Ejemplo n.º 1
	virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect)
		BRect bounds(Bounds());
		BRect iconBounds(0, 0, 15, 15);
			floorf((bounds.left + bounds.right
				- (iconBounds.left + iconBounds.right)) / 2 + 0.5f),
			floorf((bounds.top + bounds.bottom
				- (iconBounds.top + iconBounds.bottom)) / 2 + 0.5f));
		DrawBitmap(fIcon, fIcon->Bounds(), iconBounds,
Ejemplo n.º 2
WebTabView::DrawContents(BView* owner, BRect frame, const BRect& updateRect,
	bool isFirst, bool isLast, bool isFront)
	if (fController->CloseButtonsAvailable())
		_DrawCloseButton(owner, frame, updateRect, isFirst, isLast, isFront);

	if (fIcon) {
		BRect iconBounds(0, 0, kIconSize - 1, kIconSize - 1);
		// clip to icon bounds, if they are smaller
		if (iconBounds.Contains(fIcon->Bounds()))
			iconBounds = fIcon->Bounds();
		else {
			// Try to scale down the icon by an even factor so the
			// final size is between 14 and 18 pixel size. If this fails,
			// the icon will simply be displayed at 18x18.
			float scale = 2;
			while ((fIcon->Bounds().Width() + 1) / scale > kIconSize)
				scale *= 2;
			if ((fIcon->Bounds().Width() + 1) / scale >= kIconSize - 4
				&& (fIcon->Bounds().Height() + 1) / scale >= kIconSize - 4
				&& (fIcon->Bounds().Height() + 1) / scale <= kIconSize) {
				iconBounds.right = (fIcon->Bounds().Width() + 1) / scale - 1;
				iconBounds.bottom = (fIcon->Bounds().Height() + 1) / scale - 1;
		BPoint iconPos(frame.left + kIconInset - 1,
			frame.top + floorf((frame.Height() - iconBounds.Height()) / 2));
		owner->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY);
		owner->DrawBitmap(fIcon, fIcon->Bounds(), iconBounds,
		frame.left = frame.left + kIconSize + kIconInset * 2;

	TabView::DrawContents(owner, frame, updateRect, isFirst, isLast, isFront);
Ejemplo n.º 3
	BMenu* menu = Menu();
	if (fIcon != NULL) {
		if (fIcon->ColorSpace() == B_RGBA32) {
			menu->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY);
		} else

		BRect frame(Frame());
		BRect iconBounds(fIcon->Bounds());
		BRect dstRect(iconBounds);
		float extra = fVertical ? 0.0f : -1.0f;
		BPoint contLoc = ContentLocation();
		BPoint drawLoc = contLoc + BPoint(kHPad, kVPad);

		if (!fDrawLabel || (fVertical && iconBounds.Width() > 32)) {
			float offsetx = contLoc.x
				+ ((frame.Width() - iconBounds.Width()) / 2) + extra;
			float offsety = contLoc.y + 3.0f + extra;

			dstRect.OffsetTo(BPoint(offsetx, offsety));
			menu->DrawBitmapAsync(fIcon, dstRect);

			drawLoc.x = ((frame.Width() - LabelWidth()) / 2);
			drawLoc.y = frame.top + iconBounds.Height() + 4.0f;
		} else {
			float offsetx = contLoc.x + kHPad;
			float offsety = contLoc.y + 
				((frame.Height() - iconBounds.Height()) / 2) + extra;

			dstRect.OffsetTo(BPoint(offsetx, offsety));
			menu->DrawBitmapAsync(fIcon, dstRect);

			float labelHeight = fLabelAscent + fLabelDescent;
			drawLoc.x += iconBounds.Width() + kLabelOffset;
			drawLoc.y = frame.top + ((frame.Height() - labelHeight) / 2) + extra;


	// set the pen to black so that either method will draw in the same color
	// low color is set in inherited::DrawContent, override makes sure its
	// what we want
	if (fDrawLabel) {

		// override the drawing of the content when the item is disabled
		// the wrong lowcolor is used when the item is disabled since the
		// text color does not change

	// Draw the expandable icon.
	TBarView* barView = (static_cast<TBarApp*>(be_app))->BarView();
	if (fVertical && static_cast<TBarApp*>(be_app)->Settings()->superExpando
		&& barView->ExpandoState()) {
		BRect frame(Frame());
		BRect rect(0, 0, kSwitchWidth, 10);
		rect.OffsetTo(BPoint(frame.right - rect.Width(),
			ContentLocation().y + ((frame.Height() - rect.Height()) / 2)));

		if (be_control_look != NULL) {
			uint32 arrowDirection = fExpanded
				? BControlLook::B_UP_ARROW : BControlLook::B_DOWN_ARROW;
			be_control_look->DrawArrowShape(menu, rect, rect, menu->LowColor(),
				arrowDirection, 0, B_DARKEN_3_TINT);
		} else {
			rgb_color outlineColor = {80, 80, 80, 255};
			rgb_color middleColor = {200, 200, 200, 255};


			if (!fExpanded) {

				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 3, rect.top + 1),
					BPoint(rect.left + 3, rect.bottom - 1), outlineColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 3, rect.top + 1),
					BPoint(rect.left + 7, rect.top + 5), outlineColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 7, rect.top + 5),
					BPoint(rect.left + 3, rect.bottom - 1), outlineColor);

				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 4, rect.top + 3),
					BPoint(rect.left + 4, rect.bottom - 3), middleColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 4),
					BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.bottom - 4), middleColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 5),
					BPoint(rect.left + 6, rect.top + 5), middleColor);
			} else {
				// expanded state

				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1, rect.top + 3),
					BPoint(rect.right - 3, rect.top + 3), outlineColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 1, rect.top + 3),
					BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 7), outlineColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 7),
					BPoint(rect.right - 3, rect.top + 3), outlineColor);

				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 3, rect.top + 4),
					BPoint(rect.right - 5, rect.top + 4), middleColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 4, rect.top + 5),
					BPoint(rect.right - 6, rect.top + 5), middleColor);
				menu->AddLine(BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 5),
					BPoint(rect.left + 5, rect.top + 6), middleColor);