Ejemplo n.º 1
void GuiLanguage::LoadLanguage(std::ostream & error)
	init_locale("vdrift", m_lang_id.c_str());

	const std::string to = "CP" + GetCodePageId(m_lang_id);
	if (m_iconv != iconv_t(-1))
	m_iconv = iconv_open(to.c_str(), "UTF-8");
	if (m_iconv == iconv_t(-1))
		error << "Failed code conversion: UTF-8 to " << to << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned short MultiByteToWideChar(unsigned long code_page, unsigned long,
		const char * source, size_t src_count,
		unsigned short * dest, size_t dst_count)
	if (!dest)	// An error condition is indicated by 0
		return 0;

	if (src_count == size_t(-1))     // When passed -1 it should find the
	src_count = strlen(source);  // length of the source it's self

	if (dst_count == 0)		// We cannot find the completed size so esitmate it.
	return src_count*3;

	std::ostringstream oss; oss << "CP" << code_page;
	iconv_t cdesc = iconv_open("UCS-2", oss.str().c_str()); // tocode, fromcode

	if (cdesc == iconv_t(-1))
	std::cerr << program_invocation_short_name
				  << ": iconv_open(\"UCS-2\", \"" << oss.str() << "\"): "
				  << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

	char *dst_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(dest);
	ICONV_CONST char *src_ptr = const_cast<char *>(source);
	dst_count *= sizeof(unsigned short);
	const size_t dst_size = dst_count;

	iconv(cdesc, &src_ptr, &src_count, &dst_ptr, &dst_count);

	return dst_size - dst_count;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    static _Iconv<srcT,dstT> *create(const char *to,const char *from) { /* factory function */
        if (sizeof(dstT) == sizeof(char) && sizeof(srcT) == sizeof(char)) {
            iconv_t ctx = iconv_open(to,from);
            if (ctx != iconv_t(-1)) return new(std::nothrow) _Iconv<srcT,dstT>(ctx);

        return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 Bytes *Bytes::transcode(const char* source, const char* target) {
     if (this->len == 0) {
         return new Bytes();
     if ((source == target) || strcasecmp(source, target) == 0) {
         return new Bytes(this);
     iconv_t converter;
     converter = iconv_open(source, target);
     if (converter == iconv_t(-1)) {
         throw "Unsupported charset";
     size_t size = this->len;
     uint8_t *newBytes = (uint8_t*)malloc(size);
     size_t inBytesLeft = this->len;
     size_t outBytesLeft = size;
     char *inBuf = (char *)this->bytes;
     char *outBuf = (char *)newBytes;
     size_t result = 0;
     do {
         result = iconv(converter, &inBuf, &inBytesLeft, &outBuf, &outBytesLeft);
         if (result == (size_t)(-1)) {
             switch (errno) {
                 case EILSEQ:
                     CLEANUP_CONVERSION(newBytes, converter, 
                     "Transcoding stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset.")
                 case EINVAL:
                     CLEANUP_CONVERSION(newBytes, converter, 
                     "Transcoding stopped due to an incomplete character or shift sequence at the end of the input buffer.")
                 case E2BIG: {
                     size_t newSize = size + (this->len)/4;
                     uint8_t *newerBytes = (uint8_t*)realloc(newBytes, newSize);
                     if (newerBytes == NULL) {
                         CLEANUP_CONVERSION(newBytes, converter, 
                         "Could not allocate enough memory to perform transcoding")
                     outBuf = (char*)newerBytes + (outBuf - (char*)newBytes);
                     newBytes = newerBytes;
                     outBytesLeft += newSize - size;
                     size = newSize;
                 } break;
                     CLEANUP_CONVERSION(newBytes, converter, "Conversion failed")
     } while (result == -1);
     size_t len = outBuf - (char *)newBytes;
     Bytes * bs = new Bytes(len, newBytes);
     return bs;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static _Iconv<srcT,dstT> *create(const char *nw) { /* factory function, wide to char, or char to wide */
        if (sizeof(dstT) == sizeof(char) && sizeof(srcT) > sizeof(char)) {
            const char *wchar_encoding = _get_wchar_encoding<srcT>();
            if (wchar_encoding == NULL) return NULL;

            iconv_t ctx = iconv_open(/*TO*/nw,/*FROM*/wchar_encoding); /* from wchar to codepage nw */
            if (ctx != iconv_t(-1)) return new(std::nothrow) _Iconv<srcT,dstT>(ctx);
        else if (sizeof(dstT) > sizeof(char) && sizeof(srcT) == sizeof(char)) {
            const char *wchar_encoding = _get_wchar_encoding<dstT>();
            if (wchar_encoding == NULL) return NULL;

            iconv_t ctx = iconv_open(/*TO*/wchar_encoding,/*FROM*/nw); /* from codepage new to wchar */
            if (ctx != iconv_t(-1)) return new(std::nothrow) _Iconv<srcT,dstT>(ctx);

        return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CharsetConv::workwith(const char *from, const char *to)

	if ((cd_ = iconv_open(to, from)) == iconv_t(-1))
		g_critical("Can not convert from %s to %s: %s\n",
			      from, to, strerror(errno));
#ifdef DEBUG
	StdErr.printf("CharsetConv::workwith: %s to %s\n", from ,to);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static iconv_t sIconvOpenEncoder(const string& iDestName)
	iconv_t result;
	if (ZCONFIG(Endian, Big))
		result = ::iconv_open(iDestName.c_str(), "UTF-32BE");
		result = ::iconv_open(iDestName.c_str(), "UTF-32LE");	

	if (result == iconv_t(-1))
		return 0;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static iconv_t sIconvOpenDecoder(const string& iSourceName)
	iconv_t result;
	if (ZCONFIG(Endian, Big))
		result = ::iconv_open("UTF-32BE", iSourceName.c_str());
		result = ::iconv_open("UTF-32LE", iSourceName.c_str());	

	if (result == iconv_t(-1))
		return 0;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
std::string escape_json(std::string const& input)
	if (input.empty()) return "";

	std::vector<boost::uint32_t> wide;
	static iconv_t iconv_handle = iconv_open("UTF-32", "UTF-8");
	if (iconv_handle == iconv_t(-1)) return "(iconv error)";

	size_t insize = input.size();
	size_t outsize = insize * sizeof(boost::uint32_t);
	char const* in = input.c_str();
	char* out = (char*)&wide[0];
	size_t retval = iconv(iconv_handle, (char**)&in, &insize
		, &out, &outsize);
	if (retval == (size_t)-1) return "(iconv error)";
	if (insize != 0) return "(iconv error)";
	if (outsize > input.size() * 4) return "(iconv error)";
	TORRENT_ASSERT(wide.size() >= outsize);
	wide.resize(wide.size() - outsize / sizeof(boost::uint32_t));

	std::string ret;
	for (std::vector<boost::uint32_t>::const_iterator s = wide.begin(); s != wide.end(); ++s)
		if (*s > 0x1f && *s < 0x80 && *s != '"' && *s != '\\')
			ret += *s;
			ret += '\\';
				case '"': ret += '"'; break;
				case '\\': ret += '\\'; break;
				case '\n': ret += 'n'; break;
				case '\r': ret += 'r'; break;
				case '\t': ret += 't'; break;
				case '\b': ret += 'b'; break;
				case '\f': ret += 'f'; break;
					char buf[20];
					snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "u%04x", boost::uint16_t(*s));
					ret += buf;
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 10
const std::string & GuiLanguage::operator()(const std::string & str) const
	if (m_iconv == iconv_t(-1))
		return str;

	static std::string temp; // ugh
	char * tstr = gettext(str.c_str());
	char * cstr = convert(m_iconv, tstr);
	if (cstr)
		return temp;
	return str;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	// 编码转换
	bool Convert_String(char* in, size_t inlen, char* out, size_t outlen, const std::string &to_encoding, const std::string &from_encoding)
		iconv_t h = iconv_open(to_encoding.c_str(), from_encoding.c_str());
		if (iconv_t(-1) == h) return false;

		XH_GUARD([&]{ iconv_close(h); });

#if defined _PLATFORM_WINDOWS_
		if (size_t(-1) == iconv(h, (const char**)&in, &inlen, &out, &outlen))
#elif defined _PLATFORM_LINUX_
		if (size_t(-1) == iconv(h, &in, &inlen, &out, &outlen))
			return false;

		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool CharsetConv::convert(const char *str, std::string::size_type len,
			  std::string& res) const
	res = "";
	if (cd_ == iconv_t(-1)) {
		g_critical("Can not convert from one encoding to another:"
			    " wrong iconv descriptor\n");
		return false;

	size_t err;

	const char *p = str;
	size_t inbytesleft = len;
	size_t outbytesleft = res.length();
//TODO: res may be not contiguous
	char *outp = &res[0];
	err = iconv(cd_,
//this need because win32 version of iconv and from glibc is different
		    &inbytesleft, &outp, &outbytesleft);
	if (err == size_t(-1)) {
		if (errno == E2BIG) {
			size_t used = outp - &(res[0]);
			res.resize(res.length() * 2);
			outp = &res[0] + used;
			outbytesleft = res.length() - used;
			goto again;
		} else {
			g_critical("Can not convert from one encoding to another: %s\n",
			return false;

	res.resize(outp - &res[0]);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
	uint32_t utf82ucsle(const char* _pUTF8, uint32_t _nDataLen, char* _pUnicode, uint32_t _nBufferSize)
		// utf8转unicode内码大小极端情况下内存占用是原来的2倍
		assert(_nDataLen*2 <= _nBufferSize);
		uint32_t char_count = 0;
		iconv_t conv = iconv_open("UCS-2LE", "UTF-8");
		uint32_t origSize = _nBufferSize;
		if(conv == iconv_t(-1))
			return 0;
		int32_t error = 0;
		error = iconv(conv,const_cast<char**>(&_pUTF8),&_nDataLen,&_pUnicode,&_nBufferSize);

		if(error == -1)
			return 0;
		char_count =  (origSize - _nBufferSize) / sizeof(uint16_t);
		return char_count;
Ejemplo n.º 14
std::string StringUtil::ConvertStringFromWString(const std::wstring& wstr)
	if (wstr.empty()) return std::string();
#ifdef _WIN32
	int size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr.c_str(), (int)wstr.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);

	std::string str(size, 0);

	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wstr[0], (int)wstr.size(), &str[0], size, NULL, NULL);

	iconv_t ic = iconv_open("SHIFT_JIS", "UCS-4LE");
	if (ic == iconv_t(-1))
		// エラー
		return std::string();

	char* in_buf = (char*)wstr.data();
	size_t in_size = wstr.size() * 4;
	size_t out_size = in_size;
	size_t size = out_size;

	std::string str(out_size, 0);

	char* out_buf = (char*)str.data();

	iconv(ic, &in_buf, &in_size, &out_buf, &out_size);

	str.resize(size - out_size);



	return str;
Ejemplo n.º 15
std::wstring StringUtil::ConvertWStringFromString(const std::string& str)
	if (str.empty()) return std::wstring();
#ifdef _WIN32

	int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, str.c_str(), (int)str.size(), NULL, 0);

	std::wstring wstr(size, 0);

	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &str[0], (int)str.size(), &wstr[0], size);
	iconv_t ic = iconv_open("UCS-4LE", "SHIFT_JIS");
	if (ic == iconv_t(-1))
		// エラー

		return std::wstring();

	char* in_buf = (char*)str.data();
	size_t in_size = str.size();
	size_t out_size = in_size * 4;
	size_t size = out_size;

	std::wstring wstr(out_size, 0);

	char* out_buf = (char*)wstr.data();

	iconv(ic, &in_buf, &in_size, &out_buf, &out_size);
	wstr.resize((size - out_size) / 4);


	return wstr;
Ejemplo n.º 16
std::string digidoc::util::String::convertUTF8(const std::string& str_in, bool to_UTF)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
    return str_in;
    std::string charset("ISO8859-1");
    const char *env_lang = getenv("LANG");
    if(env_lang && strcmp(env_lang, "C") != 0)
        charset = env_lang;
        size_t locale_start = charset.rfind(".");
        if(locale_start != std::string::npos)
            charset = charset.substr(locale_start+1);

    // no conversion needed for UTF-8
    if((charset.compare("UTF-8") == 0) || (charset.compare("utf-8") == 0))
        return str_in;

    iconv_t ic_descr = iconv_t(-1);
        ic_descr = to_UTF ? iconv_open("UTF-8", charset.c_str()) : iconv_open(charset.c_str(), "UTF-8");
    catch(std::exception &) {}

    if( ic_descr == iconv_t(-1))
        INFO("Could not get the iconv descriptor for converting to/from charset %s, "
             "continuing without conversion.", charset.c_str());
        return str_in; 

    ICONV_CONST char* inptr = (ICONV_CONST char*)str_in.c_str();
    size_t inleft = str_in.size();

    std::string out;
    char outbuf[64];
    char* outptr;
    size_t outleft;

    while(inleft > 0)
        outbuf[0] = '\0';
        outptr = (char *)outbuf;
        outleft = sizeof(outbuf) - sizeof(outbuf[0]);

        size_t result = iconv(ic_descr, &inptr, &inleft, &outptr, &outleft);
        if(result == size_t(-1))
            case E2BIG: break;
            case EILSEQ:
            case EINVAL:
                return str_in;
        *outptr = '\0';
        out += outbuf;

    return out;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Helper method for converting from non-UTF-8 encoded strings to UTF-8.
 * Supported LANG values for Linux: see /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED.
 * Supported encodings for libiconv: see iconv --list .
 * Note! If non-ASCII characters are used we assume a proper LANG value!!!
 * @param str_in The string to be converted.
 * @return Returns the input string in UTF-8.
std::string digidoc::util::File::convertUTF8(const std::string &str_in, bool to_UTF)
    std::string charset("C");
    char *env_lang = getenv("LANG");
    if(env_lang && charset.compare(env_lang) != 0)
        charset = env_lang;
        size_t locale_start = charset.rfind(".");
        if(locale_start != std::string::npos)
            charset = charset.substr(locale_start+1);

    // no conversion needed for UTF-8
    if((charset.compare("UTF-8") == 0) || (charset.compare("utf-8") == 0))
        return str_in;

    iconv_t ic_descr = iconv_t(-1);
        ic_descr = to_UTF ? iconv_open("UTF-8", charset.c_str()) : iconv_open(charset.c_str(), "UTF-8");
    catch(std::exception &) {}

    if( ic_descr == iconv_t(-1))
        return str_in;

    ICONV_CONST char* inptr = (ICONV_CONST char*)str_in.c_str();
    size_t inleft = str_in.size();

    std::string out;
    char outbuf[64];
    char* outptr;
    size_t outleft;

    while(inleft > 0)
        outbuf[0] = '\0';
        outptr = (char *)outbuf;
        outleft = sizeof(outbuf) - sizeof(outbuf[0]);

        size_t result = iconv(ic_descr, &inptr, &inleft, &outptr, &outleft);
        if(result == size_t(-1))
            case E2BIG: break;
            case EILSEQ:
            case EINVAL:
                return str_in;
        *outptr = '\0';
        out += outbuf;

    return out;
Ejemplo n.º 18
iconv_t iconv_open(__const char *__tocode, __const char *__fromcode)
    return iconv_t(-1);
Ejemplo n.º 19
	if (m_iconv != iconv_t(-1))
Ejemplo n.º 20
GuiLanguage::GuiLanguage() :
	// ctor
Ejemplo n.º 21
OSStatus FSGetCatalogInfo(const FSRef* ref, uint32_t infoBits, FSCatalogInfo* infoOut, HFSUniStr255* nameOut, FSSpecPtr fsspec, FSRef* parentDir)
	std::string path;

	if (!FSRefMakePath(ref, path))
		return fnfErr;

	if (nameOut)
		iconv_t ic = iconv_open("UTF-16", "UTF-8");
		size_t s;
		const char* inbuf = path.c_str();
		char* outbuf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(nameOut->unicode);
		size_t inbytesleft = path.size(), outbytesleft = sizeof(nameOut->unicode);

		if (ic == iconv_t(-1))
			return -1;

		memset(nameOut->unicode, 0, outbytesleft);
		s = iconv(ic, (char**) &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf, &outbytesleft);

		if (s == size_t(-1))
			return -1;

	if (parentDir)
		memcpy(parentDir, ref, sizeof(FSRef));
		ino_t* last = std::find(parentDir->inodes, parentDir->inodes+FSRef_MAX_DEPTH, 0);

		if (last != parentDir->inodes)
			*(last-1) = 0;

	if (infoOut && infoBits != kFSCatInfoNone)
		struct stat st;

		memset(infoOut, 0, sizeof(*infoOut));

		if (::stat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0)
			return makeOSStatus(errno);

		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoNodeFlags)
			if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
				infoOut->nodeFlags = 4;
		if (infoBits & (kFSCatInfoParentDirID|kFSCatInfoNodeID))
			if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoNodeID)
				infoOut->nodeID = ref->inodes[0];
			for (int i = FSRef_MAX_DEPTH-1; i > 0; i--)
				if (ref->inodes[i] == 0)
				if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoParentDirID)
					infoOut->parentDirID = ref->inodes[i-1];
				if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoNodeID)
					infoOut->nodeID = ref->inodes[i];

		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoDataSizes)
			infoOut->dataLogicalSize = st.st_size;
			infoOut->dataPhysicalSize = st.st_blocks*512;
		int uaccess;
		if (st.st_uid == getuid())
			uaccess = st.st_mode & 0700;
		else if (hasgid(st.st_gid))
			uaccess = st.st_mode & 070;
			uaccess = st.st_mode & 07;

		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoPermissions)
			const uid_t uid = getuid();

			infoOut->fsPermissionInfo.userID = st.st_uid;
			infoOut->fsPermissionInfo.groupID = st.st_gid;
			infoOut->fsPermissionInfo.mode = st.st_mode & 07777;
			infoOut->fsPermissionInfo.userAccess = uaccess;

		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoUserPrivs)
			if (!(uaccess & 2))
				infoOut->userPrivileges |= 0x4; // kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask
			if (getuid() != st.st_uid)
				infoOut->userPrivileges |= 0x80; // kioACUserNotOwnerMask
		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoCreateDate)
			infoOut->createDate = Darling::time_tToUTC(st.st_ctime);
		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoContentMod)
			infoOut->attributeModDate = infoOut->contentModDate = Darling::time_tToUTC(st.st_mtime);
		if (infoBits & kFSCatInfoAccessDate)
			infoOut->accessDate = Darling::time_tToUTC(st.st_atime);

	return noErr;