Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct ibnd_config config = { 0 };
	ibnd_fabric_t *fabric = NULL;
	ibnd_fabric_t *diff_fabric = NULL;

	const struct ibdiag_opt opts[] = {
		{"full", 'f', 0, NULL, "show full information (ports' speed and width)"},
		{"show", 's', 0, NULL, "show more information"},
		{"list", 'l', 0, NULL, "list of connected nodes"},
		{"grouping", 'g', 0, NULL, "show grouping"},
		{"Hca_list", 'H', 0, NULL, "list of connected CAs"},
		{"Switch_list", 'S', 0, NULL, "list of connected switches"},
		{"Router_list", 'R', 0, NULL, "list of connected routers"},
		{"node-name-map", 1, 1, "<file>", "node name map file"},
		{"cache", 2, 1, "<file>",
		 "filename to cache ibnetdiscover data to"},
		{"load-cache", 3, 1, "<file>",
		 "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to load"},
		{"diff", 4, 1, "<file>",
		 "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to diff"},
		{"diffcheck", 5, 1, "<key(s)>",
		 "specify checks to execute for --diff"},
		{"ports", 'p', 0, NULL, "obtain a ports report"},
		{"max_hops", 'm', 0, NULL,
		 "report max hops discovered by the library"},
		{"outstanding_smps", 'o', 1, NULL,
		 "specify the number of outstanding SMP's which should be "
		 "issued during the scan"},
	char usage_args[] = "[topology-file]";

	ibdiag_process_opts(argc, argv, &config, "DGKLs", opts, process_opt,
			    usage_args, NULL);

	f = stdout;

	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if (ibd_timeout)
		config.timeout_ms = ibd_timeout;

	config.flags = ibd_ibnetdisc_flags;

	if (argc && !(f = fopen(argv[0], "w")))
		IBERROR("can't open file %s for writing", argv[0]);

	config.mkey = ibd_mkey;

	node_name_map = open_node_name_map(node_name_map_file);

	if (diff_cache_file &&
	    !(diff_fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(diff_cache_file, 0)))
		IBERROR("loading cached fabric for diff failed\n");

	if (load_cache_file) {
		if ((fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(load_cache_file, 0)) == NULL)
			IBERROR("loading cached fabric failed\n");
	} else {
		if ((fabric =
		     ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, NULL, &config)) == NULL)
			IBERROR("discover failed\n");

	if (ports_report)
		ibnd_iter_nodes(fabric, dump_ports_report, NULL);
	else if (list)
		list_nodes(fabric, list);
	else if (diff_fabric)
		diff(diff_fabric, fabric);
		dump_topology(group, fabric);

	if (cache_file)
		if (ibnd_cache_fabric(fabric, cache_file, 0) < 0)
			IBERROR("caching ibnetdiscover data failed\n");

	if (diff_fabric)
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct ibnd_config config = { 0 };
	int resolved = -1;
	ib_portid_t portid = { 0 };
	ib_portid_t self_portid = { 0 };
	int rc = 0;
	ibnd_fabric_t *fabric = NULL;
	ib_gid_t self_gid;
	int port = 0;

	int mgmt_classes[4] = { IB_SMI_CLASS, IB_SMI_DIRECT_CLASS, IB_SA_CLASS,

	const struct ibdiag_opt opts[] = {
		{"suppress", 's', 1, "<err1,err2,...>",
		 "suppress errors listed"},
		{"suppress-common", 'c', 0, NULL,
		 "suppress some of the common counters"},
		{"node-name-map", 1, 1, "<file>", "node name map file"},
		{"port-guid", 'G', 1, "<port_guid>",
		 "report the node containing the port specified by <port_guid>"},
		{"", 'S', 1, "<port_guid>",
		 "Same as \"-G\" for backward compatibility"},
		{"Direct", 'D', 1, "<dr_path>",
		 "report the node containing the port specified by <dr_path>"},
		{"skip-sl", 10, 0, NULL,"don't obtain SL to all destinations"},
		{"report-port", 'r', 0, NULL,
		 "report port link information"},
		{"threshold-file", 8, 1, NULL,
		 "specify an alternate threshold file, default: " DEF_THRES_FILE},
		{"GNDN", 'R', 0, NULL,
		 "(This option is obsolete and does nothing)"},
		{"data", 2, 0, NULL, "include data counters for ports with errors"},
		{"switch", 3, 0, NULL, "print data for switches only"},
		{"ca", 4, 0, NULL, "print data for CA's only"},
		{"router", 5, 0, NULL, "print data for routers only"},
		{"details", 6, 0, NULL, "include transmit discard details"},
		{"counters", 9, 0, NULL, "print data counters only"},
		{"clear-errors", 'k', 0, NULL,
		 "Clear error counters after read"},
		{"clear-counts", 'K', 0, NULL,
		 "Clear data counters after read"},
		{"load-cache", 7, 1, "<file>",
		 "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to load"},
		{"outstanding_smps", 'o', 1, NULL,
		 "specify the number of outstanding SMP's which should be "
		 "issued during the scan"},
	char usage_args[] = "";

	memset(suppressed_fields, 0, sizeof suppressed_fields);
	ibdiag_process_opts(argc, argv, &config, "cDGKLnRrSs", opts, process_opt,
			    usage_args, NULL);

	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if (!node_type_to_print)
		node_type_to_print = PRINT_ALL;

	ibmad_port = mad_rpc_open_port(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, mgmt_classes, 4);
	if (!ibmad_port)
		IBEXIT("Failed to open port; %s:%d\n", ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port);

	smp_mkey_set(ibmad_port, ibd_mkey);

	if (ibd_timeout) {
		mad_rpc_set_timeout(ibmad_port, ibd_timeout);
		config.timeout_ms = ibd_timeout;

	config.flags = ibd_ibnetdisc_flags;
	config.mkey = ibd_mkey;

	node_name_map = open_node_name_map(node_name_map_file);

	if (dr_path && load_cache_file) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify cache and direct route path\n");

	if (resolve_self(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &self_portid, &port, &self_gid.raw) < 0) {
		IBEXIT("can't resolve self port %s", argv[0]);
		goto close_port;

	/* limit the scan the fabric around the target */
	if (dr_path) {
		if ((resolved =
		     resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, dr_path,
					IB_DEST_DRPATH, NULL, ibmad_port)) < 0)
			IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan",
	} else if (port_guid_str) {
		if ((resolved =
		     resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid,
					port_guid_str, IB_DEST_GUID, ibd_sm_id,
					       ibmad_port)) < 0)
			IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan",
			lid2sl_table[portid.lid] = portid.sl;

	if (load_cache_file) {
		if ((fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(load_cache_file, 0)) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "loading cached fabric failed\n");
	} else {
		if (resolved >= 0) {
			if (!config.max_hops)
				config.max_hops = 1;
			if (!(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port,
						    &portid, &config)))
				IBWARN("Single node discover failed;"
				       " attempting full scan");

		if (!fabric && !(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca,
							       &config))) {
			fprintf(stderr, "discover failed\n");
			rc = -1;
			goto close_port;


	if (port_guid_str) {
		ibnd_port_t *port = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, port_guid);
		if (port)
			print_node(port->node, NULL);
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find node: %s\n",
	} else if (dr_path) {
		ibnd_port_t *port = ibnd_find_port_dr(fabric, dr_path);
		uint8_t ni[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 };

		if (!smp_query_via(ni, &portid, IB_ATTR_NODE_INFO, 0,
				   ibd_timeout, ibmad_port)) {
			rc = -1;
			goto destroy_fabric;
		mad_decode_field(ni, IB_NODE_PORT_GUID_F, &(port_guid));

		port = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, port_guid);
		if (port) {
					goto destroy_fabric;
			print_node(port->node, NULL);
		} else
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find node: %s\n", dr_path);
	} else {
				goto destroy_fabric;
		ibnd_iter_nodes(fabric, print_node, NULL);

	rc = print_summary();
	if (rc)
		rc = 1;

