Ejemplo n.º 1
    VALUE vips_error = rb_str_new2(im_error_buffer());
    rb_raise(eVIPSError, "VIPS error: %s", RSTRING_PTR(vips_error));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* A non-fatal error. Print the vips error buffer and continue.
static void
print_error( const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list ap;

        va_start( ap, fmt );
        vfprintf( stderr, fmt, ap );
        va_end( ap );
        fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n", im_error_buffer() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int
ismagick( const char *filename )
	IMAGE *im;
	int result;

	if( !(im = im_open( "dummy", "p" )) )
		return( -1 );
	result = magick2vips_header( filename, im );
	im_close( im );

	return( result == 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Make a VipsObject.
vo_object_new( Reduce *rc, const char *name, 
	PElement *required, PElement *optional, PElement *out )
	Vo *vo;
	Managedgobject *managedgobject;

	if( !(vo = vo_new( rc, name )) ) 
		reduce_throw( rc );

	if( !vo_args( vo, required, optional ) ) {
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Ask the object to construct.
	if( vips_object_build( vo->object ) ) {
		error_top( _( "VIPS library error." ) );
		error_sub( "%s", im_error_buffer() );
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Return the constructed object.
	if( !(managedgobject = managedgobject_new( vo->rc->heap, 
		G_OBJECT( vo->object ) )) ) {
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	PEPUTP( out, ELEMENT_MANAGED, managedgobject );

#ifdef DEBUG
	char txt[1000];
	VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt );

	vips_object_to_string( vo->object, &buf );
	printf( "vo_object_new: built %s\n", vips_buf_all( &buf ) );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	vo_free( vo );
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Make a leaf for a file.
static JoinNode *
build_node( SymbolTable *st, char *name )
	JoinNode *node = IM_NEW( st->im, JoinNode );
	int n = hash( name );

	/* Fill fields.
	if( !node || !(node->name = im_strdup( st->im, name )) )
		return( NULL );

	node->type = JOIN_LEAF;
	node->dirty = 0;
	node->mwidth = -2;
	node->st = st;
	im__transform_init( &node->cumtrn );
	node->trnim = NULL;
	node->arg1 = NULL;
	node->arg2 = NULL;
	node->overlaps = NULL;
	node->im = NULL;
	node->index = 0;

        if( im_add_close_callback( st->im, 
		(im_callback_fn) junk_node, node, NULL ) ) 
                return( NULL );

	/* Try to open.
	if( (node->im = im__global_open_image( st, name )) ) {
		/* There is a file there - set width and height.
		node->cumtrn.oarea.width = node->im->Xsize;
		node->cumtrn.oarea.height = node->im->Ysize;
	else {
		/* Clear the error buffer to lessen confusion.

	st->table[n] = g_slist_prepend( st->table[n], node );

	return( node );
Ejemplo n.º 6
main( int argc, char **argv )
	GOptionContext *context;
	GError *error = NULL;
	int i;

	if( im_init_world( argv[0] ) )
	        error_exit( "unable to start VIPS" );
	textdomain( GETTEXT_PACKAGE );
	setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );

        context = g_option_context_new( _( "- thumbnail generator" ) );

	g_option_context_add_main_entries( context, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE );
	g_option_context_add_group( context, im_get_option_group() );

	if( !g_option_context_parse( context, &argc, &argv, &error ) ) {
		if( error ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", error->message );
			g_error_free( error );

		error_exit( "try \"%s --help\"", g_get_prgname() );

	g_option_context_free( context );

	for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
		if( thumbnail( argv[i] ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to thumbnail %s\n", 
				argv[0], argv[i] );
			fprintf( stderr, "%s", im_error_buffer() );


	return( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Run a VipsOperation. Like vo_object_new(), but we return the output args
 * rather than the operation.
vo_call( Reduce *rc, const char *name, 
	PElement *required, PElement *optional, PElement *out )
	Vo *vo;
	PElement pe;

	if( !(vo = vo_new( rc, name )) ) 
		reduce_throw( rc );

	if( !vo_args( vo, required, optional ) ) {
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Ask the object to construct. This can update vo->operation with an
	 * old one from the cache.
	if( vips_cache_operation_buildp( (VipsOperation **) &vo->object ) ) {
		error_top( _( "VIPS library error." ) );
		error_sub( "%s", im_error_buffer() );
		vips_object_unref_outputs( vo->object );
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* We can't build the output object directly on out, since it might be
	 * one of our inputs. We use the safe Element in vo for the build,
	 * then copy at the end.

	/* Empty output list.
	PEPOINTE( &pe, &vo->out );
	heap_list_init( &pe );

	/* Append required outputs.
	if( vips_argument_map( VIPS_OBJECT( vo->object ),
		(VipsArgumentMapFn) vo_get_required_output, vo, &pe ) ) {
		vips_object_unref_outputs( vo->object );
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Append optional outputs.
	if( !vo_get_optional( vo, optional, &pe ) ) {
		vips_object_unref_outputs( vo->object );
		vo_free( vo );
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Now write the output object to out.
	PEPUTE( out, &vo->out );

	vips_object_unref_outputs( vo->object );
	vo_free( vo );
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* A non-fatal error. Print the vips error buffer and continue.
static void
print_error( void )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s", g_get_prgname(), im_error_buffer() );