Ejemplo n.º 1
hypre_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( HYPRE_Complex       alpha,
                          hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A,
                          hypre_ParVector    *x,
                          HYPRE_Complex       beta,
                          hypre_ParVector    *y )
   hypre_ParCSRCommHandle **comm_handle;
   hypre_ParCSRCommPkg *comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A);
   hypre_CSRMatrix   *diag   = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A);
   hypre_CSRMatrix   *offd   = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(A);
   hypre_Vector      *x_local  = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(x);   
   hypre_Vector      *y_local  = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(y);   
   HYPRE_Int          num_rows = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A);
   HYPRE_Int          num_cols = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumCols(A);

   hypre_Vector      *x_tmp;
   HYPRE_Int          x_size = hypre_ParVectorGlobalSize(x);
   HYPRE_Int          y_size = hypre_ParVectorGlobalSize(y);
   HYPRE_Int          num_vectors = hypre_VectorNumVectors(x_local);
   HYPRE_Int          num_cols_offd = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(offd);
   HYPRE_Int          ierr = 0;
   HYPRE_Int          num_sends, i, j, jv, index, start;

   HYPRE_Int          vecstride = hypre_VectorVectorStride( x_local );
   HYPRE_Int          idxstride = hypre_VectorIndexStride( x_local );

   HYPRE_Complex     *x_tmp_data, **x_buf_data;
   HYPRE_Complex     *x_local_data = hypre_VectorData(x_local);

    *  Check for size compatibility.  ParMatvec returns ierr = 11 if
    *  length of X doesn't equal the number of columns of A,
    *  ierr = 12 if the length of Y doesn't equal the number of rows
    *  of A, and ierr = 13 if both are true.
    *  Because temporary vectors are often used in ParMatvec, none of 
    *  these conditions terminates processing, and the ierr flag
    *  is informational only.
   hypre_assert( idxstride>0 );

   if (num_cols != x_size)
      ierr = 11;

   if (num_rows != y_size)
      ierr = 12;

   if (num_cols != x_size && num_rows != y_size)
      ierr = 13;

   hypre_assert( hypre_VectorNumVectors(y_local)==num_vectors );

   if ( num_vectors==1 )
      x_tmp = hypre_SeqVectorCreate( num_cols_offd );
      hypre_assert( num_vectors>1 );
      x_tmp = hypre_SeqMultiVectorCreate( num_cols_offd, num_vectors );
   x_tmp_data = hypre_VectorData(x_tmp);
   comm_handle = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRCommHandle*,num_vectors);

    * If there exists no CommPkg for A, a CommPkg is generated using
    * equally load balanced partitionings
   if (!comm_pkg)
      comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A); 

   num_sends = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);
   x_buf_data = hypre_CTAlloc( HYPRE_Complex*, num_vectors );
   for ( jv=0; jv<num_vectors; ++jv )
      x_buf_data[jv] = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Complex, hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart
                                     (comm_pkg, num_sends));

   if ( num_vectors==1 )
      index = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
         start = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i);
         for (j = start; j < hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i+1); j++)
               = x_local_data[hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapElmt(comm_pkg,j)];
      for ( jv=0; jv<num_vectors; ++jv )
         index = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
            start = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i);
            for (j = start; j < hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i+1); j++)
                  = x_local_data[
                     jv*vecstride +
                     idxstride*hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapElmt(comm_pkg,j) ];

   hypre_assert( idxstride==1 );
   /* ... The assert is because the following loop only works for 'column'
      storage of a multivector. This needs to be fixed to work more generally,
      at least for 'row' storage. This in turn, means either change CommPkg so
      num_sends is no.zones*no.vectors (not no.zones) or, less dangerously, put
      a stride in the logic of CommHandleCreate (stride either from a new arg or
      a new variable inside CommPkg).  Or put the num_vector iteration inside
      CommHandleCreate (perhaps a new multivector variant of it).
   for ( jv=0; jv<num_vectors; ++jv )
      comm_handle[jv] = hypre_ParCSRCommHandleCreate
         ( 1, comm_pkg, x_buf_data[jv], &(x_tmp_data[jv*num_cols_offd]) );

   hypre_CSRMatrixMatvec( alpha, diag, x_local, beta, y_local);
   for ( jv=0; jv<num_vectors; ++jv )
      comm_handle[jv] = NULL;

   if (num_cols_offd) hypre_CSRMatrixMatvec( alpha, offd, x_tmp, 1.0, y_local);    

   x_tmp = NULL;
   for ( jv=0; jv<num_vectors; ++jv ) hypre_TFree(x_buf_data[jv]);
   return ierr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
hypre_AMGSolve( void            *amg_vdata,
                hypre_CSRMatrix *A,
                hypre_Vector    *f,
                hypre_Vector    *u         )
   hypre_AMGData   *amg_data = amg_vdata;
   /* Data Structure variables */

   HYPRE_Int      amg_ioutdat;
   HYPRE_Int     *num_coeffs;
   HYPRE_Int     *num_variables;
   /* HYPRE_Int      cycle_op_count; */
   HYPRE_Int      num_levels;
   /* HYPRE_Int      num_functions; */
   double   tol;
   /* char    *file_name; */
   hypre_CSRMatrix **A_array;
   hypre_Vector    **F_array;
   hypre_Vector    **U_array;

   /*  Local variables  */

   HYPRE_Int      j;
   HYPRE_Int      Solve_err_flag;
   HYPRE_Int      max_iter;
   HYPRE_Int      cycle_count;
   HYPRE_Int      total_coeffs;
   HYPRE_Int      total_variables;

   double   alpha = 1.0;
   double   beta = -1.0;
   /* double   cycle_cmplxty; */
   double   operat_cmplxty;
   double   grid_cmplxty;
   double   conv_factor;
   double   resid_nrm;
   double   resid_nrm_init;
   double   relative_resid;
   double   rhs_norm;
   double   old_resid;

   hypre_Vector  *Vtemp;

   amg_ioutdat   = hypre_AMGDataIOutDat(amg_data);
   /* file_name     = hypre_AMGDataLogFileName(amg_data); */
   /* num_functions  = hypre_AMGDataNumFunctions(amg_data); */
   num_levels    = hypre_AMGDataNumLevels(amg_data);
   A_array       = hypre_AMGDataAArray(amg_data);
   F_array       = hypre_AMGDataFArray(amg_data);
   U_array       = hypre_AMGDataUArray(amg_data);

   tol           = hypre_AMGDataTol(amg_data);
   max_iter      = hypre_AMGDataMaxIter(amg_data);

   num_coeffs = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_levels);
   num_variables = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_levels);
   num_coeffs[0]    = hypre_CSRMatrixNumNonzeros(A_array[0]);
   num_variables[0] = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[0]);
   A_array[0] = A;
   F_array[0] = f;
   U_array[0] = u;

   Vtemp = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(num_variables[0]);
   hypre_AMGDataVtemp(amg_data) = Vtemp;

   for (j = 1; j < num_levels; j++)
      num_coeffs[j]    = hypre_CSRMatrixNumNonzeros(A_array[j]);
      num_variables[j] = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]);

    *    Write the solver parameters

   /*if (amg_ioutdat > 0)
      hypre_WriteSolverParams(amg_data); */

    *    Initialize the solver error flag and assorted bookkeeping variables

   Solve_err_flag = 0;

   total_coeffs = 0;
   total_variables = 0;
   cycle_count = 0;
   operat_cmplxty = 0;
   grid_cmplxty = 0;

    *     open the log file and write some initial info

   if (amg_ioutdat > 1)

      hypre_printf("\n\nAMG SOLUTION INFO:\n");


    *    Compute initial fine-grid residual and print to logfile

   resid_nrm = sqrt(hypre_SeqVectorInnerProd(Vtemp,Vtemp));

   resid_nrm_init = resid_nrm;
   rhs_norm = sqrt(hypre_SeqVectorInnerProd(f,f));
   relative_resid = 9999;
   if (rhs_norm)
      relative_resid = resid_nrm_init / rhs_norm;
      relative_resid = resid_nrm_init;

   if (amg_ioutdat == 2 || amg_ioutdat == 3)
      hypre_printf("                                            relative\n");
      hypre_printf("               residual        factor       residual\n");
      hypre_printf("               --------        ------       --------\n");
      hypre_printf("    Initial    %e                 %e\n",resid_nrm_init,

    *    Main V-cycle loop
   while (relative_resid >= tol && cycle_count < max_iter 
          && Solve_err_flag == 0)
      hypre_AMGDataCycleOpCount(amg_data) = 0;   
      /* Op count only needed for one cycle */

      Solve_err_flag = hypre_AMGCycle(amg_data, F_array, U_array); 

      old_resid = resid_nrm;

       *    Compute  fine-grid residual and residual norm

      resid_nrm = sqrt(hypre_SeqVectorInnerProd(Vtemp,Vtemp));

      conv_factor = resid_nrm / old_resid;
      relative_resid = 9999;
      if (rhs_norm)
         relative_resid = resid_nrm / rhs_norm;
         relative_resid = resid_nrm;


      if (amg_ioutdat == 2 || amg_ioutdat == 3)
         hypre_printf("    Cycle %2d   %e    %f     %e \n",cycle_count,

   if (cycle_count == max_iter) Solve_err_flag = 1;

    *    Compute closing statistics

   conv_factor = pow((resid_nrm/resid_nrm_init),(1.0/((double) cycle_count)));

   for (j=0;j<hypre_AMGDataNumLevels(amg_data);j++)
      total_coeffs += num_coeffs[j];
      total_variables += num_variables[j];

   /* cycle_op_count = hypre_AMGDataCycleOpCount(amg_data); */

   grid_cmplxty = ((double) total_variables) / ((double) num_variables[0]);
   operat_cmplxty = ((double) total_coeffs) / ((double) num_coeffs[0]);
   /* cycle_cmplxty = ((double) cycle_op_count) / ((double) num_coeffs[0]); */

   if (amg_ioutdat > 1)
      if (Solve_err_flag == 1)
         hypre_printf("\n NOTE: Convergence tolerance was not achieved\n");
         hypre_printf("      within the allowed %d V-cycles\n",max_iter);
      hypre_printf("\n\n Average Convergence Factor = %f",conv_factor);
      hypre_printf("\n\n     Complexity:    grid = %f\n",grid_cmplxty);
      hypre_printf("                operator = %f\n",operat_cmplxty);
      /*  hypre_printf("                   cycle = %f\n\n",cycle_cmplxty); */

    * Close the output file (if open)

