Ejemplo n.º 1
MumpsParallelSOE::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  ID idData(2);
  int res = theChannel.recvID(0, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr <<"WARNING MumpsParallelSOE::recvSelf() - failed to send data\n";
    return -1;
  processID = idData(0);
  matType = idData(1);

  numChannels = 1;
  theChannels = new Channel *[1];
  theChannels[0] = &theChannel;

  localCol = new ID *[numChannels];
  for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
    localCol[i] = 0;

  MumpsParallelSolver *theSolvr = new MumpsParallelSolver();
  if (theSolvr->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
    opserr <<"WARNING MumpsParallelSOE::sendSelf() - failed to recv solver\n";
    return -1;

  return 0;
DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  ID idData(1);
  int res = theChannel.recvID(0, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr <<"WARNING DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::recvSelf() - failed to send data\n";
    return -1;
  processID = idData(0);

  numChannels = 1;
  theChannels = new Channel *[1];
  theChannels[0] = &theChannel;

  localCol = new ID *[numChannels];
  for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
    localCol[i] = 0;
  opserr << "DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::recvSelf() - DONE\n";

  DistributedSuperLU *theSolvr = new DistributedSuperLU();

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int XC::ParallelNumberer::recvSelf(const CommParameters &cp)
    ID idData(1);
    int res= cp.receiveID(idData,DistributedObj::getDbTagData(),CommMetaData(0));
    if(res < 0)
        std::cerr <<"WARNING XC::Parallel::recvSelf() - failed to send data\n";
        return -1;
    processID= idData(0);

    theChannels[0]= const_cast<Channel *>(cp.getChannel());
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int XC::ParallelNumberer::sendSelf(CommParameters &cp)
    int sendID =0;

    // if P0 check if already sent. If already sent use old processID; if not allocate a new_ process 
    // id for remote part of object, enlarge channel * to hold a channel * for this remote object.

    // if not P0, send current processID

    if(processID == 0)
        // check if already using this object
        bool found= buscaCanal(cp,sendID);

        // if new_ object, enlarge channel pointers to hold new_ channel * & allocate new_ ID
        if(found == false)
            // allocate new_ processID for remote object
            sendID= theChannels.size();
      sendID= processID;

    // send remotes processID
    ID idData(1);
    idData(0)= sendID;
    int res= cp.sendID(idData,DistributedObj::getDbTagData(),CommMetaData(0));
    if(res < 0)
        std::cerr <<"WARNING XC::DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::sendSelf() - failed to send data\n";
        return -1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RPeninputServerImpl::SetForeground
// Set current session to be foreground application session
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool RPeninputServerImpl::SetForeground(TBool aMustConnectFlag)
 //   if(iIsForegroundSession)
 //       return ETrue;
    TInt curAppId;
    TRAP_IGNORE( curAppId = GetAppUidByWndGroupIdL(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession(),
    TIpcArgs arg;        
    TPckgC<TInt> idData(curAppId);

    TPckgC<TBool> flagMsg(aMustConnectFlag);    
    TPckg<TInt> retMsg(iIsForegroundSession);
    return iIsForegroundSession;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// responsible for allocating the necessary space needed
// by each object and storing the tags of the end nodes.
EETrussCorot::EETrussCorot(int tag, int dim, int Nd1, int Nd2,
    int port, char *machineInetAddr, int ssl, int udp,
    int dataSize, bool iM, int addRay, double r)
    : ExperimentalElement(tag, ELE_TAG_EETrussCorot),
    numDIM(dim), numDOF(0), connectedExternalNodes(2),
    iMod(iM), addRayleigh(addRay), rho(r), L(0.0), Ln(0.0), R(3,3),
    theMatrix(0), theVector(0), theLoad(0),
    theChannel(0), sData(0), sendData(0), rData(0), recvData(0),
    db(0), vb(0), ab(0), t(0),
    dbDaq(0), vbDaq(0), abDaq(0), qDaq(0), tDaq(0),
    dbCtrl(1), vbCtrl(1), abCtrl(1),
    kbInit(1,1), tLast(0.0), firstWarning(true)
    // ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
    if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 2)  {
        opserr << "EETrussCorot::EETrussCorot() - element: "
            <<  tag << " failed to create an ID of size 2\n";
    connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
    connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2;
    // set node pointers to NULL
    theNodes[0] = 0;
    theNodes[1] = 0;
    // setup the connection
    if (ssl)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, machineInetAddr);
    else if (udp)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    else  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    if (!theChannel)  {
        opserr << "EETrussCorot::EETrussCorot() "
            << "- failed to create channel\n";
    if (theChannel->setUpConnection() != 0)  {
        opserr << "EETrussCorot::EETrussCorot() "
            << "- failed to setup connection\n";
    delete [] machineInetAddr;
    // set the data size for the experimental site
    int intData[2*OF_Resp_All+1];
    ID idData(intData, 2*OF_Resp_All+1);
    sizeCtrl = new ID(intData, OF_Resp_All);
    sizeDaq = new ID(&intData[OF_Resp_All], OF_Resp_All);
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Disp]  = 1;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Vel]   = 1;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Accel] = 1;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Time]  = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Disp]   = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Vel]    = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Accel]  = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Force]  = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Time]   = 1;
    if (dataSize < 5) dataSize = 5;
    intData[2*OF_Resp_All] = dataSize;
    theChannel->sendID(0, 0, idData, 0);
    // allocate memory for the send vectors
    int id = 1;
    sData = new double [dataSize];
    sendData = new Vector(sData, dataSize);
    db = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    vb = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    ab = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    t = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    // allocate memory for the receive vectors
    id = 0;
    rData = new double [dataSize];
    recvData = new Vector(rData, dataSize);
    dbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    vbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    abDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    qDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    id += 1;
    tDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    // initialize additional vectors
DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::sendSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel)
  int sendID =0;
  // if P0 check if already sent. If already sent use old processID; if not allocate a new process 
  // id for remote part of object, enlarge channel * to hold a channel * for this remote object.

  // if not P0, send current processID

  if (processID == 0) {

    // check if already using this object
    bool found = false;
    for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
      if (theChannels[i] == &theChannel) {
	sendID = i+1;
	found = true;

    // if new object, enlarge Channel pointers to hold new channel * & allocate new ID
    if (found == false) {
      int nextNumChannels = numChannels + 1;
      Channel **nextChannels = new Channel *[nextNumChannels];
      if (nextNumChannels == 0) {
	opserr << "DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::sendSelf() - failed to allocate channel array of size: " << 
	  nextNumChannels << endln;
	return -1;
      for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
	nextChannels[i] = theChannels[i];
      nextChannels[numChannels] = &theChannel;
      numChannels = nextNumChannels;
      if (theChannels != 0)
	delete [] theChannels;
      theChannels = nextChannels;
      if (localCol != 0)
	delete [] localCol;
      localCol = new ID *[numChannels];
      if (localCol == 0) {
	opserr << "DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::sendSelf() - failed to allocate id array of size: " << 
	  nextNumChannels << endln;
	return -1;
      for (int i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
	localCol[i] = 0;    

      // allocate new processID for remote object
      sendID = numChannels;

  } else 
    sendID = processID;

  // send remotes processID
  ID idData(1);
  idData(0) = sendID;
  int res = theChannel.sendID(0, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr <<"WARNING DistributedSparseGenColLinSOE::sendSelf() - failed to send data\n";
    return -1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int GenericClient::setupConnection()
    // setup the connection
    if (udp)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
#ifdef SSL
    else if (ssl)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, machineInetAddr);
    else  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    if (!theChannel)  {
        opserr << "GenericClient::setupConnection() "
            << "- failed to create channel\n";
        return -1;
    if (theChannel->setUpConnection() != 0)  {
        opserr << "GenericClient::setupConnection() "
            << "- failed to setup connection\n";
        return -2;
    // set the data size for the experimental element
    ID idData(2*5+1);
    idData(0) = numBasicDOF;  // sizeCtrl->disp
    idData(1) = numBasicDOF;  // sizeCtrl->vel
    idData(2) = numBasicDOF;  // sizeCtrl->accel
    idData(4) = 1;            // sizeCtrl->time
    idData(8) = numBasicDOF;  // sizeDaq->force
    if (dataSize < 1+3*numBasicDOF+1) dataSize = 1+3*numBasicDOF+1;
    if (dataSize < numBasicDOF*numBasicDOF) dataSize = numBasicDOF*numBasicDOF;
    idData(10) = dataSize;
    theChannel->sendID(0, 0, idData, 0);
    // allocate memory for the send vectors
    int id = 1;
    sData = new double [dataSize];
    sendData = new Vector(sData, dataSize);
    db = new Vector(&sData[id], numBasicDOF);
    id += numBasicDOF;
    vb = new Vector(&sData[id], numBasicDOF);
    id += numBasicDOF;
    ab = new Vector(&sData[id], numBasicDOF);
    id += numBasicDOF;
    t = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    // allocate memory for the receive vectors
    id = 0;
    rData = new double [dataSize];
    recvData = new Vector(rData, dataSize);
    qDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], numBasicDOF);
    // allocate memory for the receive matrix
    rMatrix = new Matrix(rData, numBasicDOF, numBasicDOF);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// responsible for allocating the necessary space needed
// by each object and storing the tags of the end nodes.
EEBeamColumn2d::EEBeamColumn2d(int tag, int Nd1, int Nd2,
                               CrdTransf &coordTransf,
                               int port, char *machineInetAddr, int ssl, int udp,
                               int dataSize, bool iM, int addRay, double r)
    : ExperimentalElement(tag, ELE_TAG_EEBeamColumn2d),
      connectedExternalNodes(2), theCoordTransf(0),
      iMod(iM), addRayleigh(addRay), rho(r), L(0.0), theLoad(6),
      theChannel(0), sData(0), sendData(0), rData(0), recvData(0),
      db(0), vb(0), ab(0), t(0),
      dbDaq(0), vbDaq(0), abDaq(0), qDaq(0), tDaq(0),
      dbCtrl(3), vbCtrl(3), abCtrl(3),
      kbInit(3,3), tLast(0.0), firstWarning(true)
    // ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
    if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 2)  {
        opserr << "EEBeamColumn2d::EEBeamColumn2d() - element: "
               <<  tag << " failed to create an ID of size 2\n";

    connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
    connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2;

    // set node pointers to NULL
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++)
        theNodes[i] = 0;

    // setup the connection
    if (ssl)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, machineInetAddr);
    else if (udp)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    else  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    if (!theChannel)  {
        opserr << "EEBeamColumn2d::EEBeamColumn2d() "
               << "- failed to create channel\n";
    if (theChannel->setUpConnection() != 0)  {
        opserr << "EEBeamColumn2d::EEBeamColumn2d() "
               << "- failed to setup connection\n";
    delete [] machineInetAddr;

    // set the data size for the experimental site
    int intData[2*OF_Resp_All+1];
    ID idData(intData, 2*OF_Resp_All+1);
    sizeCtrl = new ID(intData, OF_Resp_All);
    sizeDaq = new ID(&intData[OF_Resp_All], OF_Resp_All);

    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Disp]  = 3;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Vel]   = 3;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Accel] = 3;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Time]  = 1;

    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Disp]   = 3;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Vel]    = 3;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Accel]  = 3;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Force]  = 3;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Time]   = 1;

    if (dataSize < 13) dataSize = 13;
    intData[2*OF_Resp_All] = dataSize;

    theChannel->sendID(0, 0, idData, 0);

    // allocate memory for the send vectors
    int id = 1;
    sData = new double [dataSize];
    sendData = new Vector(sData, dataSize);
    db = new Vector(&sData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    vb = new Vector(&sData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    ab = new Vector(&sData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    t = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);

    // allocate memory for the receive vectors
    id = 0;
    rData = new double [dataSize];
    recvData = new Vector(rData, dataSize);
    dbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    vbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    abDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    qDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 3);
    id += 3;
    tDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);

    // set the initial stiffness matrix size

    // get a copy of the coordinate transformation
    theCoordTransf = coordTransf.getCopy2d();
    if (!theCoordTransf)  {
        opserr << "EEBeamColumn2d::EEBeamColumn2d() - "
               << "failed to get copy of the coordinate transformation\n";

    // initialize additional vectors
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)  {
        qA0[i] = 0.0;
        pA0[i] = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
// responsible for allocating the necessary space needed
// by each object and storing the tags of the end nodes.
EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d(int tag, int Nd1, int Nd2,
    int pfc, UniaxialMaterial **materials,
    int port, char *machineInetAddr, int ssl, int udp, int dataSize,
    const Vector _y, const Vector _x,
    const Vector Mr, double sdI, bool iM, int addRay, double m)
    : ExperimentalElement(tag, ELE_TAG_EEBearing3d),
    connectedExternalNodes(2), pFrcCtrl(pfc), x(_x), y(_y), Mratio(Mr),
    shearDistI(sdI), iMod(iM), addRayleigh(addRay), mass(m), L(0.0),
    theChannel(0), sData(0), sendData(0), rData(0), recvData(0),
    db(0), vb(0), ab(0), qb(0), t(0),
    dbDaq(0), vbDaq(0), abDaq(0), qbDaq(0), tDaq(0),
    dbCtrl(6), vbCtrl(6), abCtrl(6),
    dl(12), Tgl(12,12), Tlb(6,12), kbInit(6,6), tLast(0.0),
    theLoad(12), firstWarning(true), onP0(true)
    // ensure the connectedExternalNode ID is of correct size & set values
    if (connectedExternalNodes.Size() != 2)  {
        opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() - element: "
            << this->getTag() << " failed to create an ID of size 2.\n";
    connectedExternalNodes(0) = Nd1;
    connectedExternalNodes(1) = Nd2;
    // set node pointers to NULL
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
        theNodes[i] = 0;
     // check material input
    if (materials == 0)  {
        opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() - "
            << "null material array passed.\n";
    // get copies of the uniaxial materials
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++)  {
        if (materials[i] == 0) {
            opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() - "
                "null uniaxial material pointer passed.\n";
        theMaterials[i] = materials[i]->getCopy();
        if (theMaterials[i] == 0) {
            opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() - "
                << "failed to copy uniaxial material.\n";
    // check p-delta moment distribution ratios
    if (Mratio.Size() == 4)  {
        if (Mratio(0)+Mratio(1) > 1.0)  {
            opserr << "EETwoNodeLink::EETwoNodeLink() - "
                << "incorrect p-delta moment ratios:\nrMy1 + rMy2 = "
                << Mratio(0)+Mratio(1) << " > 1.0\n";
        if (Mratio(2)+Mratio(3) > 1.0)  {
            opserr << "EETwoNodeLink::EETwoNodeLink() - "
                << "incorrect p-delta moment ratios:\nrMz1 + rMz2 = "
                << Mratio(2)+Mratio(3) << " > 1.0\n";
    // setup the connection
    if (ssl)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_SocketSSL(port, machineInetAddr);
    else if (udp)  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new UDP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    else  {
        if (machineInetAddr == 0)
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, "");
            theChannel = new TCP_Socket(port, machineInetAddr);
    if (!theChannel)  {
        opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() "
            << "- failed to create channel.\n";
    if (theChannel->setUpConnection() != 0)  {
        opserr << "EEBearing3d::EEBearing3d() "
            << "- failed to setup connection.\n";
    delete [] machineInetAddr;
    // set the data size for the experimental site
    int numDir = 6;
    int intData[2*OF_Resp_All+1];
    ID idData(intData, 2*OF_Resp_All+1);
    sizeCtrl = new ID(intData, OF_Resp_All);
    sizeDaq = new ID(&intData[OF_Resp_All], OF_Resp_All);
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Disp]  = numDir;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Vel]   = numDir;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Accel] = numDir;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Force] = numDir*pFrcCtrl;
    (*sizeCtrl)[OF_Resp_Time]  = 1;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Disp]   = numDir;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Vel]    = numDir;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Accel]  = numDir;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Force]  = numDir;
    (*sizeDaq)[OF_Resp_Time]   = 1;
    if (dataSize < 4*numDir+1) dataSize = 4*numDir+1;
    intData[2*OF_Resp_All] = dataSize;
    theChannel->sendID(0, 0, idData, 0);
    // allocate memory for the send vectors
    int id = 1;
    sData = new double [dataSize];
    sendData = new Vector(sData, dataSize);
    db = new Vector(&sData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    vb = new Vector(&sData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    ab = new Vector(&sData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    qb = new Vector(&sData[id], numDir*pFrcCtrl);
    id += numDir*pFrcCtrl;
    t = new Vector(&sData[id], 1);
    // allocate memory for the receive vectors
    id = 0;
    rData = new double [dataSize];
    recvData = new Vector(rData, dataSize);
    dbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    vbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    abDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    qbDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], numDir);
    id += numDir;
    tDaq = new Vector(&rData[id], 1);
    // initialize additional vectors