Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Apply inverse BT.1886 processing black point hue adjustment to the XYZ value */
void bt1886_inv_wp_adjust(bt1886_info *p, double *out, double *in) {
	double vv;

#ifdef DEBUG
	a1logd(g_log, 2, "bt1886 XYZ inv. wp adj. in %f %f %f\n", in[0],in[1],in[2]);

	icmXYZ2Lab(&p->w, out, in);

#ifdef DEBUG
	a1logd(g_log, 2, "bt1886 Lab inv. wp adj. in %f %f %f\n", out[0],out[1],out[2]);

	/* Blend ab to required black point offset p->tab[] as L approaches black. */
	vv = (out[0] - p->outL)/(100.0 - p->outL);	/* 0 at bp, 1 at wp */
	vv = 1.0 - vv;
	if (vv < 0.0)
		vv = 0.0;
	else if (vv > 1.0)
		vv = 1.0;
	vv = pow(vv, 40.0);

	out[1] -= vv * p->tab[0];
	out[2] -= vv * p->tab[1];

#ifdef DEBUG
	a1logd(g_log, 2, "bt1886 Lab after inv. wp adj. %f %f %f\n", out[0],out[1],out[2]);

	icmLab2XYZ(&p->w, out, out);

#ifdef DEBUG
	a1logd(g_log, 2, "bt1886 XYZ after inv. wp adj. %f %f %f\n", out[0],out[1],out[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* (This is used in generating gamut compression in B2A tables) */
void icxLuMatrix_bwd_outpcs_relpcs(
icxLuBase *pp,
icColorSpaceSignature os,		/* Output space, XYZ or Lab */
double *out, double *in) {
	icxLuMatrix *p = (icxLuMatrix *)pp;

	icxLuMatrixFwd_abs(p, out, in);
	if (os == icSigXYZData && p->natpcs == icSigLabData) {
		icmLab2XYZ(&icmD50, out, out);
	} else if (os == icSigXYZData && p->natpcs == icSigLabData) {
		icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, out, out);
Ejemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
	struct {
		char name[MAXNAMEL+1];	/* Patch filename  */
		int npat;				/* Number of patches */
		pval *pat;				/* patch values */
	} cg[2];					/* Target and current patch file information */
	char dev_name[MAXNAMEL+1];	/* Output device ICC filename for gamut */
	char rd_name[MAXNAMEL+1];	/* Abstract profile ICC to modify */
	char wr_name[MAXNAMEL+1];	/* Modified/created abstract profile ICC */

	int dorel = 0;				/* Do white point relative match */
	int *match;					/* Array mapping first list indexes to corresponding second */
	int fwacomp = 0;			/* FWA compensation on spectral ? */
	int spec = 0;				/* Use spectral data flag */
	icxIllumeType illum = icxIT_D50;	/* Spectral defaults */
	xspect cust_illum;					/* Custom illumination spectrum */
	icxObserverType observ = icxOT_Judd_Voss_2;
	callback cb;				/* Callback support stucture for setting abstract profile */

	icmFile *rd_fp = NULL;		/* Existing abstract profile to modify */
	icc *rd_icc = NULL;

	icmFile *wr_fp;				/* Modified/created abstract profile to write */
	icc *wr_icc;

	int verb = 0;
	int nogamut = 0;					/* Don't impose a gamut limit */
	int docreate = 0;					/* Create an initial abstract correction profile */
	int clutres = DEF_CLUTRES;			/* Output abstract profile clut resolution */
	double damp1 = DEF_DAMP1;			/* Initial damping factor */
	double damp2 = DEF_DAMP2;			/* Subsequent damping factor */
	double smoothf = SMOOTHF;			/* RSPL Smoothing factor */
	double avgdev[MXDO];				/* RSPL Average Deviation */
	double wweight = WWEIGHT;			/* weak default function weight */
	int whitepatch = -1;				/* Index of white patch */
	double merr = 0.0, aerr = 0.0;		/* Stats on color change */
	int i, j, e, n, rv = 0;

	error_program = argv[0];

	if (argc < 6)
		usage("Too few arguments");

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')
				usage("Usage requested");

			/* Verbosity */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
				verb = 1;
			/* Create initial abstract correction profile */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c' || argv[fa][1] == 'C') {
				docreate = 1;
			/* Don't impose a gamut limit */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'g' || argv[fa][1] == 'G') {
				nogamut = 1;
			/* Override the correction clut resolution */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'r') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage("Expect argument to -r");
				clutres = atoi(na);
			/* Override the damping factor */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd' || argv[fa][1] == 'D') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage("Expect argument to -d");
				damp2 = atof(na);
			/* Aim for white point relative match */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'R') {
				dorel = 1;

			/* Spectral Illuminant type */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage("Expect argument to -i");
				if (strcmp(na, "A") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_A;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "C") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_C;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "D50") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_D50;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "D65") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_D65;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F5") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F5;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F8") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F8;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "F10") == 0) {
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_F10;
				} else {	/* Assume it's a filename */
					spec = 1;
					illum = icxIT_custom;
					if (read_xspect(&cust_illum, na) != 0)
						usage("Unable to read custom spectrum '%s'",na);

			/* Spectral Observer type */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o' || argv[fa][1] == 'O') {
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage("Expected argument to -o");
				if (strcmp(na, "1931_2") == 0) {			/* Classic 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1964_10") == 0) {	/* Classic 10 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_CIE_1964_10;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1955_2") == 0) {		/* Stiles and Burch 1955 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Stiles_Burch_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "1978_2") == 0) {		/* Judd and Voss 1978 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Judd_Voss_2;
				} else if (strcmp(na, "shaw") == 0) {		/* Shaw and Fairchilds 1997 2 degree */
					spec = 1;
					observ = icxOT_Shaw_Fairchild_2;
				} else
					usage("Unrecogised argument '%s' to -o",na);

			/* FWA compensation */
			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f' || argv[fa][1] == 'F')
				fwacomp = 1;

				usage("Unrecognised flag -%c",argv[fa][1]);
		} else

	/* Grab all the filenames: */

	/* The two CIE value files */
	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expected cietarget file argument");
	strncpy(cg[0].name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); cg[0].name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expected ciecurrent file argument");
	strncpy(cg[1].name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); cg[1].name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	/* Optional output device name */
	if (nogamut == 0) {
		if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expected outdevicc file argument");
		strncpy(dev_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); dev_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	/* Optional input abstract profile name */
	if (docreate == 0) {
		if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expected inabs file argument");
		strncpy(rd_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); rd_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	/* Output abstract profile name */
	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Expected outabs file argument");
	strncpy(wr_name,argv[fa++],MAXNAMEL); wr_name[MAXNAMEL] = '\000';

	/* ======================= */
	/* Open up each CIE file in turn, target then measured, */
	/* and read in the CIE values. */
	for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
		cgats *cgf = NULL;			/* cgats file data */
		int isLab = 0;				/* 0 if file CIE is XYZ, 1 if is Lab */
		int sidx;					/* Sample ID index */
		int xix, yix, zix;

		/* Open CIE target values */
		cgf = new_cgats();			/* Create a CGATS structure */
		cgf->add_other(cgf, ""); 	/* Allow any signature file */
		if (cgf->read_name(cgf, cg[n].name))
			error("CGATS file '%s' read error : %s",cg[n].name,cgf->err);
		if (cgf->ntables < 1)
			error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain at least one table",cg[n].name);
		/* Check if the file is suitable */
		if (!spec
		 && cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "LAB_L") < 0
		 && cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "XYZ_X") < 0) {
			if (cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "SPECTRAL_BANDS") < 0)
				error ("Neither CIE nor spectral data found in file '%s'",cg[n].name);
			/* Switch to using spectral information */
			if (verb)
				printf("No CIE data found, switching to spectral with standard observer & D50 for file '%s'\n",cg[n].name);
			spec = 1;
			illum = icxIT_D50;
			observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2;
		if (spec && cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "SPECTRAL_BANDS") < 0)
			error ("No spectral data data found in file '%s' when spectral expected",cg[n].name);
		if (!spec && cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "LAB_L") >= 0)
			isLab = 1;
		cg[n].npat = cgf->t[0].nsets;		/* Number of patches */
		/* Read all the target patches */
		if (cg[n].npat <= 0)
			error("No sets of data in file '%s'",cg[n].name);
		if (verb && n == 0) {
			fprintf(verbo,"No of test patches = %d\n",cg[n].npat);
		/* Allocate arrays to hold test patch input and output values */
		if ((cg[n].pat = (pval *)malloc(sizeof(pval) * cg[n].npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - pat[]");
		/* Read in the CGATs fields */
		if ((sidx = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "SAMPLE_ID")) < 0
		 && (sidx = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "SampleName")) < 0
		 && (sidx = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "Sample_Name")) < 0
		 && (sidx = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "SAMPLE_NAME")) < 0
		 && (sidx = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "SAMPLE_LOC")) < 0)
			error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field SAMPLE_ID, SampleName, Sample_Name, SAMPLE_NAME or SAMPLE_LOC",cg[n].name);
		if (cgf->t[0].ftype[sidx] != nqcs_t
		 && cgf->t[0].ftype[sidx] != cs_t)
			error("Sample ID/Name field isn't a quoted or non quoted character string");

		if (spec == 0) { 		/* Using instrument tristimulous value */

			if (isLab) {		/* Expect Lab */
				if ((xix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "LAB_L")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field LAB_L",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[xix] != r_t)
					error("Field LAB_L is wrong type");
				if ((yix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "LAB_A")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field LAB_A",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[yix] != r_t)
					error("Field LAB_A is wrong type");
				if ((zix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "LAB_B")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field LAB_B",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[zix] != r_t)
					error("Field LAB_B is wrong type");

			} else { 		/* Expect XYZ */
				if ((xix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "XYZ_X")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field XYZ_X",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[xix] != r_t)
					error("Field XYZ_X is wrong type");
				if ((yix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "XYZ_Y")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field XYZ_Y",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[yix] != r_t)
					error("Field XYZ_Y is wrong type");
				if ((zix = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, "XYZ_Z")) < 0)
					error("Input file '%s' doesn't contain field XYZ_Z",cg[n].name);
				if (cgf->t[0].ftype[zix] != r_t)
					error("Field XYZ_Z is wrong type");

			for (i = 0; i < cg[n].npat; i++) {
				strcpy(cg[n].pat[i].sid, (char *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][sidx]);
				cg[n].pat[i].v[0] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][xix]);
				cg[n].pat[i].v[1] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][yix]);
				cg[n].pat[i].v[2] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][zix]);
				if (!isLab) {
					cg[n].pat[i].v[0] /= 100.0;		/* Normalise XYZ to range 0.0 - 1.0 */
					cg[n].pat[i].v[1] /= 100.0;
					cg[n].pat[i].v[2] /= 100.0;
				if (!isLab) { /* Convert test patch result XYZ to PCS (D50 Lab) */
					icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, cg[n].pat[i].v, cg[n].pat[i].v);

		} else { 		/* Using spectral data */
			int ii;
			xspect sp;
			char buf[100];
			int  spi[XSPECT_MAX_BANDS];	/* CGATS indexes for each wavelength */
			xsp2cie *sp2cie;	/* Spectral conversion object */

			if ((ii = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "SPECTRAL_BANDS")) < 0)
				error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_BANDS");
			sp.spec_n = atoi(cgf->t[0].kdata[ii]);
			if ((ii = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "SPECTRAL_START_NM")) < 0)
				error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_START_NM");
			sp.spec_wl_short = atof(cgf->t[0].kdata[ii]);
			if ((ii = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "SPECTRAL_END_NM")) < 0)
				error ("Input file doesn't contain keyword SPECTRAL_END_NM");
			sp.spec_wl_long = atof(cgf->t[0].kdata[ii]);
			sp.norm = 100.0;

			/* Find the fields for spectral values */
			for (j = 0; j < sp.spec_n; j++) {
				int nm;
				/* Compute nearest integer wavelength */
				nm = (int)(sp.spec_wl_short + ((double)j/(sp.spec_n-1.0))
				            * (sp.spec_wl_long - sp.spec_wl_short) + 0.5);

				if ((spi[j] = cgf->find_field(cgf, 0, buf)) < 0)
					error("Input file doesn't contain field %s",buf);

			/* Figure out what sort of device it is */
				int ti;
				if ((ti = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS")) < 0)
					error ("Input file '%s' doesn't contain keyword DEVICE_CLASS",cg[n].name);
				if (strcmp(cgf->t[0].kdata[ti],"DISPLAY") == 0) {
					illum = icxIT_none;		/* Displays are assumed to be self luminous */

			/* Create a spectral conversion object */
			if ((sp2cie = new_xsp2cie(illum, illum == icxIT_none ? NULL : &cust_illum,
			                          observ, NULL, icSigLabData)) == NULL)
				error("Creation of spectral conversion object failed");

			if (fwacomp) {
				int ti;
				xspect mwsp;			/* Medium spectrum */
				instType itype;			/* Spectral instrument type */
				xspect insp;			/* Instrument illuminant */

				mwsp = sp;		/* Struct copy */

	 			if ((ti = cgf->find_kword(cgf, 0, "TARGET_INSTRUMENT")) < 0)
					error ("Can't find target instrument in '%s' needed for FWA compensation",cg[n].name);

				if ((itype = inst_enum(cgf->t[0].kdata[ti])) == instUnknown)
					error ("Unrecognised target instrument '%s'", cgf->t[0].kdata[ti]);

				if (inst_illuminant(&insp, itype) != 0)
					error ("Instrument doesn't have an FWA illuminent");

				/* Determine a media white spectral reflectance */
				for (j = 0; j < mwsp.spec_n; j++)
					mwsp.spec[j] = 0.0;

				/* Track the maximum reflectance for any band to determine white. */
				/* This might silently fail, if there isn't white in the sampe set. */
				for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {
					for (j = 0; j < mwsp.spec_n; j++) {
						double rv = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]);
						if (rv > mwsp.spec[j])
							mwsp.spec[j] = rv;
				if (sp2cie->set_fwa(sp2cie, &insp, &mwsp)) 
					error ("Set FWA on sp2cie failed");

			for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {

				strcpy(cg[n].pat[i].sid, (char *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][sidx]);

				/* Read the spectral values for this patch */
				for (j = 0; j < sp.spec_n; j++) {
					sp.spec[j] = *((double *)cgf->t[0].fdata[i][spi[j]]);

				/* Convert it to CIE space */
				sp2cie->convert(sp2cie, cg[n].pat[i].v, &sp);

			sp2cie->del(sp2cie);		/* Done with this */

		}	/* End of reading in CGATs file */
		cgf->del(cgf);		/* Clean up */

	/* Check that the number of test patches matches */
	if (cg[0].npat != cg[1].npat)
		error("Number of patches between '%s' and '%s' doesn't match",cg[0].name,cg[1].name);
	/* Create a list to map the second list (measured) of patches to the first (target) */
	if ((match = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * cg[0].npat)) == NULL)
		error("Malloc failed - match[]");
	for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < cg[1].npat; j++) {
			if (strcmp(cg[0].pat[i].sid, cg[1].pat[j].sid) == 0)
				break;			/* Found it */
		if (j < cg[1].npat) {
			match[i] = j;
		} else {
			error("Failed to find matching patch to '%s'",cg[0].pat[i].sid);

	/* Try and figure out which is the white patch */
		double hL = -1.0;
		for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {
			if (cg[0].pat[i].v[0] > hL) {
				hL = cg[0].pat[i].v[0];
				whitepatch = i;

	/* If we are aiming for a white point relative match, adjust the */
	/* measured and target values to have a D50 white point */
	if (dorel) {
		for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
			int wpix;			/* White patch index */
			double wp_xyz[3];
			icmXYZNumber wp;	/* White value */
			double mat[3][3];	/* Chromatic transform */
			if (n == 0)
				wpix = whitepatch;
				wpix = match[whitepatch];

			/* Compute a chromatic correction matrix */
			icmLab2XYZ(&icmD50, wp_xyz, cg[n].pat[wpix].v);
			icmAry2XYZ(wp, wp_xyz);

			icmChromAdaptMatrix(ICM_CAM_BRADFORD, icmD50, wp, mat);

			for (i = 0; i < cg[n].npat; i++) {
				icmLab2XYZ(&icmD50, cg[n].pat[i].v, cg[n].pat[i].v);
				icmMulBy3x3(cg[n].pat[i].v, mat, cg[n].pat[i].v);
				icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, cg[n].pat[i].v, cg[n].pat[i].v);
//printf("Table %d, patch %d, Lab %f %f %f\n",n,i,cg[n].pat[i].v[0],cg[n].pat[i].v[1],cg[n].pat[i].v[2]);

	/* Compute the delta E's just for information */
	for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {
		double de = icmLabDE(cg[0].pat[i].v, cg[1].pat[match[i]].v);
		cg[0].pat[i].de = de;
		if (de > merr)
			merr = de;
		aerr += de;
	if (cg[0].npat > 0)
		aerr /= (double)cg[0].npat;

	if (verb) {
		fprintf(verbo,"No of correction patches = %d\n",cg[0].npat);
		fprintf(verbo,"Average dE = %f, Maximum dE = %f\n",aerr,merr);
		fprintf(verbo,"White patch assumed to be patch %s\n",cg[0].pat[whitepatch].sid);

	/* ======================= */
	/* Possible limiting gamut */
	if (nogamut == 0) {
		icmFile *dev_fp;
		icc *dev_icc;
		xicc *dev_xicc;
		icxLuBase *dev_luo;
		icxInk ink;							/* Ink parameters */

		/* Open up the device ICC profile, so that we can create a gamut */
		/* and get an absolute PCS->device conversion */
		if ((dev_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(dev_name,"r")) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open file '%s'",dev_name);
		if ((dev_icc = new_icc()) == NULL)
			error("Creation of ICC object failed");
		/* Read header etc. */
		if ((rv = dev_icc->read(dev_icc,dev_fp,0)) != 0)
			error("Reading profile '%s' failed: %d, %s",dev_name,rv,dev_icc->err);
		/* Check that the profile is appropriate */
		if (dev_icc->header->deviceClass != icSigInputClass
		 && dev_icc->header->deviceClass != icSigDisplayClass
		 && dev_icc->header->deviceClass != icSigOutputClass)
			error("Device Profile '%s' isn't a device profile",dev_name);

		ink.tlimit = -1.0;		/* No ink limit by default */
		ink.klimit = -1.0;

		/* Wrap with an expanded icc */
		if ((dev_xicc = new_xicc(dev_icc)) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of xicc failed");

		/* Use a heuristic to guess the ink limit */
		icxGetLimits(dev_xicc, &ink.tlimit, &ink.klimit);
		ink.tlimit += 0.05;		/* allow a slight margine */

		if (verb)
			printf("Estimated Total inklimit is %f%%, Black %f%% \n",100.0 * ink.tlimit,ink.klimit < 0.0 ? 100.0 : 100.0 * ink.klimit);

		/* Get a expanded color conversion object suitable for gamut */
		if ((dev_luo = dev_xicc->get_luobj(dev_xicc, ICX_CLIP_NEAREST, icmFwd,
		     dorel ? icRelativeColorimetric : icAbsoluteColorimetric,
		     icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm, NULL, &ink)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s",dev_xicc->errc, dev_xicc->err);
		/* Creat a gamut surface */
		if ((cb.dev_gam = dev_luo->get_gamut(dev_luo, GAMRES)) == NULL)
			error ("%d, %s",dev_xicc->errc, dev_xicc->err);

	} else {
		cb.dev_gam = NULL;

	/* ======================= */
	/* Open up the existing abstract profile that is to be refined. */
	if (docreate == 0) {
		if ((rd_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(rd_name,"r")) == NULL)
			error ("Can't open file '%s'",rd_name);
		if ((rd_icc = new_icc()) == NULL)
			error ("Creation of ICC object failed");
		/* Read header etc. */
		if ((rv = rd_icc->read(rd_icc,rd_fp,0)) != 0)
			error ("%d, %s",rv,rd_icc->err);
		if (rd_icc->header->deviceClass != icSigAbstractClass)
			error("Input Profile '%s' isn't abstract type",rd_name);

		if ((cb.rd_luo = rd_icc->get_luobj(rd_icc, icmFwd,
		        dorel ? icRelativeColorimetric : icAbsoluteColorimetric,
		        icSigLabData, icmLuOrdNorm)) == NULL)
				error ("%d, %s",rd_icc->errc, rd_icc->err);
	} else {
		cb.rd_luo = NULL;

	/* ======================= */
	/* Create refining rspl */
		cow *rp;		/* rspl setup points */
		int npnts = 0;	/* Total number of test points */
		int gres[MXDI];	/* rspl grid resolution */
		double damp;
		datai mn, mx;

		if ((rp = (cow *)malloc(sizeof(cow) * cg[0].npat)) == NULL)
			error("Malloc failed - rp[]");
		/* Create mapping points */
		for (i = 0; i < cg[0].npat; i++) {
			double temp[3];
			double ccor[3], cmag;				/* Current correction vector */
			double ncor[3], nmag;				/* New correction vector */

			/* Input is target [0] */
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				rp[i].p[j] = cg[0].pat[i].v[j];

			/* Cull out of range points */
			if (rp[i].p[0] < 0.0 || rp[i].p[0] > 100.0
			 || rp[i].p[1] < -127.0 || rp[i].p[1] > 127.0
			 || rp[i].p[2] < -127.0 || rp[i].p[2] > 127.0) {
#ifdef DEBUG1
			printf("Ignoring %f %f %f\n",rp[i].p[0],rp[i].p[1],rp[i].p[2]);
#ifdef DEBUG1
			printf("%d: Target        %f %f %f\n",i,rp[i].p[0],rp[i].p[1],rp[i].p[2]);

			damp = cb.rd_luo != NULL ? damp2 : damp1;
			ccor[0] = ccor[1] = ccor[2] = 0.0;
			cmag = 0.0;

			/* Lookup the current correction applied to the target */
			if (cb.rd_luo != NULL) {		/* Subsequent pass */
				double corval[3];
				cb.rd_luo->lookup(cb.rd_luo, corval, cg[0].pat[i].v);
				icmSub3(ccor, corval, cg[0].pat[i].v);
				cmag = icmNorm3(ccor);
#ifdef DEBUG1
				printf("%d: ccor          %f %f %f, mag %f\n",i, ccor[0],ccor[1],ccor[2],cmag);

			/* Create a trial 100% full correction point */
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				rp[i].v[j] = ccor[j] + 2.0 * cg[0].pat[i].v[j] - cg[1].pat[match[i]].v[j];

			/* If a first pass and the target or the correction are out of gamut, */
			/* use a damping factor of 1.0 */
			if (cb.rd_luo == NULL
			 && cb.dev_gam != NULL
			 && cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, rp[i].p) > 1.0
			 && cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, rp[i].v) > 1.0) {
				damp = 1.0;

#ifdef DEBUG1
			printf("%d: damp =         %f\n",i, damp);

			/* Create a new correction that does a damped correction to the current error */
			/* [0] = target, [1] = measured */
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				ncor[j] = ccor[j] + damp * (cg[0].pat[i].v[j] - cg[1].pat[match[i]].v[j]);
			nmag = icmNorm3(ncor);

#ifdef DEBUG1
			printf("%d: ncor          %f %f %f, mag %f\n",i, ncor[0],ncor[1],ncor[2],nmag);

			/* If this is not the first pass, limit the new correction */
			/* to be 1 + damp as big as the previous correction */
			if (cb.rd_luo != NULL) {
				if ((nmag/cmag) > (1.0 + damp2)) {
#ifdef DEBUG1
					printf("%d: Limited cor mag from %f to %f\n",i, nmag, (1.0 + damp2) * cmag);
					icmScale3(ncor, ncor, (1.0 + damp2) * cmag/nmag);

			/* Create correction point */
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				rp[i].v[j] = cg[0].pat[i].v[j] + ncor[j];

			/* If the target point or corrected point is likely to be outside */
			/* the gamut, limit the magnitude of the correction to be the same */
			/* as the previous correction. */ 
			if (cb.rd_luo != NULL && cb.dev_gam != NULL) {
				if (cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, rp[i].p) > 1.0
				 || cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, rp[i].v) > 1.0) {
#ifdef DEBUG1
					printf("%d: Limited cor mag from %f to %f\n",i, nmag, cmag);
					icmScale3(ncor, ncor, cmag/nmag);
				/* Create correction point again */
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					rp[i].v[j] = cg[0].pat[i].v[j] + ncor[j];

#ifdef DEBUG1
			printf("%d: Was           %f %f %f\n",i, cg[1].pat[match[i]].v[0], cg[1].pat[match[i]].v[1], cg[1].pat[match[i]].v[2]);
			printf("%d: Correction to %f %f %f\n",i, rp[i].v[0], rp[i].v[1], rp[i].v[2]);

			/* Remove current correction from new change */
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				rp[i].v[j] -= ccor[j];
			/* Set weighting */
			if (i == whitepatch)
				rp[i].w = WHITEWEIGHT;
				rp[i].w = 1.0;

#ifdef DEBUG3
				char fname[50], tmp[50];
				FILE *lf;
				int mi = match[i];
				double tig, cig, rig;  
				double vv[3], temp[3];
				double del[3], delt;
				double corrdel[3], corrdelt;
				double pcval[3], pcorrdel[3], pcorrdelt;

				for (j = 0;; j++) {
					if (poi[j] == (i+1) || poi[j] < 0)
				if (poi[j] < 0) {

				/* Compute total correction point */
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					vv[j] = rp[i].v[j] + ccor[j];
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					vv[j] = rp[i].v[j];
				if ((lf = fopen(fname, "a")) == NULL)
					error("Unable to open debug3 log file '%s'\n",fname);

	 			cig = cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, cg[1].pat[mi].v) - 1.0;
				if (cig > 0.0)
					sprintf(tmp, " OUT %f",cig);
					sprintf(tmp, "");
				fprintf(lf,"Currently  %f %f %f%s\n", cg[1].pat[mi].v[0], cg[1].pat[mi].v[1], cg[1].pat[mi].v[2], tmp);

	 			tig = cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, cg[0].pat[i].v) - 1.0;
				if (tig > 0.0)
					sprintf(tmp, " OUT %f",tig);
					sprintf(tmp, "");
				fprintf(lf,"Target     %f %f %f%s\n", cg[0].pat[i].v[0], cg[0].pat[i].v[1], cg[0].pat[i].v[2], tmp);

				icmSub3(del, cg[1].pat[mi].v, cg[0].pat[i].v);
				delt = icmNorm3(del);
				fprintf(lf,"DE         %f %f %f (%f)\n", del[0], del[1], del[2], delt);
				rig = cb.dev_gam->nradial(cb.dev_gam, temp, vv) - 1.0;
				if (rig > 0.0)
					sprintf(tmp, " OUT %f",rig);
					sprintf(tmp, "");
				fprintf(lf,"Correction %f %f %f%s\n", vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], tmp);
				icmSub3(corrdel, vv, cg[0].pat[i].v);
				corrdelt = icmNorm3(corrdel);
				fprintf(lf,"CorrDelta  %f %f %f (%f)\n", corrdel[0], corrdel[1], corrdel[2], corrdelt);
				/* Note the previous correction we're compunded with */
				if (cb.rd_luo != NULL) {
					cb.rd_luo->lookup(cb.rd_luo, pcval, cg[0].pat[i].v);
					icmSub3(pcorrdel, pcval, cg[0].pat[i].v);
					pcorrdelt = icmNorm3(pcorrdel);
					fprintf(lf,"PrevCorrDelta %f %f %f (%f)\n", pcorrdel[0], pcorrdel[1], pcorrdel[2], pcorrdelt);

#endif /* DEBUG3 */

		/* Create refining rspl */
		mn[0] =   0.0, mn[1] = mn[2] = -128.0;			/* Allow for 16 bit grid range */
		mx[0] = 100.0, mx[1] = mx[2] =  (65535.0 * 255.0)/65280.0 - 128.0;
		cb.verb = verb;
		if ((cb.r = new_rspl(RSPL_NOFLAGS, 3, 3)) == NULL)
			error("new_rspl failed");

		for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
			gres[e] = clutres;
		for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
			avgdev[e] = AVGDEV;

		           RSPLFLAGS			/* Extra flags */
		           | verb ? RSPL_VERBOSE : 0,
		           rp,					/* Test points */
		           npnts,				/* Number of test points */
		           mn, mx, gres,		/* Low, high, resolution of grid */
		           NULL, NULL,			/* Default data scale */
		           smoothf,				/* Smoothing */
		           avgdev,				/* Average Deviation */
		           NULL,				/* Grid width */
                   wweight,				/* weak default function weight */
				   NULL,				/* No context */
		           wfunc				/* Weak function */
		if (verb) printf("\n");

		/* Report how good the fit is */
		if (verb) {
			co tco;	/* Test point */
			double maxe = -1e6, avge = 0.0;

			for (i = 0; i < npnts; i++) {
				double de;

				icmAry2Ary(tco.p, rp[i].p);
				cb.r->interp(cb.r, &tco);

				de = icmLabDE(tco.v, rp[i].v);
				if (de > maxe)
					maxe = de;
				avge += de;
			avge /= (double)npnts;
			printf("Refining transform has error to defining points avg: %f, max %f\n",avge,maxe);

	/* ======================= */
	/* Create new abstract ICC profile */
	if ((wr_fp = new_icmFileStd_name(wr_name,"w")) == NULL)
		error ("Can't open file '%s' for writing",wr_name);

	if ((wr_icc = new_icc()) == NULL)
		error ("Creation of write ICC object failed");

	/* Add all the tags required */

	/* The header: */
		icmHeader *wh = wr_icc->header;

		/* Values that must be set before writing */
		wh->deviceClass     = icSigAbstractClass;
    	wh->colorSpace      = icSigLabData;
    	wh->pcs             = icSigLabData;
		if (dorel)
	    	wh->renderingIntent = icRelativeColorimetric;	/* White point relative */
	    	wh->renderingIntent = icAbsoluteColorimetric;	/* Instrument reading based */
	/* Profile Description Tag: */
		icmTextDescription *wo;
		char *dst = "Argyll refine output";
		if ((wo = (icmTextDescription *)wr_icc->add_tag(
		           wr_icc, icSigProfileDescriptionTag,	icSigTextDescriptionType)) == NULL) 
			error("add_tag failed: %d, %s",wr_icc->errc,wr_icc->err);

		wo->size = strlen(dst)+1; 	/* Allocated and used size of desc, inc null */
		wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);/* Allocate space */
		strcpy(wo->desc, dst);		/* Copy the string in */
	/* Copyright Tag: */
		icmText *wo;
		char *crt = "Copyright the user who created it";
		if ((wo = (icmText *)wr_icc->add_tag(
		           wr_icc, icSigCopyrightTag,	icSigTextType)) == NULL) 
			error("add_tag failed: %d, %s",wr_icc->errc,wr_icc->err);

		wo->size = strlen(crt)+1; 	/* Allocated and used size of text, inc null */
		wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);/* Allocate space */
		strcpy(wo->data, crt);		/* Copy the text in */
	/* White Point Tag: */
		icmXYZArray *wo;
		/* Note that tag types icSigXYZType and icSigXYZArrayType are identical */
		if ((wo = (icmXYZArray *)wr_icc->add_tag(
		           wr_icc, icSigMediaWhitePointTag, icSigXYZArrayType)) == NULL) 
			error("add_tag failed: %d, %s",wr_icc->errc,wr_icc->err);

		wo->size = 1;
		wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);	/* Allocate space */
		wo->data[0] = icmD50;			/* So absolute/relative rendering is the same */
	/* 16 bit pcs -> pcs lut: */
		icmLut *wo;
		int flags = ICM_CLUT_SET_EXACT;	/* Assume we're setting from RSPL's */

		/* Intent 0 = default/perceptual */
		if ((wo = (icmLut *)wr_icc->add_tag(
		           wr_icc, icSigAToB0Tag,	icSigLut16Type)) == NULL) 
			error("add_tag failed: %d, %s",wr_icc->errc,wr_icc->err);

		wo->inputChan = 3;
		wo->outputChan = 3;
    	wo->clutPoints = clutres;
    	wo->inputEnt = 256;				/* Not actually used */
    	wo->outputEnt = 256;
		wo->allocate((icmBase *)wo);/* Allocate space */

		/* The matrix is only applicable to XYZ input space, */
		/* so it is not used here. */

		/* Use helper function to do the hard work. */
		if (cb.verb) {
			int extra;
			for (cb.total = 1, i = 0; i < 3; i++, cb.total *= wo->clutPoints)
			/* Add in cell center points */
			for (extra = 1, i = 0; i < wo->inputChan; i++, extra *= (wo->clutPoints-1))
			cb.total += extra;
			cb.count = 0;
			cb.last = -1;
			printf(" 0%%"), fflush(stdout);

		/* Compound with previous correction */
		if (cb.rd_luo != NULL)
			flags = ICM_CLUT_SET_APXLS;	/* Won't be least squares, so do extra sampling */

		if (wo->set_tables(wo,
				icSigLabData, 			/* Input color space */
				icSigLabData, 			/* Output color space */
				NULL,					/* Linear input transform Lab->Lab' (NULL = default) */
				NULL, NULL,				/* Use default Maximum range of Lab' values */
				PCSp_PCSp,				/* Lab' -> Lab' transfer function */
				NULL, NULL,				/* Use default Maximum range of Lab' values */
				NULL					/* Linear output transform Lab'->Lab */
		) != 0)
			error("Setting 16 bit Lab->Lab Lut failed: %d, %s",wr_icc->errc,wr_icc->err);

		if (verb)
		if (wr_icc->warnc)
			warning("Values clipped in setting abstract LUT");
		if (verb)
			printf("Done filling abstract table\n");
	/* Write the file out */
	if ((rv = wr_icc->write(wr_icc,wr_fp,0)) != 0)
		error ("Write file: %d, %s",rv,wr_icc->err);
	/* ======================================= */
	/* Clean everything up */

	if (docreate == 0) {

	if (nogamut == 0) {



	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	int fa,nfa;				/* current argument we're looking at */
	int verb = 0;
	int limit = -1;
	static char tarname[200] = { 0 };		/* optional 928 patch reference file */
	static char inname[200] = { 0 };		/* Input .pat file base name */
	static char outname[200] = { 0 };		/* Output cgats .ti3 file base name */
	FILE *d928_fp = NULL;
	FILE *pat_fp;
	cgats *ocg;			/* output cgats structure */
	time_t clk = time(0);
	struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
	char *atm = asctime(tsp); /* Ascii time */

	error_program = "kodak2ti3";

	if (argc <= 1)

	/* Process the arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++)
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')		/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
				if ((fa+1) < argc)
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-')
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')

			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'l') {
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				fa = nfa;
				limit = atoi(na);
				if (limit < 1)
					limit = 1;

			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'r') {
				if (na == NULL) usage();
				fa = nfa;
				strcpy(tarname, na);

			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v')
				verb = 1;

	/* Get the file name argument */
	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();


	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();
	strcpy(outname, argv[fa++]);

	/* Open up the Test chart reference file if we were given one */
	if (tarname[0] != '\000') {
		if (verb)
			printf("Using alternate reference file '%s'\n",tarname);
		if ((d928_fp = open_928(tarname)) == NULL)
			error ("Read: Can't open file '%s'",tarname);

	if ((pat_fp = open_pat(inname)) == NULL)
		error ("Read: Can't open file '%s'",inname);

	/* Setup output cgats file */
	ocg = new_cgats();	/* Create a CGATS structure */
	ocg->add_other(ocg, "CTI3"); 	/* our special type is Calibration Target Information 3 */
	ocg->add_table(ocg, tt_other, 0);	/* Start the first table */

	ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DESCRIPTOR", "Argyll Calibration Target chart information 3",NULL);
	ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "ORIGINATOR", "Argyll target", NULL);
	atm[strlen(atm)-1] = '\000';	/* Remove \n from end */
	ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "CREATED",atm, NULL);
	ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "DEVICE_CLASS","OUTPUT", NULL);	/* What sort of device this is */

	/* Fields we want */
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "SAMPLE_ID", nqcs_t);

	if (limit > 0) {
		char buf[100];
		sprintf(buf, "%d", limit);
		ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "TOTAL_INK_LIMIT", buf, NULL);

	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_C", r_t);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_M", r_t);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_Y", r_t);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "CMYK_K", r_t);
	ocg->add_kword(ocg, 0, "COLOR_REP","CMYK_LAB", NULL);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_L", r_t);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_A", r_t);
	ocg->add_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_B", r_t);

	/* Write out the patch info to the output CGATS file */
	for (i = 0; i < NPAT; i++) {
		char id[100];
		double cmykv[4]; 
		double labv[3]; 

		if (next_928(d928_fp, i, cmykv) != 0)
			error("Error reading reference information from '%s' file",tarname);

		if (next_pat(pat_fp, labv) != 0)
			error("Error reading Kodak .pat file");

		sprintf(id, "%d", i+1);
		ocg->add_set(ocg, 0, id, 100.0 * cmykv[0], 100.0 * cmykv[1],
		                         100.0 * cmykv[2], 100.0 * cmykv[3],
		                         labv[0], labv[1], labv[2]);

		double wp[3];			/* Paper white XYZ */
		double D50wp[3] 		/* D50 white point Kodak uses */
		    = { 0.9642, 1.0000, 0.8249 };
		double tt[3];
		int li;

		/* Get offset of Lab values in cgats file */
		if ((li = ocg->find_field(ocg, 0, "LAB_L")) < 0)
			error("Internal - cgats doesn't field LAB_L");

		/* Get last line of pat file - this is the paper white in XYZ */
		if (next_pat(pat_fp, wp) != 0)
			error("Error reading Kodak .pat file");

//printf("~1 white point is XYZ %f %f %f\n",wp[0],wp[1],wp[2]);

		/* Run through all the data points, and adjust them back to the absolute */
		/* white point. */

		for (i = 0; i < NPAT; i++) {
			double in[3], out[3];
			tt[0] = *((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+0]);
			tt[1] = *((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+1]);
			tt[2] = *((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+2]);

			icmLab2XYZ(&icmD50, in, tt);

			/* Undo Kodak's D50->paper white point adjustment */
			out[0] = in[0] * (D50wp[1] * wp[0])/(D50wp[0] * wp[1]);
			out[1] = in[1];		/* Y remains unchanged */
			out[2] = in[2] * (D50wp[1] * wp[2])/(D50wp[2] * wp[1]);

			icmXYZ2Lab(&icmD50, tt, out);

			*((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+0]) = tt[0];
			*((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+1]) = tt[1];
			*((double *)ocg->t[0].fdata[i][li+2]) = tt[2];


	if (ocg->write_name(ocg, outname))
		error("Write error : %s",ocg->err);

	ocg->del(ocg);		/* Clean up */

	if (d928_fp != NULL)

	return 0;