Ejemplo n.º 1
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseMove(SWindow* win, SObject* obj, SVariable* varX, SVariable* varY, SVariable* varCtrl, SVariable* varAlt, SVariable* varShift, SVariable* varClick)
		f64			lfPercent, lfX, lfY, lfWidth, lfHeight;
		s32			lnX, lnY;
		u32			lnClick;
		bool		llCtrl, llAlt, llShift;
		SVariable*	valueMin;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		if (!iiDefaultCallback_processMouseVariables(varX, varY, varCtrl, varAlt, varShift, varClick, &lnX, &lnY, &llCtrl, &llAlt, &llShift, &lnClick))
			return(false);	// Do not continue consuming

		// If we're clicking on a radio button, adjust the dial
		if (lnClick != 0 && obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_RADIO)
			// The mouse indicates the position
			// Determine theta
			lfWidth		= (f64)(obj->rc.right  - obj->rc.left);
			lfHeight	= (f64)(obj->rc.bottom - obj->rc.top);
			lfX			= (f64)lnX - (lfWidth / 2.0);
			lfY			= (lfHeight - (f64)lnY) - (lfHeight / 2.0);

			lfPercent	= atan2(lfY, lfX) / (M_PI * 2.0);
			if (lfPercent < 0.0)
				lfPercent += 1.0;

			valueMin = iObjProp_get_var_byIndex(obj, _INDEX_VALUE_MINIMUM);
			iObjProp_set_f64_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE, get_f64(valueMin) + (lfPercent * (iObjProp_get_f64_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE_MAXIMUM) - get_f64(valueMin))));
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
			iWindow_render(win, false);

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_EDITBOX) {
			if ((lnClick & _MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) != 0)
				// They are clicking and dragging

				// Need to navigate to the indicated x,y coordinate
				iSEM_navigateTo_pixelXY(obj->p.sem, obj, lnX, lnY);

				// Mark the mouse activity
				iSEM_selectStart(obj->p.sem, _SEM_SELECT_MODE_ANCHOR);

				// Redraw our changes
				iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
				iWindow_render(win, false);

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CAROUSEL) {
			// We always track mouse movements to hightlight and un-hightlight tabs
			return(iEvents_carouselMouseMove(win, obj, lnX, lnY, llCtrl, llAlt, llShift, lnClick));

		// Mouse moves continue to propagate all the way through, so as to signal appropriate enter and leave events
Ejemplo n.º 2
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseUp(SWindow* win, SObject* obj, SVariable* varX, SVariable* varY, SVariable* varCtrl, SVariable* varAlt, SVariable* varShift, SVariable* varClick)
		s32		lnX, lnY;
		u32		lnClick;
		bool	llCtrl, llAlt, llShift;
		POINT	pt;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		if (!iiDefaultCallback_processMouseVariables(varX, varY, varCtrl, varAlt, varShift, varClick, &lnX, &lnY, &llCtrl, &llAlt, &llShift, &lnClick))
			return(false);	// Do not continue consuming

		if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CAROUSEL)
			// Create a point
			pt.x = lnX;
			pt.y = lnY;

			// They are they outside of the client area?
			if (!PtInRect(&obj->rcClient, pt))
				return(iEvents_carouselMouseUp(win, obj, lnX, lnY, llCtrl, llAlt, llShift, lnClick));

		// We are leaving this object, lower the flag
		obj->ev.isMouseDown = (obj->ev.thisClick != 0);	// Indicate if the mouse is down here
		obj->ev.isMouseDown = false;
		iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
		iWindow_render(win, false);

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Called when the user mouse ups (releases the mouse button) on a carousel somewhere outside of the client area
	bool iEvents_carouselMouseUp(SThisCode* thisCode, SWindow* win, SObject* obj, s32 lnX, s32 lnY, bool llCtrl, bool llAlt, bool llShift, u32 lnClick)
		u32						lnTarget;
		bool					llFocusChanged, llResult;
		SObjCarouselTabData*	octd;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		llResult = true;
		if (obj)
			// Find the associated carousel sub-object
			lnTarget = iiEvents_carousel_findTarget(thisCode, win, obj, lnX, lnY, &octd, &llFocusChanged);
			switch (lnTarget)
					// Releasing the mouse on a tab
					iEngine_raise_event(thisCode, _EVENT_CAROUSEL_ONTABMOUSEUP, win, obj, (void*)false);
					llResult = false;

		// If something changed, we need to re-render
		if (llFocusChanged)
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(thisCode, obj, true);
			iWindow_render(thisCode, iWindow_findRoot_byObj(thisCode, obj), false);

		// Signal if the message should continue propagating
Ejemplo n.º 4
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseLeave(SWindow* win, SObject* obj)
		// Assume we consumed the leave, and that the parent doesn't need to receive it
		if (obj->ev.isMouseOver)
			obj->ev.isMouseOver = false;
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
			iWindow_render(win, false);

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects
Ejemplo n.º 5
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseEnter(SWindow* win, SObject* obj)
		// We are newly over this object, raise the flag
		obj->ev.isMouseDown = (obj->ev.thisClick != 0);	// Indicate if the mouse is down here
		if (!obj->ev.isMouseOver)
			obj->ev.isMouseOver = true;
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
			iWindow_render(win, false);

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects
Ejemplo n.º 6
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseWheel(SWindow* win, SObject* obj, SVariable* varX, SVariable* varY, SVariable* varCtrl, SVariable* varAlt, SVariable* varShift, SVariable* varClick, SVariable* varUnits)
		s32		lnX, lnY, lnUnits;
		u32		lnClick;
		bool	llCtrl, llAlt, llShift;
//		POINT	pt;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		if (!iiDefaultCallback_processMouseVariables(varX, varY, varCtrl, varAlt, varShift, varClick, &lnX, &lnY, &llCtrl, &llAlt, &llShift, &lnClick) || !iVariable_isValid(varUnits) || !iVariable_isTypeNumeric(varUnits))
			return(false);	// Do not continue consuming

		// Grab the units
		lnUnits = iiVariable_getAs_s32(varUnits, false, NULL, NULL);

		// Assume we consumed the mouse wheel, and that the parent doesn't need to receive it
		if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_EDITBOX)
			// Ctrl+MouseWheel is a normal navigate
			if (llCtrl)
				// They are just moving the cursor line
				iSEM_navigate(obj->p.sem, obj, lnUnits * ((llShift) ? -1 : -3), 0);

			// MouseWheel is a scroll
			} else {
				// They want to scroll the entire window, including the cursor line
				iSEM_scroll(obj->p.sem, obj, lnUnits * ((llShift) ? -1 : -3), 0);
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true);
			iWindow_render(win, false);

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CAROUSEL) {
			// Create a point
//			pt.x = lnX;
//			pt.y = lnY;

			// They are they outside of the client area?
			return(iEvents_carouselMouseWheel(win, obj, lnX, lnY, llCtrl, llAlt, llShift, lnClick));

		} else {
			// Continue propagating

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects
Ejemplo n.º 7
	bool iDefaultCallback_onKeyDown(SWindow* win, SObject* obj, SVariable* varCtrl, SVariable* varAlt, SVariable* varShift, SVariable* varCaps, SVariable* varAscii, SVariable* varVKey, SVariable* varIsCAS, SVariable* varIsAscii)
		bool		llRender;
		SObject*	objCheckbox;
		SObject*	objRender2;
		bool		llCtrl, llAlt, llShift, llCaps, llIsCAS, llIsAscii;
		s16			lcAscii;
		u16			lnVKey;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		if (!iiDefaultCallback_processKeyVariables(varCtrl, varAlt, varShift, varCaps, varAscii, varVKey, varIsCAS, varIsAscii, &llCtrl, &llAlt, &llShift, &llCaps, &llIsCAS, &llIsAscii, &lcAscii, &lnVKey))
			return(false);	// Do not continue consuming

		// See if we're on a checkbox
			llRender	= false;
			objCheckbox	= NULL;
			if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CHECKBOX)
				// The object itself is a checkbox
				objCheckbox = obj;
				objRender2	= obj;

			} else if (obj->parent && obj->parent->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CHECKBOX) {
				// The parent is a checkbox
				objCheckbox = obj->parent;
				objRender2	= obj;

			if (objCheckbox)
				if (lnVKey == VK_SPACE || lnVKey == VK_RETURN)
					// Toggle the value and redraw
					llRender = true;
					iObjProp_set_s32_direct(objCheckbox, _INDEX_VALUE, ((iObjProp_get_s32_direct(objCheckbox, _INDEX_VALUE) == 0) ? 1 : 0));
					iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objCheckbox, false);
					if (objRender2 != objCheckbox)
						iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objRender2, false);

				} else if (llShift && lnVKey == VK_TAB) {
					// Move to previous object
					llRender = iObj_setFocusObjectPrev(win, objCheckbox);

				} else if (lnVKey == VK_TAB) {
					// Move to next object
					llRender = iObj_setFocusObjectNext(win, objCheckbox);

				} else if (llIsAscii) {
					if ((u8)lcAscii == 't' || (u8)lcAscii == 'T' || (u8)lcAscii == 'y' || (u8)lcAscii == 'Y' || (u8)lcAscii == '1')
						// Set it to on
						llRender = true;
						iObjProp_set_s32_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE, 1);
						iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objCheckbox, false);
						if (objRender2 != objCheckbox)
							iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objRender2, false);

					} else if ((u8)lcAscii == 'f' || (u8)lcAscii == 'F' || (u8)lcAscii == 'n' || (u8)lcAscii == 'N' || (u8)lcAscii == '0') {
						// Set it to off
						llRender = true;
						iObjProp_set_s32_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE, 0);
						iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objCheckbox, false);
						if (objRender2 != objCheckbox)
							iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(objRender2, false);

			} else {
				// Not a checkbox
				if (llShift && lnVKey == VK_TAB)
					// Move to previous object
					llRender = iObj_setFocusObjectPrev(win, obj);

				} else if (lnVKey == VK_TAB) {
					// Move to next object
					llRender = iObj_setFocusObjectNext(win, obj);

		// Redraw if need be
		if (llRender)
			// Redraw the checkbox if needed
			if (objCheckbox)
				iObj_setSize(objCheckbox, objCheckbox->rc.left, objCheckbox->rc.top, objCheckbox->rc.right - objCheckbox->rc.left, objCheckbox->rc.bottom - objCheckbox->rc.top);

			// Redraw the window
			iWindow_render(win, false);

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects
Ejemplo n.º 8
	bool iDefaultCallback_onMouseDown(SWindow* win, SObject* obj, SVariable* varX, SVariable* varY, SVariable* varCtrl, SVariable* varAlt, SVariable* varShift, SVariable* varClick)
		bool		llMouseDown, llResult, llFocusChanged;
		f64			lfPercent, lfX, lfY, lfWidth, lfHeight, lfValue;
		s32			lnX, lnY;
		u32			lnClick;
		bool		llCtrl, llAlt, llShift;
		POINT		pt;
		SVariable*	valueMin;
		SObject*	objRoot;

		// Make sure our environment is sane
		if (!iiDefaultCallback_processMouseVariables(varX, varY, varCtrl, varAlt, varShift, varClick, &lnX, &lnY, &llCtrl, &llAlt, &llShift, &lnClick))
			return(false);	// Do not continue consuming

		// Set the flags
		llMouseDown = true;
		llResult	= true;

		// If focus isn't already set on this control, set focus on this control
		if (!obj->p.hasFocus)
			objRoot = iObj_find_rootmostObject(obj);
			if (objRoot)
				iObj_clearFocus(win, objRoot, true, true);

			iObj_setFocus(win, obj, true);
			iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true, true);
			llFocusChanged = true;

		} else {
			llFocusChanged = false;

		// For forms, they can be clicking down on special things for various operations
		if (obj->parent && obj->parent->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_FORM && win->obj == obj->parent)
			// Left button only?
			if (win->mouseCurrent.buttonLeft && !win->mouseCurrent.buttonMiddle && !win->mouseCurrent.buttonRight)
				// We're on the top-level form for the window
				if (propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_iconMove) || propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_caption))
					// We're on the _move icon or the caption, which means they want to move the window
					win->isMoving = true;
					memcpy(&win->rcMoveResizeStart,		&win->rc,			sizeof(win->rcMoveResizeStart));
					memcpy(&win->mouseMoveResizeStart,	&win->mouseCurrent,	sizeof(win->mouseMoveResizeStart));

//				} else if (iDatum_compare(&varName->value, cgcName_iconScaleUl, sizeof(cgcName_iconScaleUl) - 1) == 0) {
//					// We're on the upper-left scaling arrow
//				} else if (iDatum_compare(&varName->value, cgcName_iconScaleUr, sizeof(cgcName_iconScaleUr) - 1) == 0) {
//					// We're on the upper-right scaling arrow
//				} else if (iDatum_compare(&varName->value, cgcName_iconScaleLr, sizeof(cgcName_iconScaleLr) - 1) == 0) {
//					// We're on the lower-right scaling arrow
//				} else if (iDatum_compare(&varName->value, cgcName_iconScaleLl, sizeof(cgcName_iconScaleLl) - 1) == 0) {
//					// We're on the lower-left scaling arrow

		if (obj->parent && obj->parent->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CHECKBOX)
			// For checkboxes, we toggle
			// They're clicking on a checkbox, toggle the value and re-render
			iObjProp_set_s32_direct(obj->parent, _INDEX_VALUE, ((iObjProp_get_s32_direct(obj->parent, _INDEX_VALUE) != 0) ? 0 : 1));

			// Force a refresh
			obj->parent->isDirtyRender	= true;
			obj->parent->isDirtyPublish	= true;

			// Do not continue to propagate
			llResult = false;

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_EDITBOX) {
			// Need to navigate to the indicated x,y coordinate
			iSEM_navigateTo_pixelXY(obj->p.sem, obj, lnX, lnY);

			// Mark the mouse activity
			if (!llShift)		iSEM_selectStop(obj->p.sem);
			else				iSEM_selectStart(obj->p.sem, _SEM_SELECT_MODE_ANCHOR);

			// Do not continue to propagate
			llResult = false;

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_RADIO) {
			// The mouse indicates the position
			// Determine theta
			lfWidth		= (f64)(obj->rc.right  - obj->rc.left);
			lfHeight	= (f64)(obj->rc.bottom - obj->rc.top);
			lfX			= (f64)lnX - (lfWidth / 2.0);
			lfY			= (lfHeight - (f64)lnY) - (lfHeight / 2.0);
			lfPercent	= atan2(lfY, lfX) / (M_PI * 2.0);
			if (lfPercent < 0.0)
				lfPercent += 1.0;

			valueMin	= iObjProp_get_var_byIndex(obj, _INDEX_VALUE_MINIMUM);
			lfValue		= get_f64(valueMin) + (lfPercent * (iObjProp_get_f64_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE_MAXIMUM) - get_f64(valueMin)));
			iObjProp_set_f64_direct(obj, _INDEX_VALUE, lfValue);

			// Do not continue to propagate
			llResult = false;

		} else if (obj->objType == _OBJ_TYPE_CAROUSEL) {
			// Create a point
			pt.x = lnX;
			pt.y = lnY;

			// They are they outside of the client area?
			if (!PtInRect(&obj->rcClient, pt))
				return(iEvents_carouselMouseDown(win, obj, lnX, lnY, llCtrl, llAlt, llShift, lnClick));

		} else {
			// Assume we consumed the mouse down event, and that the parent doesn't need to receive it
			switch (obj->objType)
				case _OBJ_TYPE_IMAGE:
					if (propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_iconClose)) {
						// Close
						iVjr_shutdown();			// They clicked quit
						return(false);				// When we get here, the object no longer exists

					} else if (propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_iconMove)) {
						// Move
						llMouseDown			= false;
						obj->ev.isMouseOver	= false;

					} else if (propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_iconMinimize)) {
						// Minimize
						llMouseDown			= false;
						obj->ev.isMouseOver	= false;

					} else if (propIsName_byText(obj, cgcName_iconMaximize)) {
						// Maximize
						llMouseDown			= false;
						obj->ev.isMouseOver	= false;

		// Update our condition
		obj->ev.isMouseDown = llMouseDown;
		iObj_setDirtyRender_ascent(obj, true, true);
		iWindow_render(win, llFocusChanged);

		// Do not continue to propagate this message to other objects