Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: util.cpp Proyecto: nigeil/task
// Accept a list of projects, and return an indented list
// that reflects the hierarchy.
//      Input  - "one"
//               "one.two"
//               "one.two.three"
//               "one.four"
//               "two"
//      Output - "one"
//               "  one.two"
//               "    one.two.three"
//               "  one.four"
//               "two"
// There are two optional arguments, 'whitespace', and 'delimiter',
//  - whitespace is the string used to build the prefixes of indented items.
//    - defaults to two spaces, "  "
//  - delimiter is the character used to split up projects into subprojects.
//    - defaults to the period, '.'
const std::vector<std::string> indentTree (
  const std::vector<std::string>& values,
  const std::string& whitespace /* = "  " */,
  char delimiter/* = '.' */)
  std::vector <std::string> modified;
  std::vector <std::string>::const_iterator i;
  for (i = values.begin (); i != values.end (); ++i)
    modified.push_back (indentProject (*i, whitespace, delimiter));

  return modified;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (40);

  // TODO bool confirm (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm3 (const std::string&);
  // TODO int confirm4 (const std::string&);
  // TODO void delay (float);

  // std::string formatBytes (size_t);
  t.is (formatBytes (0), "0 B", "0 -> 0 B");

  t.is (formatBytes (994),  "994 B", "994 -> 994 B");
  t.is (formatBytes (995),  "1.0 KiB", "995 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (999),  "1.0 KiB", "999 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000), "1.0 KiB", "1000 -> 1.0 KiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1001), "1.0 KiB", "1001 -> 1.0 KiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999),  "1.0 MiB", "999999 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000), "1.0 MiB", "1000000 -> 1.0 MiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000001), "1.0 MiB", "1000001 -> 1.0 MiB");

  t.is (formatBytes (999999999),  "1.0 GiB", "999999999 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000000), "1.0 GiB", "1000000000 -> 1.0 GiB");
  t.is (formatBytes (1000000001), "1.0 GiB", "1000000001 -> 1.0 GiB");

  // TODO const std::string uuid ();

  // TODO These are in feedback.cpp, not util.cpp.
  // std::string taskDiff (const Task&, const Task&);
  Task left;
  left.set ("zero", "0");
  left.set ("one",  1);
  left.set ("two",  2);

  Task right;
  right.set ("zero",  "00");
  right.set ("two",   2);
  right.set ("three", 3);

  Task rightAgain (right);

  std::string output = taskDifferences (left, right);
  t.ok (taskDiff (left, right),                                                     "Detected changes");
  t.ok (output.find ("Zero will be changed from '0' to '00'") != std::string::npos, "Detected change zero:0 -> zero:00");
  t.ok (output.find ("One will be deleted")                   != std::string::npos, "Detected deletion one:1 ->");
  t.ok (output.find ("Two")                                   == std::string::npos, "Detected no change two:2 -> two:2");
  t.ok (output.find ("Three will be set to '3'")              != std::string::npos, "Detected addition -> three:3");

  t.notok (taskDiff (right, rightAgain),                                            "No changes detected");
  output = taskDifferences (right, rightAgain);
  t.ok (output.find ("No changes will be made")               != std::string::npos, "No changes detected");

  // void combine (std::vector <int>&, const std::vector <int>&);
  std::vector <int> vleft;
  vleft.push_back (1);
  vleft.push_back (2);
  vleft.push_back (3);

  std::vector <int> vright;
  vright.push_back (4);

  combine (vleft, vright);
  t.is (vleft.size (), (size_t)4, "1,2,3 + 4 -> [4]");
  t.is (vleft[0], 1,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[1], 2,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[2], 3,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");
  t.is (vleft[3], 4,      "1,2,3 + 4 -> 1,2,3,4");

  vright.push_back (3);
  vright.push_back (5);
  combine (vleft, vright);

  t.is (vleft.size (), (size_t)5, "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> [5]");
  t.is (vleft[0], 1,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[1], 2,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[2], 3,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[3], 4,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");
  t.is (vleft[4], 5,      "1,2,3,4 + 3,4,5 -> 1,2,3,4,5");

  // std::vector<std::string> indentTree (const std::vector<std::string>&, const std::string whitespace="  ", char delimiter='.');
  std::vector <std::string> flat;
  flat.push_back ("one");
  flat.push_back ("one.two");
  flat.push_back ("one.two.three");
  flat.push_back ("one.four");
  flat.push_back ("two");

  std::vector <std::string> structured = indentTree (flat, "  ", '.');
  t.is (structured.size (), (size_t) 5, "indentTree yields 5 strings");
  t.is (structured[0], "one",               "indentTree 'one'           -> 'one'");
  t.is (structured[1], "  one.two",         "indentTree 'one.two'       -> '  one.two'");
  t.is (structured[2], "    one.two.three", "indentTree 'one.two.three' -> '    one.two.three'");
  t.is (structured[3], "  one.four",        "indentTree 'one.four'      -> '  one.four'");
  t.is (structured[4], "two",               "indentTree 'two'           -> 'two'");

  // std::vector<std::string> indentProject (const std::string&, const std::string whitespace="  ", char delimiter='.');
  t.is (indentProject (""),              "",                  "indentProject '' -> ''");
  t.is (indentProject ("one"),           "one",               "indentProject 'one' -> 'one'");
  t.is (indentProject ("one.two"),       "  one.two",         "indentProject 'one.two' -> '  one.two'");
  t.is (indentProject ("one.two.three"), "    one.two.three", "indentProject 'one.two.three' -> '    one.two.three'");

  // TODO const std::string encode (const std::string& value);
  // TODO const std::string decode (const std::string& value);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Project  Remaining  Avg Age  Complete  0%                  100%
// A               12      13d       55%  XXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------
// B              109   3d 12h       10%  XXX---------------------
int CmdSummary::execute (std::string& output)
  int rc = 0;

  // Scan the pending tasks.
  handleRecurrence ();

  // Apply filter.
  std::vector <Task> filtered;
  filter (filtered);
  context.tdb2.commit ();

  // Generate unique list of project names from all pending tasks.
  std::map <std::string, bool> allProjects;
  std::vector <Task>::iterator task;
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending)
      allProjects[task->get ("project")] = false;

  // Initialize counts, sum.
  std::map <std::string, int> countPending;
  std::map <std::string, int> countCompleted;
  std::map <std::string, double> sumEntry;
  std::map <std::string, int> counter;
  time_t now = time (NULL);

  // Initialize counters.
  std::map <std::string, bool>::iterator project;
  for (project = allProjects.begin (); project != allProjects.end (); ++project)
    countPending   [project->first] = 0;
    countCompleted [project->first] = 0;
    sumEntry       [project->first] = 0.0;
    counter        [project->first] = 0;

  // Count the various tasks.
  for (task = filtered.begin (); task != filtered.end (); ++task)
    std::string project = task->get ("project");

    if (task->getStatus () == Task::pending ||
        task->getStatus () == Task::waiting)

      time_t entry = strtol (task->get ("entry").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      if (entry)
        sumEntry[project] = sumEntry[project] + (double) (now - entry);

    else if (task->getStatus () == Task::completed)

      time_t entry = strtol (task->get ("entry").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      time_t end   = strtol (task->get ("end").c_str (), NULL, 10);
      if (entry && end)
        sumEntry[project] = sumEntry[project] + (double) (end - entry);

  // Create a table for output.
  ViewText view;
  view.width (context.getWidth ());
  view.add (Column::factory ("string",            STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_PROJECT));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_REMAINING));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_AVG_AGE));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.right",      STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_COMPLETE));
  view.add (Column::factory ("string.left_fixed", "0%                        100%"));

  Color bar_color (context.config.get ("color.summary.bar"));
  Color bg_color  (context.config.get ("color.summary.background"));

  int barWidth = 30;
  std::vector <std::string> processed;
  std::map <std::string, bool>::iterator i;
  for (i = allProjects.begin (); i != allProjects.end (); ++i)
    if (countPending[i->first] > 0)
      const std::vector <std::string> parents = extractParents (i->first);
      std::vector <std::string>::const_iterator parent;
      for (parent = parents.begin (); parent != parents.end (); parent++)
        if (std::find (processed.begin (), processed.end (), *parent)
           == processed.end ())
          int row = view.addRow ();
          view.set (row, 0, indentProject (*parent));
          processed.push_back (*parent);

      int row = view.addRow ();
      view.set (row, 0, (i->first == ""
                          ? STRING_CMD_SUMMARY_NONE
                          : indentProject (i->first, "  ", '.')));

      view.set (row, 1, countPending[i->first]);
      if (counter[i->first])
        view.set (row, 2, Duration ((int) (sumEntry[i->first] / (double)counter[i->first])).format ());

      int c = countCompleted[i->first];
      int p = countPending[i->first];
      int completedBar = (c * barWidth) / (c + p);

      std::string bar;
      std::string subbar;
      if (context.color ())
        bar += bar_color.colorize (std::string (           completedBar, ' '));
        bar += bg_color.colorize  (std::string (barWidth - completedBar, ' '));
        bar += std::string (           completedBar, '=')
            +  std::string (barWidth - completedBar, ' ');
      view.set (row, 4, bar);

      char percent[12];
      sprintf (percent, "%d%%", 100 * c / (c + p));
      view.set (row, 3, percent);
      processed.push_back (i->first);

  std::stringstream out;
  if (view.rows ())
    out << optionalBlankLine ()
        << view.render ()
        << optionalBlankLine ();

    if (view.rows ())
      out << format (STRING_CMD_PROJECTS_SUMMARY2, view.rows ());

    out << "\n";
  else {
    out << STRING_CMD_PROJECTS_NO << "\n";
    rc = 1;

  output = out.str ();
  return rc;