Ejemplo n.º 1
static void http_process_handler(uint8_t s, st_http_request * p_http_request)
	uint8_t * uri_name;
	uint32_t content_addr = 0;
	uint16_t content_num = 0;
	uint32_t file_len = 0;

	uint8_t uri_buf[MAX_URI_SIZE]={0x00, };

	uint16_t http_status;
	int8_t get_seqnum;
	uint8_t content_found;

	if((get_seqnum = getHTTPSequenceNum(s)) == -1) return; // exception handling; invalid number

	http_status = 0;
	http_response = pHTTP_RX;
	file_len = 0;

	//method Analyze
	switch (p_http_request->METHOD)
		case METHOD_ERR :
			http_status = STATUS_BAD_REQ;
			send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, http_status);

		case METHOD_HEAD :
		case METHOD_GET :
			get_http_uri_name(p_http_request->URI, uri_buf);
			uri_name = uri_buf;

			if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "/")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, INITIAL_WEBPAGE);	// If URI is "/", respond by index.html
			if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "m")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, M_INITIAL_WEBPAGE);
			if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "mobile")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, MOBILE_INITIAL_WEBPAGE);
			find_http_uri_type(&p_http_request->TYPE, uri_name);	// Checking requested file types (HTML, TEXT, GIF, JPEG and Etc. are included)

			printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : HTTP Method GET\r\n", s);
			printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request Type = %d\r\n", s, p_http_request->TYPE);
			printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request URI = %s\r\n", s, uri_name);

			if(p_http_request->TYPE == PTYPE_CGI)
				content_found = http_get_cgi_handler(uri_name, pHTTP_TX, &file_len);
				if(content_found && (file_len <= (DATA_BUF_SIZE-(strlen(RES_CGIHEAD_OK)+8))))
					send_http_response_cgi(s, http_response, pHTTP_TX, (uint16_t)file_len);
					send_http_response_header(s, PTYPE_CGI, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
				// Find the User registered index for web content
				if(find_userReg_webContent(uri_buf, &content_num, &file_len))
					content_found = 1; // Web content found in code flash memory
					content_addr = (uint32_t)content_num;
					HTTPSock_Status[get_seqnum].storage_type = CODEFLASH;
				// Not CGI request, Web content in 'SD card' or 'Data flash' requested
#ifdef _USE_SDCARD_
				printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : Searching the requested content\r\n", s);
				if((fr = f_open(&fs, (const char *)uri_name, FA_READ)) == 0)
					content_found = 1; // file open succeed

					file_len = fs.fsize;
					content_addr = fs.sclust;
					HTTPSock_Status[get_seqnum].storage_type = SDCARD;
#elif _USE_FLASH_
				else if(/* Read content from Dataflash */)
					content_found = 1;
					HTTPSock_Status[get_seqnum]->storage_type = DATAFLASH;
					; // To do
					printf("file len : %d\r\n", file_len);
					content_found = 0; // fail to find content

					printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Unknown Page Request\r\n", s);
					http_status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
					printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Find Content [%s] ok - Start [%ld] len [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, uri_name, content_addr, file_len);
					http_status = STATUS_OK;

				// Send HTTP header
					printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Requested content len = [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, file_len);
					send_http_response_header(s, p_http_request->TYPE, file_len, http_status);

				// Send HTTP body (content)
				if(http_status == STATUS_OK)
					send_http_response_body(s, uri_name, http_response, content_addr, file_len);

		case METHOD_POST :
			mid((char *)p_http_request->URI, "/", " HTTP", (char *)uri_buf);
			uri_name = uri_buf;
			find_http_uri_type(&p_http_request->TYPE, uri_name);	// Check file type (HTML, TEXT, GIF, JPEG are included)

			printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : HTTP Method POST\r\n", s);
			printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request URI = %s ", s, uri_name);
			printf("Type = %d\r\n", p_http_request->TYPE);

			if(p_http_request->TYPE == PTYPE_CGI)	// HTTP POST Method; CGI Process
				content_found = http_post_cgi_handler(uri_name, p_http_request, http_response, &file_len);
				printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : [CGI: %s] / Response len [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, content_found?"Content found":"Content not found", file_len);
				if(content_found && (file_len <= (DATA_BUF_SIZE-(strlen(RES_CGIHEAD_OK)+8))))
					send_http_response_cgi(s, pHTTP_TX, http_response, (uint16_t)file_len);

					// Reset the H/W for apply to the change configuration information
					if(content_found == HTTP_RESET) HTTPServer_ReStart();
					send_http_response_header(s, PTYPE_CGI, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
			else	// HTTP POST Method; Content not found
				send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);

		default :
			http_status = STATUS_BAD_REQ;
			send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, http_status);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void http_process_handler(uint8_t s, st_http_request * p_http_request)
    uint8_t * uri_name;
    uint32_t content_addr = 0;
    uint32_t file_len = 0;

    uint8_t post_name[32]= {0x00,};	// POST method request file name

#ifdef _WILL_BE_IM_
    uint32_t content_len = 0;
    uint16_t post_len = 0; 			// POST
    uint8_t sub[10];				// POST

    uint16_t http_status;
    int8_t get_seqnum;
    uint8_t content_found;

    if((get_seqnum = getHTTPSequenceNum(s)) == -1) return; // exception handling; invalid number

    http_status = 0;
    http_response = pHTTP_RX;
    file_len = 0;

    // HTTP Method Analyze
    switch (p_http_request->METHOD)
    case METHOD_ERR :
        http_status = STATUS_BAD_REQ;
        send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, http_status);

    case METHOD_HEAD :
    case METHOD_GET :
        uri_name = get_http_uri_name(p_http_request->URI);
        if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "/")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, INITIAL_WEBPAGE);	// If URI is "/", respond by index.html
        if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "m")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, M_INITIAL_WEBPAGE);
        if (!strcmp((char *)uri_name, "mobile")) strcpy((char *)uri_name, MOBILE_INITIAL_WEBPAGE);
        find_http_uri_type(&p_http_request->TYPE, uri_name);	// Checking requested file types (HTML, TEXT, GIF, JPEG and Etc. are included)

        printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : HTTP Method GET\r\n", s);
        printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request Type = %d\r\n", s, p_http_request->TYPE);
        printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request URI = %s\r\n", s, uri_name);

        if(p_http_request->TYPE == PTYPE_CGI)
            content_found = http_get_cgi_handler(uri_name, pHTTP_TX, &file_len);
            if(content_found && (file_len <= (2048-(strlen(RES_CGIHEAD_OK)+8))))
                send_http_response_cgi(s, http_response, pHTTP_TX, (uint16_t)file_len);
                send_http_response_header(s, PTYPE_CGI, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
        {   // If No CGI request, Try to find The requested web content in storage (e.g., 'SD card' or 'Data flash')
#ifdef _USE_SDCARD_
            printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : Searching the requested content\r\n", s);
            if((fr = f_open(&fs, (const char *)uri_name, FA_READ)) == 0)
                content_found = 1; // file open succeed

                file_len = fs.fsize;
                content_addr = fs.sclust;
                printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : [FatFs] Error code return: %d\r\n", s, fr);
                content_found = 0; // file open failed
                printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Unknown Page Request\r\n", s);
                http_status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
                printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Find Content [%s] ok - Start [%ld] len [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, uri_name, content_addr, file_len);
                http_status = STATUS_OK;

            // Send HTTP header
                printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Requested content len = [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, file_len);
                send_http_response_header(s, p_http_request->TYPE, file_len, http_status);

            // Send HTTP body (content)
            if(http_status == STATUS_OK)
                send_http_response_body(s, uri_name, http_response, content_addr, file_len);

    case METHOD_POST :
        mid((char *)p_http_request->URI, "/", " HTTP", (char *)post_name);
        uri_name = post_name;
        find_http_uri_type(&p_http_request->TYPE, uri_name);	//Check file type (HTML, TEXT, GIF, JPEG are included)

        printf("\r\n> HTTPSocket[%d] : HTTP Method POST\r\n", s);
        printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : Request URI = %s ", s, post_name);
        printf("Type = %d\r\n", p_http_request->TYPE);

        if(p_http_request->TYPE == PTYPE_CGI)	// HTTP POST Method; CGI Process
            content_found = http_post_cgi_handler(post_name, p_http_request, http_response, &file_len);
            printf("> HTTPSocket[%d] : [CGI: %s] / Response len [ %ld ]byte\r\n", s, content_found?"Content found":"Content not found", file_len);
            if(content_found && (file_len <= (2048-(strlen(RES_CGIHEAD_OK)+8))))
                send_http_response_cgi(s, pHTTP_TX, http_response, (uint16_t)file_len);

                // Reset the H/W for apply to the change configuration information
                if(content_found == HTTP_RESET) HTTPServer_ReStart();
                send_http_response_header(s, PTYPE_CGI, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
        else	// HTTP POST Method; Content not found
            send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, STATUS_NOT_FOUND);

    default :
        http_status = STATUS_BAD_REQ;
        send_http_response_header(s, 0, 0, http_status);