Ejemplo n.º 1
// Function: VARTYPE()
// Returns the variable type, parsing NULL values.
// Version 0.58
// Last update:
//     Apr.06.2015
// Change log:
//     Apr.06.2015 - Initial creation
// Parameters:
//     P1			-- The variable to examine
//     P2			-- (Optional) If provided, .t. or .f. indicating if NULL values should return the type (default to .f.)
// Returns:
//    Character		-- A one-digit value indicating the type
	void function_vartype(SReturnsParams* rpar)
		SVariable* var		= rpar->ip[0];
		SVariable* varNull	= rpar->ip[1];

		bool	llNullIsType;
		bool	error;
		u32		errorNum;

		// varLookup must exist
			rpar->rp[0] = NULL;
			if (!iVariable_isValidType(var))
				iError_report_byNumber(_ERROR_P1_IS_INCORRECT, iVariable_get_relatedComp(var), false);

		// If varNull is specified, must be logical
			if (varNull)

				// Must be logical
					if (!iVariable_isValid(varNull) || !iVariable_isTypeLogical(varNull))
						iError_report_byNumber(_ERROR_P2_IS_INCORRECT, iVariable_get_relatedComp(varNull), false);

				// Grab the value
					llNullIsType = iiVariable_getAs_bool(varNull, false, &error, &errorNum);
					if (error)
						iError_report_byNumber(errorNum, iVariable_get_relatedComp(varNull), false);

			} else {
				// Do not report on NULL types
				llNullIsType = false;

		// Compute our result
			ifunction_type_common(rpar, var, false, true, llNullIsType);

Ejemplo n.º 2
// Function: ISNULL()
// Determines whether an expression evaluates to null.
// Version 0.58
// Last update:
//     Apr.22.2015
// Change log:
//     Apr.06.2015 - Initial creation by Hernan Cano M
// Parameters:
//     p1	-- Specifies the expression that ISNULL() evaluates.
// Returns:
//    ISNULL() returns True (.T.) if the expression eExpression evaluates to null;
//    otherwise, ISNULL() returns False (.F.)
// Example:
//    ? ISNULL("AA")	&& Display .F.
//    ? ISNULL("  ")	&& Display .F.
//    ? ISNULL(0.0)  	&& Display .F.
//    ? ISNULL(.null.)  && Display .T.
	void function_isnull(SReturnsParams* rpar)
		SVariable*	varExpr = rpar->ip[0];

		bool		llIsNull;

		// Verify the variable is of a valid format
			rpar->rp[0] = NULL;
			if (!iVariable_isValidType(varExpr))
				iError_report_byNumber(_ERROR_PARAMETER_IS_INCORRECT, iVariable_get_relatedComp(varExpr), false);

		// Create and populate the return variable
			llIsNull	= ifunction_isnull_common(varExpr);
			rpar->rp[0]	= iVariable_createAndPopulate_byText(_VAR_TYPE_LOGICAL, iVariable_populate_byBool(llIsNull), 1, true);
			if (!rpar->rp[0])
				iError_report_byNumber(_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, iVariable_get_relatedComp(varExpr), false);
