Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Skips the opening "{" or "{#" depending upon the ending flag
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @param ending Flag indicating if it is an ending structure to expect a '#'
 * @return Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success
int skipOpen( pstring str, int ending )
	if (str == NULL ) {
		return 0;

	if ( !atChar( str, '{' ) ) {
		return 0;

	/// Skip the opening brace
	if ( incChar(str) == -1 ) {
		return 0;

	/// Skip to the element id value or '#' if it is an end

	if ( ending ) {
		if (!atChar( str, '#') ) {
			return 0;

		if ( incChar( str ) == -1 ) {
			return 0;

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void writec(char c)
		case '\r':
		case '\n':
		case '\t':
		case '\b':

	volatile unsigned short *where;
	where = (unsigned short*)(VIDMEMSTART + (currentColumn + (currentLine * CHARSPERLINE)) * 2);
	*where = c | (attrib << 8);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Parse the planet string and its sub elements
 * @param topLevel Pointer to the string structure to be parsed
 * @return Returns a pointer to a planet structure with associated data. Null on failure
pPlanet planetTopLevel( pstring topLevel )
	int endIndex = 0;
        int temp_index = 0;
        pPlanet newPlanet = NULL;
        element el;
        char *fl = NULL;
        int lastGood = 0;

        if ( topLevel == NULL ) {
                goto end;

        /// Skip any leading spaces
        skipWhiteSpace( topLevel );

	lastGood = topLevel->index;

	if ( topLevel->maxlength < 9 ) {
		goto end;

	char *c = "{Planet}";

	for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
		if ( topLevel->buffer[ topLevel->index + i ] != c[i] ) {
			goto end;

        /// Skip 8 bytes of top level then any whitespace
        topLevel->index += 8;

	skipWhiteSpace( topLevel );

        /// Allocate a new planet structure
        if ( allocate( sizeof(Planet), 0, (void**)&newPlanet) != 0 ) {
                goto end;

        initPlanet( newPlanet );

        /// Extract the next element name
        fl = pullNextElementName( topLevel );

        getIndex( topLevel, &lastGood);

        while ( fl != NULL ) {
                /// Convert the element name
                el = elementNameToEnum( fl );

                /// The name is no longer needed so free it
                deallocate( fl, strlen(fl) + 1 );

                switch (el) {
                        case name:
                                fl = extractName( topLevel );

                                if ( fl == NULL ) {
                                        goto error;

				bzero( newPlanet->name, 20 );
                                strncpy( newPlanet->name, fl, 19 );

                                deallocate(fl, strlen(fl) + 1 );
                                fl = NULL;

                        case population:
                                newPlanet->population = extractPopulation( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->population < 0 ) {
                                        goto error;

                        case period:
                                /// Extract period and check result
                                newPlanet->period = extractPeriod( topLevel );
                                if ( newPlanet->period < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;

                        case orbitspeed:
                                newPlanet->orbitspeed = extractOrbitSpeed( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->orbitspeed < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;
                        case aphelion:
                                newPlanet->aphelion = extractAphelion( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->aphelion < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;
                        case perihelion:
                                newPlanet->perihelion = extractPerihelion( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->perihelion < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;

                        case radius:
                                newPlanet->radius = extractRadius( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->radius < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;

                        case eradius:
                                newPlanet->eradius = extractERadius( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->eradius < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;
                        case mass:
                                newPlanet->mass = extractMass( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->mass < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;


                        case gravity:
                                newPlanet->gravity = extractGravity( topLevel );

                                if ( newPlanet->gravity < 0.0 ) {
                                        goto error;

                        case country:
                                if ( newPlanet->country_count >= COUNTRYMAX ) {
                                        printf("!!Only @d countries allowed\n", COUNTRYMAX);
                                        goto error;

                                newPlanet->countries[ newPlanet->country_count] = countryTopLevel(topLevel);

                                if (newPlanet->countries[ newPlanet->country_count ] == NULL ) {
                                        goto error;


                                printf("Not allowed under Planet\n", fl);
                                goto error;

                getIndex( topLevel, &lastGood );
                fl = pullNextElementName( topLevel );


        /// Since no more valid elements need to be parsed, check the closing element
        skipWhiteSpace( topLevel );

        if ( !atChar( topLevel, '{' ) ) {
                printf("!!Closing value failed for Planet\n");
                goto error;

        /// Skip the open brace
        if ( incChar( topLevel ) < 0 ) {
                goto error;

        skipWhiteSpace( topLevel );

        if ( !atChar( topLevel, '#' ) ) {
                printf("!!Malformed closing element\n");
                goto error;

        /// Skip past #
        if ( incChar( topLevel ) == -1 ) {
                goto error;

        getIndex( topLevel, &temp_index );

        endIndex = skipAlpha( topLevel );

        if ( endIndex == -1 ) {
                endIndex = 0;
                goto error;

        if ( temp_index == endIndex ) {
                goto error;

        fl = copyData( topLevel, temp_index, endIndex );

        if ( fl == NULL ) {
                goto error;

        if ( strcmp( fl, "Planet") != 0 ) {
                printf("!!Closing element malformed\n");
                deallocate( fl, (endIndex-temp_index) + 1 );
                goto error;

        deallocate(fl, (endIndex-temp_index) + 1 );

        skipWhiteSpace( topLevel );

        if ( !atChar( topLevel, '}' ) ) {
                printf("!!Failed to find final closing brace\n");
                goto error;

        goto end;

        topLevel->index = lastGood;

        printf("!!Error at: @s\n", topLevel->buffer + topLevel->index);

	if ( newPlanet != NULL ) {
		freePlanet( newPlanet );
		newPlanet = NULL;

        return newPlanet;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Parse the Gravity element and return the stored value
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @return Returns the double value or -1.0 on failure. Gravity should never be negative.
double extractGravity( pstring str )
	char *temp = NULL;
	double gravity = -1.0;
	int start = 0;
	int end = 0;

	/// These will be used specifically for the data
	int es = 0;
	int ee = 0;

	if (str == NULL ) {
		return -1.0;

	start = skipWhiteSpace(str);

	if ( !atChar( str, '{' ) ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate opening brace\n");
		return gravity;

	/// Skip past the curly brace
	if ( skipLength( str, 1 ) == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to skip opening brace\n");
		return gravity;

	/// Skip any additional whitespace
	start = skipWhiteSpace(str);

	/// This should skip any to either whitespace or a closing '}'
	end = skipToNonAlphaNum( str );

	if ( end == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate the end of the element id\n");
		return gravity;

	/// Copy the element id from the string
	temp = copyData( str, start, end );

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		printf("!!Copy from @d to @d failed\n", start, end);
		return -1.0;

	/// If the element id is not "Gravity" then this is the wrong function
	if ( strcmp( temp, "Gravity") != 0 ) {
		printf("!!Element id is not \"Gravity\"\n");
		deallocate( temp, strlen(temp) + 1 );
		temp = NULL;
		return gravity;

	/// The buffer is no longer needed so free it
	deallocate(temp, strlen(temp) + 1);

	/// Skip to the end of the element id
	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	/// If it is not a closing brace then this is improperly formatted.
	if ( !atChar( str, '}' ) ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate initial closing brace\n");
		return -1.0;

	/// Skip the closing brace as well as any whitespace
	if ( skipLength( str, 1 ) == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to skip initial closing brace\n");
		return gravity;

	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	/// Copy the start index to store the data
	getIndex( str, &es );

	/// The gravity data must be a float
	ee = skipFloat( str );

	if ( ee == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate the end of the gravity data\n");
		return gravity;

	/// The rest of this code is a check to ensure proper formatting except for the copy data
	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	/// If this is not an opening curly brace then fail
	if ( !atChar( str, '{' ) ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate the final opening brace\n");
		return -1.0;

	/// Skip past the brace
	if ( incChar( str) == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to skip the final opening brace\n");
		return gravity;

	/// If this is not a # indicating the closing brace then fail
	if ( !atChar( str, '#' ) ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate the closing mark\n");		
		return -1.0;

	/// Skip past the # but save the start
	start = skipLength( str, 1 );

	if ( start == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to skip closing mark\n");
		return gravity;

	end = skipToNonAlphaNum( str );

	if ( end == -1 ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate the end of the closing element id\n");
		return -1.0;
	temp = copyData( str, start, end );

	if ( strcmp( temp, "Gravity") != 0 ) {
		printf("!!Invalid closing element id: @s\n", temp);
		deallocate(temp, strlen(temp)+1);
		return gravity;

	deallocate(temp, strlen(temp)+1);

	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	/// Check the final curly brace
	if ( !atChar( str, '}' ) ) {
		printf("!!Failed to locate final closing brace\n");
		return -1.0;

	/// Skip past the closing brace
	skipLength( str, 1 );
	/// Copy the gravity element data
	temp = copyData( str, es, ee );

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		printf("!!Failed to copy gravity data\n");
		return -1;

	gravity = atof( temp );

	deallocate( temp, strlen(temp) + 1 );

	return gravity;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Extract the data from the Url element.
 * 	This can be something such as http://www.rome.com
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @return Returns the element data or NULL on failure
 *	The caller is responsible for freeing the pointer
char *extractUrl( pstring str ) 
	char *url = NULL;
	int startIndex = 0;
	char *temp = NULL;

	if ( str == NULL ) {
		goto end;

	if ( skipOpen( str, 0 ) == 0 ) {
		goto end;

	getIndex( str, &startIndex );


	url = copyData( str, startIndex, str->index);

	if ( url == NULL ) {
		goto end;

	if ( strcmp( url, "Url" ) ) {
		freeCharPtr( &url );
		goto end;

	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	if (!atChar( str, '}') ) {
		goto end;

	getIndex( str, &startIndex);

	skipUrl( str );

	url = copyData( str, startIndex, str->index );

	if ( url == NULL ) {
		goto end;

	if ( skipOpen( str, 1 ) == 0 ) {
		goto error;

	getIndex( str, &startIndex );
	temp = copyData( str, startIndex, str->index);

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		goto error;

	if ( strcmp( temp, "Url") != 0 ) {
		freeCharPtr( &temp );
		goto error;

	freeCharPtr( &temp );

	if ( !atChar( str, '}') ) {
		goto error;


	goto end;
	if ( url ) {
		freeCharPtr( &url );

	return url;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Extracts the data from the Mayor element id
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @return Returns a pointer to the data or NULL on failure
 *	The caller must free the pointer
char *extractMayor( pstring str )
	char *mayor = NULL;
	register int startIndex = 0;
	register int endIndex = 0;
 	char *temp = NULL;

	if ( !str ) {
		return NULL;

	/// This skips any whitespace and opening '{ '
	if (skipOpen(str, 0 ) == 0 ) {
		return NULL;

	startIndex = str->index;
	endIndex = skipAlpha(str);

	if ( endIndex == -1 || startIndex == endIndex ) {
		return NULL;

	mayor = copyData( str, startIndex, endIndex );

	if ( mayor == NULL ) {
		return NULL;

	if ( strcmp( mayor, "Mayor") != 0 ) {
		freeCharPtr( &mayor );
		return NULL;

	freeCharPtr( &mayor );

	skipWhiteSpace( str );

	if (!atChar( str, '}') ) {
		return NULL;

	/// Skip the Closing brace
	incChar( str );

	startIndex = skipWhiteSpace(str);

	/// Using this function allows things like Sir Winston Churchill 3rd
	endIndex = skipToNonAlphaNumSpace( str );

	if ( endIndex < 0 || startIndex == endIndex ) {
		return NULL;

	while ( isspace( str->buffer[endIndex-1] ) ) {

	mayor = copyData( str, startIndex, endIndex );

	if ( mayor == NULL ) {
		return NULL;


	/// Skip the opening brace and '#'
	if ( skipOpen( str, 1 ) == 0 ) {
		goto error;

	startIndex = str->index;
	endIndex = skipAlpha( str );

	if ( endIndex == -1 || startIndex == endIndex ) {
		goto error;

	temp = copyData( str, startIndex, endIndex );

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		goto error;

	if ( strcmp( temp, "Mayor") != 0 ) {
		freeCharPtr( &temp );
		goto error;


	if ( !atChar( str, '}' ) ) {
		goto error;

	goto end;
	freeCharPtr( &mayor );
	return mayor; 
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Top level function for parsing a City PML element
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @return Returns a pointer to a filled in city structure or NULL on failure
pCity cityTopLevel( pstring str )
	int lastGood = 0;
	pCity newCity = NULL;
	int startIndex = 0;
	int endIndex = 0;
	char *temp = NULL;
	int tempInt = 0;
	element el;

	if ( str == NULL ) {
		goto end;

	/// Skip the opening "{"
	if ( skipOpen( str, 0 ) == 0 ) {
		goto end;

	/// Get the start and end index of the element id
	getIndex( str, &startIndex);
	endIndex = skipAlpha(str);

	if ( endIndex == -1 ) {
		goto end;

	if ( startIndex == endIndex ) {
		goto end;

	temp = copyData( str, startIndex, endIndex );

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		goto end;

	if ( strcmp( temp, "City") != 0 ) {
		deallocate(temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );
		goto end;

	deallocate(temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );

	skipWhiteSpace( str );
	if ( !atChar( str, '}') ) {
		goto end;

	incChar( str );

	lastGood = str->index;

	if ( allocate( sizeof(City), 0, (void**)&newCity) != 0 ) {
		newCity = NULL;
		goto error;

	initCity( newCity );

	temp = pullNextElementName( str );

	while ( temp != NULL ) {
		el = elementNameToEnum( temp );

		deallocate(temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );

		switch (el) {
			case name:
				temp = extractName( str );

				if ( temp == NULL ) {
					goto error;

				/// Clear it out
				bzero( newCity->name, 20 );

				/// Copy the name data. It has already been filtered 
				///	for invalid characters.
				strncpy( newCity->name, temp, 19);

				/// Free the buffer
				deallocate( temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );
				temp = NULL;
			case mayor:
				temp = extractMayor( str );

				if ( temp == NULL ) {
					goto error;
				bzero( newCity->mayor, 30 );
#ifdef PATCHED
				strncpy( newCity->mayor, temp, 29 );
				strcpy( newCity->mayor, temp );
				freeCharPtr( &temp );

			case url:
				temp = extractUrl( str );

				if ( temp == NULL ) {
					goto error;

				bzero( newCity->url, 30 );

				strncpy( newCity->url, temp, 29 );
				freeCharPtr( &temp );
			case border:
				if ( newCity->border_count >= CITYBORDERMAX) {
					goto error;

				tempInt = newCity->border_count;

				newCity->borders[ tempInt ] = extractBorder(str);

				if ( newCity->borders[ tempInt] == NULL ) {
					goto error;

			case population:
				newCity->population = extractPopulation( str );

				if ( newCity->population < 0 ) {
					goto error;

				printf("!!Invalid element ID for City\n");
				goto error;

		lastGood = str->index;
		temp = pullNextElementName(str);

	if ( skipOpen( str, 1) == 0 ) {
		goto error;

	getIndex( str, &startIndex);
	endIndex = skipAlpha( str );

	if ( endIndex == -1 ) {
		goto error;
	} else if ( startIndex == endIndex ) {
		goto error;

	temp = copyData( str, startIndex, endIndex );

	if ( temp == NULL ) {
		goto error;

	if ( strcmp( temp, "City") != 0 ) {
		deallocate(temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );
		goto error;

	deallocate( temp, cgc_strlen(temp) + 1 );
	if ( !atChar( str, '}') ) {
		goto error;

	goto end;
	if ( newCity ) {
		freeCity( newCity );
		newCity = NULL;

	printf("!!Error at: @s\n", str->buffer + lastGood);
	str->index = lastGood;

	return newCity;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Extract the next element name without affecting the string
 *	This buffer must be freed by the caller
 * @param str Pointer to a string structure
 * @return Returns a new pointer to the name of the element or NULL on failure
char *pullNextElementName( pstring str )
        char * elementId = NULL;
        int reset = 0;
        int index = 0;
        unsigned int length = 0;

        if ( str == NULL ) {
                return NULL;

        /// This will be used to reset the buffer at the end
        reset = str->index;

        /// This shouldn't be necessary but just in case
        skipWhiteSpace( str );

        /// The first character should be an open curly brace
        if (str->buffer[ str->index ] != '{' ) {
                printf("!!Invalid opening element: @s\n", str->buffer );
                goto end;

        /// Increment beyond the initial '{'
	if ( incChar( str ) == -1 ) {
		goto end;

        /// Skip past any whitespace

        /// Store the index to the start of the element name
        index = str->index;

        /// Loop until the end of the buffer, a null, or a non-alpha, white space, or  '}' character is encountered
        while ( index < str->maxlength ) {

                /// If we hit a NULL then it is improperly formatted.
                /// Just skip to the end
                if ( str->buffer[index] == '\x00' ) {
                        printf("!!Null character hit. Improperly formatted element\n");
                        goto end;

                /// If it is a closing brace or a white space then the name is passed
                if ( str->buffer[ index ]  == '}' || isspace( str->buffer[index] ) ) {
                        length = index-str->index;

                        /// Copy the name for the return
                        if ( allocate( length + 1, 0, (void*)&elementId ) != 0 ) {
                                elementId = NULL;
                                goto end;

                        bzero( elementId, length + 1 );

                        strncpy( elementId, str->buffer + str->index, length );

                        /// Check for a properly formatted name. Start by updating
			///	the string index to the end of the string
			///	Then skip any proceeding whitespace
                        str->index = index;

                        /// If the current character is not '}' then it invalid is
			///	invalid since only whitespace is allowed between the
			///	element id and the closing brace
                        if (str->buffer[ str->index ] != '}' ) {
                                printf("!!Improperly formatted element name\n");
                                deallocate( elementId, length + 1 );
                                elementId = NULL;

                        /// Work here is done. Skip to the end
                        goto end;

                /// Non alpha characters are not allowed as element names
                if ( !isalpha( str->buffer[index] ) ) {
                        goto end;


	/// Revert the string to the beginning
        str->index = reset;

        return elementId;