/** * Output the whole thing */ void Game::output() { TIMERON; immedok(window, false); werase(window); for (CoordinateSetList::const_iterator i = coordbegin(); i != coordend(); ++i) { drawtile(*i); } drawborders(); immedok(window, true); wrefresh(window); TIMEROFF; }
static bool test_opaque_immedok(WINDOW *win, int mode) { if (mode >= 0) { immedok(win, mode); } return is_immedok(win); }
int wechowchar(WINDOW *win, chtype ch) { bool saveimm = win->_immed; int rv; immedok(win, TRUE); rv = waddwch(win, ch); win->_immed = saveimm; return (rv); }
main () { int i; mainwin=initscr(); noecho(); cbreak();immedok(curscr,TRUE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); posdata=(robot_pos *)calloc(POS_SPACE+1,sizeof(robot_pos)); for(i=0;i<=POS_SPACE;i++) posdata[i].saved=0; printw("Robotersteuerung RM 501 V1.0\n"); refresh(); reset(); main_loop(); echo(); endwin(); }
int sc_enterStructuredMode () { if (initscr() == NULL) return FALSE; start_color(); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); immedok(stdscr, FALSE); leaveok(stdscr, FALSE); idlok(stdscr, TRUE); idcok(stdscr, TRUE); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, FALSE); notimeout(stdscr, FALSE); raw(); noecho(); nl(); return TRUE; }
void manage_gpu(void) { struct thr_info *thr; int selected, gpu, i; char checkin[40]; char input; if (!opt_g_threads) return; opt_loginput = true; immedok(logwin, true); clear_logwin(); retry: for (gpu = 0; gpu < nDevs; gpu++) { struct cgpu_info *cgpu = &gpus[gpu]; double displayed_rolling, displayed_total; bool mhash_base = true; displayed_rolling = cgpu->rolling; displayed_total = cgpu->total_mhashes / total_secs; if (displayed_rolling < 1) { displayed_rolling *= 1000; displayed_total *= 1000; mhash_base = false; } wlog("GPU %d: %.1f / %.1f %sh/s | A:%d R:%d HW:%d U:%.2f/m I:%d\n", gpu, displayed_rolling, displayed_total, mhash_base ? "M" : "K", cgpu->accepted, cgpu->rejected, cgpu->hw_errors, cgpu->utility, cgpu->intensity); #ifdef HAVE_ADL if (gpus[gpu].has_adl) { int engineclock = 0, memclock = 0, activity = 0, fanspeed = 0, fanpercent = 0, powertune = 0; float temp = 0, vddc = 0; if (gpu_stats(gpu, &temp, &engineclock, &memclock, &vddc, &activity, &fanspeed, &fanpercent, &powertune)) { char logline[255]; strcpy(logline, ""); // In case it has no data if (temp != -1) sprintf(logline, "%.1f C ", temp); if (fanspeed != -1 || fanpercent != -1) { tailsprintf(logline, "F: "); if (fanpercent != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "%d%% ", fanpercent); if (fanspeed != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "(%d RPM) ", fanspeed); tailsprintf(logline, " "); } if (engineclock != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "E: %d MHz ", engineclock); if (memclock != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "M: %d Mhz ", memclock); if (vddc != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "V: %.3fV ", vddc); if (activity != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "A: %d%% ", activity); if (powertune != -1) tailsprintf(logline, "P: %d%%", powertune); tailsprintf(logline, "\n"); wlog(logline); } } #endif wlog("Last initialised: %s\n", cgpu->init); wlog("Intensity: "); if (gpus[gpu].dynamic) wlog("Dynamic (only one thread in use)\n"); else wlog("%d\n", gpus[gpu].intensity); for (i = 0; i < mining_threads; i++) { thr = &thr_info[i]; if (thr->cgpu != cgpu) continue; get_datestamp(checkin, &thr->last); displayed_rolling = thr->rolling; if (!mhash_base) displayed_rolling *= 1000; wlog("Thread %d: %.1f %sh/s %s ", i, displayed_rolling, mhash_base ? "M" : "K" , cgpu->deven != DEV_DISABLED ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); switch (cgpu->status) { default: case LIFE_WELL: wlog("ALIVE"); break; case LIFE_SICK: wlog("SICK reported in %s", checkin); break; case LIFE_DEAD: wlog("DEAD reported in %s", checkin); break; case LIFE_INIT: case LIFE_NOSTART: wlog("Never started"); break; } if (thr->pause) wlog(" paused"); wlog("\n"); } wlog("\n"); } wlogprint("[E]nable [D]isable [I]ntensity [R]estart GPU %s\n",adl_active ? "[C]hange settings" : ""); wlogprint("Or press any other key to continue\n"); input = getch(); if (nDevs == 1) selected = 0; else selected = -1; if (!strncasecmp(&input, "e", 1)) { struct cgpu_info *cgpu; if (selected) selected = curses_int("Select GPU to enable"); if (selected < 0 || selected >= nDevs) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } if (gpus[selected].deven != DEV_DISABLED) { wlogprint("Device already enabled\n"); goto retry; } gpus[selected].deven = DEV_ENABLED; for (i = 0; i < mining_threads; ++i) { thr = &thr_info[i]; cgpu = thr->cgpu; if (cgpu->api != &opencl_api) continue; if (dev_from_id(i) != selected) continue; if (cgpu->status != LIFE_WELL) { wlogprint("Must restart device before enabling it"); goto retry; } applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Pushing ping to thread %d", thr->id); tq_push(thr->q, &ping); } goto retry; } if (!strncasecmp(&input, "d", 1)) { if (selected) selected = curses_int("Select GPU to disable"); if (selected < 0 || selected >= nDevs) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } if (gpus[selected].deven == DEV_DISABLED) { wlogprint("Device already disabled\n"); goto retry; } gpus[selected].deven = DEV_DISABLED; goto retry; } else if (!strncasecmp(&input, "i", 1)) { int intensity; char *intvar; if (selected) selected = curses_int("Select GPU to change intensity on"); if (selected < 0 || selected >= nDevs) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } intvar = curses_input("Set GPU scan intensity (d or " _MIN_INTENSITY_STR " -> " _MAX_INTENSITY_STR ")"); if (!intvar) { wlogprint("Invalid input\n"); goto retry; } if (!strncasecmp(intvar, "d", 1)) { wlogprint("Dynamic mode enabled on gpu %d\n", selected); gpus[selected].dynamic = true; pause_dynamic_threads(selected); free(intvar); goto retry; } intensity = atoi(intvar); free(intvar); if (intensity < MIN_INTENSITY || intensity > MAX_INTENSITY) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } gpus[selected].dynamic = false; gpus[selected].intensity = intensity; wlogprint("Intensity on gpu %d set to %d\n", selected, intensity); pause_dynamic_threads(selected); goto retry; } else if (!strncasecmp(&input, "r", 1)) { if (selected) selected = curses_int("Select GPU to attempt to restart"); if (selected < 0 || selected >= nDevs) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } wlogprint("Attempting to restart threads of GPU %d\n", selected); reinit_device(&gpus[selected]); goto retry; } else if (adl_active && (!strncasecmp(&input, "c", 1))) { if (selected) selected = curses_int("Select GPU to change settings on"); if (selected < 0 || selected >= nDevs) { wlogprint("Invalid selection\n"); goto retry; } change_gpusettings(selected); goto retry; } else clear_logwin(); immedok(logwin, false); opt_loginput = false; }
c_ecurses_immedok (EIF_POINTER p, EIF_BOOLEAN b) { immedok( (WINDOW *) p , (bool)b) ; };