Ejemplo n.º 1
static void iMatrixDrawComboFeedback(Ihandle* ih, int x2, int y1, int y2, int lin, int col, int cor)
  int xh2, yh2, x1;

  /* cell background */
  if(cor == IMAT_ELEM_COLOR)
    iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, cor, 0);
    iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, cor, 1);
  CdBox(x2 - IMAT_BOXW, x2, y1, y2); 

  /* feedback area */
  x2 -= 3;
  x1  = x2 - IMAT_BOXW; 
  y1 += 2;
  y2 -= 3;

  /* feedback background */
  iMatrixDrawSetTitleBgColor(ih, 0, 0);
  CdBox(x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback frame */
  CdRect(x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback arrow */
  xh2 = x2 - IMAT_BOXW / 2;
  yh2 = y2 - (y2 - y1) / 2;

  cdCanvasBegin(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_FILL);
  CdVertex(xh2, yh2 + 3);
  CdVertex(xh2 + 4, yh2 - 1);
  CdVertex(xh2 - 4, yh2 - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void iMatrixDrawComboFeedback(Ihandle* ih, int x2, int y1, int y2, int lin, int col, int marked, int active, long framecolor)
  int xh2, yh2, x1;

  /* cell background, erase whats behind */
  iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
  IUPMAT_BOX(ih, x2 - IMAT_COMBOBOX_W, x2, y1, y2); 

  /* feedback area */
  x1  = x2 - IMAT_COMBOBOX_W; 

  /* feedback background */
  iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, 0, 0, 0, active);
  IUPMAT_BOX(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback frame */
  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, framecolor);
  IUPMAT_RECT(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback arrow */
  xh2 = x2 - IMAT_COMBOBOX_W / 2;
  yh2 = y2 - (y2 - y1) / 2;

  cdCanvasBegin(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_FILL);
  IUPMAT_VERTEX(ih, xh2, yh2 + 3);
  IUPMAT_VERTEX(ih, xh2 + 4, yh2 - 1);
  IUPMAT_VERTEX(ih, xh2 - 4, yh2 - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void iMatrixDrawDropFeedback(Ihandle* ih, int x2, int y1, int y2, int active, long framecolor)
  int xh2, yh2, x1;

  /* feedback area */
  iupMatrixDrawSetDropFeedbackArea(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);

  /* feedback background */
  iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, 0, 0, 0, active);
  iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback frame */
  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, framecolor);
  iupMATRIX_RECT(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);

  /* feedback arrow */
  xh2 = x2 - IMAT_DROPBOX_W/2;
  yh2 = y2 - (y2 - y1)/2;

  cdCanvasBegin(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_FILL);
  iupMATRIX_VERTEX(ih, xh2, yh2 + 3);
  iupMATRIX_VERTEX(ih, xh2 + 4, yh2 - 1);
  iupMATRIX_VERTEX(ih, xh2 - 4, yh2 - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Draw the representation of a cell that have the focus, for cells that
   are not in the edit mode
   -> lin, col : the cell
   -> set: 1 to put the draw of the focus
           0 to remove the draw
void iupMatrixDrawFocus(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col, int set)
  int x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, oldbgc;

  if(iupAttribGetInt(ih, "HIDEFOCUS"))

  if(!iupMatrixAuxGetCellDim(ih, lin, col, &x1, &y1, &dx, &dy))

  ih->data->redraw = 1;

  if(set)          /* put the draw of the focus */
    oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin+1, col+1, iupMatrixMarkCellGet(ih, lin, col));
  else                /* remove the draw of the focus */
    oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin+1, col+1, IMAT_ELEM_COLOR, iupMatrixMarkCellGet(ih, lin, col));

  x2 = x1 + dx - 1;
  y2 = y1 + dy - 1;

  CdRect(x1, x2, y1, y2);
  CdRect(x1+1, x2-1, y1+1, y2-1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void iMatrixDrawBackground(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int marked, int active, int lin, int col)
  /* avoid drawing over the frame of the next cell */
  x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
  y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

  /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
  x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
  y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

  if (lin==0 || col==0)
    /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
    x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

    if (col==0) x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    if (lin==0) y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;
  else if ((col==1 && ih->data->columns.sizes[0] == 0) || (lin==1 && ih->data->lines.sizes[0] == 0))
    /* avoid drawing over the frame of the cell */
    x1 += IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
    y1 += IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

  iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
  IUPMAT_BOX(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void iMatrixDrawBackground(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int marked, int active, int lin, int col)
  /* avoid drawing over the frame of the next cell */
  x2 -= IMAT_FRAME_W/2;
  y2 -= IMAT_FRAME_H/2;

  iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
  iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static unsigned long iMatrixDrawSetTitleBgColor(Ihandle* ih, int lin, int col)
  int mark = 0;

  if((lin == 0 && iupMatrixMarkColumnMarked(ih,col)) || 
     (col == 0 && iupMatrixMarkLineMarked(ih,lin)))
    mark = 1;

  return iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, IMAT_TITLE_COLOR, mark);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void iMatrixDrawFill(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int marked, int active, int lin, int col, const char* value, long framecolor)
  int empty, fill=0;

  iupStrToInt(value, &fill);
  if (fill < 0) fill = 0;
  if (fill > 100) fill = 100;

  /* Create an space between text and cell frame */
  x1 += IMAT_PADDING_W/2;       x2 -= IMAT_PADDING_W/2;
  y1 += IMAT_PADDING_H/2;       y2 -= IMAT_PADDING_H/2;

  empty = ((x2-x1)*(100-fill))/100;

  /* Fill the box with the color */
  iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
  iupMATRIX_BOX(ih, x1, x2 - empty, y1, y2);

  if (ih->data->show_fill_value)
    int y = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - 0.5);
    int empty1 = ((x2-x1)*fill)/100;
    char text[50];
    sprintf(text, "%d%%", fill);
    IupCdSetFont(ih, ih->data->cd_canvas, iupMatrixGetFont(ih, lin, col));
    cdCanvasTextAlignment(ih->data->cd_canvas, CD_CENTER);

    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1 + empty1, x2, y1, y2);
    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, y, text);

    iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, marked, active);
    iMatrixDrawSetCellClipping(ih, x1, x2 - empty, y1, y2);
    iupMATRIX_TEXT(ih, (x1 + x2) / 2, y, text);

  /* Draw the frame */
  cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cd_canvas, framecolor);
  iupMATRIX_RECT(ih, x1, x2, y1, y2);
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Put a text in the screen, using the specified color and alignment.
   Receive the size of cell and also the visible part of the cell,
   because need to clip with this visible part and calculate, correctly,
   the center position and right margin of the cell, using the entire
   size of it.
   -> y1, y2 : vertical limits of the cell
   -> x1, x2 : horizontal limits of the complete cell
   -> xc : point where the text is clipped
   -> alignment : alignment type (horizontal) assigned to the text. The options are:
   -> cor : color schema that will be used:
           IMAT_TITLE_COLOR  ->  Black letters in gray background (for the titles)
           IMAT_ELEM_COLOR    -> Letters with FGCOLOR and background with BGCOLOR
           IMAT_REVERSE_COLOR -> Letters with BGCOLOR and background with FGCOLOR
   -> lin, col - cell coordinates, in IUP format - i.e., l,l represents the left
                 top cell of the matrix; lin and col values = 0 represents the
                 title lines and columns.
static void iMatrixDrawText(Ihandle* ih, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, char *text, int alignment, int xc, int cor, int lin, int col)
  int oldbgc = -1;
  int ypos;

  int oldx1 = x1,                  /* Full limit of the cell,     */
      oldx2 = x2 - 1,              /* considering the decorations */
      oldy1 = y1,
      oldy2 = y2,
      oldxc = xc;

  /* Create an space between text and cell margin */
  x1 += IMAT_DECOR_X / 2;       x2 -= IMAT_DECOR_X / 2;       xc -= IMAT_DECOR_X / 2;          
  y1 += IMAT_DECOR_Y / 2;       y2 -= IMAT_DECOR_Y / 2;

  /* Clear the cell */
  if(cor == IMAT_TITLE_COLOR)
    oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, cor, 0);
    CdBox(oldx1 + 2, oldxc - 2, oldy1 + 2, oldy2 - 2); /* Clear cell box, considering the xc */
  else if(cor == IMAT_ELEM_COLOR)
    oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, cor, 0);
    CdBox(oldx1, oldx2, oldy1, oldy2); /* Clear cell box */
    oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetBgColor(ih, lin, col, cor, 1);
    /* Clear the text box, with the attenuated color... */
    CdBox(oldx1, oldx2, oldy1, oldy2);
    iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, 1);

  if(!iMatrixDrawCallDrawCB(ih, cor, lin, col, oldx1, oldx2, oldy1, oldy2))

  /* Put the text */
  if(text && *text)
    int numl;
    int lineh, totalh, spacing;

    /* Set the clip area to the cell region informed */
    CdClipArea(x1, xc, oldy1, oldy2);
    cdCanvasClip(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_CLIPAREA);

    /* Set the color used to draw the text */
    if((lin > 0 && ih->data->lin.inactive[lin-1]) ||
       (col > 0 && ih->data->col.inactive[col-1]) ||
       !IupGetInt(ih, "ACTIVE"))
      cdCanvasForeground(ih->data->cddbuffer, IMAT_CD_INACTIVE_COLOR);
    else if(cor == IMAT_ELEM_COLOR)
      iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, 0);
    else if(cor == IMAT_REVERSE_COLOR)
      oldbgc = iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, 1);
      iMatrixDrawSetFgColor(ih, lin, col, 0);

    numl = iupMatrixAuxTextHeight(ih, text, &totalh, &lineh, &spacing);

    iMatrixDrawSetFont(ih, lin, col);

    if(numl == 1)
      ypos = (int)((y1 + y2) / 2.0 - .5);

      /* Put the text */
      if(alignment == IMAT_T_CENTER)
        CdPutText((x1 + x2) / 2, ypos, text, CD_CENTER);
      else if(alignment == IMAT_T_LEFT)
        CdPutText(x1, ypos, text, CD_WEST);
        CdPutText(x2, ypos, text, CD_EAST);
      int   i;
      char *p, *q, *newtext = NULL;

      if(text != NULL)
        p = (char*) iupStrDup(text);
        newtext = p;
        p = NULL;

      /* Get the position of the first text to be put in the screen */
      ypos = (int)( (y1 + y2) / 2.0 - .5) - totalh / 2 + lineh / 2;
      for(i = 0; i < numl; i++)
        q = strchr(p, '\n');
          *q = 0;  /* Cut the string to contain a line */

        /* Put the text */
        if(alignment == IMAT_T_CENTER)
          CdPutText((x1 + x2) / 2, ypos, p, CD_CENTER);
        else if(alignment == IMAT_T_LEFT)
          CdPutText(x1, ypos, p, CD_WEST);
          CdPutText(x2, ypos, p, CD_EAST);

          *q = '\n'; /* Restore the string */
        p = q + 1;

        /* Advance a line */
        ypos += lineh + spacing;


    cdCanvasClip(ih->data->cddbuffer, CD_CLIPOFF);

  if(cor != IMAT_TITLE_COLOR)