Ejemplo n.º 1
void Faze::computePupil(int mode) {
	assert(mode == MODE_PUPIL_SP || mode == MODE_PUPIL_CDF);

	std::vector<cv::Point> leftEyePoints = getDescriptors(INDEX_LEFT_EYE);
	cv::Rect rectLeftEye = cv::boundingRect(leftEyePoints);
	cv::Mat roiLeftEye = imageGray(rectLeftEye);

	std::vector<cv::Point> rightEyePoints = getDescriptors(INDEX_RIGHT_EYE);
	cv::Rect rectRightEye = cv::boundingRect(rightEyePoints);
	cv::Mat roiRightEye = imageGray(rectRightEye);

	if(mode == MODE_PUPIL_SP) {
	else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
void caasCLR4Tx1::FindIsolatorAngle()
	//We cut 4/5 width of isolator out
	int height = 3 * (isolatorBottomEdge - isolatorTopEdge) / 2; int middle = (isolatorBottomEdge + isolatorTopEdge) / 2;
	Rect rect = Rect(isolatorRightEdge - 4 * isolatorWidth / 5, middle - height / 2, 4 * isolatorWidth / 5, height);
	Mat imageIsolator = imageGray(rect);
	int scale = 4;
	resize(imageIsolator, imageIsolator, Size(imageIsolator.cols / scale, imageIsolator.rows / scale));
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("Isolator.jpg", imageIsolator);

	//sharpen the image
	//Unsharping masking: Use a Gaussian smoothing filter and subtract the smoothed version from the original image (in a weighted way so the values of a constant area remain constant). 
	Mat imageBlurred, imageGraySharpened;	double GAUSSIAN_RADIUS = 4.0;
	GaussianBlur(imageIsolator, imageBlurred, Size(0, 0), GAUSSIAN_RADIUS);
	addWeighted(imageIsolator, 1.5, imageBlurred, -0.5, 0, imageGraySharpened);
#if _DEBUG
	//imageGraySharpened = imageGrayQuarter;
	imwrite("IsolatorSharpened.jpg", imageGraySharpened);

	imageGraySharpened = imageIsolator;

	//Histogram Equalization
	equalizeHist(imageGraySharpened, imageGraySharpened);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("IsolatorEqualized.jpg", imageGraySharpened);

	//Otsu binarization
	Mat imageOtsu; threshold(imageGraySharpened, imageOtsu, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("IsolatorOtsu.jpg", imageOtsu);

	//Canny Edge Detection
	int median = Median(imageGraySharpened);
	Mat imageCanny;  Canny(imageGraySharpened, imageCanny, 0.66 * median, 1.33 * median);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("IsolatorCanny.jpg", imageCanny);

Ejemplo n.º 3
void caasCLR4Tx1::RefineIsolator()
	//int width = isolatorRightEdge - isolatorLeftEdge;
	//int height = isolatorBottomEdge - isolatorTopEdge;
	//Expand horizontally 1 time to the right; expand vertically 1/2

	int left = isolatorLeftEdge;
	int right = left + 2 * isolatorWidth; if (right > targetLeftEdge - 20) right = targetLeftEdge - 20;
	int top = isolatorTopEdge - isolatorHeight / 4;
	int bottom = top + isolatorHeight + isolatorHeight / 2;
	Rect roi = Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
	imageIsolatorRoi = imageGray(roi);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("5.1.IsolatorRoi.jpg", imageIsolatorRoi);

	int scale = 4;
	resize(imageIsolatorRoi, imageIsolatorRoi, Size(imageIsolatorRoi.cols / scale, imageIsolatorRoi.rows / scale));

	Mat imageBlurred, imageGraySharpened;	double GAUSSIAN_RADIUS = 4.0;
	GaussianBlur(imageIsolatorRoi, imageBlurred, Size(0, 0), GAUSSIAN_RADIUS);
	addWeighted(imageIsolatorRoi, 2.5, imageBlurred, -1.5, 0, imageGraySharpened);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("5.2.IsolatorRoiSharpened.jpg", imageGraySharpened);

	int median = Median(imageGraySharpened);
	Mat imageCanny; Canny(imageGraySharpened, imageCanny, 0.66 * median, 1.33 * median);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("5.3.IsolatorRoiCanny.jpg", imageCanny);

	Mat Points;	findNonZero(imageCanny, Points);
	Rect Min_Rect = boundingRect(Points);
	isolatorRightEdge = roi.x + (Min_Rect.x + Min_Rect.width) * scale;
	RotatedRect rect = minAreaRect(Points);
	isolatorAngle = rect.angle;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Step 4: Find Isolator and its orientation
Currently we use around 0.75 pixel per micron. So, 10 microns correspond to 7.5 pixels.
We reduce width and height to 1/4, which makes 10 microns correspond to 1.875 pixels, 50 microns --> 9.375 pixels,

We assume the isolator has high texture, and therefore high gradients, and the regions between isolator and target has less gradients.
void caasCLR4Tx1::FindIsolator()
	int high = targetBottomEdge - targetTopEdge, top = targetTopEdge + high / 4;
	RoiTargetLeftMiddleHalf = Rect(0, top, targetLeftEdge, high / 2); //We assume the isolator will be in the middle part of the target.
	imageTargetLeftMiddleHalf = imageGray(RoiTargetLeftMiddleHalf);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("4.1.TargetLeftMiddleHalf.jpg", imageTargetLeftMiddleHalf);

	int scale = 4; //We reduce the original image resolution

	resize(imageTargetLeftMiddleHalf, imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalf, Size(imageTargetLeftMiddleHalf.cols / scale, imageTargetLeftMiddleHalf.rows / scale));
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("4.2.OneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalf.jpg", imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalf);

	//sharpen the image
	//Unsharping masking: Use a Gaussian smoothing filter and subtract the smoothed version from the original image (in a weighted way so the values of a constant area remain constant). 
	Mat imageBlurred, imageGraySharpened;	double GAUSSIAN_RADIUS = 4.0;
	GaussianBlur(imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalf, imageBlurred, Size(0, 0), GAUSSIAN_RADIUS);
	addWeighted(imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalf, 1.5, imageBlurred, -0.5, 0, imageGraySharpened);
#if _DEBUG
	//imageGraySharpened = imageGrayQuarter;
	imwrite("4.3.OneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfSharpened.jpg", imageGraySharpened);

	//Histogram Equalization
	equalizeHist(imageGraySharpened, imageGraySharpened);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("4.4.OneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfEqualized.jpg", imageGraySharpened);

	//Canny Edge Detection
	int median = Median(imageGraySharpened);
	Canny(imageGraySharpened, imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny, 0.66 * median, 1.33 * median);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("4.5.OneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny.jpg", imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny);

	{	//Find the isolator right edge
		//vertical projection profile
		Mat verProjection(1, imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny.cols, CV_32FC1);
		reduce(imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny, verProjection, 0, CV_REDUCE_SUM, CV_32FC1); //Vertical projection generate Horizontal profile
		float minValue = -1.0, maxValue = -1.0; int minIndex, maxIndex; float values[4000];
		ProjectionProfileAnalysis(verProjection, minValue, minIndex, maxValue, maxIndex, values);

		//Set the start and end 3 to be zero for convenience
		vector<int> starts, ends; int start, end;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)		{			values[verProjection.cols - 1 - i] = 0;			values[i] = 0;		}

		//Find all non-zero runs
		for (int i = verProjection.cols - 2; i >= 0; i--)
			if (values[i + 1] < 0.5 && values[i] < 0.5) continue;
			if (values[i + 1] > 0.5 && values[i] > 0.5) continue;
			if (values[i + 1] < 0.5 && values[i] > 0.5) { end = i; continue; }
			if (values[i + 1] > 0.5 && values[i] < 0.5)
				start = i + 1; starts.push_back(start); ends.push_back(end);

		//Check every runs, cut 3/4 of the expected isolator width, and we expect to see many edges (high profile values)
		for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++)
			end = ends[i]; start = end - 3 * (isolatorWidth / scale) / 4;
			float average = 0;
			for (int k = start; k <= end; k++)			average += values[k];
			average /= (float)(end - start + 1);

			if (average < 3) continue; //Has to be larger than a threshold

			isolatorRightEdge = end * scale;
	{	//Find isolator top and bottom edges
		//We just look at the half width of the isolator, trying to find its top and bottom edges
		isolatorLeftEdge = isolatorRightEdge - isolatorWidth / 2;
		Rect roi = Rect(isolatorLeftEdge / scale, 0, (isolatorRightEdge - isolatorLeftEdge) / scale, imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny.rows);
		imageIsolatorRoiCanny = imageOneFourthTargetLeftMiddleHalfCanny(roi);
#if _DEBUG
		imwrite("4.6.IsolatorRoiCanny.jpg", imageIsolatorRoiCanny);

		//horizontal projection profile
		Mat horProjection(imageIsolatorRoiCanny.rows, 1, CV_32FC1);
		reduce(imageIsolatorRoiCanny, horProjection, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM, CV_32FC1); //horizontal projection generate vertical profile
		float minValue = -1.0, maxValue = -1.0; int minIndex, maxIndex; float values[4000];
		ProjectionProfileAnalysis(horProjection, minValue, minIndex, maxValue, maxIndex, values);

		//Find all 0's and remove 0's which are smaller than a threshold
		float prev, curr; vector<int> starts, ends;
		for (int i = 0; i <= imageIsolatorRoiCanny.rows; i++)
			prev = i == 0 ? prev = 1 : values[i - 1];
			curr = i == imageIsolatorRoiCanny.rows ? 1 : values[i];

			if (prev > 0.5 && curr < 0.5) starts.push_back(i);
			if (prev < 0.5 && curr > 0.5) ends.push_back(i);
		if (starts.size() == 0)
			isolatorTopEdge = roi.y * scale; 
			isolatorBottomEdge = (roi.y + roi.height) * scale;
			vector<int> zero_starts, zero_ends;
			for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++)
				int length = ends[i] - starts[i];
				if (length > 5) { zero_starts.push_back(starts[i]); zero_ends.push_back(ends[i]); }
			//Pick one 1's, which is closest to the expected isolator width
			vector<int> one_starts, one_ends;
			if (zero_starts[0] != 0) { one_starts.push_back(0); one_ends.push_back(zero_starts[0]); }
			for (int i = 0; i < zero_starts.size() - 1; i++)
				one_ends.push_back(zero_starts[i + 1]);
			if (zero_ends[zero_ends.size() - 1] != imageIsolatorRoiCanny.rows) { one_starts.push_back(zero_ends[zero_ends.size() - 1]); one_ends.push_back(imageIsolatorRoiCanny.cols); }

			int min_index, min_diff = 4000;
			for (int i = 0; i < one_starts.size(); i++)
				int length = one_ends[i] - one_starts[i];
				int diff = std::abs(length - this->isolatorWidth / scale);
				if (diff < min_diff) { min_diff = diff; min_index = i; }

			isolatorTopEdge = this->RoiTargetLeftMiddleHalf.y + (roi.y + one_starts[min_index]) * scale;
			isolatorBottomEdge = this->RoiTargetLeftMiddleHalf.y + (roi.y + one_ends[min_index]) * scale;
#if _DEBUG
		roi = Rect(isolatorLeftEdge, isolatorTopEdge, isolatorRightEdge - isolatorLeftEdge, isolatorBottomEdge - isolatorTopEdge);
		imageIsolator = imageGray(roi);
		imwrite("4.7.Isolator.jpg", imageIsolator);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Step 3: Find the top and bottom edge of the target.
We assume that the regions above and below the target are darker than the target.
void caasCLR4Tx1::FindTargetTopBottomEdges()
	int scale = 4;

	Rect roi = Rect(targetLeftEdge / scale, 0, (targetRightEdge - targetLeftEdge) / scale, this->imageOneFourth.rows);
	imageOneFourthTarget = this->imageOneFourth(roi);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("3.1.OneFourthTarget.jpg", imageOneFourthTarget);

	Mat imageOtsu; threshold(imageOneFourthTarget, imageOtsu, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
#if _DEBUG
	imwrite("3.2.OneFourthTargetOtsu.jpg", imageOtsu);
	//horizontal projection profile
	Mat horProjection(imageOtsu.rows, 1, CV_32FC1);
	reduce(imageOtsu, horProjection, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM, CV_32FC1); //horizontal projection generate vertical profile

	float minValue = -1.0, maxValue = -1.0; int minIndex, maxIndex; float values[3000]; float gradients[3000];
	ProjectionProfileAnalysis(horProjection, minValue, minIndex, maxValue, maxIndex, values);
	Gradient(horProjection.rows, values, gradients);

	//Find the top edge of the target
	//From top to bottom, this is a positive gradient, i.e., from low gray value to high gray value
	float maxGrad = gradients[0]; int maxGradIndex = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < horProjection.rows / 3; i++) //We search in only top 1/3
		if (gradients[i] > maxGrad) { maxGrad = gradients[i]; maxGradIndex = i; }
	targetTopEdge = maxGradIndex * scale;

	//Find the bottom edge of the target
	//From top to bottom, this is a negative gradient, i.e., from high gray value to low gray value
	float minGrad = gradients[horProjection.rows - 1]; int minGradIndex = horProjection.rows - 1;
	for (int i = horProjection.rows - 2; i >= 2 * horProjection.rows / 3; i--) //We search in only bottom 1/3
		if (gradients[i] < minGrad) { minGrad = gradients[i]; minGradIndex = i; }
	targetBottomEdge = minGradIndex * scale;

#if _DEBUG
	roi = Rect(targetLeftEdge, targetTopEdge, targetRightEdge - targetLeftEdge, targetBottomEdge - targetTopEdge);
	imageTarget = imageGray(roi);
	imwrite("3.3.Target.jpg", imageTarget);

	////Find the top edge of the target
	//for (int i = 0; i < horProjection.rows; i++)
	//	if (values[i] > maxValue / 2)
	//	{
	//		targetTopEdge = i*scale; break;
	//	}
	////Find the bottom edge of the target
	//for (int i = horProjection.rows - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	//	if (values[i] > maxValue / 2)
	//	{
	//		targetBottomEdge = i*scale; break;
	//	}
Ejemplo n.º 6
cv::Mat CameraUtils::getImageFromCameraProxy(jderobot::ImageDataPtr dataPtr) {
    cv::Mat outImage;
    colorspaces::Image::FormatPtr fmt;

    fmt = colorspaces::Image::Format::searchFormat(dataPtr->description->format);
    if (!fmt)
        throw "Format not supported";

    if (dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_RGB8_Z.get()->name ||
        dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_DEPTH8_16_Z.get()->name	)

        size_t dest_len = dataPtr->description->width*dataPtr->description->height*3;
        size_t source_len = dataPtr->pixelData.size();

        unsigned char* origin_buf = (uchar*) malloc(dest_len);

        int r = uncompress((Bytef *) origin_buf, (uLongf *) &dest_len, (const Bytef *) &(dataPtr->pixelData[0]), (uLong)source_len);

        if(r != Z_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error:\n");
            switch(r) {
                case Z_MEM_ERROR:
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Not enough memory to compress.\n");
                case Z_BUF_ERROR:
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Target buffer too small.\n");
                case Z_STREAM_ERROR:    // Invalid compression level
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Invalid compression level.\n");
            colorspaces::Image imageRGB(dataPtr->description->width,dataPtr->description->height,colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_RGB8,&(origin_buf[0]));
            colorspaces::ImageRGB8 img_rgb888(imageRGB);//conversion will happen if needed
            cv::Mat(cvSize(img_rgb888.width,img_rgb888.height), CV_8UC3, img_rgb888.data).copyTo(outImage);

        if (origin_buf)

    else if (dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_RGB8.get()->name ||
             dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_DEPTH8_16.get()->name  )
        colorspaces::Image imageRGB(dataPtr->description->width,dataPtr->description->height,colorspaces::ImageRGB8::FORMAT_RGB8,&(dataPtr->pixelData[0]));
        colorspaces::ImageRGB8 img_rgb888(imageRGB);//conversion will happen if needed
        cv::Mat(cvSize(img_rgb888.width,img_rgb888.height), CV_8UC3, img_rgb888.data).copyTo(outImage);
    else if (dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageGRAY8::FORMAT_GRAY8_Z.get()->name) {
        //gay compressed
        size_t dest_len = dataPtr->description->width*dataPtr->description->height;
        size_t source_len = dataPtr->pixelData.size();

        unsigned char* origin_buf = (uchar*) malloc(dest_len);

        int r = uncompress((Bytef *) origin_buf, (uLongf *) &dest_len, (const Bytef *) &(dataPtr->pixelData[0]), (uLong)source_len);

        if(r != Z_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error:\n");
            switch(r) {
                case Z_MEM_ERROR:
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Not enough memory to compress.\n");
                case Z_BUF_ERROR:
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Target buffer too small.\n");
                case Z_STREAM_ERROR:    // Invalid compression level
                    fprintf(stderr, "[CMPR] Error: Invalid compression level.\n");
            colorspaces::Image imageGray(dataPtr->description->width,dataPtr->description->height,colorspaces::ImageGRAY8::FORMAT_GRAY8,&(origin_buf[0]));
            colorspaces::ImageGRAY8 img_gray8(imageGray);//conversion will happen if needed

            cv::Mat(cvSize(img_gray8.width,img_gray8.height), CV_8UC1, img_gray8.data).copyTo(outImage);

        if (origin_buf)
    else if (dataPtr->description->format == colorspaces::ImageGRAY8::FORMAT_GRAY8.get()->name){
        colorspaces::Image imageGray(dataPtr->description->width,dataPtr->description->height,colorspaces::ImageGRAY8::FORMAT_GRAY8,&(dataPtr->pixelData[0]));
        colorspaces::ImageGRAY8 img_gray8(imageGray);//conversion will happen if needed
        cv::Mat(cvSize(img_gray8.width,img_gray8.height), CV_8UC1, img_gray8.data).copyTo(outImage);
        LOG(ERROR) << "Unkown image format";

    return outImage;