Ejemplo n.º 1
  It may be the case that the bounds on the variables in a constraint are
  such that no matter what feasible value the variables take, the constraint
  cannot be violated. In this case we can drop the constraint as useless.

  On the other hand, it may be that the only way to satisfy a constraint
  is to jam all the variables in the constraint to one of their bounds, fixing
  the variables. This is a forcing constraint, the primary target of this

  Detection of both useless and forcing constraints requires calculation of
  bounds on the row activity (often referred to as lhs bounds, from the common
  form ax <= b). This routine will remember useless constraints as it finds
  them and invoke useless_constraint_action to deal with them.
  The transform applied here simply tightens the bounds on the variables.
  Other transforms will remove the fixed variables, leaving an empty row which
  is ultimately dropped.

  A reasonable question to ask is ``If a variable is already fixed, why do
  we need a record in the postsolve object?'' The answer is that in postsolve
  we'll be dealing with a column-major representation and we may need to scan
  the row (see postsolve comments). So it's useful to record all variables in
  the constraint.
  On the other hand, it's definitely harmful to ask remove_fixed_action
  to process a variable more than once (causes problems in

  Original comments:

  It looks like these checks could be performed in parallel, that is,
  the tests could be carried out for all rows in parallel, and then the
  rows deleted and columns tightened afterward.  Obviously, this is true
  for useless rows.  By doing it in parallel rather than sequentially,
  we may miss transformations due to variables that were fixed by forcing
  constraints, though.

  Note that both of these operations will cause problems if the variables
  in question really need to exceed their bounds in order to make the
  problem feasible.
const CoinPresolveAction*
  forcing_constraint_action::presolve (CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
  				       const CoinPresolveAction *next)
  int startEmptyRows = 0 ;
  int startEmptyColumns = 0 ;
  startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows() ;
  startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols() ;
# endif
    << "Entering forcing_constraint_action::presolve, considering "
    << prob->numberRowsToDo_ << " rows." << std::endl ;
# endif
  presolve_check_sol(prob) ;
  presolve_check_nbasic(prob) ;
# endif
  double startTime = 0.0 ;
  if (prob->tuning_) {
    startTime = CoinCpuTime() ;
# endif

  // Column solution and bounds
  double *clo = prob->clo_ ;
  double *cup = prob->cup_ ;
  double *csol = prob->sol_ ;

  // Row-major representation
  const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt = prob->mrstrt_ ;
  const double *rowels = prob->rowels_ ;
  const int *hcol = prob->hcol_ ;
  const int *hinrow = prob->hinrow_ ;
  const int nrows = prob->nrows_ ;

  const double *rlo = prob->rlo_ ;
  const double *rup = prob->rup_ ;

  const double tol = ZTOLDP ;
  const double inftol = prob->feasibilityTolerance_ ;
  // for redundant rows be safe
  const double inftol2 = 0.01*prob->feasibilityTolerance_ ;
  const int ncols = prob->ncols_ ;

  int *fixed_cols = new int[ncols] ;
  int nfixed_cols = 0 ;

  action *actions = new action [nrows] ;
  int nactions = 0 ;

  int *useless_rows = new int[nrows] ;
  int nuseless_rows = 0 ;

  const int numberLook = prob->numberRowsToDo_ ;
  int *look = prob->rowsToDo_ ;

  bool fixInfeasibility = ((prob->presolveOptions_&0x4000) != 0) ;
  Open a loop to scan the constraints of interest. There must be variables
  left in the row.
  for (int iLook = 0 ; iLook < numberLook ; iLook++) {
    int irow = look[iLook] ;
    if (hinrow[irow] <= 0) continue ;

    const CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[irow] ;
    const CoinBigIndex kre = krs+hinrow[irow] ;
  Calculate upper and lower bounds on the row activity based on upper and lower
  bounds on the variables. If these are finite and incompatible with the given
  row bounds, we have infeasibility.
    double maxup, maxdown ;
    implied_row_bounds(rowels,clo,cup,hcol,krs,kre,maxup,maxdown) ;
      << "  considering row " << irow << ", rlo " << rlo[irow]
      << " LB " << maxdown << " UB " << maxup << " rup " << rup[irow] ;
#   endif
  If the maximum lhs value is less than L(i) or the minimum lhs value is
  greater than U(i), we're infeasible.
    if (maxup < PRESOLVE_INF &&
        maxup+inftol < rlo[irow] && !fixInfeasibility) {
      CoinMessageHandler *hdlr = prob->messageHandler() ;
      prob->status_|= 1 ;
	 << irow << rlo[irow] << rup[irow] << CoinMessageEol ;
#     if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
      std::cout << "; infeasible." << std::endl ;
#     endif
      break ;
    if (-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown &&
        rup[irow] < maxdown-inftol && !fixInfeasibility) {
      CoinMessageHandler *hdlr = prob->messageHandler() ;
      prob->status_|= 1 ;
	 << irow << rlo[irow] << rup[irow] << CoinMessageEol ;
#     if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
      std::cout << "; infeasible." << std::endl ;
#     endif
      break ;
  We've dealt with prima facie infeasibility. Now check if the constraint
  is trivially satisfied. If so, add it to the list of useless rows and move

  The reason we require maxdown and maxup to be finite if the row bound is
  finite is to guard against some subsequent transform changing a column
  bound from infinite to finite. Once finite, bounds continue to tighten,
  so we're safe.
    /* Test changed to use +small tolerance rather than -tolerance
       as test fails often */
    if (((rlo[irow] <= -PRESOLVE_INF) ||
	 (-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown && rlo[irow] <= maxdown+inftol2)) &&
	((rup[irow] >= PRESOLVE_INF) ||
	 (maxup < PRESOLVE_INF && rup[irow] >= maxup-inftol2))) {
      // check none prohibited
      if (prob->anyProhibited_) {
	bool anyProhibited=false;
	for (int k=krs; k<kre; k++) {
	  int jcol = hcol[k];
	  if (prob->colProhibited(jcol)) {
	if (anyProhibited)
	  continue; // skip row
      useless_rows[nuseless_rows++] = irow ;
#     if PRESOLVE_DEBUG > 2
      std::cout << "; useless." << std::endl ;
#     endif
      continue ;
  Is it the case that we can just barely attain L(i) or U(i)? If so, we have a
  forcing constraint. As explained above, we need maxup and maxdown to be
  finite in order for the test to be valid.
    const bool tightAtLower = ((maxup < PRESOLVE_INF) &&
    			       (fabs(rlo[irow]-maxup) < tol)) ;
    const bool tightAtUpper = ((-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown) &&
			       (fabs(rup[irow]-maxdown) < tol)) ;
    if (tightAtLower || tightAtUpper) std::cout << "; forcing." ;
    std::cout << std::endl ;
#   endif
    if (!(tightAtLower || tightAtUpper)) continue ;
    // check none prohibited
    if (prob->anyProhibited_) {
      bool anyProhibited=false;
      for (int k=krs; k<kre; k++) {
	int jcol = hcol[k];
	if (prob->colProhibited(jcol)) {
      if (anyProhibited)
	continue; // skip row
  We have a forcing constraint.
  Get down to the business of fixing the variables at the appropriate bound.
  We need to remember the original value of the bound we're tightening.
  Allocate a pair of arrays the size of the row. Load variables fixed at l<j>
  from the start, variables fixed at u<j> from the end. Add the column to
  the list of columns to be processed further.
    double *bounds = new double[hinrow[irow]] ;
    int *rowcols = new int[hinrow[irow]] ;
    CoinBigIndex lk = krs ;
    CoinBigIndex uk = kre ;
    for (CoinBigIndex k = krs ; k < kre ; k++) {
      const int j = hcol[k] ;
      const double lj = clo[j] ;
      const double uj = cup[j] ;
      const double coeff = rowels[k] ;
      PRESOLVEASSERT(fabs(coeff) > ZTOLDP) ;
  If maxup is tight at L(i), then we want to force variables x<j> to the bound
  that produced maxup: u<j> if a<ij> > 0, l<j> if a<ij> < 0. If maxdown is
  tight at U(i), it'll be just the opposite.
      if (tightAtLower == (coeff > 0.0)) {
	--uk ;
	bounds[uk-krs] = lj ;
	rowcols[uk-krs] = j ;
	if (csol != 0) {
	  csol[j] = uj ;
	clo[j] = uj ;
      } else {
	bounds[lk-krs] = uj ;
	rowcols[lk-krs] = j ;
	++lk ;
	if (csol != 0) {
	  csol[j] = lj ;
	cup[j] = lj ;
  Only add a column to the list of fixed columns the first time it's fixed.
      if (lj != uj) {
	fixed_cols[nfixed_cols++] = j ;
	prob->addCol(j) ;
    PRESOLVEASSERT(uk == lk) ;
    PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_forcing %dR E\n",irow)) ;
      << "FORCING: row(" << irow << "), " << (kre-krs) << " variables."
      << std::endl ;
#   endif
  Done with this row. Remember the changes in a postsolve action.
    action *f = &actions[nactions] ;
    nactions++ ;
    f->row = irow ;
    f->nlo = lk-krs ;
    f->nup = kre-uk ;
    f->rowcols = rowcols ;
    f->bounds = bounds ;

  Done processing the rows of interest.  No sense doing any additional work
  unless we're feasible.
  if (prob->status_ == 0) {
      << "FORCING: " << nactions << " forcing, " << nuseless_rows << " useless."
      << std::endl ;
#   endif
  Trim the actions array to size and create a postsolve object.
    if (nactions) {
      next = new forcing_constraint_action(nactions, 
				 CoinCopyOfArray(actions,nactions),next) ;
  Hand off the job of dealing with the useless rows to a specialist.
    if (nuseless_rows) {
      next = useless_constraint_action::presolve(prob,
      					useless_rows,nuseless_rows,next) ;
  Hand off the job of dealing with the fixed columns to a specialist.

  Note that there *cannot* be duplicates in this list or we'll get in trouble
  `unfixing' a column multiple times. The code above now adds a variable
  to fixed_cols only if it's not already fixed. If that ever changes,
  the disabled code (sort, unique) will need to be reenabled.
    if (nfixed_cols) {
      if (false && nfixed_cols > 1) {
	std::sort(fixed_cols,fixed_cols+nfixed_cols) ;
	int *end = std::unique(fixed_cols,fixed_cols+nfixed_cols) ;
	nfixed_cols = static_cast<int>(end-fixed_cols) ;
      next = remove_fixed_action::presolve(prob,fixed_cols,nfixed_cols,next) ;
  } else {
    // delete arrays
    for (int i=0;i<nactions;i++) {
      deleteAction(actions[i].rowcols,int *) ;
      deleteAction(actions[i].bounds,double *) ;

  deleteAction(actions,action*) ;
  delete [] useless_rows ;
  delete [] fixed_cols ;

  if (prob->tuning_) double thisTime = CoinCpuTime() ;
# endif
  presolve_check_sol(prob) ;
  presolve_check_nbasic(prob) ;
# endif
  int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows()-startEmptyRows ;
  int droppedColumns =  prob->countEmptyCols()-startEmptyColumns ;
    << "Leaving forcing_constraint_action::presolve: removed " << droppedRows
    << " rows, " << droppedColumns << " columns" ;
  if (prob->tuning_)
    std::cout << " in " << (thisTime-prob->startTime_) << "s" ;
# endif
  std::cout << "." << std::endl ;
# endif

  return (next) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
const CoinPresolveAction
    *forcing_constraint_action::presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
					 const CoinPresolveAction *next)
  double startTime = 0.0;
  int startEmptyRows=0;
  int startEmptyColumns = 0;
  if (prob->tuning_) {
    startTime = CoinCpuTime();
    startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
    startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
  double *clo	= prob->clo_;
  double *cup	= prob->cup_;
  double *csol  = prob->sol_ ;

  const double *rowels	= prob->rowels_;
  const int *hcol	= prob->hcol_;
  const CoinBigIndex *mrstrt	= prob->mrstrt_;
  const int *hinrow	= prob->hinrow_;
  const int nrows	= prob->nrows_;

  const double *rlo	= prob->rlo_;
  const double *rup	= prob->rup_;

  //  const char *integerType = prob->integerType_;

  const double tol	= ZTOLDP;
  const double inftol	= prob->feasibilityTolerance_;
  const int ncols	= prob->ncols_;

  int *fixed_cols	= new int[ncols];
  int nfixed_cols	= 0;

  action *actions	= new action [nrows];
  int nactions = 0;

  int *useless_rows	= new int[nrows];
  int nuseless_rows	= 0;

  int numberLook = prob->numberRowsToDo_;
  int iLook;
  int * look = prob->rowsToDo_;
  bool fixInfeasibility = (prob->presolveOptions_&16384)!=0;

  std::cout << "Entering forcing_constraint_action::presolve." << std::endl ;
  presolve_check_sol(prob) ;
# endif
  Open a loop to scan the constraints of interest. There must be variables
  left in the row.
  for (iLook=0;iLook<numberLook;iLook++) {
    int irow = look[iLook];
    if (hinrow[irow] > 0) {
      CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[irow];
      CoinBigIndex kre = krs + hinrow[irow];
  Calculate upper and lower bounds on the row activity based on upper and lower
  bounds on the variables. If these are finite and incompatible with the given
  row bounds, we have infeasibility.
      double maxup, maxdown;
      implied_row_bounds(rowels, clo, cup, hcol, krs, kre,
			 &maxup, &maxdown);

      if (maxup < PRESOLVE_INF && maxup + inftol < rlo[irow]&&!fixInfeasibility) {
	/* max row activity below the row lower bound */
	prob->status_|= 1;
      } else if (-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown && rup[irow] < maxdown - inftol&&!fixInfeasibility) {
	/* min row activity above the row upper bound */
	prob->status_|= 1;
      else if ((rlo[irow] <= -PRESOLVE_INF ||
		(-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown && rlo[irow] <= maxdown)) &&
	       (rup[irow] >= PRESOLVE_INF ||
		(maxup < PRESOLVE_INF && rup[irow] >= maxup))) {

  Original comment: I'm not sure that these transforms don't intefere with
		    each other. We can get it next time.

  Well, I'll argue that bounds are never really loosened (at worst, they're
  transferred onto some other variable, or inferred to be unnecessary.
  Once useless, always useless. Leaving this hook in place allows for a sort
  of infinite loop where this routine keeps queuing the same constraints over
  and over.  -- lh, 040901 --

	 if (some_col_was_fixed(hcol, krs, kre, clo, cup)) {

	// this constraint must always be satisfied - drop it
	useless_rows[nuseless_rows++] = irow;

      } else if ((maxup < PRESOLVE_INF && fabs(rlo[irow] - maxup) < tol) ||
		 (-PRESOLVE_INF < maxdown && fabs(rup[irow] - maxdown) < tol)) {

	// the lower bound can just be reached, or
	// the upper bound can just be reached;
	// called a "forcing constraint" in the paper (p. 226)
	const int lbound_tight = (maxup < PRESOLVE_INF &&
				  fabs(rlo[irow] - maxup) < tol);

  Original comment and rebuttal as above.
	if (some_col_was_fixed(hcol, krs, kre, clo, cup)) {
	  // make sure on next time
	// out of space - this probably never happens (but this routine will
	// often put duplicates in the fixed column list)
	if (nfixed_cols + (kre-krs) >= ncols)

	double *bounds = new double[hinrow[irow]];
	int *rowcols = new int[hinrow[irow]];
	int lk = krs;	// load fix-to-down in front
	int uk = kre;	// load fix-to-up in back
        CoinBigIndex k;
	for ( k=krs; k<kre; k++) {
	  int jcol = hcol[k];
	  double coeff = rowels[k];

	  PRESOLVEASSERT(fabs(coeff) > ZTOLDP);

	  // one of the two contributed to maxup - set the other to that
	  if (lbound_tight == (coeff > 0.0)) {
	    bounds[uk-krs] = clo[jcol];
	    rowcols[uk-krs] = jcol;
	    if (csol != 0) {
	      csol[jcol] = cup[jcol] ;
	    clo[jcol] = cup[jcol];
	  } else {
	    bounds[lk-krs] = cup[jcol];
	    rowcols[lk-krs] = jcol;
	    if (csol != 0) {
	      csol[jcol] = clo[jcol] ;
	    cup[jcol] = clo[jcol];

	  fixed_cols[nfixed_cols++] = jcol;

	action *f = &actions[nactions];

	f->row = irow;
	f->nlo = lk-krs;
	f->nup = kre-uk;
	f->rowcols = rowcols;
	f->bounds = bounds;

  if (nactions) {
    printf("NFORCED:  %d\n", nactions);
    next = new forcing_constraint_action(nactions, 
					 CoinCopyOfArray(actions,nactions), next);
  if (nuseless_rows) {
    next = useless_constraint_action::presolve(prob,
					       useless_rows, nuseless_rows,
  We need to remove duplicates here, or we get into trouble in
  remove_fixed_action::postsolve when we try to reinstate a column multiple
  if (nfixed_cols)
  { if (nfixed_cols > 1)
    { std::sort(fixed_cols,fixed_cols+nfixed_cols) ;
      int *end = std::unique(fixed_cols,fixed_cols+nfixed_cols) ;
      nfixed_cols = static_cast<int>(end-fixed_cols) ; }
    next = remove_fixed_action::presolve(prob,fixed_cols,nfixed_cols,next) ; }
  delete[]fixed_cols ;

  if (prob->tuning_) {
    double thisTime=CoinCpuTime();
    int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows ;
    int droppedColumns =  prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
    printf("CoinPresolveForcing(32) - %d rows, %d columns dropped in time %g, total %g\n",

  presolve_check_sol(prob) ;
  std::cout << "Leaving forcing_constraint_action::presolve." << std::endl ;
# endif

  return (next);