Ejemplo n.º 1
// Grab the favicon.ico for each tracker to make the bug list prettier
MainWindow::fetchIcon(const QString &url,
                      const QString &savePath,
                      const QString &username,
                      const QString &password)
    QUrl u(url);
    QString fetch = "http://" + u.host() + "/favicon.ico";
    qDebug() << "fetchIcon: " << fetch;
    QUrl iconUrl(fetch);
    if (!username.isEmpty())
    QNetworkRequest req = QNetworkRequest(iconUrl);
    req.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, QVariant(savePath));
    // We set this to 0 for a first request, and then to 1 if the url is redirected.
    req.setAttribute((QNetworkRequest::Attribute)(QNetworkRequest::User+1), QVariant(0));
    req.setAttribute((QNetworkRequest::Attribute)(QNetworkRequest::User+2), QVariant(username));
    req.setAttribute((QNetworkRequest::Attribute)(QNetworkRequest::User+3), QVariant(password));

    QNetworkReply *rep = pManager->get(req);
    connect(rep, SIGNAL(finished()),
            this, SLOT(iconDownloaded()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
RssFeed::RssFeed(RssManager* manager, RssFolder* parent, const QString& url):
  m_url (QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toUtf8()).toString()),
  qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << m_url;
  // Listen for new RSS downloads
  connect(manager->rssDownloader(), SIGNAL(downloadFinished(QString,QString)), SLOT(handleFinishedDownload(QString,QString)));
  connect(manager->rssDownloader(), SIGNAL(downloadFailure(QString,QString)), SLOT(handleDownloadFailure(QString,QString)));
  connect(manager->rssParser(), SIGNAL(feedTitle(QString,QString)), SLOT(handleFeedTitle(QString,QString)));
  connect(manager->rssParser(), SIGNAL(newArticle(QString,QVariantHash)), SLOT(handleNewArticle(QString,QVariantHash)));
  connect(manager->rssParser(), SIGNAL(feedParsingFinished(QString,QString)), SLOT(handleFeedParsingFinished(QString,QString)));

  // Download the RSS Feed icon
  m_iconUrl = iconUrl();

  // Load old RSS articles
Ejemplo n.º 3
ChanInfo *XMLTVParser::parseChannel(QDomElement &element, QUrl baseUrl)
    ChanInfo *chaninfo = new ChanInfo;

    QString xmltvid = element.attribute("id", "");
    QStringList split = QStringList::split(" ", xmltvid);

    chaninfo->callsign = "";
    chaninfo->chanstr = "";
    chaninfo->xmltvid = xmltvid;

    chaninfo->iconpath = "";
    chaninfo->name = "";
    chaninfo->finetune = "";
    chaninfo->tvformat = "Default";

    for (QDomNode child = element.firstChild(); !child.isNull();
         child = child.nextSibling())
        QDomElement info = child.toElement();
        if (!info.isNull())
            if (info.tagName() == "icon")
                QUrl iconUrl(baseUrl, info.attribute("src", ""), true);
                chaninfo->iconpath = iconUrl.toString();
            else if (info.tagName() == "display-name")
                if (chaninfo->name.length() == 0)
                    chaninfo->name = info.text();
                else if (isJapan && chaninfo->callsign.length() == 0)
                    chaninfo->callsign = info.text();
                else if (chaninfo->chanstr.length() == 0)
                    chaninfo->chanstr = info.text();

    chaninfo->freqid = chaninfo->chanstr;
    return chaninfo;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * from khtml_part code
QString errorPageHtml( int errorCode, const QString& text, const KUrl& reqUrl )
  QString errorName, techName, description;
  QStringList causes, solutions;

  QByteArray raw = KIO::rawErrorDetail( errorCode, text, &reqUrl );
  QDataStream stream(raw);

  stream >> errorName >> techName >> description >> causes >> solutions;

  QString url, protocol, datetime;
  url = Qt::escape( reqUrl.prettyUrl() );
  protocol = reqUrl.protocol();
  datetime = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),
                                                KLocale::LongDate );

  QString filename( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "khtml/error.html" ) );
  QFile file( filename );
  bool isOpened = file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
  if ( !isOpened )
    kWarning(6050) << "Could not open error html template:" << filename;

  QString html = QString( QLatin1String( file.readAll() ) );

  html.replace( QLatin1String( "TITLE" ), i18n( "Error: %1 - %2", errorName, url ) );
  html.replace( QLatin1String( "DIRECTION" ), QApplication::isRightToLeft() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
  KUrl iconUrl(KIconLoader::global()->iconPath( "dialog-warning", -KIconLoader::SizeHuge ));
  html.replace( QLatin1String( "ICON_PATH" ), iconUrl.url());

  QString doc = QLatin1String( "<h1>" );
  doc += i18n( "The requested operation could not be completed" );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</h1><h2>" );
  doc += errorName;
  doc += QLatin1String( "</h2>" );
  if ( !techName.isNull() ) {
    doc += QLatin1String( "<h2>" );
    doc += i18n( "Technical Reason: " );
    doc += techName;
    doc += QLatin1String( "</h2>" );
  doc += QLatin1String( "<h3>" );
  doc += i18n( "Details of the Request:" );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</h3><ul><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "URL: %1" ,  url );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</li><li>" );
  if ( !protocol.isNull() ) {
    doc += i18n( "Protocol: %1", protocol );
    doc += QLatin1String( "</li><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "Date and Time: %1" ,  datetime );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</li><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "Additional Information: %1" ,  text );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</li></ul><h3>" );
  doc += i18n( "Description:" );
  doc += QLatin1String( "</h3><p>" );
  doc += description;
  doc += QLatin1String( "</p>" );
  if ( causes.count() ) {
    doc += QLatin1String( "<h3>" );
    doc += i18n( "Possible Causes:" );
    doc += QLatin1String( "</h3><ul><li>" );
    doc += causes.join( "</li><li>" );
    doc += QLatin1String( "</li></ul>" );
  if ( solutions.count() ) {
    doc += QLatin1String( "<h3>" );
    doc += i18n( "Possible Solutions:" );
    doc += QLatin1String( "</h3><ul><li>" );
    doc += solutions.join( "</li><li>" );
    doc += QLatin1String( "</li></ul>" );

  html.replace( QLatin1String("TEXT"), doc );
  return html;