Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Process an incoming main loop control request
    @returns non-zero on success, 0 on failure (errno set)
int http_control_request(HTTPCNX *http, char *action)
	char buffer[1024];

	if ( strcmp(action,"resume")==0 )
		return 1;
	else if ( sscanf(action,"pauseat=%[-0-9%:A-Za-z]",buffer)==1 )
		ts = convert_to_timestamp(buffer);
		if ( ts!=TS_INVALID )
			return 1;
			output_error("control command '%s' has an invalid timestamp", buffer);
			return 0;
	else if ( strcmp(action,"shutdown")==0 )
		output_message("server shutdown by client");
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Decompose a path into the principal, collection, and resource parts.
 * We manage this as follows:
 *   /principal/collection/resource
 * For now, the collection can't have directories of its own.
 * Return zero on failure (no leading slash or memory failure), non-zero
 * on success.
 * All pointers will be set.
http_paths(const char *in, char **pp, char **cp, char **rp)
	const char	*p;

	*pp = *cp = *rp = NULL;

	/* Strip leading absolute path. */
	if ('/' != in[0])

	if (NULL != (p = strchr(in, '/'))) {
		*pp = malloc(p - in + 1);
		memcpy(*pp, in, p - in);
		(*pp)[p - in] = '\0';
		in = p + 1;
		if (NULL != (p = strrchr(in, '/'))) {
			*cp = malloc(p - in + 1);
			memcpy(*cp, in, p - in);
			(*cp)[p - in] = '\0';
			in = p + 1;
			http_decode(in, rp);
		} else {
			*cp = strdup("");
			http_decode(in, rp);
	} else {
		*pp = strdup(in);
		*cp = strdup("");
		*rp = strdup("");

	if (NULL == *pp || NULL == *cp || NULL == *rp) {

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Unescapes the characters of a string to make it a normal string. The
 * returned string should be freed with #g_free() when no longer needed.
 * @param escaped The string.
 * @return The unescaped string or NULL on error.
gchar *steam_http_uri_unescape(const gchar *escaped)
    gchar *ret;
    gchar *str;

    g_return_val_if_fail(escaped != NULL, NULL);

    str = g_strdup(escaped);

    ret = g_strdup(str);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Process an incoming XML data request
	@returns non-zero on success, 0 on failure (errno set)
int http_xml_request(HTTP *http,char *uri)
	char arg1[1024]="", arg2[1024]="";
	int nargs = sscanf(uri,"%1023[^/=\r\n]/%1023[^\r\n=]",arg1,arg2);
	char *value = strchr(uri,'=');
	char buffer[1024]="";
	char *id;

	/* value */
	if (value) *value++;

	/* decode %.. */
	if (value) http_decode(value);

	/* process request */
	switch (nargs) {

	/* get global variable */
	case 1: 

		/* find the variable */
		if (global_getvar(arg1,buffer,sizeof(buffer))==NULL)
			output_error("global variable '%s' not found", arg1);
			return 0;

		/* assignment, if any */
		if (value) global_setvar(arg1,value);
		/* post the response */
		http_format(http,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n");
			arg1, http_unquote(buffer));
		return 1;

	/* get object property */
	case 2:

		/* find the object */
		id = strchr(arg1,':');
		if ( id==NULL )
			obj = object_find_name(arg1);
			obj = object_find_by_id(atoi(id+1));
		if ( obj==NULL )
			output_error("object '%s' not found", arg1);
			return 0;

		/* post the current value */
		if ( !object_get_value_by_name(obj,arg2,buffer,sizeof(buffer)) )
			output_error("object '%s' property '%s' not found", arg1, arg2);
			return 0;

		/* assignment, if any */
		if ( value && !object_set_value_by_name(obj,arg2,value) )
			output_error("cannot set object '%s' property '%s' to '%s'", arg1, arg2, value);
			return 0;

		/* post the response */
		http_format(http,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n<property>\n");
		http_format(http,"\t<object>%s</object>\n", arg1);
		http_format(http,"\t<name>%s</name>\n", arg2);
		http_format(http,"\t<value>%s</value>\n", http_unquote(buffer));
		/* TODO add property type info */
		return 1;

		return 0;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Parse the QUERY_STRING for key-value pairs
 * and store the values into the query structure.
static void
http_parse(struct req *req, const char *qs)
	char		*key, *val;
	size_t		 keysz, valsz;

	req->q.manpath	= NULL;
	req->q.arch	= NULL;
	req->q.sec	= NULL;
	req->q.query	= NULL;
	req->q.equal	= 1;

	key = val = NULL;
	while (*qs != '\0') {

		/* Parse one key. */

		keysz = strcspn(qs, "=;&");
		key = mandoc_strndup(qs, keysz);
		qs += keysz;
		if (*qs != '=')
			goto next;

		/* Parse one value. */

		valsz = strcspn(++qs, ";&");
		val = mandoc_strndup(qs, valsz);
		qs += valsz;

		/* Decode and catch encoding errors. */

		if ( ! (http_decode(key) && http_decode(val)))
			goto next;

		/* Handle key-value pairs. */

		if ( ! strcmp(key, "query"))
			set_query_attr(&req->q.query, &val);

		else if ( ! strcmp(key, "apropos"))
			req->q.equal = !strcmp(val, "0");

		else if ( ! strcmp(key, "manpath")) {
			if ( ! strncmp(val, "OpenBSD ", 8)) {
				val[7] = '-';
				if ('C' == val[8])
					val[8] = 'c';
			set_query_attr(&req->q.manpath, &val);

		else if ( ! (strcmp(key, "sec")
		    && strcmp(key, "sektion")
		    )) {
			if ( ! strcmp(val, "0"))
				*val = '\0';
			set_query_attr(&req->q.sec, &val);

		else if ( ! strcmp(key, "arch")) {
			if ( ! strcmp(val, "default"))
				*val = '\0';
			set_query_attr(&req->q.arch, &val);

		 * The key must be freed in any case.
		 * The val may have been handed over to the query
		 * structure, in which case it is now NULL.
		key = NULL;
		val = NULL;

		if (*qs != '\0')
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: axel.c Proyecto: ghuntley/axel
/* Create a new axel_t structure					*/
axel_t *axel_new( conf_t *conf, int count, void *url )
	search_t *res;
	axel_t *axel;
	url_t *u;
	char *s;
	int i;
	axel = malloc( sizeof( axel_t ) );
	memset( axel, 0, sizeof( axel_t ) );
	*axel->conf = *conf;
	axel->conn = malloc( sizeof( conn_t ) * axel->conf->num_connections );
	memset( axel->conn, 0, sizeof( conn_t ) * axel->conf->num_connections );
	if( axel->conf->max_speed > 0 )
		if( (float) axel->conf->max_speed / axel->conf->buffer_size < 0.5 )
			if( axel->conf->verbose >= 2 )
				axel_message( axel, _("Buffer resized for this speed.") );
			axel->conf->buffer_size = axel->conf->max_speed;
		axel->delay_time = (int) ( (float) 1000000 / axel->conf->max_speed * axel->conf->buffer_size * axel->conf->num_connections );
	if( buffer == NULL )
		buffer = malloc( max( MAX_STRING, axel->conf->buffer_size ) );
	if( count == 0 )
		axel->url = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
		axel->url->next = axel->url;
		strncpy( axel->url->text, (char *) url, MAX_STRING );
		res = (search_t *) url;
		u = axel->url = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
		for( i = 0; i < count; i ++ )
			strncpy( u->text, res[i].url, MAX_STRING );
			if( i < count - 1 )
				u->next = malloc( sizeof( url_t ) );
				u = u->next;
				u->next = axel->url;
	axel->conn[0].conf = axel->conf;
	if( !conn_set( &axel->conn[0], axel->url->text ) )
		axel_message( axel, _("Could not parse URL.\n") );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );

	axel->conn[0].local_if = axel->conf->interfaces->text;
	axel->conf->interfaces = axel->conf->interfaces->next;
	strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conn[0].file, MAX_STRING );
	http_decode( axel->filename );
	if( *axel->filename == 0 )	/* Index page == no fn		*/
		strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conf->default_filename, MAX_STRING );
	if( ( s = strchr( axel->filename, '?' ) ) != NULL && axel->conf->strip_cgi_parameters )
		*s = 0;		/* Get rid of CGI parameters		*/
	if( !conn_init( &axel->conn[0] ) )
		axel_message( axel, axel->conn[0].message );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );
	/* This does more than just checking the file size, it all depends
	   on the protocol used.					*/
	if( !conn_info( &axel->conn[0] ) )
		axel_message( axel, axel->conn[0].message );
		axel->ready = -1;
		return( axel );
	s = conn_url( axel->conn );
	strncpy( axel->url->text, s, MAX_STRING );
	if( ( axel->size = axel->conn[0].size ) != INT_MAX )
		if( axel->conf->verbose > 0 )
			axel_message( axel, _("File size: %lld bytes"), axel->size );
	/* Wildcards in URL --> Get complete filename			*/
	if( strchr( axel->filename, '*' ) || strchr( axel->filename, '?' ) )
		strncpy( axel->filename, axel->conn[0].file, MAX_STRING );
	return( axel );
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int msn_ns_command( struct msn_handler_data *handler, char **cmd, int num_parts )
	struct im_connection *ic = handler->data;
	struct msn_data *md = ic->proto_data;
	if( num_parts == 0 )
		/* Hrrm... Empty command...? Ignore? */
		return( 1 );
	if( strcmp( cmd[0], "VER" ) == 0 )
		if( cmd[2] && strncmp( cmd[2], MSNP_VER, 5 ) != 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Unsupported protocol" );
			imc_logout( ic, FALSE );
			return( 0 );
		return( msn_ns_write( ic, handler->fd, "CVR %d 0x0409 mac 10.2.0 ppc macmsgs 3.5.1 macmsgs %s\r\n",
		                      ++md->trId, ic->acc->user ) );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "CVR" ) == 0 )
		/* We don't give a damn about the information we just received */
		return msn_ns_write( ic, handler->fd, "USR %d SSO I %s\r\n", ++md->trId, ic->acc->user );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "XFR" ) == 0 )
		char *server;
		int port;
		if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "NS" ) == 0 )
			b_event_remove( handler->inpa );
			handler->inpa = -1;
			server = strchr( cmd[3], ':' );
			if( !server )
				imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
				imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
				return( 0 );
			*server = 0;
			port = atoi( server + 1 );
			server = cmd[3];
			imcb_log( ic, "Transferring to other server" );
			return msn_ns_connect( ic, handler, server, port );
		else if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "SB" ) == 0 )
			struct msn_switchboard *sb;
			server = strchr( cmd[3], ':' );
			if( !server )
				imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
				imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
				return( 0 );
			*server = 0;
			port = atoi( server + 1 );
			server = cmd[3];
			if( strcmp( cmd[4], "CKI" ) != 0 )
				imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication method for switchboard" );
				imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
				return( 0 );
			debug( "Connecting to a new switchboard with key %s", cmd[5] );

			if( ( sb = msn_sb_create( ic, server, port, cmd[5], MSN_SB_NEW ) ) == NULL )
				/* Although this isn't strictly fatal for the NS connection, it's
				   definitely something serious (we ran out of file descriptors?). */
				imcb_error( ic, "Could not create new switchboard" );
				imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
				return( 0 );
			if( md->msgq )
				struct msn_message *m = md->msgq->data;
				GSList *l;
				sb->who = g_strdup( m->who );
				/* Move all the messages to the first user in the message
				   queue to the switchboard message queue. */
				l = md->msgq;
				while( l )
					m = l->data;
					l = l->next;
					if( strcmp( m->who, sb->who ) == 0 )
						sb->msgq = g_slist_append( sb->msgq, m );
						md->msgq = g_slist_remove( md->msgq, m );
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "USR" ) == 0 )
		if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "SSO" ) == 0 &&
		    strcmp( cmd[3], "S" ) == 0 )
			g_free( md->pp_policy );
			md->pp_policy = g_strdup( cmd[4] );
			msn_soap_passport_sso_request( ic, cmd[5] );
		else if( strcmp( cmd[2], "OK" ) == 0 )
			/* If the number after the handle is 0, the e-mail
			   address is unverified, which means we can't change
			   the display name. */
			if( cmd[4][0] == '0' )
				md->flags |= MSN_EMAIL_UNVERIFIED;
			imcb_log( ic, "Authenticated, getting buddy list" );
			msn_soap_memlist_request( ic );
			imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication type" );
			imc_logout( ic, FALSE );
			return( 0 );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "MSG" ) == 0 )
		if( num_parts < 4 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[3] );
		if( handler->msglen <= 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "BLP" ) == 0 )
		msn_ns_send_adl_start( ic );
		return msn_ns_finish_login( ic );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ADL" ) == 0 )
		if( num_parts >= 3 && strcmp( cmd[2], "OK" ) == 0 )
			msn_ns_send_adl( ic );
			return msn_ns_finish_login( ic );
		else if( num_parts >= 3 )
			handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[2] );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "PRP" ) == 0 )
		imcb_connected( ic );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "CHL" ) == 0 )
		char *resp;
		int st;
		if( num_parts < 3 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		resp = msn_p11_challenge( cmd[2] );
		st =  msn_ns_write( ic, -1, "QRY %d %s %zd\r\n%s",
		                    ++md->trId, MSNP11_PROD_ID,
		                    strlen( resp ), resp );
		g_free( resp );
		return st;
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ILN" ) == 0 || strcmp( cmd[0], "NLN" ) == 0 )
		const struct msn_away_state *st;
		const char *handle;
		int cap = 0;
		if( num_parts < 6 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		/* ILN and NLN are more or less the same, except ILN has a trId
		   at the start, and NLN has a capability field at the end. 
		   Does ILN still exist BTW? */
		if( cmd[0][1] == 'I' )
			cmd ++;
			cap = atoi( cmd[4] );

		handle = msn_normalize_handle( cmd[2] );
		if( strcmp( handle, ic->acc->user ) == 0 )
			return 1; /* That's me! */
		http_decode( cmd[3] );
		imcb_rename_buddy( ic, handle, cmd[3] );
		st = msn_away_state_by_code( cmd[1] );
		if( !st )
			/* FIXME: Warn/Bomb about unknown away state? */
			st = msn_away_state_list + 1;
		imcb_buddy_status( ic, handle, OPT_LOGGED_IN | 
		                   ( st != msn_away_state_list ? OPT_AWAY : 0 ) |
		                   ( cap & 1 ? OPT_MOBILE : 0 ),
		                   st->name, NULL );
		msn_sb_stop_keepalives( msn_sb_by_handle( ic, handle ) );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "FLN" ) == 0 )
		const char *handle;
		if( cmd[1] == NULL )
			return 1;
		handle = msn_normalize_handle( cmd[1] );
		imcb_buddy_status( ic, handle, 0, NULL, NULL );
		msn_sb_start_keepalives( msn_sb_by_handle( ic, handle ), TRUE );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "RNG" ) == 0 )
		struct msn_switchboard *sb;
		char *server;
		int session, port;
		if( num_parts < 7 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		session = atoi( cmd[1] );
		server = strchr( cmd[2], ':' );
		if( !server )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		*server = 0;
		port = atoi( server + 1 );
		server = cmd[2];
		if( strcmp( cmd[3], "CKI" ) != 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication method for switchboard" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
		debug( "Got a call from %s (session %d). Key = %s", cmd[5], session, cmd[4] );
		if( ( sb = msn_sb_create( ic, server, port, cmd[4], session ) ) == NULL )
			/* Although this isn't strictly fatal for the NS connection, it's
			   definitely something serious (we ran out of file descriptors?). */
			imcb_error( ic, "Could not create new switchboard" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
			sb->who = g_strdup( msn_normalize_handle( cmd[5] ) );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "OUT" ) == 0 )
		int allow_reconnect = TRUE;
		if( cmd[1] && strcmp( cmd[1], "OTH" ) == 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Someone else logged in with your account" );
			allow_reconnect = FALSE;
		else if( cmd[1] && strcmp( cmd[1], "SSD" ) == 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Terminating session because of server shutdown" );
			imcb_error( ic, "Session terminated by remote server (%s)",
			            cmd[1] ? cmd[1] : "reason unknown)" );
		imc_logout( ic, allow_reconnect );
		return( 0 );
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "IPG" ) == 0 )
		imcb_error( ic, "Received IPG command, we don't handle them yet." );
		handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[1] );
		if( handler->msglen <= 0 )
			imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" );
			imc_logout( ic, TRUE );
			return( 0 );
#if 0
	else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ADG" ) == 0 )
		char *group = g_strdup( cmd[3] );
		int groupnum, i;
		GSList *l, *next;
		http_decode( group );
		if( sscanf( cmd[4], "%d", &groupnum ) == 1 )
			if( groupnum >= md->groupcount )
				md->grouplist = g_renew( char *, md->grouplist, groupnum + 1 );
				for( i = md->groupcount; i <= groupnum; i ++ )
					md->grouplist[i] = NULL;
				md->groupcount = groupnum + 1;
			g_free( md->grouplist[groupnum] );
			md->grouplist[groupnum] = group;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Parse out key-value pairs from an HTTP request variable.
 * This can be either a cookie or a POST/GET string, although man.cgi
 * uses only GET for simplicity.
static void
http_parse(struct req *req, char *p)
	char            *key, *val, *manroot;
	int		 i, legacy;

	memset(&req->q, 0, sizeof(struct query));

	legacy = -1;
	manroot = NULL;

	while ('\0' != *p) {
		key = p;
		val = NULL;

		p += (int)strcspn(p, ";&");
		if ('\0' != *p)
			*p++ = '\0';
		if (NULL != (val = strchr(key, '=')))
			*val++ = '\0';

		if ('\0' == *key || NULL == val || '\0' == *val)

		/* Just abort handling. */

		if ( ! http_decode(key))
		if (NULL != val && ! http_decode(val))

		if (0 == strcmp(key, "expr"))
			req->q.expr = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "query"))
			req->q.expr = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "sec"))
			req->q.sec = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "sektion"))
			req->q.sec = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "arch"))
			req->q.arch = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "manpath"))
			manroot = val;
		else if (0 == strcmp(key, "apropos"))
			legacy = 0 == strcmp(val, "0");

	/* Test for old man.cgi compatibility mode. */

	req->q.legacy = legacy > 0;

	 * Section "0" means no section when in legacy mode.
	 * For some man.cgi scripts, "default" arch is none.

	if (req->q.legacy && NULL != req->q.sec)
		if (0 == strcmp(req->q.sec, "0"))
			req->q.sec = NULL;
	if (req->q.legacy && NULL != req->q.arch)
		if (0 == strcmp(req->q.arch, "default"))
			req->q.arch = NULL;

	/* Default to first manroot. */

	if (NULL != manroot) {
		for (i = 0; i < (int)req->psz; i++)
			if (0 == strcmp(req->p[i].name, manroot))
		req->q.manroot = i < (int)req->psz ? i : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int Lua::handle_script_request(struct mg_connection *conn,
			       const struct mg_request_info *request_info, char *script_path) {
  char buf[64], key[64], val[64];

  luaL_openlibs(L); /* Load base libraries */
  lua_register_classes(L, true); /* Load custom classes */

  lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (char*)conn);
  lua_setglobal(L, CONST_HTTP_CONN);

  /* Put the GET params into the environment */
  if(request_info->query_string != NULL) {
    char *query_string = strdup(request_info->query_string);

    if(query_string) {
      char *tok, *where;

      tok = strtok_r(query_string, "&", &where);

      while(tok != NULL) {
	/* key=val */
	char *equal = strchr(tok, '=');

	if(equal) {
	  char *decoded_buf;

	  equal[0] = '\0';
	  if((decoded_buf = http_decode(&equal[1])) != NULL) {
	    //ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "'%s'='%s'", tok, decoded_buf);
	    lua_push_str_table_entry(L, tok, decoded_buf);

	tok = strtok_r(NULL, "&", &where);

  lua_setglobal(L, "_GET"); /* Like in php */

  /* Put the _SESSION params into the environment */

  mg_get_cookie(conn, "user", buf, sizeof(buf));
  lua_push_str_table_entry(L, "user", buf);
  mg_get_cookie(conn, "session", buf, sizeof(buf));
  lua_push_str_table_entry(L, "session", buf);

  snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "sessions.%s.ifname", buf);
  if(ntop->getRedis()->get(key, val, sizeof(val)) < 0) {
    snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%s", ntop->getInterfaceId(0)->get_name());
    lua_push_str_table_entry(L, "ifname", val);
    ntop->getRedis()->set(key, val, 3600 /* 1h */);
  } else {
    if(ntop->getInterface(val) != NULL) {
      /* The specified interface still exists */
      lua_push_str_table_entry(L, "ifname", val);
      ntop->getRedis()->expire(key, 3600); /* Extend session */
    } else {
      goto set_default_if_name_in_session;

  lua_setglobal(L, "_SESSION"); /* Like in php */

  if(luaL_dofile(L, script_path) != 0) {
    const char *err = lua_tostring(L, -1);

    ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Script failure [%s][%s]", script_path, err);
    return(send_error(conn, 500 /* Internal server error */, "Internal server error", PAGE_ERROR, script_path, err));
