Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
#ifdef _WIN32

  /// set the version label in the global cache

  /// create our derived image effect host
  CacheHost myHost;

  /// make an image effect plugin cache
  OFX::Host::ImageEffect::PluginCache imageEffectPluginCache(myHost);

  /// register the image effect cache with the global plugin cache

  /// now read an old cache cache
  std::ifstream ifs("oldcache.xml");

  /// and write a new cache, long version with everything in there
  std::ofstream of("newCache.xml");

  //Clean up, to be polite.
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
#ifdef _WIN32
  // set the version label in the global cache

  // create our derived image effect host which provides
  // a factory to make plugin instances and acts
  // as a description of the host application
  MyHost::Host myHost;

  // make an image effect plugin cache. This is what knows about
  // all the plugins.
  OFX::Host::ImageEffect::PluginCache imageEffectPluginCache(myHost);

  // register the image effect cache with the global plugin cache

  // try to read an old cache
  std::ifstream ifs("hostDemoPluginCache.xml");

  /// flush out the current cache
  std::ofstream of("hostDemoPluginCache.xml");

  // get the invert example plugin which uses the OFX C++ support code
  OFX::Host::ImageEffect::ImageEffectPlugin* plugin = imageEffectPluginCache.getPluginById("net.sf.openfx:invertPlugin");


  if(plugin) {
    // create an instance of it as a filter
    // the first arg is the context, the second is client data we are allowed to pass down the call chain

    std::auto_ptr<OFX::Host::ImageEffect::Instance> instance(plugin->createInstance(kOfxImageEffectContextFilter, NULL));

        OfxStatus stat;

      // now we need to call the create instance action. Only call this once you have initialised all the params
      // and clips to their correct values. So if you are loading a saved plugin state, set up your params from
      // that state, _then_ call create instance.
      stat = instance->createInstanceAction();
      assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

      // now we need to to call getClipPreferences on the instance so that it does the clip component/depth
      // logic and caches away the components and depth on each clip.
      bool ok = instance->getClipPreferences();
      // current render scale of 1
      OfxPointD renderScale;
      renderScale.x = renderScale.y = 1.0;

      // The render window is in pixel coordinates
      // ie: render scale and a PAR of not 1
      OfxRectI  renderWindow;
      renderWindow.x1 = renderWindow.y1 = 0;
      renderWindow.x2 = 720;
      renderWindow.y2 = 576;

      /// RoI is in canonical coords, 
      OfxRectD  regionOfInterest;
      regionOfInterest.x1 = regionOfInterest.y1 = 0;
      regionOfInterest.x2 = renderWindow.x2 * instance->getProjectPixelAspectRatio();
      regionOfInterest.y2 = 576;
      int numFramesToRender = OFXHOSTDEMOCLIPLENGTH;

      // say we are about to render a bunch of frames 
      stat = instance->beginRenderAction(0, numFramesToRender, 1.0, false, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                        ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                        endif
#                                        ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                         , 0 /* view*/
#                                        endif
      assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

      // get the output clip
      MyHost::MyClipInstance* outputClip = dynamic_cast<MyHost::MyClipInstance*>(instance->getClip("Output"));

      for(int t = 0; t <= numFramesToRender; ++t) 
        // call get region of interest on each of the inputs
        OfxTime frame = t;

        // get the RoI for each input clip
        // the regions of interest for each input clip are returned in a std::map
        // on a real host, these will be the regions of each input clip that the
        // effect needs to render a given frame (clipped to the RoD).
        // In our example we are doing full frame fetches regardless.
        std::map<OFX::Host::ImageEffect::ClipInstance *, OfxRectD> rois;
        stat = instance->getRegionOfInterestAction(frame, renderScale,
                                                   regionOfInterest, rois);
        assert(stat == kOfxStatOK || stat == kOfxStatReplyDefault);

        // render a stereoscopic frame
        { // left view
          stat = instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                        ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                        endif
                                        0 /*view*/
#                                       ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_VEGAS
                                        , 2 /*nViews*/
#                                       endif
#                                       ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                        , std::list<std::string>() /*planes*/
#                                       endif
          assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

          // get the output image buffer
          MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

          std::ostringstream ss;
          ss << "Output." << t << "l.ppm";
          exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);
        {  // right view
          instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                                ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                                endif
                                 1 /*view*/
#                                ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_VEGAS
                                 , 2 /*nViews*/
#                                endif
#                                ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                 , std::list<std::string>() /*planes*/
#                                endif
          assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

          // get the output image buffer
          MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

          std::ostringstream ss;
          ss << "Output." << t << "r.ppm";
          exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);
        // render a frame
        stat = instance->renderAction(t,kOfxImageFieldBoth,renderWindow, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false, /*draft=*/false);
        assert(stat == kOfxStatOK);

        // get the output image buffer
        MyHost::MyImage *outputImage = outputClip->getOutputImage();

        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Output." << t << ".ppm";
        exportToPPM(ss.str(), outputImage);

      instance->endRenderAction(0, numFramesToRender, 1.0, false, renderScale, /*sequential=*/true, /*interactive=*/false,
#                               ifdef OFX_SUPPORTS_OPENGLRENDER
#                               endif
#                               ifdef OFX_EXTENSIONS_NUKE
                                , 0 /* view*/
#                               endif
  return 0;