetListLength(cols);
    rowOptions = mprCreateHash(0, MPR_HASH_STABLE);

    httpSetOption(rowOptions, EDATA("click"), httpGetOption(options, EDATA("click"), 0));
    httpRemoveOption(options, EDATA("click"));
    httpSetOption(rowOptions, EDATA("remote"), httpGetOption(options, EDATA("remote"), 0));
    httpSetOption(rowOptions, EDATA("key"), httpGetOption(options, EDATA("key"), 0));
    httpSetOption(rowOptions, EDATA("params"), httpGetOption(options, EDATA("params"), 0));
    httpSetOption(rowOptions, EDATA("edit"), httpGetOption(options, EDATA("edit"), 0));

    httpInsertOption(options, "class", ESTYLE("table"));
    httpInsertOption(options, "class", ESTYLE("stripe"));
    espRender(conn, "<table%s>\r\n", map(conn, options));

        Table header
    if (httpOption(options, "showHeader", "true", 1)) {
        espRender(conn, "    <thead>\r\n");
        if ((title = httpGetOption(options, "title", 0)) != 0) {
            espRender(conn, "        <tr class='" ESTYLE("table-title") "'><td colspan='%s'>%s</td></tr>\r\n", 
                mprGetListLength(cols), title);
        espRender(conn, "        <tr class='" ESTYLE("table-header") "'>\r\n");
        rec = grid->records[0];
        for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
            assert(c <= rec->nfields);
            fp = &rec->fields[c];
            width = ((o = httpGetOption(options, "width", 0)) != 0) ? sfmt(" width='%s'", o) : "";
            thisCol = mprLookupKey(colOptions, itosbuf(index, sizeof(index), c, 10));
            header = httpGetOption(thisCol, "header", spascal(fp->name));
            espRender(conn, "            <th%s>%s</th>\r\n", width, header);
        espRender(conn, "        </tr>\r\n    </thead>\r\n");
    espRender(conn, "    <tbody>\r\n");

        Table body data
    for (r = 0; r < grid->nrecords; r++) {
        rec = grid->records[r];
        httpSetOption(rowOptions, "id", rec->id);
        espRender(conn, "        <tr%s>\r\n", map(conn, rowOptions));
        for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
            fp = &rec->fields[c];
            thisCol = mprLookupKey(colOptions, itosbuf(index, sizeof(index), c, 10));

            if (httpGetOption(thisCol, "align", 0) == 0) {
                if (fp->type == EDI_TYPE_INT || fp->type == EDI_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                    if (!thisCol) {
                        thisCol = mprCreateHash(0, MPR_HASH_STABLE);
                    httpInsertOption(thisCol, "align", "right");
            value = formatValue(fp, thisCol);
            espRender(conn, "            <td%s>%s</td>\r\n", map(conn, thisCol), value);
        espRender(conn, "        </tr>\r\n");
    espRender(conn, "    </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: uri.c Proyecto: DavidQuan/http
PUBLIC HttpUri *httpLinkUri(HttpConn *conn, cchar *target, MprHash *options)
    HttpRoute       *route, *lroute;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *uri;
    cchar           *routeName, *action, *controller, *originalAction, *tplate;
    char            *rest;


    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    controller = 0;

    if (target == 0) {
        target = "";
    if (*target == '@') {
        target = sjoin("{action: '", target, "'}", NULL);
    if (*target != '{') {
        tplate = target;
        if (!options) {
            options = route->vars;
    } else  {
        if (options) {
            options = mprBlendHash(httpGetOptions(target), options);
        } else {
            options = httpGetOptions(target);
        options = mprBlendHash(options, route->vars);

            Prep the action. Forms are:
                . @action               # Use the current controller
                . @controller/          # Use "index" as the action
                . @controller/action
        if ((action = httpGetOption(options, "action", 0)) != 0) {
            originalAction = action;
            if (*action == '@') {
                action = &action[1];
            if (strchr(action, '/')) {
                controller = stok((char*) action, "/", (char**) &action);
                action = stok((char*) action, "/", &rest);
            if (controller) {
                httpSetOption(options, "controller", controller);
            } else {
                controller = httpGetParam(conn, "controller", 0);
            if (action == 0 || *action == '\0') {
                action = "list";
            if (action != originalAction) {
                httpSetOption(options, "action", action);
            Find the template to use. Strategy is this order:
                . options.template
                . options.route.template
                . options.action mapped to a route.template, via:
                . /app/STAR/action
                . /app/controller/action
                . /app/STAR/default
                . /app/controller/default
        if ((tplate = httpGetOption(options, "template", 0)) == 0) {
            if ((routeName = httpGetOption(options, "route", 0)) != 0) {
                routeName = expandRouteName(conn, routeName);
                lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, routeName);
            } else {
                lroute = 0;
            if (!lroute) {
                if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, action))) == 0) {
                    if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", action))) == 0) {
                        if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, "default"))) == 0) {
                            lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", "default"));
            if (lroute) {
                tplate = lroute->tplate;
        if (!tplate) {
            mprLog("error http", 0, "Cannot find template for URI %s", target);
            target = "/";
    target = httpTemplate(conn, tplate, options);

    if ((uri = httpCreateUri(target, 0)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    return uri;