Ejemplo n.º 1
void processQueryFile(AlignmentArgs_t * AAs)

//     Open files, and initialize structures
//     The compressed genome and index structures are read only and shared amonst threads via AAs.

    // Open the query file.

    // Open the genome file.
    char *gfilePtr;
    FSIZE gfileSize;
    FDES gfp = openForRead(AAs->gfileName, &gfileSize, &gfilePtr, TRUE);

    // Read in the .nib2 file header.
    BaseSequences_t * BSs = loadBaseSequences(gfilePtr);
    if (AAs->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Read in %d reference sequences from %s.\n", BSs->curCount, AAs->gfileName);
    AAs->BSs = BSs;
    AAs->basePtr = BSs->basePtr;
    AAs->maxROff = baseSequencesMaxROff(BSs);

    // Open the output alignment file.
    // We have no idea how much output we will generate.
    // It will be all written sequentially.
    // So, no fancy memory mapped IO for this output.
    // Just do formatted ouput.
    AAs->outFile = openForPrint(AAs->ofileName);

    if (AAs->queryStats)
        AAs->qsFile = openForPrint(AAs->qsfileName);

    // Some of the file formats have headers.

    // Open the index file.
    // This is harder as it requires putting all pointers to various pieces back together.
    char *xfilePtr;
    FSIZE xfileSize;
    FDES xfp = openForRead(AAs->xfileName, &xfileSize, &xfilePtr, TRUE);

    // Start by getting the wordLen and totalCount from the file Header.
    UINT *xuintPtr = (UINT *)xfilePtr;
    int version = xuintPtr[0];
    if (version != CURRENT_INDEX_FILE_VERSION)
        fatalError("Index file version is out of date.\nPlease remake index file and try again.");
    AAs->wordLen = xuintPtr[1];
    int fileMaxHits = xuintPtr[2];
    if (fileMaxHits < AAs->maxHits)
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Index file made with maxHits of %d, while %d specified for this query run.\n"
                "Mimimum of two (%d) will be used.\n", fileMaxHits, AAs->maxHits, fileMaxHits);
        AAs->maxHits = fileMaxHits;
    // Now we can recalculate the hash table size.
    UINT HTsize = iexp(4, AAs->wordLen);

    // Now we will walk through the various structures, assigning pointers of right type to right spots.
    FSIZE sizeofUINT = sizeof(UINT);
    FSIZE inputSize;
    // Space for four numbers in header.
    inputSize = 4*sizeofUINT;
    FSIZE startingOffBase = inputSize;
    // Space for reference starting Offsets array.
    inputSize += sizeofUINT * (HTsize + 1);
    FSIZE referenceBase = inputSize;

    // We've calculated all the offsets, now get the pointers.
    AAs->startingOffs = (ROFF *)(xfilePtr + startingOffBase);
    AAs->ROAPtr = (ROFF *)(xfilePtr + referenceBase);

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "Number of Hash Tables entries is %u, and ROA has %u entries.\n",
            HTsize, (UINT)((xfileSize-inputSize)/sizeof(ROFF)));
    fprintf(stderr, "Hash Table sizes are as follows: offs=%zd, refs=%zd.\n", sizeof(UINT)*(HTsize + 1), xfileSize-inputSize);
    fprintf(stderr, "The index pointers are: xfilePtr=%p, sOffsPtr=%p,  and refPtr=%p\n", xfilePtr, startingOffs, refs);

    // Read in first query to get an estimate of the size of the queries in the file.
    QueryState_t * QS = makeQueryState(AAs);
    readNextQuery(AAs, QS);
    QOFF maxQueryLength = QS->maxQueryLength;

    // Create extra threads.
    // We will use the main thread as well, so only need to spawn one less than requested.
    int numthreads = AAs->numThreads - 1;
    pthread_t * threads = NULL;
    if (numthreads > 0)
        // Keep the thread count to something the machine can handle.
        int nprocs = get_nprocs();
        if (numthreads + 1 > nprocs)
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning.  Requested number of threads (%d) is greater than number of processors."
                    "  %d threads will be used.\n", AAs->numThreads, nprocs);
            numthreads = nprocs - 1;

        // Do the storage allocation for threads.
        // We allocate the thread local storage here as well to avoid malloc contention while spawning threads.
        threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(numthreads * sizeof(pthread_t));
        for (int i=0; i<numthreads; i++)
            QueryState_t * QS = makeQueryState(AAs);
            // Set in an initial value for maxQueryLength based on first query read.
            QS->maxQueryLength = maxQueryLength;
            pthread_t * thread = threads+i;
            int err = pthread_create(thread, NULL, &processQueries, QS);

            // If we fail to create the thread for any reason, bail from trying to make more.
            if (err != 0)
                fprintf(stderr, "Warning.  Thread creation resulted in error %d.  %d threads will be used.\n", err, i+1);
                numthreads = i;
                // Deallocate the unused thread local structures.

    // Now also do work in this thread.
    // This won't return until the query file is exhausted.

    // Wait for all the rest of the threads (if any) to finish.
    for (int i=0; i<numthreads; i++)
        pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
    if (threads != NULL) free(threads);

    // Free resources.
    // First close files.
    closeForRead(gfp, gfileSize, gfilePtr);
    closeForRead(xfp, xfileSize, xfilePtr);

    if (AAs->queryStats)

    // Free allocated structures.
Ejemplo n.º 2
// =============================================
/// @brief Do random printf tests - glibc vc ours
/// We use random width, an random optional precision
/// @param[in] flag: 'f' or 'F' or 'e' or 'E'
/// @param[in] longf: add 'l' to format string
/// @return void
void random_tests(int flag, char *size)
    int snum;
    int inum;
    long lnum;
    long long llnum;
    double dnum, scale;
    int width,prec;
    int exp10;
    int shift;
    int precf;
    double sign;
    int digits;
    int dotf;
    int signind;
    char *signop = "+- 0";
    char format[1024];
    char tmp[1024];


    if(drand48() >= .5)
        sign = 1.0;
        sign = -1.0;

    if(drand48() >= .5)
        precf = 1;
        precf = 0;
    if(drand48() >= .5)
        dotf = 1;
        dotf = 0;
    signind = drand48() * 3.99999;  


    // With f we limit the exponent to +/-2 ** sizeof(long long)
    if(flag == 'e' || flag == 'f' )
         * Single mantissa 24bits   base10 digits   7.22     
         *      exponent 8bits   base10 exponent 37
         * Double mantissa 53bits   base10 digits   15.95   
         *      exponent 11bits  base10 exponent 307

        // We only test exponent to +/- digits * 2 
        // If we test numbers greater then (10 ** digits) we start getting
        // roundoff/truncation errors
        // Glibc printf uses extended precision functions (ie. > double size)

        if(sizeof(double) == 8)
            digits = 16;
        else if(sizeof(double) == 4)
            digits = 7;
            fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected size of double:%d\n",(int)sizeof(double));
        width = drand48() * 2.0 * digits;
        prec = drand48() * 2.0 * digits;
        if(precf || dotf)
            snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d.%d%c", signop[signind], width, prec, flag);
            snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d%c", signop[signind], width, flag);

        exp10 = ((drand48() * 2.0) - 1.0) * (double) (digits * 2);
        scale = iexp(10.0, exp10);
        dnum = ( sign * drand48() * scale);
        tp(format, dnum);
    else    /* ASSUME integer or long arguments */
        if(strcmp(size,"short") == 0)
            width = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(short) * 8)/3.321928095;
            prec = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(short) * 8)/3.321928095;
            shift = drand48() * (double) sizeof(int) * 8;
            scale = pow(2.0, shift);
            inum = (int) ( sign * drand48() * scale);
            if(precf || dotf)
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d.%dh%c", signop[signind], width, prec, flag);
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%dh%c", signop[signind], width, flag);
            tp(format, inum);
        else if(strcmp(size,"int") == 0)
            width = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(int) * 8)/3.321928095;
            prec = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(int) * 8)/3.321928095;
            shift = drand48() * (double) sizeof(int) * 8;
            scale = pow(2.0, shift);
            inum = (int) ( sign * drand48() * scale);
            if(precf || dotf)
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d.%d%c", signop[signind], width, prec, flag);
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d%c", signop[signind], width, flag);
            tp(format, inum);
        else if(strcmp(size,"long") == 0)
            width = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(long) * 8)/3.321928095;
            prec = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(long) * 8)/3.321928095;
            shift = drand48() * (double) sizeof(long) * 8;
            scale = pow(2.0, shift);
            lnum = (long) ( sign * drand48() * scale);
            if(precf || dotf)
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d.%dl%c", signop[signind], width, prec, flag);
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%dl%c", signop[signind], width, flag);
            tp(format, lnum);
        else if(strcmp(size,"long long") == 0)
            width = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(long long) * 8)/3.321928095;
            prec = drand48() * (double)(sizeof(long long) * 8)/3.321928095;
            shift = drand48() * (double) sizeof(long long) * 8;
            scale = pow(2.0, shift);
            llnum = (long) ( sign * drand48() * scale);
            if(precf || dotf)
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%d.%dll%c", signop[signind], width, prec, flag);
                snprintf(format,sizeof(format)-1, "%%%c%dll%c", signop[signind], width, flag);
            tp(format, llnum);
            fprintf(stderr,"random_tests: bad size[%s]\n", size);