Ejemplo n.º 1
void Tr1Darcy :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, int iEdge, TimeStep *tStep)
     * Given the load *load, return it's contribution.


    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) {                 // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)
        BoundaryLoad *boundaryLoad;
        boundaryLoad = ( BoundaryLoad * ) load;

        int numberOfEdgeIPs;
        numberOfEdgeIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( boundaryLoad->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2;

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        GaussPoint *gp;
        FloatArray N, loadValue, reducedAnswer;
        IntArray mask;

        iRule.setUpIntegrationPoints(_Line, numberOfEdgeIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( int i = 0; i < iRule.getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
            gp = iRule.getIntegrationPoint(i);
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();
            this->interpolation_lin.edgeEvalN(N, *lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
            double dV = this->computeEdgeVolumeAround(gp, iEdge);

            if ( boundaryLoad->giveFormulationType() == BoundaryLoad :: BL_EntityFormulation ) {                // Edge load in xi-eta system
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(loadValue, tStep, *lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else {  // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_lin.edgeLocal2global(gcoords, iEdge, *lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(loadValue, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            reducedAnswer.add(loadValue.at(1) * dV, N);

        this->interpolation_lin.computeLocalEdgeMapping(mask, iEdge);
        answer.assemble(reducedAnswer, mask);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Tet21Stokes :: computeBoundaryLoadVector(FloatArray &answer, BoundaryLoad *load, int iSurf, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep)
    if ( type != ExternalForcesVector ) {


    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) { // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)

        int numberOfSurfaceIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( load->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2; ///@todo Check this.

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        FloatArray N, t, f(18);

        iRule.SetUpPointsOnTriangle(numberOfSurfaceIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: iRule ) {
            const FloatArray &lcoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

            this->interpolation_quad.surfaceEvalN( N, iSurf, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
            double dA = gp->giveWeight() * this->interpolation_quad.surfaceGiveTransformationJacobian( iSurf, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );

            if ( load->giveFormulationType() == Load :: FT_Entity ) { // load in xi-eta system
                load->computeValueAt(t, tStep, lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else { // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_quad.surfaceLocal2global( gcoords, iSurf, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
                load->computeValueAt(t, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            // Reshape the vector
            for ( int j = 0; j < N.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                f(3 * j + 0) += N(j) * t(0) * dA;
                f(3 * j + 1) += N(j) * t(1) * dA;
                f(3 * j + 2) += N(j) * t(2) * dA;

        answer.assemble(f, this->surf_ordering [ iSurf - 1 ]);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Strange boundary condition type");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  void Tr21Stokes :: computeBoundarySurfaceLoadVector(FloatArray &answer, BoundaryLoad *load, int boundary, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, bool global)
    if ( type != ExternalForcesVector ) {

    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) { // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)

        int numberOfEdgeIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( load->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2;

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        FloatArray N, t, f(6);

        iRule.SetUpPointsOnLine(numberOfEdgeIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: iRule ) {
            const FloatArray &lcoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

            this->interpolation_quad.edgeEvalN( N, boundary, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
            double detJ = fabs( this->interpolation_quad.boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( boundary, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) ) );
            double dS = gp->giveWeight() * detJ;

            if ( load->giveFormulationType() == Load :: FT_Entity ) { // Edge load in xi-eta system
                load->computeValueAt(t, tStep, lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else { // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_quad.boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, boundary, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
                load->computeValueAt(t, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            // Reshape the vector
            for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
                f(2 * j)     += N(j) * t(0) * dS;
                f(2 * j + 1) += N(j) * t(1) * dS;

        answer.assemble(f, this->edge_ordering [ boundary - 1 ]);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Strange boundary condition type");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Tr21Stokes :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, int iEdge, TimeStep *tStep)

    if ( load->giveType() == TransmissionBC ) { // Neumann boundary conditions (traction)
        BoundaryLoad *boundaryLoad = ( BoundaryLoad * ) load;

        int numberOfEdgeIPs = ( int ) ceil( ( boundaryLoad->giveApproxOrder() + 1. ) / 2. ) * 2;

        GaussIntegrationRule iRule(1, this, 1, 1);
        GaussPoint *gp;
        FloatArray N, t, f(6);
        IntArray edge_mapping;

        iRule.setUpIntegrationPoints(_Line, numberOfEdgeIPs, _Unknown);

        for ( int i = 0; i < iRule.getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
            gp = iRule.getIntegrationPoint(i);
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();

            this->interpolation_quad.edgeEvalN(N, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
            double detJ = fabs(this->interpolation_quad.edgeGiveTransformationJacobian(iEdge, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this)));
            double dS = gp->giveWeight() * detJ;

            if ( boundaryLoad->giveFormulationType() == BoundaryLoad :: BL_EntityFormulation ) { // Edge load in xi-eta system
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(t, tStep, * lcoords, VM_Total);
            } else   { // Edge load in x-y system
                FloatArray gcoords;
                this->interpolation_quad.edgeLocal2global(gcoords, iEdge, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
                boundaryLoad->computeValueAt(t, tStep, gcoords, VM_Total);

            // Reshape the vector
            for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
                f(2 * j)     += N(j) * t(0) * dS;
                f(2 * j + 1) += N(j) * t(1) * dS;

        answer.assemble(f, this->edge_ordering [ iEdge - 1 ]);
    } else   {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Tr21Stokes :: computeEdgeBCSubVectorAt - Strange boundary condition type");
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SurfaceTensionBoundaryCondition :: computeLoadVectorFromElement(FloatArray &answer, Element *e, int side, TimeStep *tStep)
    FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
    if ( !fei ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No interpolation or default integration available for element.");
    std :: unique_ptr< IntegrationRule > iRule( fei->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(fei->giveInterpolationOrder()-1, side) );

    int nsd = e->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions();

    if ( side == -1 ) {
        side = 1;


    if ( nsd == 2 ) {

        FEInterpolation2d *fei2d = static_cast< FEInterpolation2d * >(fei);

        ///@todo More of this grunt work should be moved to the interpolation classes
        IntArray bnodes;
        fei2d->boundaryGiveNodes(bnodes, side);
        int nodes = bnodes.giveSize();
        FloatMatrix xy(2, nodes);
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nodes; i++ ) {
            Node *node = e->giveNode(bnodes.at(i));
            ///@todo This should rely on the xindex and yindex in the interpolator..
            xy.at(1, i) = node->giveCoordinate(1);
            xy.at(2, i) = node->giveCoordinate(2);

        FloatArray tmp; // Integrand
        FloatArray es; // Tangent vector to curve
        FloatArray dNds;

        if ( e->giveDomain()->isAxisymmetric() ) {
            FloatArray N;
            FloatArray gcoords;
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryEvalN( N, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double r = gcoords(0); // First coordinate is the radial coord.

                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                tmp.resize( 2 * nodes);
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmp(2 * i)   = dNds(i) * es(0) * r + N(i);
                    tmp(2 * i + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1) * r;

                answer.add(- 2 * M_PI * gamma * J * gp->giveWeight(), tmp);
        } else {
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                double t = e->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, gp);
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                tmp.resize( 2 * nodes);
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmp(2 * i)   = dNds(i) * es(0);
                    tmp(2 * i + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1);
                    //B.at(1, 1+i*2) = B.at(2, 2+i*2) = dNds(i);
                //tmp.beTProductOf(B, es);

                answer.add(- t * gamma * J * gp->giveWeight(), tmp);
    } else if ( nsd ==  3 ) {

        FEInterpolation3d *fei3d = static_cast< FEInterpolation3d * >(fei);
        FloatArray n, surfProj;
        FloatMatrix dNdx, B;
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            fei3d->surfaceEvaldNdx( dNdx, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            double J = fei->boundaryEvalNormal( n, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );

            // [I - n(x)n]  in voigt form:
            surfProj = {1. - n(0)*n(0), 1. - n(1)*n(1), 1. - n(2)*n(2),
                        - n(1)*n(2), - n(0)*n(2), - n(0)*n(1),

            // Construct B matrix of the surface nodes
            B.resize(6, 3 * dNdx.giveNumberOfRows());
            for ( int i = 1; i <= dNdx.giveNumberOfRows(); i++ ) {
                B.at(1, 3 * i - 2) = dNdx.at(i, 1);
                B.at(2, 3 * i - 1) = dNdx.at(i, 2);
                B.at(3, 3 * i - 0) = dNdx.at(i, 3);

                B.at(5, 3 * i - 2) = B.at(4, 3 * i - 1) = dNdx.at(i, 3);
                B.at(6, 3 * i - 2) = B.at(4, 3 * i - 0) = dNdx.at(i, 2);
                B.at(6, 3 * i - 1) = B.at(5, 3 * i - 0) = dNdx.at(i, 1);

            answer.plusProduct(B, surfProj, -gamma * J * gp->giveWeight() );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void SurfaceTensionBoundaryCondition :: computeTangentFromElement(FloatMatrix &answer, Element *e, int side, TimeStep *tStep)
    FEInterpolation *fei = e->giveInterpolation();
    if ( !fei ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No interpolation available for element.");
    std :: unique_ptr< IntegrationRule > iRule( fei->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(fei->giveInterpolationOrder()-1, side) );

    int nsd = e->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions();
    int nodes = e->giveNumberOfNodes();
    if ( side == -1 ) {
        side = 1;


    if ( nsd == 2 ) {
        FEInterpolation2d *fei2d = static_cast< FEInterpolation2d * >(fei);

        ///@todo More of this grunt work should be moved to the interpolation classes
        FloatMatrix xy(2, nodes);
        Node *node;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nodes; i++ ) {
            node = e->giveNode(i);
            xy.at(1, i) = node->giveCoordinate(1);
            xy.at(2, i) = node->giveCoordinate(2);

        FloatArray tmpA(2 *nodes);
        FloatArray es; // Tangent vector to curve
        FloatArray dNds;
        FloatMatrix B(2, 2 *nodes);

        if ( e->giveDomain()->isAxisymmetric() ) {
            FloatArray N;
            FloatArray gcoords;
            FloatArray tmpB(2 *nodes);
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryEvalN( N, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                fei->boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double r = gcoords(0); // First coordinate is the radial coord.

                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                // Construct the different matrices in the integrand;
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 0) = dNds(i) * es(0);
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1);
                    tmpB(i * 2 + 0) = N(i);
                    tmpB(i * 2 + 1) = 0;
                    B(i * 2, 0) = B(i * 2 + 1, 1) = dNds(i);

                double dV = 2 *M_PI *gamma *J *gp->giveWeight();
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, tmpB, dV);
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpB, tmpA, dV);
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(B, B, r * dV);
                answer.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, tmpA, -r * dV);
        } else {
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                double t = e->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, gp); ///@todo The thickness is not often relevant or used in FM.
                fei2d->edgeEvaldNds( dNds, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
                double J = fei->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );

                es.beProductOf(xy, dNds);

                // Construct the different matrices in the integrand;
                for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 0) = dNds(i) * es(0);
                    tmpA(i * 2 + 1) = dNds(i) * es(1);
                    B(i * 2, 0) = B(i * 2 + 1, 1) = dNds(i);

                double dV = t * gamma * J * gp->giveWeight();
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(B, B, dV);
                answer.plusDyadSymmUpper(tmpA, -dV);

    }  else if ( nsd ==  3 ) {

        FEInterpolation3d *fei3d = static_cast< FEInterpolation3d * >(fei);

        OOFEM_ERROR("3D tangents not implemented yet.");

        //FloatMatrix tmp(3 *nodes, 3 *nodes);
        FloatMatrix dNdx;
        FloatArray n;
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            fei3d->surfaceEvaldNdx( dNdx, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            /*double J = */ fei->boundaryEvalNormal( n, side, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            //double dV = gamma * J * gp->giveWeight();

            for ( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) {
                //tmp(3*i+0) = dNdx(i,0) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(0);
                //tmp(3*i+1) = dNdx(i,1) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(1);
                //tmp(3*i+2) = dNdx(i,2) - (dNdx(i,0)*n(0)* + dNdx(i,1)*n(1) + dNdx(i,2)*n(2))*n(2);
            //answer.plusProductSymmUpper(A,B, dV);
            ///@todo  Derive expressions for this.
    } else {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Only 2D or 3D is possible!");
Ejemplo n.º 7
SolutionbasedShapeFunction :: computeCorrectionFactors(modeStruct &myMode, IntArray *Dofs, double *am, double *ap)
     * *Compute c0, cp, cm, Bp, Bm, Ap and Am

    double A0p = 0.0, App = 0.0, A0m = 0.0, Amm = 0.0, Bp = 0.0, Bm = 0.0, c0 = 0.0, cp = 0.0, cm = 0.0;

    EngngModel *m = myMode.myEngngModel;
    Set *mySet = m->giveDomain(1)->giveSet(externalSet);

    IntArray BoundaryList = mySet->giveBoundaryList();

    for ( int i = 0; i < BoundaryList.giveSize() / 2; i++ ) {
        int ElementID = BoundaryList(2 * i);
        int Boundary = BoundaryList(2 * i + 1);

        Element *thisElement = m->giveDomain(1)->giveElement(ElementID);
        FEInterpolation *geoInterpolation = thisElement->giveInterpolation();
        IntArray bnodes, zNodes, pNodes, mNodes;
        FloatMatrix nodeValues;

        geoInterpolation->boundaryGiveNodes(bnodes, Boundary);

        nodeValues.resize( this->dofs.giveSize(), bnodes.giveSize() );

        // Change to global ID for bnodes and identify the intersection of bnodes and the zero boundary
        splitBoundaryNodeIDs(myMode, * thisElement, bnodes, pNodes, mNodes, zNodes, nodeValues);

        std :: unique_ptr< IntegrationRule >iRule(geoInterpolation->giveBoundaryIntegrationRule(order, Boundary));

        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            FloatArray *lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();
            FloatArray gcoords, normal, N;
            FloatArray Phi;

            double detJ = fabs( geoInterpolation->boundaryGiveTransformationJacobian( Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) ) ) * gp->giveWeight();

            geoInterpolation->boundaryEvalNormal( normal, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );
            geoInterpolation->boundaryEvalN( N, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );
            geoInterpolation->boundaryLocal2Global( gcoords, Boundary, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(thisElement) );

            FloatArray pPhi, mPhi, zPhi;
            pPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );
            mPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );
            zPhi.resize( Dofs->giveSize() );

            // Build phi (analytical averaging, not projected onto the mesh)
            computeBaseFunctionValueAt(Phi, gcoords, * Dofs, * myMode.myEngngModel);

            // Build zPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= zNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = zNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    zPhi.at(m) = zPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            // Build pPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= pNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = pNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    pPhi.at(m) = pPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            // Build mPhi for this DofID
            for ( int l = 1; l <= mNodes.giveSize(); l++ ) {
                int nodeID = mNodes.at(l);
                for ( int m = 1; m <= this->dofs.giveSize(); m++ ) {
                    mPhi.at(m) = mPhi.at(m) + N.at(nodeID) * nodeValues.at(m, nodeID);

            c0 = c0 + zPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;
            cp = cp + pPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;
            cm = cm + mPhi.dotProduct(normal, 3) * detJ;

            App = App + pPhi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            Amm = Amm + mPhi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;
            A0p = A0p + zPhi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            A0m = A0m + zPhi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;

            Bp = Bp + Phi.dotProduct(pPhi, 3) * detJ;
            Bm = Bm + Phi.dotProduct(mPhi, 3) * detJ;

    * am = -( A0m * cp * cp - Bm * cp * cp - A0p * cm * cp + App * c0 * cm + Bp * cm * cp ) / ( App * cm * cm + Amm * cp * cp );
    * ap = -( A0p * cm * cm - Bp * cm * cm - A0m * cm * cp + Amm * c0 * cp + Bm * cm * cp ) / ( App * cm * cm + Amm * cp * cp );