static int write(struct img_pixmap *img, struct img_io *io) { struct img_pixmap fimg; img_init(&fimg); if(img_copy(&fimg, img) == -1) { img_destroy(&fimg); return -1; } if(img_convert(&fimg, IMG_FMT_RGBF) == -1) { img_destroy(&fimg); return -1; } if(rgbe_write_header(io, fimg.width, fimg.height, 0) == -1) { img_destroy(&fimg); return -1; } if(rgbe_write_pixels_rle(io, fimg.pixels, fimg.width, fimg.height) == -1) { img_destroy(&fimg); return -1; } img_destroy(&fimg); return 0; }
int img_convert(struct img_pixmap *img, enum img_fmt tofmt) { struct pixel pbuf[8]; int bufsz = (img->width & 7) == 0 ? 8 : ((img->width & 3) == 0 ? 4 : 1); int i, num_pix = img->width * img->height; int num_iter = num_pix / bufsz; char *sptr, *dptr; struct img_pixmap nimg; if(img->fmt == tofmt) { return 0; /* nothing to do */ } img_init(&nimg); if(img_set_pixels(&nimg, img->width, img->height, tofmt, 0) == -1) { img_destroy(&nimg); return -1; } sptr = img->pixels; dptr = nimg.pixels; for(i=0; i<num_iter; i++) { unpack[img->fmt](pbuf, sptr, bufsz); pack[tofmt](dptr, pbuf, bufsz); sptr += bufsz * img->pixelsz; dptr += bufsz * nimg.pixelsz; } img_copy(img, &nimg); img_destroy(&nimg); return 0; }
static int write(struct img_pixmap *img, struct img_io *io) { int i, nlines = 0; struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; struct dst_mgr dest; struct img_pixmap tmpimg; unsigned char **scanlines; img_init(&tmpimg); if(img->fmt != IMG_FMT_RGB24) { if(img_copy(&tmpimg, img) == -1) { return -1; } if(img_convert(&tmpimg, IMG_FMT_RGB24) == -1) { img_destroy(&tmpimg); return -1; } img = &tmpimg; } if(!(scanlines = malloc(img->height * sizeof *scanlines))) { img_destroy(&tmpimg); return -1; } scanlines[0] = img->pixels; for(i=1; i<img->height; i++) { scanlines[i] = scanlines[i - 1] + img->width * img->pixelsz; } cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); /* XXX */ jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); = init_destination; = empty_output_buffer; = term_destination; = io; cinfo.dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr*)&dest; cinfo.image_width = img->width; cinfo.image_height = img->height; cinfo.input_components = 3; cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo); jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, 1); while(nlines < img->height) { int res = jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, scanlines + nlines, img->height - nlines); nlines += res; } jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); free(scanlines); img_destroy(&tmpimg); return 0; }
unsigned int img_gltexture_read(struct img_io *io) { struct img_pixmap img; unsigned int tex; img_init(&img); if(img_read(&img, io) == -1) { img_destroy(&img); return 0; } tex = img_gltexture(&img); img_destroy(&img); return tex; }
unsigned int img_gltexture_read_file(FILE *fp) { struct img_pixmap img; unsigned int tex; img_init(&img); if(img_read_file(&img, fp) == -1) { img_destroy(&img); return 0; } tex = img_gltexture(&img); img_destroy(&img); return tex; }
unsigned int img_gltexture_load(const char *fname) { struct img_pixmap img; unsigned int tex; img_init(&img); if(img_load(&img, fname) == -1) { img_destroy(&img); return 0; } tex = img_gltexture(&img); img_destroy(&img); return tex; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { image_t *img, *dst; if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage : <src_path> <dst_path>.\n"); } img = load_bmp(argv[1]); dst = gauss_filter(img, 10); save_as_bmp(dst, argv[2]); img_destroy(img); img_destroy(dst); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { image_t *img; img = load_jpeg(argv[1]); save_as_bmp(img, argv[2]); img_destroy(img); return 0; }
GGPROTO::~GGPROTO() { #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("~GGPROTO(): destroying protocol interface"); #endif // Destroy modules block_uninit(); img_destroy(); keepalive_destroy(); gc_destroy(); Popup_UnregisterClass(hPopupError); Popup_UnregisterClass(hPopupNotify); if (hMenuRoot) CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEMAINMENUITEM, (WPARAM)hMenuRoot, 0); // Close handles Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hNetlibUser); // Destroy mutexes DeleteCriticalSection(&sess_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&ft_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&img_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&modemsg_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&avatar_mutex); DeleteCriticalSection(&sessions_mutex); #ifdef DEBUGMODE debugLogA("~GGPROTO(): DeleteCriticalSections. OK"); #endif // Free status messages if ( mir_free(; if (modemsg.away) mir_free(modemsg.away); if (modemsg.dnd) mir_free(modemsg.dnd); if (modemsg.freechat) mir_free(modemsg.freechat); if (modemsg.invisible) mir_free(modemsg.invisible); if (modemsg.offline) mir_free(modemsg.offline); }
int parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *endp; struct list_node *head = 0, *tail = 0; for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][2] == 0) { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'f': fullscreen = !fullscreen; break; case 's': stereo = !stereo; break; case 't': threshold = strtod(argv[++i], &endp); if(endp == argv[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "-t must be followed by a number\n"); return -1; } break; case 'h': printf("usage: %s [opt]\n", argv[0]); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -f start in fullscreen\n"); printf(" -s enable stereoscopic rendering\n"); printf(" -h print usage and exit\n"); exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]); return -1; } } else { struct list_node *slice; if(!(slice = malloc(sizeof *slice))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate volume slice: %d\n", num_slices); return -1; } slice->next = 0; img_init(&slice->img); if(img_load(&slice->img, argv[i]) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load volume slice %d: %s\n", num_slices, argv[i]); free(slice); return -1; } img_convert(&slice->img, IMG_FMT_GREY8); if(num_slices > 0 && (xres != slice->img.width || yres != slice->img.height)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: slice %d (%s) is %dx%d, up to now we had %dx%d images\n", num_slices, argv[i], slice->img.width, slice->img.height, xres, yres); img_destroy(&slice->img); free(slice); return -1; } xres = slice->img.width; yres = slice->img.height; if(head) { tail->next = slice; tail = slice; } else { head = tail = slice; } printf("loaded volume slice %d: %s\n", num_slices++, argv[i]); } } if(!head) { fprintf(stderr, "you must specify a list of images for the volume data slices\n"); return -1; } if(!(volume = malloc(num_slices * sizeof *volume))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate volume data (%d slices)\n", num_slices); return -1; } for(i=0; i<num_slices; i++) { void *tmp; assert(head); volume[i] = head->img; tmp = head; head = head->next; free(tmp); } return 0; }
static int write_file(struct img_pixmap *img, struct img_io *io) { png_struct *png; png_info *info; png_text txt; struct img_pixmap tmpimg; unsigned char **rows; unsigned char *pixptr; int i, coltype; img_init(&tmpimg); if(!(png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0))) { return -1; } if(!(info = png_create_info_struct(png))) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, 0); return -1; } /* if the input image is floating-point, we need to convert it to integer */ if(img_is_float(img)) { if(img_copy(&tmpimg, img) == -1) { return -1; } if(img_to_integer(&tmpimg) == -1) { img_destroy(&tmpimg); return -1; } img = &tmpimg; } txt.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE; txt.key = "Software"; txt.text = "libimago2"; txt.text_length = 0; if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info); img_destroy(&tmpimg); return -1; } png_set_write_fn(png, io, write_func, flush_func); coltype = fmt_to_png_type(img->fmt); png_set_IHDR(png, info, img->width, img->height, 8, coltype, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_set_text(png, info, &txt, 1); if(!(rows = malloc(img->height * sizeof *rows))) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info); img_destroy(&tmpimg); return -1; } pixptr = img->pixels; for(i=0; i<img->height; i++) { rows[i] = pixptr; pixptr += img->width * img->pixelsz; } png_set_rows(png, info, rows); png_write_png(png, info, 0, 0); png_write_end(png, info); png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info); free(rows); img_destroy(&tmpimg); return 0; }
int export_img(struct play_s *play) { /* Export img uses following pipeline: file -(uncompressed_buffer)-> reads data from stream file unpack -(uncompressed_buffer)-> decompresses lzo/quicklz packets rgb -(rgb)-> does conversion to BGR scale -(scale)-> does rescaling color -(color)-> applies color correction img writes separate image files for each frame */ ps_bufferattr_t attr; ps_buffer_t uncompressed_buffer, compressed_buffer, rgb_buffer, color_buffer, scale_buffer; img_t img; color_t color; scale_t scale; unpack_t unpack; rgb_t rgb; int ret = 0; if ((ret = ps_bufferattr_init(&attr))) goto err; /* buffers */ if ((ret = ps_bufferattr_setsize(&attr, play->compressed_size))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_buffer_init(&compressed_buffer, &attr))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_bufferattr_setsize(&attr, play->uncompressed_size))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_buffer_init(&uncompressed_buffer, &attr))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_buffer_init(&color_buffer, &attr))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_buffer_init(&rgb_buffer, &attr))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_buffer_init(&scale_buffer, &attr))) goto err; if ((ret = ps_bufferattr_destroy(&attr))) goto err; /* filters */ if ((ret = unpack_init(&unpack, &play->glc))) goto err; if ((ret = rgb_init(&rgb, &play->glc))) goto err; if ((ret = scale_init(&scale, &play->glc))) goto err; if (play->scale_width && play->scale_height) scale_set_size(scale, play->scale_width, play->scale_height); else scale_set_scale(scale, play->scale_factor); if ((ret = color_init(&color, &play->glc))) goto err; if (play->override_color_correction) color_override(color, play->brightness, play->contrast, play->red_gamma, play->green_gamma, play->blue_gamma); if ((ret = img_init(&img, &play->glc))) goto err; img_set_filename(img, play->export_filename_format); img_set_stream_id(img, play->export_video_id); img_set_format(img, play->img_format); img_set_fps(img, play->fps); /* pipeline... */ if ((ret = unpack_process_start(unpack, &compressed_buffer, &uncompressed_buffer))) goto err; if ((ret = rgb_process_start(rgb, &uncompressed_buffer, &rgb_buffer))) goto err; if ((ret = scale_process_start(scale, &rgb_buffer, &scale_buffer))) goto err; if ((ret = color_process_start(color, &scale_buffer, &color_buffer))) goto err; if ((ret = img_process_start(img, &color_buffer))) goto err; /* ok, read the file */ if ((ret = file_read(play->file, &compressed_buffer))) goto err; /* wait 'till its done and clean up the mess... */ if ((ret = img_process_wait(img))) goto err; if ((ret = color_process_wait(color))) goto err; if ((ret = scale_process_wait(scale))) goto err; if ((ret = rgb_process_wait(rgb))) goto err; if ((ret = unpack_process_wait(unpack))) goto err; unpack_destroy(unpack); rgb_destroy(rgb); scale_destroy(scale); color_destroy(color); img_destroy(img); ps_buffer_destroy(&compressed_buffer); ps_buffer_destroy(&uncompressed_buffer); ps_buffer_destroy(&color_buffer); ps_buffer_destroy(&scale_buffer); ps_buffer_destroy(&rgb_buffer); return 0; err: fprintf(stderr, "exporting images failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(ret), ret); return ret; }